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For fear my hands should be considered idle, and the 
proverbial employment attributed to them, I have thought 
it advisable to be doing something. It has occurred to me 
that to note down some of the facts I have learned by 
experience in the electrical world would be employment, 
congenial to myself and at the same time serviceable to 
others. In this hope I submit to my readers the following 

When I commenced these jottings, it was with the 
intention of saying something of gutta porcha, subterranean 
and submarine telegraphy, and electric lighting, and also 
of republishing (what I have already distributed in pam- 
phlet form) my papers touching upon electrical matters. 
All these subjects could, I thought, be contained in one 
book of convenient dimensions, but how false were my 

I began with submarine telegraphy, and on that subject 
alone, have found more than sufficient matter to fill a good 
sized book ; so this I publish by itself. 

I think it probable that the other subjects I have enu- 
merated can be contained between two covers, if only I 
have time and opportunity to put them there. 

It was not my intention to write an amplified history of 
submarine telegraphy, nor have I done so ; I do not con- 
sider myself sufficiently acquainted with many of the facts 

^i- xr 'oa 


concerning its rise and progress, a knowledge of which is, 
without doubt, essential for the production of a compre- 
hensive treatise of the subject. 

I have therefore contented myself with merely set- 
ting down, in chronological order where possible, many 
of the incidents which have come within my personal 
experience, or have been derived from sources for the 
accuracy of which I can vouch ; leaving it to the historian 
to give to the world a full account of so important a 

The correct history of submarine telegraphy has never 
yet been written ; the sooner it is compiled and circulated 
the better, for I notice that counterfeit statements are 
frequently allowed to pass as current coin, to the detriment 
of those interested in tracing the various stages of growth 
through which this branch of science has passed before 
attaining to its present state of fruition. 

A generation has passed away and time has thinned the 
ranks of those who took a prominent part in the scenes 
I describe; if therefore my jottings should attract the 
attention of a serious enquirer, he may find in them 
reliable information on some points, which would otherwise 
have been passed over and forgotten. 

If what I have gleaned and garnered should be thought 
not only interesting but instructive, it will add to the 
enjoyment which I have experienced in calling up old 
scenes and old familiar faces. 




Large Order for Gutta Percha Company in 1850 — Covered Wire to be laid 
from Dover to France — ^Wire Drawers — Joints — Battery — Galvano- 
meter — Mr. W. Reid — Financial Difficulties — OolicUk-^Teating Cmls 
— Rejected Coils on Quay — Public Criticism — Shore End Laid — Cape 
Grisnez — Captain Beer — Trial Trip off Dover — ^Eventful Day, August 
23rd, 1850— H.M.S. ^«ty«m— Spectators on Board— Leaden Weights 
—Soundings— Mr. F. C. Webb— Unforeseen Difficulties— Allotted 
Task Accomplished — Something Wrong with the Operator — Destroy- 
ing Messages — Final Splice — Puzzling Messages — Induction — Line 
Abandoned — Pioneers and Settlers — First Claimant^—" Telegraph 
Cable** — Engraving of Joint and Weight 1 


Cable for another Attemptr— Copper Wire — Yams— Wire Rope Works — 
Messrs. Wilkinson & Weatherly — Mr. Fenwick — Messrs. Newall & Co.*s 
Patent— Works Closed— Cable Completed— Blazer— Cable Coiled on 
Board — End Landed — Messages between Ship and Shore — Expedition 
Started Sept. 25th, 1851— Brake— Insufficient Cable— Subterranean 
Wire substituted — Sangette— Congratulatory Messages — Knot of New 
Cable — Red Rover — Splice made — Cable open to Public — No Signals 
Received — Set of Joints Omitted — Horsemen Employed . . .13 


Fresh Competitors — Submarine Cable Works, Sunderland — Cable £rom 
Portpatrick to Donaghadee — Magnetic Telegraph Company — Covered 
Wire from Holyhead to Howth — Want of Insulation — Line Aban- 
doned — India-rubber and Gutta Percha — Chemical Action^Sub- 
terranean Wire to Portpatrick — Similar Wire to Donaghadee — Cable 
for Magnetic Company — Mishaps attending Manufacture — Cable 
6(Hled in Brittmnia — Paying-out — Various Mischances — Attempt 



Abandoned— Cables for two different Companie« commenced — Cable 
for Electric Telegraph Company — Orford Ness to the Hague— Special 
Drying-room — Serving — Heavy Multiple Cable from Dover to Ostend 
— Objectionable Methods of Testing — ^Year 1853 Propitious . . 20 


Cable from Spezzia to Corsica — Corsica to Sardinia — Sardinia to Bona — 
Messrs. Tupper & Carr — Messrs. Kuper & Co.'s Wire Rope Works — 
First Consignment of Covered Wire — " Core Machine "—Outta Percha 
Damaged — Morden Wharf — Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co. — Mishaps during 
Manufacture — Constant Continuity Test — Mr. H. V. Physick — First 
Section Finished — Insulation of each Conductor — Persian— Shoring — 
Mr. John Thompson — Qreat Rejoicings — Penian leaves Greenhithe 
for Genoa — Storm Encountered — Falmouth — Keyham Dock — Cable 
in Kinks — Persian leaves Plymouth — Reaches Genoa safely — Laying 
Commenced — Taffrail Damaged — CapeCorso — Messages — ^End Landed 
— Insulation Deflection — Favourable Weather — Twelve Knots laid 
from Bonifacio to Longo Sardo — Third Section — ^Vertical Galvano- 
meters — Cable left in Tank — Result — Captain Kell — Star — Whitley 
Path — Laying Commenced — Mishaps— Cable Cut — Expedition Aban- 
doned — Remarks 29 


Lighter Three Multiple Cable — Lost in Endeavour to Lay— Cable between 
Cape Spartivento and Bona — 1857— Cable laid — French Law Court — 
Cable Useless — Mr. J. R France— Efforts to Repair— Strand Con- 
ductors — Professor Faraday — ^Experiments on ** Electric Induction " 
— Professor Wheatstone — Experiments — Dr. Whitehouse — Electrical 
Conditions for an Atlantic Cable— " Black Sea Cable"— S.S. Elba— 
Rough Weather — " Cone and Rings " — Line laid Successfully — Shore 
End Cut Through — Opinion of Lord Lyons — Competition — Gutta 
Percha Company — Difficidt Position to Maintain . . .38 


Works at Birkenhead— Hemp Rope Walks of Mr. Enderby— Mr. W. T. 
Henley — Works at North Woolwich — Ireland and Newfoundland — To 
be Connected — Samples of Cable — Made and Tested — Messrs. Brown, 
Lenox & Co, — Cable Selected — Atlantic Telegraph Company — Coils 
of Cable Tested — Core Covered — Niagara — Agememnon — Laying Com- 
menced — Valentia — Cable Broken — Professor Thomson — Breaking 
Strain — Mr. Cyrus Field — ^Temperatuite and Pressure — Conductiv- 
ity of Copper Wires — Insulation — Paying-out Machinery— Covering 
of Conductor— Cable Re-shipped — Laying from Mid- Atlantic — Cable 



Broken — Breaking Strain — Another Attempt — England and America 
Connected — Hopes Delusive — Impracticable Schemes — Detecting 
Faults — Examination of Core — High Temperature — Valuable Know- 
ledge Gained — Conductivity of Wire Resistance — Mr. C. T. Bright . 44 


Compound — Four Multiple Cable— Dunwich to Zandvoort — Order Re- 
ceived — Core Tested — Usual Mishaps — Mr. C. F. Varley — Fault 
Localised — Cable Coiled — JVUliam Cory — Extraordinary Proceedings 
— Cable Laid — Fault Discovered — Twelve Months Removing it — 
Action, Glass v, Boswell — Insulation Destroyed by a Nail — ^Verdict — 
New Trial Applied for— Remarks— New Trial Refused . . . 62 


Light Cables— Candia and Alexandria Cable— Order— 1858 — Insulation 
Test— Coils sent to Birkenhead — Attempt to Lay Cable — Failure after 
Three Attempts — Diflferent Cables Used — Mishaps during Laying — 
Electrolysis — Hemp Cables — Fresh Order — Wire Manufacturers — Two 
Qualities of Gutta Percha — Red Sea Telegraph Company— Distance of 
Sections — Jointers — Bad Joints — Cheap Core — Tests — Pressure Tank 
— Messrs. Siemens and Halske — Red Sea Cable Laid — Per^t Paying- 
out Machinery — ^Faidts Developed — Cable soon Useless — Govern- 
ment Support — New Cable— Special Arrangements for Manufacture — 
Stranding Machine — " Gib Core " — Insulation of Coils — Covering of 
Core — Experiments — Tests for Government — Dr. Esselbach — Mr. 
Reid's Cylinder — Static Electricity — Gutta Percha — Temperature — 
First Test of " Gib Core "—Numerous other Tests— Theory v. Practice 
— Vacuum and Pressure — Pressure Tank — Strand Compounded — 
Rangoon and Singapore — Rejected Core — Electrical Resistance — In- 
sulation — Reduction of standard — Discharge of Electricity — Cable 
Coiled — S.S. Qtieen Victoria — Heat Generated — Resistance Ther- 
, mometers — Malta and Alexandria Cable — Death of Mr. Gisbome — 
Cable Laid in Three Sections— Staff— Line Leased to Messrs. Glass, 
Elliot & Co 62 


** Joint" Committee, 1859— Competition— Report— Cable Manufacturers- 
Merits of Gutta Percha — Evidence of Mr. C. W. Siemens — India-rubber 
— Wray's Compound— Professor Hughes — Colonel Hyde— Self-repair- 
ing Core— Mr. Fleeming Jenkin — Experiments— Speed — Toulon and 
Algiers Cable — Mr. Robert Stevenson— Tests — Fault in First Section 
— ^Laying Commenced — Gomke — Accident — Cable Buoyed — ^Broken 
in Lifting — " Black Cable " — Otranto to Corfu— Laying Commenced 
—Cable Lost — Grappling — Splice — Cable Loiii— William Cory ashore 
— Return Home 87 




Mr. Truman— Washed Gutta Percha— 1800 Electrical Tests— Compari- 
son — Mr. Brooman's Patent — " Wet Serving '* — Mirror Reflecting 
Galvanometer — Ohm*8 Law — Compounding Iron Wires — Mr. John 
Mackintosh — Mr. Duncan — Experiments — Waste Core — Multiple 
Cable under Repair— Conductivity— Insulating Wires with Collodion 
— ** Cable Company "—Blend of Gutta Percha— A— Two Prices for 
Wire— Mr. Wra/s Tests — Letter to the Electrician — " Coil Current " 
— Wexford and Whitehead Core — New Zandvoort Cable — Dr. Cattell 
— Cleansing Gutta Percha by Solvents— Cable from Carbonara to 
Marsala — Cylinder Fixed for Mr. Reid 97 


White Gutta Percha — 1862 — Colonel Stewart — Cable for Indian Govern- 
ment — Description — Manufacture — Method for Testing Joints — 
Diagram — Persian Gulf Core — Tests — Before Pressure — ^After Pressure 
— High Resistance — Segmental Wire — Increased Order — Core Finished 
— ^Another Order — Mishaps Increased by Segmental Wire — Data — 
Cable Laid — Death of Dr. Esselbach — Experiments in Pressure Tank 
— Faulty Coil — Different Woods — Moulded Cones — Copper Wire 
Covered with India-rubber — Messrs. Siemens and Halske — Experi- 
ments — Core Delivered — Oran to Carthagena — Specific Conductivity 
of Copper Wire — Limited Liability Company— Mr. Pender— Pros- 
pectus of Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company — Death 
of Mr. Samuel Statham 105 


Mr. Cyrus Field— Agreement for New Atlantic Cable— 1864 — Heading ot 
Agreement — Description of Core — Experiments — Pressure Resistance 
— Tests — Covering at Greenwich — Specification Discussed — Diagram 
— Resistance of Conductor — Units — Mr. C. F. Varley — Mr. Henley— 
Working Agreement— Quotations from Diary— Compound at Green- 
wich—Fault Removed— Data for Core — Cable Completed— Condenser 
— Great Eastern — Diagram— Comparison of Condensers— Cable in 
Tanks — Different Earths — Speed— Tests for Electrical Qualities — 
Another Trial of Speeds — Examinations of Shoring — Paying-out 
System— Expedition Started— S.S. Garolim— Shore End Laid— Fault 
--S.S.Hawk — Fault Discovered — Paying-out Recommenced — ^Another 
Fault— Suspicion — "The Atlantic Telegraph" — Deflection too High 
— Cable Broken— Efforts to Regain— Futile— Buoy Placed— G^reo^ 
Eastern Returned to Sheemess — 1865 120 



New Atlantic Cable Commenced — Anglo-American Tel^raph Company — 
Agreement — Constant Teat Required — Letter to Mr. Glass — Reports 
on New System — Mr. Clark — Professor Thomson— Mr. Cyrus Field- 
Testing Joints — Tests of Cable at Greenwich — Experiments with New 
System — Shore Ends — Letter from Captain Bolton— Telegraph Code 
— Programme of Proceedings — Engineer — Instructions for Ship and 
Shore— Data for Completed Cable— Staff— Diary of Mr. Thomas 
Willey— Note for July 9th— Diary Continued—** Great Eastern Tele- 
graph " — Messages — Gtooch to Glass— Smith to Glass — Line Handed 
Over— Data for 1866 Cable after Laying— Diary Continued— Grap- 
pling for 1865 Cable— Description of Grappling Rope— End of Cable 
Secured — Illustrations — Table of Distances— Fault Occurred— Cable 
Completed — Handed Over to the Anglo-American Company — Arrival 
in England— Honours Received— Engraving of Medal— Address . 139 


"Hooper's Core'* — Avlona Cable Lifted — Death of Colonel Stewart — 
Malta and Alexandria Repairs — Comparison ot B.A. and Siemens' 
Units— Cable for Persian Gulf— 1865 — Behring Sea Cable — Diagram — 
Working of Submarine Cables— Valentia— Experiments at Malta — 
Letters on the Subject — 1866 — Business Slack— Presentation — Mr. 
Hooper's Patent — Proposed Purchase— Hooper v, Elliot — Placentia 
and Sydney Core — Captain S. Osbfim — 1866 Atlantic Cable — Broken 
and Repaired — Data for Placentia Core — S.S. Chiltem — Data for Cable 
When Laid — Atlantic Cable again Broken— Cable in West Indies — 
Death of Seven Members of Staff — Atlantic Cable Repaired — Mr. 
Huxley's Report on Piece of 1851 Dover and Calais Core . . . 193 


1868— Cable from England to New York— Death of Mr. Stewart— Anglo- 
Mediterranean Company- Cuba Cable — Cable from Malta to Alex- 
andria — Cable Completed— Particulars of Laying, &c. — 1866 Atlantic 
Cable — Induction in Land Wires — Specifications for French Atlantic 
Cable— Coverings of Cores — Tests— Reduction of Resistance — Im- 
provement by Age — First Section — Brest to St. Pierre — Laying 
Commenced — Shore Station — Fault— Cable Cut and Buoyed — Dis- 
cussion About Supposed Fault — Reduction of Battery Power — 1' 
Readings of Insulation — Laying Completed— Official Tests — Data 
for this Section — Summary of Laying — Section St. Pierre to 
Duxbury — Temperature — Earth Currents 208 




Report on Mr. Hooper^s Cables — Sir W. Thomson— InBulation— Induc- 
tive Capacity— Values of Different Coatings — Joint Making- 
Mechanical Hardness — Effect of Tinning— Remarks— Indian Govern- 
ment—Cable for Pereian Gulf— Faults — Cable from Bombay to Aden 
— Down Red Sea to Suez — Tasmanian Cable — Data — Improved Core 
—Cable Malta to Sicily— Data— Pressure Tank — Resignation of Sir 
R. Glass — Bombay and Aden Section Commenced— Data for Both 
Sections — Insulation and Speed Highly Satisfactory . . . 243 


Singapore to China Cable — 1869 — S.6 — Reduction of Standard — Letter to 
Captain Osbom — Syphon Recorder — Signal Station for Passing Ships 
— Falmouth and Malta Cable — Data British Australian — Batavia and 
Singapore Section — Engineer's Report — Data for British Indian Ex- ' 
tension Cable — Data for British Australian Cable — Singapore and 
Batavia Section— Particulars Concerning it — Banjoewangie to Port 
Darwin — Particulars — Repairs, 1872 259 


Faulty Lengths— China Cable — Section 7 — Singapore and Hong-Kong 
Cable — Data — Siemens' Black Sea Cable — Marseilles and Algiers — 
Channel Islands — Beachy Head to Cape Antifer — Algiers and Malta 
— Balearic Islands — North German Cable 276 


Resistance of Cables— Letter to Captain Osbom — Stockholm Tar — " In- 
spectors" — French Atlantic— Ship's Diary — Repairs — Cable Again 
Broken and Repaired — Broke Again, 1876 — 1880— Particulars of 
Repairs, 1880— ** Smartness" in Repairing 287 


Malta and Alexandria Dnplicate — Data — 1865 Cable Broken 1870— 
Repaired Following Year — Fault Taken from Cable between Singa- 
pore and Penang — Insulation of Anglo-American Cables Decreasing 
— " Test box"— Cable from Valentia to Heart's Content— Data— 1865 
Atlantic Cable Broken — Great Eastern to Repair it— Failed to Find 
Cable — Recovered 1858 Core — Australian Cable Broken — Fault from 
China Cable— Hooper's Core — Report— Sir W. Thomson — Tests- 
Malta and Alexandria Cable — French Atlantic Core — Resistance — 
Silenium 301 



Brazilian Submarine Telegraph Company — Lisbon and Madeira Section — 
Madeira to St. Vincent — St. Vincent to Pemambuco — First Section 
caused Trouble — Data— Particulars— Fault— Data for other Two 
Sections 312 


Edison — Signal Instruments— Capt. S. Osbom Promoted — 1873 — Loss of 
S.S. Bebert Low — Death of Sir R. Glass — ^Resignation of Admiral 
Osbom — S.S. Minia — Formula for Resistance — Cable from Heart's 
Content to Valentia — Data — Great Eastern Broken up — Mr. J. Beer — 
Mr. Henley — Cable Laid from Sardinia to Obitello — Death of Admiral 
Osbom — Many New Cables — Details Unnecessary — Silverto^-n — 
Siemens — The Faraday — Faraday's Resting-place — ^Various Cables 
Examined — Hole in Serving — " Brass Tape " — Powdered Silica — 
Death of Mr. J. Beer — Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Com- 
pany — Mr. J. C. Laws— Mr. J. May — Mr. Henley — Death of Sir W. 
Siemens 317 


Joints — Localising Faults — Polarisation — Electrification — Healthy Sec- 
tions — Readings — Careful Tests — Good Electricians Necessary — 
Wharf Road Mean — Calculated Gutta Percha Resistance — Electrical 
Improvements — Copper Wire — Faults — Caused by Lightning — Ad- 
vancement — Manufacture 327 


A.—** The Atlantic Telegraph" 335 

B.— Play. *'A Field Glass" 355 

C.—" The Great Eastern Telegraph'' 36(i 

D.— "Contentina" 378 

E. — Plan of Great Eastern. 





I^Tge Order for Qutta Percha Company in 1860— Covered Wire to be laid from 
Dover to France — Wire Drawers— Joints— Battery— Galvanometer— Mr. 
W. Reid— Financial Difficulties— Goiio^A— Testing Coils— Rejected Coils 
on Quay— Public Criticism— Shore End Laid— Cape Grisnez— Captain 
Beer— Trial Trip off Dover— Eventful Day, August 23rd. 1850— H.M.8. 
Widgeon — Spectators on Board — Leaden Weights — Soundings— Mr. F. C. 
Webb— Unforeseen Difficulties— Allotted Task Accomplished— Something 
Wrong with the Operator— Destroying Messages — Final Splice — Puzzling 
Messages— Induction — Line Abandoned — Pioneers and Settlers — First 
Claimants — " Telegraph Cable " — Engraving of Joint and Weight. 

Early in 1850 the Gutta Percha Company received what 
they then considered a very large order. It was for twenty- 
five knots or nautical miles (2,029 yards representing a 
knot) of copper wire, No. 14 Birmingham wire gauge, to be 
covered with gutta percha to half an inch in diameter. 
Great care was to be exercised in the covering of this 
wire, which was required for laying across the Channel 
from Dover to France, to prove, if possible, the practica- 
bility of submarine telegraphy, and universal interest was 
taken in what was characterized as a bold and daring 
experiment. Unfortunately, many things were at that 
time thought perfect which would not now pass muster ; 
for example, the wire-drawers of those days, strangers 


to long lengths and proper annealing, appeared to take it 
for granted tliat the Birmingham wire gauge was any 
size they chose to make it ; the result being that the 
diameter of the wire varied considerably, even when sup- 
plied by one firm. To its electrical conditions and quality 
no attention was given, for the simple reason that all 
copper wire was credited with the possession of equal 
value in these respects. 

The Gutta Percha Company could only cover short 
lengths of the wire at one time, and even then were not able 
to insure its being kept in the centre. The method 
of cleansing the gutta percha, too, was very defective, 
and also there were, to contend with, many air holes and 
other imperfections, caused by the application of the gutta 
percha so thickly in one covering. The wire was supplied 
in short and variable lengths, which, to suit the require* 
ments of the covering machine, had to be joined by overlap- 
ping scarves soldered together with hard solder by the aid 
of powdered resin and blow-pipe, the whole being filled to 
the size of the wire. 

With the covered wire this process did not answer, as, 
owing to the amount of heat required to melt the solder, 
the wire became so hot as to soften the gutta percha for a 
considerable distance on either side of the joint; other 
methods for making the joints were therefore discussed, 
and the plan eventually adopted was as follows : — 

The gutta percha was removed for about two inches from 
either end of the wires, which were then well cleaned with 
emery paper, crossed and twisted several times one over 
the other, bell hanger fashion, and the whole covered with 
soft solder applied with an ordinary soldering iron, common 
powdered resin being used as a flux. A suitable slice of 
plastic gutta percha was then placed on either side of the 


joint, the whole pressed in a wooden mould, where it was 
kept under pressure until the gutta percha was quite hard. 
The joint thus made resembled, when removed from the 
mould, a magnified cigar, some two inches in diameter and 
nine in length ; it tapered at either end to the size of the 
covered wire over which it lapped. Each coil of wire was 
immersed in water as soon as covered, and, if thought 
sufficiently insulated, passed. The electrical arrangements 
were not elaborate, and although the battery generally 
used looked formidable, it was totally unsuited to much of 
the work for which it was required. This battery consisted 
of a long and narrow wooden box, divided by wooden 
partitions into twelve cells ; at either end of the box was 
a fixed wing-head terminal, the one firmly secured to a 
zinc, the other to a copper plate ; similar plates of zinc and 
copper were riveted together by bands of copper, and so 
bent over the wooden partition that each cell contained two 
plates of dissimilar metal immersed in a mixture of water 
and sulphuric acid; for better insulation, each ceU was 
lined with an insulating compound. The box was covered 
with a hinged lid, the two ends of the terminals being left 
easy of access for the desired connections. The galvano- 
meter used was of the vertical needle form and not very 
sensitive, the record being given as the number of degrees 
to which the needle was deflected with one cell ; if under 
these conditions there was unsteadiness of the needle or 
too many degrees deflection, the coil was again examined 
and re-tested until it passed. Mr. William Keid, engaged 
as engineer and electrician on this occasion, and responsible 
for the electrical condition and the laying of the line, was 
a celebrity in his time, and held responsible positions from 
the commencement of electric telegraphy until his death. 
When the Gutta Percha Company had completed the 



covering of the 25 knots of wire, reports were circulated 
to the effect that the enterprise was hampered by financial 
difficulties. Whether report in this case told the truth or 
not, the fact remains that the many coils which constituted 
the entire length were for weeks stacked in the yard of 
the Gutta Percha Company's Works without adequate 
protection either from the depredations of the curious or 
the uncertainties of the weather. Eventually the coils 
were carted to a wharf on the Thames, whence they were 
shipped on board the small steam tug Goliath^ and taken to 
Dover harbour. Just abaft the funnel of this tug a large 
iron reel was mounted on suitable bearings ; its ends nearly 
reached the bulwarks on either side. Upon this reel the 
twenty-five knots of covered wire were to be wound as evenly 
as possible. As the coils had been so long out of water, it 
was thought advisable to re-test before joining them into 
one length ; for this purpose, a batch of coils was suspended 
daily over the side of the tug in the water, the ends of 
each coil being secured just above the side of the vessel 
and made ready for testing. 

The testing was done by Mr. Eeid, who, seated astride 
a beam of timber on deck with his vertical galvanometer 
before him, shouted ** Eight" or "Chalk" as the case 
might be; "Eight" denoting that the coil was passed, 
" Chalk " that the line-man was thus to mark the coil, to 
show that its electrical condition was such as to require 
re-examination. While this was going on, men were 
employed in joining the perfect coils and winding them on 
the iron reel, a very slow process, as the wire had to be 
wound as evenly as possible — a difficult task, owing to the 
size of the joints and other causes. Cotton waste was used, 
where possible, to fill up the inequalities; wooden laths 
also, when necessary, were placed lengthwise at equal 


intervals round the reel, the wire being wound over them. 
From lack of room on the tug, the rejected coils had to be 
re-examined on the quay, a proceeding attended with much 
annoyance, because crowds of people daily assembled to 
watch the process and freely criticise what they saw, in 
no very flattering terms; of course they imagined they 
understood all about it, and talked at the operators. 
*'What a mad scheme! why a sailor, or anyone who 
knew anything about seafaring matters, would declare it 
was impossible to pull such a line 25 yards, let alone that 
number of miles, over such a rough and uneven surface as 
the bottom of the channel had." These wise persons were 
clearly of opinion that the signals were to be made with 
France by pulling the wire after the fashion of mechanical 
house bells ! However, one quiet-looking old gentleman 
seemed to take a more optimistic view of the case, for he 
remarked, "Why when they said that the railway was 
coming to Dover through Shakespeare's Cliff, there were 
many with a knowing shake of the head and laugh of 
derision ; but it was accomplished for all that, and these 
men will be equally successful, mad though some people 
think them." Some of the spectators had the impertinence 
to out through the gutta percha to show their friends that 
there was copper wire inside, while others still less 
scrupulous purloined a piece of the line when they thought 
there was a chance of doing so without detection. 

The tug went several times over the course to Cape 
Grisnez, as though an attempt were being made to get her 
used to the route on which she would eventually play such 
an important part. On one of these visits, the shore end 
of the cable was laid from the lighthouse at Cape Grisnez 
in a prepared trench to the edge of the cliff ; here it hung 
over ; from the foot of the cliff it was laid among the rocks 


and taken for some distance out to sea, where the end was 
buoyed. The shore end consisted of a copper wire doubly 
covered with cotton, overlaid with a coating of india-rubber, 
the whole being enclosed in a very thick lead tube ; the 
india-rubber, at the time of laying, was in a semi-fluid state 
from partial decomposition. 

Cape Grisnez is high and rocky, with huge boulders at 
its base; at high water these rocks are in many cases 
hidden, the rise and fall of the tide from maximum to 
minimum being very great. Between the rocks there are 
several sandy bays in which a boat can be landed, but it 
requires an intimate knowledge of the coast to find the way 
to them, especially at certain states of tide. 

All communication between the shore and the tug had 
to be made in the steamer's boat. When the shore end 
was to be landed, the boat, being heavily laden with the 
reels containing it besides several passengers, took the 
bottom sooner than was expected. The sea at the time 
was very rough, and the majestic billows breaking on the 
beach seized the little boat as their plaything. The young 
and agile jumped at once into the water, so as to lighten 
the boat, and at last, after much difficulty, all reached the 
beach in safety without further mishap than a thorough 

A shore end, precisely similar to the one at Cape 
Grisnez, was laid from a horse-box in the yard of the 
railway station at Dover, across the road, along the wooden 
stage erected to assist in the building of the Admiralty 
Pier, then just commenced, and into the sea, where it was 
buoyed. The correspondent of the local paper must have 
grown tired of reporting the very slow proceedings, as at 
last he simply gave us a note, such as " The Goliath took 
her usual preliminary trip over the course between Dover 


and Cape Grisnez. Among the scientific men on board we 
noticed Captain Beer." The gentleman referred to hap- 
pened to be the captain of the tug. When everything was 
considered ready for the " extravagant project,'' a trial trip 
was made in a rather rough sea off Dover, by laying about 
three miles of the line. This was satisfactorily recovered, 
the tug returning to make final arrangements before com- 
mencing to lay the whole length to Cape Grisnez. 

At last the eventful day arrived when this was to be, if 
possible, achieved, and at about 10 a.m. on August 23rd, 
1850, the weather proving so propitious that one might 
imagine all Nature approved of the undertaking, the joint 
was made from a boat between the sea end of Dover shore 
terminus and the wire on the reel on board the tug. This 
accomplished, H.M. surveying paddle-ship Widgeon led the 
way, followed by the Goliath^ from which the line was 
being paid out. The deck between the reel and the taff- 
rail was kept clear, so that the line had a free passage 
from the reel into the sea. While Messrs. Eeid, sen. and 
jun., Wollaston, jun., and myself were busy with the work 
in hand, on the deck might be observed a small group of 
spectators, Messrs. T. E. Crampton, John and Jacob Brett, 
Wollaston, sen., and Edwards. Whilst the cable slowly 
unwound the onlookers passed the time in discussing the 
topics of the day ; they spoke of H.R.H. Prince Albert, his 
extraordinary scientific attainments, and the great interest 
he was taking in our proceedings ; of the death of Louis 
Philippe, and the effect his demise would exercise upon 
the destinies of France. 

The specific gravity of the line was so little below that 
of the sea water that it was thought advisable to attach 
leaden weights, a sixteenth of a knot apart, to ensure the 
line being taken to the bottom. These weights varied 


from 8 to 16 lbs. ; they were flat square shaped blocks cast 
in two halves ; on one half were two projecting studs, and 
through the other two holes to receive the studs ; along the 
centre of each half was a semi-circular groove corresponding 
to the diameter of the line. To attach these weights, strips 
of plastic gutta percha were laid in each groove and the 
halves pressed together ; the two studs which projected 
through the two holes were hammered flat by two men, one 
on either side of the line. It was at first thought that the 
men could attach the weights while the line was passing 
from the reel to the taflErail, but experience proved other- 
wise, as in their huny to do so they more often struck 
each other than the studs ; it was therefore deemed expe- 
dient to stop the paying out while this operation was being 
performed. The line must in consequence have been very 
taut in those places, and it is a wonder how the gutta 
percha stood the tension and knocking about it received. 
The Widgeon took soundings, communicating the result to 
the tug by means of large chalk figures on a black board 
placed on the paddle-box, and the large or small weights 
were used according to the soundings given. Mr. F. C. 
Webb, an officer of the Widgeon^ was on board the Goliath 
to interpret the signals from the pilot ship. Unforeseen 
difficulties now presented themselves ; not only did the 
cotton waste used in the reeling of the line fly in all direc- 
tions, but the partially released wooden laths behaved 
after the fashion of flails in the hands of infuriated 
threshers, making it extremely dangerous for anyone to 
approach the reel until the laths became totally released. 

During the laying no messages were sent or received, 
only electrical signals on galvanometers were exchanged as 
opportunity offered. 

At about 5 P.M. on that memorable day the tug had 


accomplished her allotted task, and anchored in the vicinity 
of the shore end buoy oflf Cape Grisnez. The sea end of 
the line was then passed into the cabin of the tug, where it 
was connected with one of Brett and Little's modifications 
of the " House Koman '' type-printing instrument. But 
what had gone wrong with the operator at Dover ? True, 
letters came, but they were so mixed that it was in many 
cases impossible to make any sense out of them. The 
man in charge of the instrument was justly rebuked for 
destroying them ; they were the first messages received by 
submarine telegraphy, and as such ought to have been pre- 
served, no matter how illegible. The more the operator 
tried to control the letters the more erratic they became. 
At last it was suggested that the success attending the 
laying of the wire had caused the champagne to circulate 
so freely that the persons in the shore station at Dover did 
not know what they were doing. This solution of the 
mystery really did appear to be a feasible one, more espe- 
cially as the man in charge of the type-printer showed how 
correctly he could work it on short circuit. 

To save daylight for making the final splice and getting 
to the shore, the end of the line was passed into the boat, 
where it was joined to the shore end : thus was submarine 
telegraphy presumably established between England and 
France. The steamer then left, and those interested ascended 
to the lighthouse, where an ordinary single needle instru- 
ment was attached to the line ; but although messages 
appeared to be sent correctly, and Dover gave what was 
thought to be the signal of acknowledgment, no other mes- 
sage came. This merely confirmed the champagne theory. 
The only thing to be done, therefore, was to wait until 
morning, when all would doubtless be explained. As it 
was now 12 p.m. the company separated ; some walked to 


Calais, while others preferred to forego their supper and 
seek what rest a lighthouse could afford. 

In the morning all were astonished to find the results on 
the single needle instrument the same as before ; the type- 
printer was not tried. It was now decided to await 
patiently the arrival of the mail from England. In due 
course letters reached us containing the astounding state- 
ment that at Dover the signals received had been very 
similar and in the same chaotic order as those complained 
of at Cape Grisnez. To add insult to injury, came the 
suggestion that success had proved too much for the 
workers at our end, and caused carelessness and neglect ; it 
was hoped, however, that business would now be attended to. 

Had the phenomenon of induction been generally recog- 
nised in those days, and the true state of the line with 
regard to its electrical condition understood, what an amount 
of misunderstanding and mutual recrimination would have 
been avoided. There can be no doubt that the continuity 
of the copper wire between Dover and the tug anchored off 
Cape Grisnez was perfect, and that it was owing to the 
retardation caused by induction that the letters were not 
received in the order sent; but when the Cape Grisnez 
shore end formed part of the circuit it is quite certain 
that continuity no longer existed, the supposed signal 
of acknowledgment being nothing more than the return 
current caused by the effect of induction. 

It was evident to all concerned that something was wrong, 
and they had to grope about in the thick fog of ignorance 
in their endeavours to find the remedy, without even one 
ray from the important light of experience to illumine their 
path. It would be, therefore, not only unfair, but unjust, 
to criticise these endeavours by the light of the present 
day. Every device known and thought of was tried, but 
to no purpose ; the line had at length to be abandoned. It 


is, however, a true axiom that failures are the best teachers, 
and this line had proved the practicability of submarine 
telegraphy, if only more perfect means could be obtained. 

Doubtless science, like a human community, has its 
pioneers and settlers ; there are many records in history 
proving that, as a rule in either case, pioneers do not make 
good settlers, nor good settlers good pioneers Settlers 
have in many instances cause to revere and perpetuate the 
names of the pioneers as men who have sacrificed much to 
benefit their fellows. I will instance one or two of the 
many cases which have occurred in that branch of science 
with which I am more intimately acquainted. It had long 
been suggested that lightning and electricity were one and 
the same thing, but it remained for Franklin to prove this 
by actual experiment, and also to show how such a know- 
ledge could be made to benefit the whole world ; therefore, 
whenever the subject of lightning conductors is discussed, 
Franklin's name must of necessity be remembered with 

Even long before the discovery of voltaic electricity it 
was known by actual experiment that electricity could be 
sent for miles through insulated wire, the earth being used 
as half of the circuit, and that the signals so produced were 
sent and received simultaneously ; but notwithstanding this 
knowledge, the names of Cooke and Wheatstone are always 
associated with our telegraphic system, for to them we are 
indebted for its practical application. 

Submarine telegraphy has now grown so important that 
there are many claimants to the merit of having been the 
first to suggest it. I must admit that if every person 
who, on the introduction of gutta percha into this country 
tried its insulating properties, even in a basin of water, be 
admitted as one of these claimants, their name would bo 



While on this point I might mention, as a curious coinci- 
dence, that in 1836 there was a stage coach running called 
the " Telegraph," driven by a man named John Cable. He 
was a celebrity in his way, and was always known by the 
nickname of " Telegraph Cable." It seems to me that this 
man might with more reason have laid claim to starting the 
idea of submarine cables than many of those who have 
since put forth such demands. 

Whatever experiments may have gone before, I maintain 
that, in spite of its too brief working, the laying of the gutta 
percha covered wire from Dover to France in 1850 was the 
true pioneer of submarine telegraphy ; therefore all honour 
is due to those engaged in it. 

Below are shown illustrations of the joint and weight I 
have described, taken from originals still in my possession. 
It will be observed that they have somewhat deteriorated 
through age, more especially the joint. 


Lrad }\'ei<jht. 


Cable for another Attempt — Copper Wire — Yams— Wire Rope Works — Messrs 
Wilkinson & Weatherly — Mr. Fenwick — Messrs. Newall & Co/s Patent — 
Works Closed — Cable Completed — Blazer — Cable Coiled on Board — 
End Landed — Messages between Ship and Shore—Expedition Started 
Sept 25th, 1851 — Brake — Insufficient Cable— Subterranean Wire sub- 
stituted — Sangette — Congratulatory Meisages — Knot of New Cable — Red 
Rover — Splice made — Cable open to Public — No Signals Received— Set of 
Joints Omitted— Horsemen Employed. 

After mature consideration it was decided that the next 
attempt, planned for the summer of the following year, 
should be made with a cable having four copper wires, each 
of No. 16 Birmingham wire gauge in diameter, covered 
separately with two coverings of gutta percha to No. 1 
diameter of the same gauge, and twisted together in a similar 
way to the strands of an ordinary hemp rope. The inter- 
stices were to be filled up by tarred hemp strings, the 
whole being covered with similar strings wound round at 
right angles. This core, as it was termed, had ten galvanised 
iron wires, each of which was No. 1 Birmingham gauge, 
laid helically around it, so that it resembled in appearance 
a huge wire rope. 

Those who supplied the copper wire were anxious to do 
their best, but still their wire was irregular in gauge and 
annealing, and in the same length would be found parts 
hard, brittle, soft, and rotten. 

Insulating the copper wire with two instead of one cover- 
ing of gutta percha and other improvements were no doubt 
steps in the right direction, but still the Gutta Percha Com- 


pany had much to learn. The covering was very irregular, 
the lumps had to be spokeshaved before the wire would 
pass through the gauge which corresponded with the holes 
in the lay plate of the twisting or, as it was called, the core 
machine, and in some places the copper wire was more or 
less eccentric. Want of adhesion between the two cover- 
ings was also frequent, while "air-holes" and "gutters" 
caused much trouble. 

The joints in the copper wire were made by scarfing the 
ends and holding them face to face by two small fixed up- 
right vices, while hard solder by aid of the blow-pipe joined 
them, when cold the whole was filed to the diameter of the 
wire. Here again it was found that the heat required to 
melt the hard solder was too great for the covered wires, as 
it melted the gutta percha too far on both sides ; very soft 
solder, which melted at a comparatively low temperature 
from a soldering iron, was therefore used. Two plastic 
bands of gutta percha, one after the other, were applied 
over the copper joint and manipulated by hand to the 
required diameter, a warm iron " tool " being used along 
the seam and at each end to amalgamate the whole. 

The yams used, both for covering and serving, were hard 
layed, and the composition of hot coal-tar and pitch with 
which they were saturated made them harder when cold ; 
the knots in the yams caused trouble, as they were hard 
lumps which pressed more or less into the gutta percha at 
the lay plate of the iron wire covering machine. The 
tension at the serving machine was not always uniform, as 
could be seen from the deep indentations made in the gutta 
percha by the hemp which was supposed to protect it. The 
iron wires were galvanised, but the process was badly done, 
large and dangerously sharp lumps of the metal adhering 
to the wire, and, in some places, cutting through the gutta 


percha, forming contact with the copper conductor. The 
welds were numerous and continually breaking while being 
reeled, or at the lay plate of the machine. 

On one side of a somewhat narrow yard or court leading 
out of High Street, Wapping, in the direction farthest from 
the river Thames, were situated the Wire Rope Works of 
Messrs. Wilkinson and Weatherly ; they may have been all 
that was required for their legitimate work, but for the 
manufacture of submarine telegraph cables a more incon- 
venient place as regards size and position could not have 
been selected. The core and covering machines were made 
and erected under the superintendence of Mr. Fenwick, an 
engineer of Gateshead, who also for a time had charge of 
their working. 

The core was kept taut upon the drawing-off drum by 
manual labour, and, by the same means, was coiled in a 
number of small sections on the floor of an upper room, the 
completed cable being hauled to an open yard, where it 
was coiled and left exposed to the changes of an English 

Several miles of the core and a few knots of the cable had 
been manufactured when everything was suddenly stopped. 
*^ A silence that might be felt " held sway. Reports cir- 
culated that Messrs. Newall & Co., wire rope makers of 
Gateshead, had a patent for inserting a core of some soft 
material into wire ropes with a view to making them more 
pliable and more manageable ; they therefore considered 
that this submarine telegraph cable was an infringement of 
their patent, and obtained an injunction to stop its manu- 
facture. It did appear strange, especially to the initiated, 
that a submarine telegraph cable should be considered as 
belonging to the same category as a wire rope; true, in make 
and appearance they are the same, but for what different 


purposes are they required! By the same course of reason- 
ing it would not be difficult to prove that a lightning con- 
ductor is a wire rope, and must therefore be a submarine 
cable ; absurd logic doubtless, although in courts of law it 
might not be considered so. Whether the reports were 
correct or otherwise the Works were closed, and the gate of 
the yard guarded to prevent the entrance of strangers, more 
especially of Mr. Newall or any of his party ; thus much 
valuable time was wasted on the road to success. At length 
Mr. Newall took possession and completed the cable with 
his own staff from Gateshead ; as regards its electrical con- 
dition, more attention was given to the continuity of the 
conductor than to its insulation. The Government lent the 
hulk Blazer to carry the cable, but how to get it on board 
was the question, especially as the tenant of the property 
opposite had refused to endanger his fire insurance by allow- 
ing such a "Thunder and Lightning" thing to pass through 
his premises unless what was considered an exorbitant price 
was paid. Fortunately his neighbour was more reasonable, 
and the cable was, by manual laboui*, hauled from the yard 
of the manufactory to the Blazer^ which was moored in the 
Thames. This was a long ahd'tedious operation, the hauling 
having to be frequently stopped so that canvas and fiine iron 
wire might be wrapped at right angles round the cable 
where a broken wire was detected. When at last the 25 
knots of cable in one length were coiled into the Blazer^ she 
was towed as close as possible to the beach beneath the South 
Foreland Lighthouse, where the end was landed and wires 
connected with the end, laid into a room in the lighthouse. 
In the hands of skilful operators messages passed through 
the cable between ship and shore by " double needle." 

On the morning of the 25th September, 1851, all appear- 
ing promising for the success of the expedition, it started, 


the Blazer being towed by two tugs, while a steamer lent 
by the Government led the way. The only means provided 
for retarding the egress of the cable was what was called a 
" Brake," but it consisted of a simple wooden lever compres- 
ser worked by hand. As the day advanced the weather be- 
came what would be termed in sailor parlance " dirty," the 
elements having to all appearance combined with the cable 
to try the strength of man's endurance. What with the 
totally inadequate " brake " power, cable entangles caused 
by foul flakes, broken wires and tow ropes, the roaring 
wind and much agitated sea, a desperate struggle between 
mind and matter lasted nearly the whole of that memorable 
day. Want of suflScient cable caused the hulk to be stopped 
about one knot short of the desired landing-place, and so 
far matter had gained the day ; but mind had not been con- 
quered, only checked, for a knot more cable was at once 
ordered, and a makeshift arranged. Bare gutta percha 
covered copper wires twisted together had been laid in the 
ground from Sangette, where it was intended to land the 
cable, to the telegraph ofiice in Calais, so a length of this 
subterranean line was joined to the cable and landed at San- 
gette, thus establishing electrical communication between 
the telegraph oflSce in Calais and the South Foreland Light- 
house, and congratulatory messages freely passed to and fro 
between England and France. 

The knot of new cable when completed was coiled on the 
after deck of the steam tug Red Rover ^ and she started in 
the following month for Sangette, but encountering very 
bad weather she eventually put into Eamsgate in a disabled 
condition. On re-starting all appeared to be going well 
until it was discovered that no person on board knew where 
Sangette was, consequently it was late in the day before the 
tug anchored off that place. The following day at high 


water the cable was laid as near to the shore as possible, 
and then parallel with it, and at low water horses were 
employed to haul it into position. The splice between the 
two cables was made on board H.M.8. Widgeon^ which had 
been waiting for some days in Calais harbour for the tug, 
but owing to the erratic movements of that vessel had 
missed her. 

The cable completed, subterranean wires were laid across 
the fields from the South Foreland to an ordinary dwelling- 
house in Dover, and it was decided to open for public 
service. On the morning of October 15th, however, to the 
general consternation, from some unknown cause the cable 
refused to work. It was at length discovered that one set 
of joints had been omitted in the subterranean line from the 
South Foreland, and this was the last link in the rather long 
chain of accidents and misfortunes which had obstructed 
the road te scientific success. Horsemen were employed to 
convey the messages to and from the telegraph office in 
Dover, and by the aid of the newly invented long distance 
electric fuse, a cannon at Calais was discharged by merely 
touching together two copper wires at Dover; Calais 
replying to Dover Castle in the same way. In fact, the day 
was one of rejoicing and congratulation, for a new branch 
had been successfully engrafted on the tree of knowledge. 

The Institution of Civil Engineers has it recorded in its 
charter that the profession of an engineer is ^' The art of 
directing the great sources of power in nature for the use 
and convenience of man.'' 

The powers of nature have indeed been developed, and 
the engineers of the present day have a much larger field 
for their operations than was ever dreamed of when that 
institution was first established. Electric telegraphy is one 
of these powers, and it illustrates how persistently mind 


fights with matter until the latter's final subjection. The 
fight may be fierce and long, and veterans may succumb, 
but there are always recruits ready to fill their places, 
and although failures are the necessary stepping-stones to 
success, mind must eventually triumph, to the advancement 
of science and the benefit of the human race. 

It may be said with apparent truth that these "jottings " 
are long and tedious, as they enter into detail too deeply 
and unnecessarily ; but be it remembered they are given to 
enable the historian to select what he may consider sufficient 
for his purpose. 



Fresh Competitors — Submarine Cable Works, Sunderland — Cable from Port- 
patrick to Donaghadee — Magnetic Telegraph Company — Covered Wire 
from Holyhead to Howth — ^Want of Insulation — Line Abandoned — India- 
rubber and Gutta Percha — Chemical Action — Subterranean Wire to Port- 
patrick — Similar Wire to Donaghadee — Cable for Magnetic Company- 
Mishaps attending Manufacture — Cable coiled in Britannia — Papng-out — 
Various Mischances — Attempt Abandoned — Cables for two different 
Companies commenced — Cable for Electric Telegraph Company — Orford 
Ness to the Hague — Special Drying-room — Serving — Heavy Multiple 
Cable from Dover to Ostend — Objectionable Methods of Testing — Year 
1853 propitious. 

When the practicability of submarine telegraphy was 
established many schemes and devices were introduced 
with a view to its further development, and men who had 
viewed from afar and criticised loudly the doings of those 
who were struggling to connect England and France elec- 
trically, now at the first sign of success eagerly entered 
the newly - discovered field. These fresh competitors, 
being somewhat erratic in their movements, made what 
might have been considered a good long distance race 
with a clear course, degenerate into an obstacle race of 
unlooked-for dimensions. 

Naturally the very next thing to be attempted was the 
connection of England and Ireland. Messrs. Newall & Co. 
erected at Sunderland what they called " Submarine Cable 
Works." What a noisy dirty inconvenient shop this was ! 
Imagine a low wooden structure lighted from the roof, in 
front of it a boarded-in space, called by courtesy a yard. 


and bounded by the North Dock, North Pier and open 
beach ; within the building was far too crowded. It con- 
tained a portable traction engine, with all the heat, steam, 
noise, and dirt, in those days inseparable from such 
engines ; then there were stacks of coils of iron wire, and 
gutta percha covered wire ; these were employed to fill the 
machine bobbins, by the aid of large flanged swifts on 
which the coil in use was placed; the core and closing 
machines were much too large for the building ; smoke 
and sparks flew in all directions from the welders' forges, 
and sprays of tar from the worming and serving issued 
from each twirling machine. Such were the " Submarine 
Cable Works," Sunderland, of that day. 

Here to the order of the newly-formed Magnetic Tele- 
graph Company, was commenced a cable similar to that 
laid between Dover and Calais, to connect Portpatrick 
and Donaghadee. Whilst this was in hand, Messrs. 
Newall & Co. secretly ordered from the Gutta Percha 
Company, 100 knots of 16 gauge copper wire covered 
with gutta percha to No. 2 gauge, to be sent to 
their *^Wire Rope Works" at Gateshead. This 
wire they merely covered partially with six No. 12 galva- 
nised iron wires bird-cage fashion ; it was then coiled upon 
railway trucks and taken to a suitable seaport to be 
shipped to Holyhead. I use the word suitable, because, 
at the first seaport selected, the steamer owing to its size 
was unable to enter ; so the line had to be re-coiled into 
the trucks of another railway company and taken to 
another port, where it was coiled into the hold of the 
paddle steamer Britannia^ well known in the cattle 
trade between Dublin and Liverpool. A fine day having 
been selected, the oable was laid from Holyhead to Howth, 
and there joined to a subterranean conductor similar to 


that in the cable, and which had been previously laid 
along the railway from Dublin. 

Had the insulation of this submarine line been tested, 
it would not have been laid in so faulty a condition as it 
undoubtedly was, for as it became submerged the signals 
grew less and less distinct, and at the completion of the 
laying it gave several spasmodic but intelligent signals, 
and then died. Much time and labour were wasted in 
endeavours to resuscitate it, but without more effect than 
would be gained by " whipping a dead horse" or ** slaying 
the slain," and ultimately it was abandoned. Great must 
have been the awakening for those who believed that such 
a line would prove all sufficient for the extension of sub- 
marine telegraphy. 

Another company tried lapping a copper wire with strips 
of india-rubber and covering the whole with gutta percha, 
but it required a very short time to show that a chemical 
action was going on between the india-rubber and the 
copper, as the former became semi-fluid, bursting through 
the outer covering just as some gums burst through the 
bark of trees. 

A subterranean wire of this description was laid in Scot- 
land to Portpatrick, and a similar wire placed in the centre 
of an ordinary three strand hemp rope about 1^ inch in 
diameter was attempted from that place to Donaghadee, 
but owing to its light specific gravity it floated, and 
became so much affected by the strong currents that it 
had to be abandoned for want of sufficient length to reach 
the shore. 

To return to the cable Messrs. Newall & Co. were manu- 
facturing for the " Magnetic Company." The coils of the 
gutta percha covered wire were all suspended over the side 
of the North Dock, and after so hanging in the water for a 


certain time were tested for insulation. A suggestion was 
made but unheeded at the time that it would be much better 
to dispense with this system of testing, as the operation 
injured the gutta percha to such an extent that it destroyed 
the insulation of the coils. 

Gutta percha moulded battery cells had superseded the 
wooden ones, and saturated sand been substituted for the 
liquid ; this contrivance, known as the " sand-battery " was 
very complete, and although somewhat heavier than the 
others, it was certainly much more portable, and therefore 
more suitable for ship or boat work. 

The recognised test for insulation was to connect twelve 
such batteries so as to make 144 cells in series, the copper 
plate of the battery was put to earth and the zinc plate at 
the other end attached to one terminal of a vertical galva- 
nometer of which the standard of the sensibility was a 
deflection of 45 degrees with one cell ; all the cells were 
not equal, they could, in fact, be made to suit the occasion ; 
consequently the battery power employed was an unknown 
quantity. If the deflections were steady and fairly uniform 
the insulation was considered satisfactory. 

A great many mishaps attended the manufacture of this 
cable, which I think it unnecessary to mention ; suffice it to 
say that on its completion the insulation of the con- 
ductors was not uniform. When the cable was coiled in a 
yard with every precaution taken to keep it dry, the 
deflection varied between 36 degrees and 5. To remedy 
this the iron wires were forced open in three different places 
by means of a " Spanish windlass '' and the core cut and re- 
joined according to the deflections, thus making the insulation 
sufficiently uniform to pass. The cable was then coiled 
into the hold of the Britannia and taken to Portpatrick, 
where, after waiting a long time for suitable weather and 


favourable tides, the end was landed, and paying out 
towards Donaghadee commenced. The arrangements on 
board were similar to those on board the Blazer the 
previous year. At starting, the cable, being kept too taut, 
Wis dragged from the beach bringing with it instruments, 
etc. This accident naturally caused considerable delay, 
and the morning was far advanced before a fair start was 
made. As the day advanced the weather became very 
stormy, and all the troubles which attended the laying of 
the Dover and Calais cable were repeated, intensified by 
the strong currents which prevail in this Channel ; but all 
on board did their duty manfully, and the cable was at one 
time laid to within five miles of its destination. Owing, 
however, to the frequent recurrence of broken wires and 
foul flakes, the ship drifted in a wrong direction until it 
was at least 12 knots from Donaghadee, when, all the 
cable being expended, the attempt was abandoned. 

Thus the year 1852 came to an end without seeing an 
extension of submarine telegraphy. The fault lay not so 
much in lack of experience as in the bad policy of hurry 
ever attending the manufacture and laying of cables, a 
policy which has done much to retard the progress of this 
most important branch of science, by too often wrecking 
what would otherwise have proved a good and efficient 
cable. The manufacturer is not always to blame in this ; 
there are times when the company for whom the cable is to 
be manufactured stipulates that it is to be laid and handed 
over to them in perfect condition by a certain date. The 
time specified has often proved totally inadequate for the 
work to be really well done. ^^ Perfect condition *' can only 
mean that it shall be impossible to detect any flaw either 
in insulation or conductivity of conductor, but cables 
frequently contain faults in the gutta percha which remain 


undetected because time is necessary for their develop- 

On the shipment of the last mentioned cable Messrs. 
Newall commenced the manufacture of others for two 
separate companies, and as they differed considerably both 
in design and make, a description of them will illustrate 
how opinions varied even in well balanced minds as to the 
best methods of securing success. 

The Electric Telegraph Company wanted seven con- 
ductors from Orford Ness to The Hague, and with a view to 
not putting all their eggs into one basket, so far as the 
deep water was concerned, they had seven separate cables, 
but for the shore ends all these were twisted together, 
resembling in appearance one big wire rope. 

Mr. F. C. Webb superintended the manufacture of these 
cables on behalf of the Electric Telegraph Company. The 
sand at the back of the works was excavated and a wood- 
lined water tank built in. This was sufficiently large to 
admit of two cables being coiled at one time ; also proved a 
suitable place in which to test the coils as they were received 
from the Gtitta Percha Company. 

For testing these coils and cables, a sensitive horizontal 
galvanometer replaced the less sensitive vertical one, and 
records were kept of the results. Some persons ridiculed all 
this as unnecessary precaution and trouble; therefore the 
more credit is due to Mr. Webb for the way in which he 
persevered in what proved to be the right direction. 

The coils, after being tested, were spread out to dry 
along poles supported on trestles in close proximity to either 
side of the boiler of the traction engine, each line was then 
separately covered helically with cotton tape, and then 
passed through a long trough filled with a ^* preservative 
mixture," the principal ingredient of which was coal tar. 


The wire as it left this mixture was drawn through sand 
and, as before, suspended in a shed to dry. Coal tar is a 
solvent of gutta percha; so after this process the gutta 
percha on the coils became yellow in colour, and cut as 
though it were soap. 

Drying the coils beside the boiler was only a temporary 
arrangement, as a special room was being built for this 
purpose. This new drying room had no windows, and was 
approached by means of wooden steps leading from the 
yard ; it was built of brick and kept heated by flues beneath 
the floor. It frequently happened that while taking the 
coils in or out of this room, they were allowed to rest upon 
the floor ; the gutta percha became from this cause more or 
less soft, and in some cases the whole coil was totally 

These cables were served with tarred yams in the usual 
way, and then covered with ten No. 9 galvanised iron wires. 
The welds of this wire made in the works were also dipped 
in a bath of molten zinc by two men sent from Messrs. 
Tupper & Carr's for the purpose. The closing machines 
were of a light and fast horizontal type ; the drawing oft* 
was done by means of turns round a large grooved wheel, 
and not by iron rollers as in use with the large machines. 
Seven three-mile lengths of this cable were sent to Gates- 
head to be twisted six round one for the shore ends. 

Whilst these cables were being made, a heavy multiple 
cable to be laid from Dover to Ostend was also in hand. Its 
core consisted of seven No. 16 solid copper wires doubly 
covered with gutta percha ; six to No. 2, and one to No. 4 
size. The No. 2 were laid helically round the No. 4, the 
whole being wormed and served with tarred yams in the 
usual way. Over these were twisted spirally twelve No. 1 
ungalvanised iron wires. 


The manufacture of this cable was in the hands of the 
contractors, Mr. Keid superintending the electrical tests. 
The Gutta Percha Company supplied the insulated con- 
ductors, and it would have been better if the coils had been 
used as they were instead of being subjected to the follow- 
ing objectionable methods of testing. 

At first they were tested in the North Dock, but that not 
being considered satisfactory, batches of the coils were taken 
in a steam tug to sea, and anchored in 20 fathoms. It was 
intended to test their insulation at that depth, but, owing 
to their light specific gravity and the strong tide, they 
might be seen floating that distance astern like huge animals 
endowed with life and struggling to be free. From this 
and other causes so many of the coils became injured that 
the plan had to be abandoned. 

On a piece of ground close to the works was a large 
horizontal boiler, which had been used for ejecting a pre- 
servative liquid into railway sleepers. In this boiler about 
70 coils were placed at one time ; one end of each coil was 
sealed and the other projected through a contrivance at the 
man-hole for testing purposes, but, owiug to the great 
leakage there, it is doubtful at what pressure, if any, the 
insulation was tested. The gutta percha covered wire of 
the Gutta Percha Company was in those days irregular in 
gauge ; the core was in places eccentric ; there was also 
want of adhesion between the coverings, besides spongy 
parts, air-holes, and gutters. The cause of each of these 
mechanical defects was well known, and energetic endea- 
vours were being made to remedy it. Close inspection was 
used to find such defects, as no electrical test would reveal 
them. After long immersion, sometimes a *^ mended " place 
would develop into an electrical fault, showing that the 
cure had been worse than the disease. Certainly the 


system of testing the coils at Sunderland only added to the 
defects of the core, and did little if any good. Unfortunately 
the important part which temperature, age, and electrifica- 
tion were playing in the conductivity of gutta percha was 
not recognised at the time ; if it had been much dissatis- 
faction and uncharitableness might have been averted, and 
peace and concord reigned in their stead. 

The ^' draw-off'' at the closing machine of this cable 
consisted of two small grooved iron rollers which, by means 
of springs, could be made to grip the cable at any pressure, 
the pressure too often used being sufficient to squeeze the 
core and put the gutta percha out of shape. The cable, as 
it left the rollers, was coiled in the yard, and apparently 
every means was adopted to keep it dry, but it was found 
impossible to maintain insulation in the No. 4 or centre 
conductor, and, on the completion of the cable, it was beyond 

To give in detail all the incidents which occurred during 
the manufacturing and laying of these cables, would only 
be to repeat what has gone before, and would be as tedious 
to the reader as to the narrator ; suffice it, therefore, to record 
that these and other shorter cables were laid, and that the 
year 1853 appeared as propitious as the previous year 
had been disastrous to the advancement of submarine 

However, to those who knew exactly how these cables 
had been manufactured and laid, it was no surprise that 
repairing ships were so soon at work upon some of them. 


Cable from Spezzia to Corsica — Corsica to Sardinia — Sardinia to Bona — Messrs. 
Tapper & Carr — Messrs. Euper & Co/s Wire Rope Works — First Con- 
signment of Covered Wire — " Core Machine " — Gutta Percha Damaged — 
Morden Wharf— Messrs. Elliot, Glass & Co. — Mishaps during Manufacture 
—Constant Continuity Test — Mr. H. V. Physick — First Section Finished- 
Insulation of each Conductor — Persian — Shoring — Mr. John Thompson 
— Great Rejoicings — Persian leaves Greenhithe for Genoa — Storm En- 
countered — Falmouth — Keyham Dock — Cable in Einks — Persian leaves 
Plymouth — Reaches Genoa safely — Laying Commenced — Taffrail Damaged 
— Cape Corso — Messages — End Landed — Insulation Deflection — Favour- 
able Weather — Twelve Enots laid from Bonifacio to Longo Sardo — Third 
Section — ^Vertical Galvanometers — Cable left in Tank — ResvXt — Captain 
Eell — Star — Whitley Park — Laying Commenced — Mishaps — Cable Cut — 
Expedition Abandoned — Remarks. 

While the last-mentioned cables were being laid, Mr. 
Brett had undertaken to construct lines across the Mediter- 
ranean, from Spezzia to Corsica, from Corsica to Sardinia, 
and from Sardinia to Bona ; all these were to be precisely 
similar to the Dover and Ostend cable, except that they were 
to have a centre of soft tarred string in lieu of a No. 4 wire. 
The first section was laid between Spezzia and Corsica. 
Early in January, 1854, the Gutta Percha Company to the 
order of Messrs. Tupper & Carr, who, I believe, were the 
contractors, sent to Messrs. Kuper & Co.'s Wire Rope 
Works, on the Surrey Canal at Camberwell, the first consign- 
ment of gutta percha covered wire for this cable. An altered 
wire-rope stranding machine, known as the '^ Core machine," 
twisted these wires, the tarred hemp worming, and the 
serving together. In this process the gutta percha became 
more or less damaged ; it was liable to get over the side of 


the bobbins, especially when revolving quickly; friction 
straps would become too slack, or cog wheels break, or knots 
too large to pass the lay plate would occur in the yarns ; and, 
lastly, inexperienced men and boys handled the core as they 
would have done an ordinary wire rope. 

A barge filled with water proved a very good place in 
which to keep and test the coils of gutta percha covered 
wire ; a similar arrangement also answered admirably for 
the coiling and the testing of the core as it was made. 

On February 25th, twenty-five knots of the core were so 
tested, and then taken in the barge to Morden Wharf, East 
Greenwich, where the length was coiled on the upper floor 
of a building then in course of erection for the manufacture 
of the cable. Mr. Kuper was now replaced by Mr. Glass, 
the name of the firm being altered to Glass, Elliot & Co. 

Mr. Fenwick was engaged to make and superintend the 
working of a machine similar to the one he had used at 
Wapping for the Dover and Calais cable. Although the 
iron wire was ungalvanised, it was supplied through Messrs. 
T upper & Carr, a firm of galvanisers ; the senior partner of 
this firm took great interest in everything connected with 
the manufacture of this cable, his representative being 
always present. Mr. Glass lived in an adjoining house and 
passed most of his time both night and day in the Works. 

This line was not constructed without a repetition of those 
mishaps which had befallen its predecessors. As the cable 
was made it was coiled in an open yard, into what was in- 
tended to be a water-tight tank, but, owing to the nature 
of the soil, it was found impossible to keep water in it 
during low tide in the Thames. Experience had taught 
that the insulation of the conductors was always better 
when the cable was covered with water or in a cool atmo- 
sphere, so the tests were generally taken at high tide or in 


the evening. A constant continuity test was applied to all 
the wires, by what might be described as six galvanometers 
in one long horizontal case. A current kept the needle of 
each deflected, but should a want of continuity occur in any 
conductor, the needle, in assuming a vertical position, 
would come into contact with a pin, thus closing a bell 
circuit which gave the alarm. 

Mr. H. V. Physick frequently tested the electrical 
condition of this cable for Mr. Brett during its manufacture. 
On May 9th the first section, 110 knots, was finished, the 
end being brought from the machine and laid upon the coil 
in the yard, amidst the cheers of the workmen and the 
mutual congratulations of all concerned. 

With the coil under water, 144 new cells and a vertical 
galvanometer with one cell, which stood at 60 degrees, the 
insulation of each conductor was as follows : — 

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 
Degrees 5 4 3 3 4 3 

a condition of affairs considered highly satisfactory. 

The 110 knots were coiled dry in the hold of a long 
narrow screw steamer, called the Persian^ and secured with 
beams of timber in the usual way. This mode of '^ shoring " 
is for many reasons very objectionable and ought to be dis- 
continued ; so ought the '^ lash,'' which is really the tying 
together of the turns of the coil to keep them in position ; 
as the cable is paid out the ties are cut, but should the men 
omit to do this at the proper time, the cable becomes en- 
tangled, and much trouble and anxiety ensues. 

Mr. Fenwick was under the impression that he would 
have charge of the laying of this cable, but Mr. Brett en- 
gaged instead Mr. John Thompson, an engineer who had 
superintended the manufacture and laying of cables for 
Messrs. Newall and Co. The coiling of the cable on board 


was no easy task ; not only had it to be hauled by many 
hands from the tank to the ship, but that laborious work 
was hindered by frequent stoppages to repair broken wires ; 
so the completion of the job was celebrated by much rejoic- 
ing. The ship was dressed with flags from stem to stem, 
invited guests, both male and female, promenaded the deck, 
and the inhabitants of Greenwich made holiday in honour 
of the occasion. All the conductors were joined so as to 
make a length of 660 knots ; through this, by means of the 
long-distance fuse, the ladies fired electrically cannon or 
small quantities of gunpowder placed in cases of gutta 
percha at the bottom of the Thames close to the ship. 

Early in the morning of June 24th, with every prospect 
of a fine passage, the Persian left Greenhithe for Genoa, 
there to embark Mr. Brett and friends, and then to proceed 
to Spezzia, but at noon on the 26th she encountered what 
was to her a storm in the " Bay." In the main hold the 
shoring gave way, and the cable thus set free formed itself 
into an entangled mass. The sea swept the deck and in- 
vaded every available place below ; the vessel being much 
knocked about by the violence of the storm, it was deemed 
advisable to put back, and, if possible, reach Falmouth. 
On gaining that port the extent of the damage done was 
more fully realised; the shifting of the cable had given 
her a "list'' which caused inconvenience even in smooth 

The cable in the main hold had to be taken out, examined 
and recoiled, and as Falmouth afforded no accommodation 
for such work the ship was taken into Keyham Dock, 
Plymouth, where with much difficulty the work was done. 
The cable had formed itself into very bad kinks and bends 
and in some cases heavy purchases had to be employed to 
disentangle it. When the recoiling wa« finished, car- 


penters, unfortunately inexperienced, were employed to 
securely shore it, and knowing from previous observation 
how liable they were during this operation to drive nails 
into the cable, all the conductors were joined in series 
and a well-watched test kept. It was fortunate that this 
plan was adopted, for insulation was destroyed by a nail 
entering between the iron wires and perforating the gutta 
percha down to the copper wire ; this accident occurred in 
the eye of the coil, and as it was found impossible to 
repair the damage without removing a large portion of 
the cable, it was thought better to mark the place and stop 
to examine it during the laying. When the nail was 
withdrawn the insulation returned to its normal condition 
and so allowed the test to be continued. The Persian 
left Plymouth on the evening of July 8th, arriving at 
Genoa on the 18th, and on the 2l8t the laying of the cable 
was commenced from Spezzia. It had not proceeded far 
when a broken wire caught in the guide of the "paying- 
out drum '' (why so designated it would be difficult to say 
as it was here used to retard the cable), and destroyed the 
insulation of all the wires in a sharp bend on the taflfrail. 
Advantage was taken of the opportunity afforded by this 
stoppage to put another turn round the drum. The 
following day it was found necessary to repair the laflfrail 
and add an additional paying-out drum, but, during the 
stoppage for these purposes, the cable started paying itself 
out at full speed and it was some minutes before it could be 
stopped; then it was found that a sharp bend on the 
tafl&rail had again destroyed all insulation. With all the 
appliances available, it was but just possible to lift the 
cable sufficiently clear of the rail to apply a Spanish 
windlass. The gutta percha was much crushed by this 
untoward accident, and six new pieces of wire had to be 



inserted, necessitatiDg twelve joints in close proximity. 
All this occupied from the morning of Saturday, July 
22nd, until the morning of the following Monday; at 
5 p.m. on that day the damage done to the cable by the 
insertion of the nail at Plymouth was repaired, and the 
ship remained anchored by the cable until 4 a.m. the next 
morning. At 6.30 p.m. of the same day the Persian 
anchored off Cape Corso, when cannon were fired by the 
long distance fuse, and congratulatory messages sent and 
received; the accompanying steamer Tripoli then left 
for Genoa. By noon the next day the end was landed, 
and with 72 cells and a fairly sensitive vertical galva- 
nometer, the insulation deflection of each wire was 

No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 
Degrees 4 4 6 5 5 4^ 

With 12 cells the signals were very good on a single 
needle instrument. 

The laying of this 90 knots occupied from 4 a.m. of 
the 21st uDtil noon of the 26th; fortunately during this 
time there was no wind to ruffle the sea, and no clouds to 
tell of coming storm ; had this been reversed the cable 
would have been numbered with the slain, instead of 
being quoted as an example of engineering skill in the 
annals of submarine telegraphy. After waiting two days 
for favourable weather the length of 12 knots was laid 
from Bonifacio to Longo Sardo. Three broken wires 
occurred during the laying, and, owing to a miscalcula- 
tion, the cable was too short to reach the shore, so a piece 
had to be spliced on at low water mark ; these delays 
made it 30.30 p.m. before the work was accomplished. 
On the completion of the cable taken out by the Persian 
the contractors commenced the third section, intended to 
Jbe laid from Cagliaria to Bona. On the 24th of August, 


after the usual number of mishaps, seemingly inseparable 
from the manufacture of submarine telegraph cables, 125 
knots were completed. 

Eival makers constructed and supplied vertical galvano- 
meters, some of which gave the following results on this 

Conductors 123456 

Mr. Qlass's Qalyanometer . . . 4 4 4 4 3 4 \ Degrees 

Mr. Physick's „ . . . 25 25 23 22 24 20 1 Deflec- 

Mr. WiUoughby Smith's Galvanometer 40 36 38 39 37 39 ) tion. 

The instrument from which the last mentioned results 
were obtained, was manufactured for me at the Works of 
Mr. W. T. Henley, under his personal superintendence. 

This cable was left for nearly twelve months in the tank 
in the yard of the Works ; it was sometimes kept wet, but 
more often dry, and exposed to all the changeable con- 
ditions of the weather. It was at length coiled into the 
holds of the Result^ one of Green's large sailing vessels, 
and taken to Cagliaria. It arrived there on September 
8th, 1855, and on the 17th Mr. Brett joined the ship. 
Captain Kell, who had accompanied the Persian^ and was 
employed on board that vessel in many capacities, was 
thought by Mr. Brett fully competent to take charge 
of the laying of this cable. 

Two small steamers had been engaged in London to 
attend the Result^ and at noon on the 22nd, one of 
them, the Star^ arrived at Cagliaria reporting the other, 
The Whitley ParJc^ as broken down and gone to 
Gibraltar for repairs. At 3 p.m. on the 25th the end 
of the cable was landed at Cape Spartivento and the 
laying commenced, the Result being towed by a French 
steamer, the Tartare. The expedition had not pro- 
ceeded many miles before the ship was stopped to alter 



the leading on gear, as the cable was riding upon the 
fore drum, owing to its having too much play. At 
11 p.m. a kink stopped the paying out, and the ship 
hung to the cable all night. 

At 9.30 next morning, soon after starting, the cable 
surged over both the paying out drums and paid itself 
out at a terrific speed for about two knots when, fortu- 
nately, one of the turns in the hold got entangled with 
one of the shoring planks and stopped it. 

The insulation of all the conductors in this portion was 
destroyed, and no power being found suflScient to lift the 
cable at the stern, it was cut and passed through the 
hawser to the windlass and there secured for the night. 
All this took place on Wednesday, September 26th, and 
on the morning of the following Wednesday a broken end 
was hove in. 

During the week a little over one knot was regained, and 
as it was not thought advisable to hove in at night, the 
ship rode by the cable during the dark hours. 

The portion recovered contained many kinks each of 
which was deficient in insulation, or continuity, or both, 
and perhaps it was as well the cable broke, for the wind- 
lass was worn out and fast becoming useless. 

The length of cable in the sea was abandoned, and the 
Result was taken to within a knot of Cape Spartivento, 
where the Whitley Park lifted the cable and passed it 
to her, but owing to unfavourable weather it was three 
days before laying was recommenced, and then it was 
thought advisable not to proceed at night, but to hang 
to the cable until daylight; especially as the ship was 
rolling to an alarming extent. When the laying was 
recommenced the Whitley Park assisted the Tartars 
to tow, as the Result was making slow progress and 


the cable was leaving her at its own speed; thus 25 J 
knots of cable passed into the sea for only 15 knots of 
distance, so at noon on the following day, Monday, 
October 8th, the cable was cut close to the stern wheel 
and the expedition abandoned. 

During the laying of this cable it was curious to note 
how it would at times leave the ship at an ungovernable 
speed, and then, as suddenly, stop of its own accord, no 
power at command being sufficient to move it from the 
perpendicular position it would assume, until the ship had 
proceeded a certain distance, when the balance would be 
disturbed and another run would occur to regain it. 

In those days most of the cable layers considered it 
correct to lay them taut, in fact to stretch them as much 
as possible, slack being considered as so much cable 
wasted. Assuming this rule to be a good one, surely 
on board the Result^ in this second attempt it was 
unreasonable to expect that so heavy a cable could be 
laid in unknown depths, not only without any slack, 
but stretched to reach the desired land. 

It was a pitiable sight to see the Result in the face 
of a strong wind and turbulent sea pulled by the two 
steamers. Owing to the want of pre-arranged signals, 
they often dragged her in opposite directions while the 
cable was leaving the ship at its own speed, and men, 
whose tongues appeared as uncontrollable as the cable, 
were indulging in angry expletives and mutual recrimi- 
nations. If the experience gained on board the Permm 
during the laying of the first section had been properly 
utilised, it is certain that many of the mishaps which befol 
the Result could have been avoided. 


Lighter Three Multiple Cable — Lost in Endeavour to Lay — Cable between 
Cape Spartivento and Bona — 1857 — Cable Laid — French IjOW Court — 
Cable Useless — Mr. J. R France— Efforts to Eepair— Strand Conductors — 
Professor Faraday — Experiments on "Electric Induction** — Professor 
Wheatstone — Experiments — Dr. Whitehouse — Electrical Conditions for 
an Atlantic Cable—" Black Sea Cable "— S.S. Elba— Hough. Weather— 
" Cone and Rings "—Line Laid Successfully— Shore End Cut Through- 
Opinion of Lord Lyons — Competition — Gutta Percha Company — Difficult 
Position to Maintain. 

To give in detail the' particulars of the expedition of the 
following year is quite unnecessary, the main events being 
similar to those previously experienced. It is, therefore, 
enough to note that the contractors made a much lighter 
three multiple cable, and that Mr. Brett lost the whole of it 
in his endeavour to lay it from the 8.S. Dutchman^ 
which was employed to carry it. Mr. Brett no longer em- 
ployed Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co. as his manufacturers, 
but went to Messrs. Newall & Co., who, in consideration of 
a lump sum to be paid to them when electrical communica- 
tion should be established between Cape Spartivento and 
Bona, agreed to design, manufacture, and lay a multiple 
cable between those places the following year (1857) ; Mr. 
Brett and his party to have no part in the proceedings of 
the contractors. 

This cable contained four 16 gauge. No. 4 wire copper 
strandj covered with two coverings of gutta percha to No. 5 
gauge ; this was by far the thinnest covering of gutta percha 
ever used for submarine cables. 


The cable was laid after much trouble and many accidents ; 
on one occasion unprotected gutta percha covered wire did 
good service in establishing communication while more 
cable was fetched from home, there being about twelve knots 

Upon its completion opposing electricians diflfered as to 
the electrical condition of each conductor, and while a 
French law court was considering the matter, the cable 
became useless and was eventually abandoned. 

Mr. J. E. France was the electrician appointed by Mr. 
Brett to test this cable when laid, but finding that the con- 
tractors would only allow one current to be used, and that 
one in their favour, he was perfectly justified in his indig- 
nant refusal to have anything more to do with it. 

Subsequent efforts to repair this cable showed that in 
places the gutta percha had been sliced, apparently with a 
knife, along one side of the conductor and tightly bound 
in its place again by well-tarred yam. Thus ended an epi- 
sode that will not redound to the credit of progress in sub- 
marine telegraphy. 

In the description of this cable I have for the first time 
mentioned the word, strand ; short lengths of wire made 
pliable by twisting them into a strand and plaiting and 
braiding them together had often been covered with gutta 
percha for electrical purposes, but not for submarine cables, 
until the frequent failures of solid conductors suggested 
their adoption. The first time a strand conductor was used 
was in 85 knots of cable made in 1856, by Messrs. Glass, 
Elliot & Co., and laid by them from the 8.S. PontaSy from 
Newfoundland to Cape Breton. It is true that weight for 
weight, a strand, when covered to the same thickness as a 
solid, with any iosulating material and surrounded by a 
conductor, has the disadvantage of a slightly higher indue- 


tive capacity, which in those days was considered by many 
fatal to its use. As to its mechanical advantage there could 
be no doubt, and it is a source of gratification to know that 
this soon outweighed the supposed electrical difficulty. 

Fortunately, the advancement of submarine telegraphy 
did not depend upon the successful completion of the sec- 
tion just described. It was with some of the gutta percha 
covered wire which formed part of the cable laid from the 
Persian that Professor Faraday made the experiments on 
*^ Electric Induction,'' experiments so well described at 
page 508, vol. III. of his "Experimental Eesearches. ' 

Upon the completion of this section, while it was coiled 
at Greenwich, Professor Wheatstone experimented with a 
view to verifying some of Professor Faraday's statements ; 
fortunately it was demonstrated to him that the results ob- 
tained with a coiled cable, especially if a multiple one, were 
delusive, and in no way proved Faraday to be wrong. Pro- 
fessor Wheatstone has published some of the experiments, 
but they must be received with caution, as they will 
be found to differ from those made with long straight 

Dr. Whitehouse experimented upon the next section 
while it lay coiled at Greenwich, in order it find out the 
most suitable electrical conditions to be used in an Atlantic 
cable. It is to be feared that the results obtained were 
misleading as to the proportions of a conductor, the thick- 
ness of the gutta percha and the nature of the electrical 
energy necessary to give the desired speed for a cable 2,000 
knots in length. 

In 1855, during the Crimean War, Messrs. Newall & 
Co. were employed by the British Government to make 
and lay a line, which became known as the ^' Black Sea 
Cable." The contractors bound the Gutta Percha Company 


to supply to them, within far too short a time, 400 knots of 
16 copper wire doubly covered with gutta percha to No. 1 
gauge. As Messrs. Newall & Co. shipped the cable im- 
mediately on its delivery to them, the proceeding was con- 
sidered very mysterious, and in proportion to the mystery 
were the efforts of rival contractors to unravel it. 

Unfortunately for Messrs. Newall & Co., the S.S. 
Elba^ employed by them to carry the cable, experienced 
rough weather in the North Sea and had to put in to the 
Thames for repairs; here the curiosity with regard to 
the rapid shipment culminated in the employment of every 
device for gaining the much coveted information. 

It had always been a common practice, both at the Gutta 
Percha Works and at the Cable Works, to wind the coils of 
wire upon a swift ; this swift consisted of a circular wooden 
base, on the centre of which was fixed a perpendicular 
wooden cone, going through the eye of the coil while the 
disc supported it. Each hold of the Elba was fitted 
on a much larger scale, with a similar contrivance, round 
which was wound the gutta percha covered wire, just as it 
was received from the Gutta Percha Company, except that it 
had been joined in one continuous length, and twelve knots at 
either end of the line had been covered with iron wires to 
act as shore ends. Metallic rings were suspended round the 
top of the cone and in the rigging of the ship through which 
the wire passed when being laid. Mr. Newall eventually 
patented this contrivance, when it became known as the 
" Cone and Kings," and was the cause of much litigation 
and recrimination. Whether the patent could be evaded 
by using a cylinder, telescopic or not, in lieu of a cone, and 
other contrivances instead of the rings, opinions differed, 
but certainly with the use of the cone and rings commenced 
the desirable system of securing coiled cables on ship board, 


instead of the objectionable practice of using wooden planks 
and nails. 

This line was successfully laid from Balaklava to Varna, 
and Mr. Newall has placed it on record that the cable had 
been in use for ten months, when just before the conclusion 
of the war one of the shore ends was cut through designedly 
by a sharp instrument. This mischief was quickly repaired, 
and Lord Lyons has given it as his opinion, that the dura- 
tion of the war was lessened considerably by the facilities 
for rapid communication which this line gave. This is 
another instance in which unprotected gutta percha covered 
wire has rendered good service and proved itself fully 

Cable makers, contractors, and concessionaires were but 
a small body at that time, but they seem to have been pos- 
sessed with a large proportion of envy, hatred, malice, and 
all uncharitableness with regard to one another ; that is, if 
we may judge from the way they spoke of their rivals 
while watching their doings with " Paul Pry '^ tenacity. 
Competition, fair and honest, is healthy and legitimate ; it 
does good in many ways, but when it condescends to the 
despicable device of injuring the work of the successful, it 
deserves all possible condemnation. One is loth to believe 
that such a thing did occur in connection with submarine 
telegraphy, although an English jury arrived at that con- 
clusion, as I shall hereafter relate. 

The Gutta Percha Company had a most difficult position to 
maintain, as their diflterent customers were clamouring to 
be supplied. If the Company were behind time, they were 
accused of favouritism, reminded of the "failure '' of many 
cables through the unsuitability of gutta percha, and the 
many endeavours that were being made to find a substitute 
which would certainly be used in preference, etc., etc. It 


must be admitted that the Gutta Percha Company to satisfy 
their customers frequently supplied wire, which under 
ordinary circumstances they would not have sent out ; the 
mechanical flaws thus passed were as defects in their 
armour, of which their adversaries were not slow to take 


Works at Birkenhead—Hemp Rope Walks of Mr. Endeiby— Mr. W. T. Henley- 
Works at North Woolwich — Ireland and Newfoundland — To be Connected 
—Samples of Cable— Made and Tested— Messrs. Brown, Lenox & Co.— 
Cable Selected— Atlantic Telegraph Company— Coils of Cable Tested— 
Core Covered — Niagara — Agamemnon — Laying Commenced — Valentia — 
Cable Broken — Professor Thomson — Breaking Strain — Mr. Cyrus Field — 
Temperature and Pressure — Conductivity of Copper Wires — Insulation — 
Paying-out Machinery — Covering of Conductor — Cable Re-shipped — 
Laying from Mid-Atlantic — Cable Broken — Breaking Strain — Another 
Attempt — England and America Connected — Hopes Delusive — Imprac- 
ticable Schemes — Detecting Faults — Examination of Core — High Tempera- 
ture — Valuable Knowledge Gained — Conductivity of Wire Resistance — 
Mr. C. T. Bright 

To provide more room, and for greater convenience in 
shipping their cables, Messrs. Newall & Co. turned some of 
the warehouses at the side of the Birkenhead Docks into a 
cable factory, and here they did most of their work. 

Not far from the works of Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co. 
stood what had at one time been the Hemp Rope Walks of 
Mr. Enderby, and part of these they rented to meet the 
extension of their business. 

Mr. W. T. Henley, who had hitherto confined himself to 
instrument making and the laying of subterranean lines, now 
commenced manufacturing submarine cables, and for this 
^ purpose rented the other part of Enderby's. But time soon 
proved that two rival manufacturers could not work under 
one roof, so Mr. Henley, much to his annoyance, had to leave, 
and Messrs, Glass, Elliot & Co. rented the premises he 
vacated. When turned out of Enderby's, Mr. Henley built 


works beside the Thames at North Woolwich which con- 
founded his enemies and astonished his friends. 

Even those persons most competent to judge differed in 
opinion as to whether sufficient experience had been gained 
to warrant an attempt to connect Ireland and Newfound- 
land with a view to bringing England and America into 
electrical communication. It was certainly a laudable 
desire, but those who were in favour of the proposed scheme 
differed as to the best means of accomplishing the task. 

Many sample-lengths of cable were made and their 
mechanical properties tested at the works of Messrs. Brown, 
Lenox & Co., the one ultimately selected consisting of a 
seven copper wire strand, weighing 107 lbs. per statute 
mile, trebly covered with gutta percha to f -inch diameter, 
and weighing 237 lbs. per statute mile. This was helically 
covered with tarred yarn, and then with 18 seven iron wire 
strand of the same size as the conductor. The total weight 
per statute mile of the cable was one ton. Prepared yard- 
length specimens of this, not only showed its flexibility 
but looked very pretty, and were used as decoys to obtain 
the capital required, a purpose which seems to have been 
more thought of than the suitability of the cable. 

In 1856 the Atlantic Telegraph Company was formed. 
Their proceedings do not compare favourably with even the 
first attempt to connect England and Ireland by electricity. 
Hare-like and careless was the rapidity of their per- 
formances as contrasted with the tortoise-like caution of 
their predecessors. The Gutta-Percha Company manufac- 
tured the core, and from December 19th, 1856, to July 6th 
the following year. Dr. Whitehouse had at their works 
"tested" 2,717 knots. 

The coils varied in length — ^the maximum being 3,091, 
the minimum 1,623 yards — ^and each coil was tested 


separately in batches varying from 15 to 136 coils each 
time. After the coil had been " passed '' it was wonnd on 
to a wooden reel and sent to be covered with hemp and iron 
wire strands, either to the works of Messrs. Glass, ElUot 
& Co., or to those of Messrs. Newall & Co. at Birkenhead, 
between whom the 2,717 knots were equally divided. 

Thirty half-knot lengths of this core were covered up to 
three-fourths of an inch with common gutta percha, mixed 
with mahogany wood dust. These were part of the 30 knots 
to be covered for the shore ends, but, from some then unknown 
cause, the insulation was far below that of the ordinary 
core ; that is to say, all the coils were tested with forty-two 
12 cell sand batteries and a fairly sensitive large horizontal 
galvanometer, and the number of degrees of deflection 
regulated the passing or rejecting of the coil ; but, as neither 
time nor temperature was taken into account, such tests 
were not always just, and consequently the verdict was 
frequently disputed. Ultimately the f -inch was abandoned 
and the ordinary core used instead. 

The half of the core made at Birkenhead was coiled as 
best it could be on board the Niagara^ a war steamer lent 
by the American Government. The Agamemnon^ a war 
steamerlent by the English Government, received under 
similar circumstances the half made at Greenwich. On 
Friday evening, August 7, 1857, the laying of the cable 
was commenced from Valentia, Ireland, in the direction of 
Newfoundland, but on the Friday following the ships put 
in to Plymouth, as the cable had broken at the stem of 
the Niagara when nearly 400 knots had been laid. 

Professor Thomson (now Sir William Thomson) and one 
of the directors of the Atlantic Telegraph Company, tried, 
at the works of the Gutta Percha Company, the breaking 
strain of a piece of the cable (Newall^s make) close to where 


it broke, with 85*75 cwt. A new length made by Glass, 
Elliot & Co., to compare with it, carried 75 cwt., and 
broke while sustaining 75*75 cwt. 

The secretary of the Atlantic Telegraph Company and 
Mr. Cyrus Field experimented at the same works as to the 
mechanical effects of temperature combined with pressure on 
their core. At 110° F. it remained firm with a pressure of 
56 lbs., but when that temperature was exceeded it was not 
to be depended upon. The cable was passed through a 
hot " preservative compound " and coiled on shore at Ply- 
mouth during the winter, and in the meantime 400 knots 
more cable were made to replace the portion lost. 

The conductivity of the copper wires used in the strand 
conductor, and the insulation of the completed lengths were 
tested by Mr. Phillips at the Qutta Percha Company's 
Works, and they were then sent to Glass, Elliot & Co.'s 
works at Greenwich to be covered with tarred hemp serving 
and strands of iron wire. 

The newly devised paying out machinery made by 
Messrs. Easton & Amos was put together at the Gutta 
Percha Works, where Mr. Bright and most of his staff 
experimented with it. 

Mr. Hoarder, a blind gentleman, of Plymouth, had 
suggested to the Atlantic Telegraph Company that if they 
covered the conductor with cotton or similar material before 
putting on the gutta percha it would considerably lessen 
induction. This idea suggested itself to Mr. Hoarder while 
he was experimenting with the induction coil, and he 
experimentally investigated the subject further with static 
electricity, Leyden jars and pieces of flannel. 

The words less induction appear to have been good bait 
for the Atlantic Telegraph Company, as they immediately 
had six knots of their core covered as suggested, half with 


cotton and half with "worsted of varying thickness, but in 
each case Mr. Whitehouse and Mr. C. F. Walker found the 
induction higher than that of the ordinary core. Even 
assuming that it had been less, there were many other 
reasons against the adoption of such a core. 

In the summer of the following year the cable was re- 
shipped, and, from the numerous experiments made in the 
deep water of the Bay of Biscay on the way out, it was 
thought that sufficient knowledge had been gained to justify 
the splicing of the cable in mid-Atlantic, and for the ships 
to proceed in opposite directions to lay it, one going east 
the other west. But owing to the breaking of the cable 
beyond the prescribed distance, arranged for a return to 
mid-Atlantic in case of failure, each ship steamed to Cork 
for consultation. 

Professor Thomson, Mr. Glass, and one of the directors 
of the Atlantic Telegraph Company, tried, at the Gutta 
Percha Works, the breaking strain of the cable, which was 
close to the last break in the Atlantic (Messrs. Glass, Elliot 
& Co.'s make) ; it carried 63 and broke with 65 cwt. On 
the previous day Messrs. Bright, Whitehouse, and Elliot 
were also present, but on that occasion the cable slipped in 
the clamps with a strain of 10 cwt., and it was arranged 
for them to meet again at 10 o'clock the following 

Summer being not far advanced, and a sufficient length 
of cable still left, it was decided to make another attempt. 
The expedition therefore started for mid- Atlantic, where the 
splice was once more effected. 

After another series of mishaps and much agonising 
suspense, the joyful tidings were at length proclaimed that 
the cable was successfully laid and electrical connection 
between England and America at last established. But, 


alas, the pleasure was of short duration. Very soon grave 
doubts arose that the communication was not what it ought 
to be, and those upon the spot who were competent to form 
an opinion, of course knew that the insulation was very bad 
and daily getting worse ; therefore it was with the greatest 
difficulty, even during the most favourable intervals, that 
intelligible signals could be interpreted. When at last it 
was no longer possible to signal at all, and the many devices 
tried to restore the insulation proved unavailing, the ^' I 
told you so" class came prominently to the front, with 
numerous suggestions and models ; each individual assert- 
ing his method to be the only way to ensure success. How 
multitudinous were these doubtful sympathisers, and how 
devoutly it was wished that most of them possessed more 
reason and less imagination ; as then, perhaps, their tongues 
would not have been so voluble in advocating impracticable 
schemes. Well has it been said 

" Beware of a tongue 
That's loosely hung." 

Of course it was thought that gutta percha had proved 
wanting, and many substances were suggested to super- 
sede it. 

Much has been said and much written concerning this 
cable and how it was manipulated. During its manufac- 
ture, want of continuity frequently occurred in the con- 
ductor while being served or sheathed at joints or mended 
places. With a view to detecting such faults, the electrician 
of the Atlantic Telegraph Company ordered all the coils to 
be wound under sufficient strain for this purpose. In this 
way the core was stretched, and, owing to the dead set of 
the copper and the resilient character of the gutta percha, 
the core was more susceptible of being affected by an 
abnormal temperature. About two knots, recovered during 


one of the attempted repairs, was examined by me at the 
works of the Gutta Percha Company in the presence of Mr. 
G. Saward, secretary to the Atlantic Telegraph Company. 
Even in this short length there were many parts where, for 
a considerable distance, owing to the cable having been 
subjected to a high temperature, the conductor was to be 
seen on the surface of the gutta percha, and was only pre- 
vented by the serving from coming into contact with the 
outer iron strands. In such places it was difficult to 
separate the hemp and gutta percha, so closely had 
heat and pressure united them. The cable having been 
manufactured dry and never put into water until it was 
laid, it is possible, and highly probable, that the tarred 
hemp serving had sufficient insulation to conceal its real 
condition until it was too late to remedy it. Much valuable 
knowledge was gained while this line was in hand. 

Professor Thomson demonstrated the important fact that 
electrically all copper had not the same conductivity, and in 
this respect the wire being used for the Atlantic cable varied 
as much as 40 per cent. Unfortunately this discovery was 
made too late to be utilised, excepting in the 400 additional 
knots. What had been long suspected was proved beyond 
a doubt, namely, that a decrease of temperature increases 
the electrical resistance of gutta percha, and that the 
amount of the resistance depends upon the time it is under 
electrical charge, or, as it is now termed, polarisation or 
electrification. Age, too, has a marked eflfect in increasing 
its resistance. It was also proved that neither length nor 
depth was a barrier to the advancement of submarine 
telegraphy if managed with the care and attention necessary 
to ensure success. It was likewise ascertained at this time 
that pressure in water did not develop faults but concealed 
them. Therefore, the time and money expended on this 


cable was not all wasted ; rather should we be thankful 
for the many useful lessons gained during its manufacture 
and laying. 

Mr. C. T. Bright, as engineer to the Atlantic Telegraph 
Company, received the honour of knighthood at the com- 
pletion of the laying of this cable. 



Compound — Four Multiple Cable — Dunwich to 21andvoort — Order Received- 
Core Tested — Usual Mishaps — Mr. C. F. Varley — Fault Localised — Cable 
Coiled — WiUiam Cory — Extraordinary Proceedings — Cable Laid — Fault 
Discovered — Twelve Months Removing it — Action, Glass v. Boswell — In- 
sulation Destroyed by a Nail — Verdict — New Trial Applied for— Remarks 
— New Trial Refused. 

In December, 1857, 1 first advocated the use of a compound 
composed of gutta percha, Stockholm tar and resin, as an 
adhesive mixture ; this was for application between each 
separate covering of the gutta percha, instead of passing it 
through so quick a solvent as coal-tar naphtha, which had 
been the practice of the Gutta Percha Company ever since 
they commenced covering wires with more than one coating 
of gutta percha. It was also suggested that the solid or 
strand conductor should pass through this mixture, before 
receiving its first covering of gutta percha. Experience 
soon proved that this mixture had not only good adhe- 
siveproperties, but that wires covered with it had higher 
insulation than those covered in the ordinary way. Com- 
paratively short lengths of " compounded wire " had been 
supplied and had given great satisfaction. 

The small cables manufactured at Sunderland, and laid from 
Orford Ness to the Hague for the Electric Telegraph Com- 
pany, had given so much trouble and caused so much expense 
in repairs that it was decided to replace them by a large and 
heavy four-wire multiple cable, to be laid from Dunwich 


to Zandvoort, Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co. being engaged to 
manufacture and lay it. 

To give the compound a good and practical trial, it was 
arranged that two of the conductors should be " com- 
pounded," while the other two were insulated in the 
ordinary way. On Monday, June 14th, 1858, the Gutta 
Percha Company received the order from Glass, Elliot and 
Co. for 560 knots of a solid copper wire No. 13 Birmingham 
wire gauge, to be doubly covered to No. 0, same gauge. 
It was to be in four equal lengths, one to be plain and the 
others to have respectively 1, 2, and 3 projecting ribs of 
gutta-percha upon their surface as distinguishing marks. 
Nos. 2 and 3 were to be " compounded," and the other 
two covered in the ordinary way. 

On Friday, July 2nd, Mr. Latimer Clark, as engineer to 
the Electric Telegraph Company, and a representative of 
Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co. tested, at the Gutta Percha 
Company ^s works, the first four knots, in coils of one knot 
each. The insulation of Nos. 2 and 3 was four times 
better than No. 1 and plain, that is to say, the " com- 
pounded " coils gave 4° each, and the other two 16° each. 
These were delivered at Greenwich, the manufacture of the 
cable commenced, and about the middle of the following 
September it was completed. 

All those concerned in this improvement congratulated 
themselves that the value of the compound was to be 
granted so practical a test, and great interest was evinced 
at every stage of the proceedings; great then was the 
concern on the announcement that the cable, when laid, 
had one of the " compounded " wires faulty. Messrs. 
Glass, Elliot & Co. were thought at the time to be acting 
wisely when they placed the electrical department of the 
expedition in charge of Mr. C. F. Varley, who was not 


only electrician to the company for whom the cable was 
laid, but a great authority with the public generally on 
telegraphy and matters electrical. He had, to his own 
satisfaction at least, accomplished what no other man had 
been able to do, that is to say, he had localised a fault in 
the Atlantic cable. It was generally supposed that in such 
skilful and experienced hands this expedition would be all 
that could be desired, instead of which it proved to be a 
series of mishaps from start to finish. 

The cable was coiled into the fore and main holds of the 
S.S. William Cory^ familiarly known as Dirty Billy. The 
shoring of the eye of each coil consisted of the usual rough 
wooden planks nailed together, and was erected while 
going down the Thames on the way to Zandvoort, where, 
with all speed, the shore end was landed and the laying of 
the cable commenced. It seems to have proceeded in an 
extraordinary manner, as nothing that occurred induced 
those in command to stop until off Dunwich, where the 
other shore end was landed. During the laying, some of 
the shoring in the eye of the coil fell in, causing trouble 
and confusion, and two or three kinks were allowed to 
pass, although one of them was so bad that a buoy was 
pitched overboard to mark the place. Insulation was totally 
destroyed, but such was the system of testing, that it was 
fully twenty-five minutes before this fact was discovered. 
At first the fault was supposed to be in the connections, 
and much time elapsed before it was traced to No. 2 wire ; 
then, although it was of low, if of any appreciable resistance, 
it was not localised with any degree of certainty. It is 
true that generally, at the latter end of September, the 
North Sea is unsuitable for cable laying, but upon this 
occasion even bad weather was not suggested as an expla- 
nation of the novel and strange proceedings. 


Several attempts were made to remove the fault, but it 
was twelve months before these efforts succeeded, and then 
the mischief was only discovered after taking up two knots 
of the cable; a nail had been driven in so as to form 
contact between No. 2 conductor and the outer wires. A 
similar accident had happened to other cables while being 
shored. It was satisfactory to learn that the compound 
was not at fault ; on the contrary, the tests were highly in 
its favour. 

Twelve months after the completion of the repairs, and 
more than two years from the date of laying the cable, 
when passed troubles might well be supposed buried and 
forgotten, all the circumstances were vividly revived. Mr. 
Glass brought an action for damages against Mr. Boswell, 
the London agent of Messrs. Newall & Co., for having 
engaged a man to accompany the laying expedition and 
intentionally destroy insulation by forcing a nail into the 

The transcript of Messrs. Cock's shorthand notes of the 
whole trial was published in book form by Messrs. Water- 
low & Sons. I think no unbiassed person who has read the 
book with an endeavour to understand it, can have closed 
it without a firm conviction of regret that the men, selected 
to decide the case, had not even a slight knowledge of the 
subject. Had it been otherwise some pertinent questions 
would certainly have been asked and some judicial remarks 
made during this remarkable trial. 

Much importance appears to have been attached to the 
fact that Mr. Boswell induced a Mr. Curtis to get him 
a piece of the cable. This should have carried no weight, 
for it was the constant practice, especially with rival con- 
tractors, to endeavour to get hold of a specimen of each 
other's cables, and many amusing anecdotes might be 


related of the devices adopted to achieve this end. Some 
tried for specimens merely from curiosity, while others 
dissected the pieces obtained to find out what class of 
materials was used, the length of lay, &c. ; for, be it 
remembered, the materials of which submarine telegraph 
cables are made can differ considerably both in quality 
and in gauge, and consequently in price also. If the con- 
tractor specified for the best material of a certain gauge, 
and used inferior material of a light gauge, then, of course, 
the cost of production would be considerably reduced; 
and to obtain, as I have said, specimens of the different 
cables, was one way the contractors had of watching each 
other's proceedings. The stops of the cable are simply 
hemp strings, which fasten each ring or circle of the cable 
together, to prevent its springing or getting out of place 
while coiling. These stops are put on at regular intervals, 
radiating from the centre to the circumference, thus forming 
lines similar to the spokes of a wheel. During the laying, 
one man has chai'ge of each line, and his duty is, not only 
to cut the necessary stop, but having done so, to hold his 
section of the cable in position until it is taken from him 
by the running out portion. The foreman of the coil is 
supposed to see that each man performs his allotted task. 
Cutting stops, &c., is simple work enough, but most im- 
portant, and no man dares to leave his post without getting 
the consent of his foreman, who has to provide a substitute; 
for, if the stops be not properly cut, the consequences are 
likely to be serious. It would certainly have been more 
satisfactory, if the man who relieved Curtis during his 
alleged absence, or the foreman in charge at the time, had 
been called upon to give evidence. It is noticeable that 
the Plaintiff only called two witnesses who were actually 
on board the William Cory when the fault occurred. One 


of these witnesses was Curtis, who said that he drove tho 
nail in intentionally, and the other, the electrical assistant 
who discovered the loss of insulation. 

The language of truth is simple ; the foundation being 
sure no number of repetitions can shake it ; but the evi- 
dence of Curtis, although difficult to follow, is in sub- 
stance, if I rightly interpret it, as follows : — 

'^ I am a ship-rigger by trade, but at intervals, for tho 
last eight years, I have been employed by Messrs. Newall 
& Co. in various capacities. In August, 1858, the 
Defendant, Messrs. Newall & Co.'s agent, engaged me to 
get employment some way or other by Messrs. Glass, 
Elliot & Co., to accompany their ship which would soon 
start on a cable-laying expedition; not only to see whether 
they infringed Mr. NewalPs patent in shoring the cable, 
but, if possible, to injure the cable by driving a nail into 
it while they were busy laying it, and, at the request 
of the Defendant, I obtained a piece of the cable, so that 
he could the better instruct me how to accomplish this 
object. The cable was coiled in the fore and main holds, 
but was in one continuous length. During the laying I, 
with about nineteen others, was engaged upon the coil 
cutting the stops. All the cable had been payed out of the 
after hold, and about five turns of the first flake of the 
coil in the main hold, when I left my duty and went into 
one of the comers of the coil, and with the aid of my knife 
and a piece of wood drove into the cable, about four flakes 
down, a 2^-inch new nail which I had picked up on deck 
about twelve hours previously. Having driven it in as far 
as I thought necessary I cut it off, broke it off^ and it was 
very soon reported that one of the communication wires 
was gone. They could get no message from it." 

Now if there is one time more than another when tho 


cable hands are required to be at their posts, especially 
with such a large cable, it is when the uncoiling is being 
transferred from one hold to another. The uncoiling always 
commences from the centre, where, of course, the turns 
are small, requiring great vigilance on the part of all 
employed to prevent kinks, &c. It is therefore difficult 
to understand how, at this time, Curtis could, unobserved, 
have left his duty and done what he says he did. 

As regards the shoring Mr. Winter, in his cross-exami- 
nation, says : — 

" In the centre of the coil were wooden struts, roughly 
nailed together, and these were knocked away, being in 
the way of the paying out of the cable." 

This is precisely what was done with a similar cable 
where, as already described, one of the nails destroyed the 
insulation of one of the wires. Unless the insulation is 
aflfected it is impossible to tell what is in the cable, for the 
slightest film of gutta percha between the conductor and 
any metallic substance is sufficient to prevent detection, 
but the movement of the cable from a ring to a straight 
line, as in cable-laying, has been sufficient to develop a 
fault by forcing the two into contact. 

If Curtis cut the nail, as he says he did, surely the top 
part would have projected between the iron wires, yet Mr. 
Glass, in his evidence, said: — ''We discovered, after 

stripping the wire We could see nothing externally 

After stripping the wire we found a small piece of 

iron between the wires After the wire was stripped 

the piece of iron showed itself." He then goes on to say :— 
'' It confirmed his (Curtis') account exactly." 

With regard to the electrical department Mr. Winter 
states in his evidence : — " I am an assistant engineer to 
the Electric Telegraph Company. This was the first time 


I had been engaged in cable-laying. During my watch I 
had no assistant. The insulation test was usually taken 

at intervals of from ten to fifteen minutes At this 

moment the test had been at 8.40 p.m. There was a lapse 
of twenty -five minutes, during which I was taking observa- 
tions, by the revolution of the rotometer, of the depth of 
water and the speed at which the cable was paying out." 
.... " Between 8.40 and 9.5, during which time the 
fault occurred, the speed was at the rate of 3*78 nautical 
miles per hour. I should say there is 1*25 miles in a flake, 
but cannot say positively." 

Assuming that there was only one mile in a flake, and 
that Curtis did injure the cable four flakes down, then the 
fault must have been well in-board when discovered, and 
ought to have been localised there. 

The verdict was given for the Plaintiff*, and the Defen- 
dant moved for a new trial, where affidavits both pro and 
con. were taken. In one of them three of the leading cable 
hands in the employ of the Plaintiff stated : — 

^^ It was part of our duty to superintend the men in 
cutting the stops ; the cutting commenced from the eye of 
the coil and the men would always have their backs turned 
towards the outside of the coil, and, being in a stooping 
position and naturally intent on a dangerous occupation, 
they would not be likely to see any person on the outside 
of the coil standing on the flooring of the hold or beams 
running across the hold, more especially if he stooped so 
as to keep his head below the coil." 

But surely men so placed have a full view of all the hold. 
It has often been a subject of comment that cable hands 
take such an interest in their work that they are the first 
to call attention, if they have the slightest suspicion that 
any of their number i» neglecting his duty. Knowing the 


truthfulness of this, and the way in which the foremen 
perambulate round the coil, how Curtis could accomplish 
his object in the way he describes, is to me incompre- 

The affidavit goes on to state: — "The uncoiling of 
each flake occupied about fifteen or twenty minutes ; so 
for a great portion of this time the men employed in 
cutting the stops would be a considerable distance from the 
outside of the coil." Suppose the mean of fifteen and 
twenty be taken, which would be 17 '5, and multiply it by 
4, the number of flakes given by Curtis, the result 
would be 70 minutes ; and if, as is supposed, the faidt 
occurred directly after Mr. Winter's test at 8.40, then 
25' from 70' leaves 45', or 2-5 flakes in-board when it was 

As to the assertion that " The rust driven off the cable 
caused so thick a dust that it was impossible from the deck 
to distinguish who the men were in the hold," my expe- 
rience with similar cables has been, that the pressure at 
the lay plate of the closing machine has been such as to 
squeeze the tar in the serving through the interstices of 
the iron wires over which the coiler's hands spread it, and 
by that means the cable has a covering of tar which pre- 
vents dust at any time. Also during the laying, only the 
watch on duty were allowed in the hold, and the " comers 
of the coil '• were more or less filled with the pieces of the 
shoring from the centre of the coil. 

Lord Chief Justice Erie, who presided at the trial, is 
reported to have said : — '^ A clear understanding of the 
cause of complaint has a very material bearing in my mind 
upon the evidence. The electric cable, as probably is well 
known, is made with a wire in the middle, a sheath with a 
long conducting substance, and, for marine purposes, coated 


wire on the outside. If there is any metallic contact with 
the wire enclosed and the non-conducting substance, the 
efficiency of the cable is destroyed." 

This definition reads curiously, especially from such a 
man. The leading counsel for the Defendant, Mr. Bovill, 
too, must have felt that he had been wasting his time, 
when after detailing most minutely the position of the 
cable and how Curtis said he injured it, Mr. Justice Byles 
interrupted him to ask, " Was the coil into which you say 
the nail W8is driven on the deck or in the cabin ?" 

A new trial was refused, nevertheless I leave the subject 
with the firm opinion that the fault was accidental and not 
caused by malice. 


Light Cables — Candia and Alexandria Cable — Order — 1858 — Insulation Test 
— Coils sent to Birkenhead — Attempt to Lay Cable — Failure after Three 
Attempts — Different Cables Used — Mishaps during Laying — Electrolysis — 
Hemp Cables — Fresh Order — Wire Manufacturers —Two Qualities of 
Qutta Percha — Red Sea Telegraph Company — Distance of Sections- 
Jointers — Bad Joints — Cheap Core— Tests — Pressure Tank — Messrs. Sie- 
mens and Halske — Bed Sea Cable Laid — Perfect Paying-out Machinery — 
Faults Developed — Cable soon Useless — Government Support — New 
Cable— Special Arrangements for Manufacture — Stranding Machine — 
" Gib Core " — Insulation of Coils — Covering of Core — Experiments — Tests 
for Government — Dr. Esselbach — Mr. Reid*8 Cylinder — Static Electricity — 
Guttapercha — Temperature — First Test of "Gib Core "—Numerous oUier 
Tests — Theory v. Practice — Vacuum and Pressure — Pressure Tank — Strand 
Compounded — Rangoon and Singapore — Rejected Core — Electrical Resist- 
ance — Insulation — Reduction of Standard — Discharge of Electricity — 
Cable Coiled — S.S. Queen Victoria— Ke&t Generated — Resistance Ther- 
mometers—Malta and Alexandria Cable — Death of Mr. Gisbome — Cable 
Laid in Three Sections— Staff— Line Leased to Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co. 

This trial has led me somewhat ahead with my jottings. 
I will therefore retrace my steps and endeavour to keep 
more closely to my text. 

Messrs. Newall & Co. were evidently in favour of what 
are called ^' light cables," for wherever they had entire 
control, they used them, as in their Holyhead and Howth, 
their Black Sea, and the Candia and Alexandria cable 
which I am about to describe. 

Whether these lines were adopted with a view to advance 
submarine telegraphy by actual and practical experiment 
or for the purpose of economy is still an open question. 

In May, 1858, the Gutta Percha Company received an 


order from Messrs. Newall & Co. for 380 knots of No. 12 
stranded wire doubly covered to No. 1 ; this represented 
150 lbs. of copper and 170 lbs. of gutta percha per knot, 
making the thickness of the gutta percha '093. It was 
immersed in water of no specified temperature, in coils 
one knot in length, and so tested for insulation by either 
Mr. Eobert Reid or Mr. James Beid, on behalf of Messrs. 
Newall & Co., at the Works of the Gutta Percha Company. 
The tested coils were packed in cases and sent to the 
Works of Messrs. Newall & Co. at Birkenhead, where, 
when practicable, they were wound on iron reels and 
again tested for insulation, under pressure in a tank or 
iron cylinder constructed for the purpose. 

The process of exhausting the air, admitting water and 
applying pressure, developed air indentations on the sur- 
fece of the gutta percha which were not developed at the 
Gutta Percha Works, but they in no way influenced the 
electrical tests ; it was only in appearance that they were 

On the 3rd July, 380 knots were completed, and Messrs, 
Newall & Co. covered this length with tarred hemp cords 
and with it endeavoured to connect Candia and Alex- 
andria. They failed to do so owing to a combination of 
adverse circumstances, although three attempts were 

For their second attempt the hemp was covered with 
iron wires, put on similarly to those on the gutta percha 
of their Holyhead and Howth line. In the third and last 
attempt they used the length saved from this line, and 
some iron bound cable borrowed from a company for 
whom they were making it. The iron bound cable they 
laid, but when they came to their own length, failure 
again attended their eflforts. They returned home sadder 


but let US hope wiser men, having lost over 800 miles of 
" cable" on these three expeditions. 

These failures were not conducive to the advancement 
of submarine telegraphy, the cables being, as those well 
acquainted with the facts knew, badly designed, badly 
manufactured, and badly put down. The line was never 
immersed excepting as the laying proceeded, and while 
attempting to remedy the faults then developed, the cable 
broke. It also broke without warning, in mysterious ways, 
while it was being laid in deep water on a rough and rocky 
bottom, with less than one per cent, of slack. Through 
blundering the steamer was twice run aground while the 
cable was being paid out. 

At sometime or other the line must have been submitted- 
to a very high temperature, causing the conductor at 
frequent intervals almost to touch the circumference of 
the gutta percha, and accounting for the gradual develop- 
ment of faults. 

It was said ^^the slight film of insulating medium in those 
places allows a suflGlcient portion of the current to pass 
through it, electrolysis sets in and destroys insulation." 
The theory is ingenious, but my belief is that there were 
faults concealed by the tarred hemp which developed 
rapidly when the cable was immersed, just as in the 
instance of the Atlantic cable already described. As to 
electrolysis, I may mention that it is a very simple and 
easy process to make gutta percha globes much larger 
and thinner than the "rubber air balls" with which 
children play. Let such a globe, containing, say, water, 
be suspended in a glass vessel containing a similar fluid, 
and one end of a battery placed in the vessel and the other 
end immersed inside the globe, have a make and break so 
arranged as to reverse the battery or not ; no diiference 


will be noticed in the insulation, no matter what the speed 
or strength of the current may be. At least my maximum 
and minimum has been 1 to 500 per minute from 1 to 500 
Leclanche cells for nine months. With perfect globes no 
apparent effect was produced, but if there was the 
minutest defect, such as a speck of foreign matter, or 
an imperceptible flaw, it was curious, and at the same 
time instructive, to watch the action of the current, in 
the formation of gas, by the decomposition of the water, 
at the identical place, until at length the insulation became 
totally destroyed. 

A mile length of similar hemp cable was wound in a coil 
and immersed in water. Owing to the action of the water 
upon the hemp, the gutta percha covered wire was drawn 
into forms most remarkable. The contraction of the hemp 
appeared to alter daily, until at the end of a month it 
presented the appearance of a bundle of Gordian knots. 

The advocates of hemp cables need not be discouraged 
by anything which happened to this ,one, they need only 
bear in mind that in the shallow water the hemp was soon 
demolished by insects. Samples of hemp cables properly 
made have stood experimental tests remarkably well, and 
are therefore worthy of a more practical trial on a larger 

On Saturday, 17th July, 1858, Mr. Gordon, one of the 
firm of Newall & Co., after experimenting at the Gutta 
Percha Works, with a coil of '^ compounded" and one of 
ordinary covered core then in course of manufacture for 
the Zandvoort and Dunwich cable for Glass, Elliot & Co., 
gave an order for 3,500 knots of No. 0, Birmingham wire 
gauge, with a covering of the compound on the strand and 
between the gutta percha. This was equivalent to 180 lbs. 
of copper and 212 lbs. of gutta percha per knot, and their 


diameters for this were •116 of an inch copper, '340 of an 
inch gutta percha, giving a thickness of only '112 of an 
inch for so large a strand. Allowing for waste, this length 
would require at least 320 tons of copper drawn into 
24,500 knots of No. 19 Birmingham wire gauge. To 
ensure the production of this quantity at the rate of 300 
knots per week, many firms of wire manufacturers had to 
be employed ; each promised to do its best, but refused to 
be bound to any standard of conductivity, considering 
such a demand arbitrary and altogether impracticable. 
Although, with some, bad was their best, it was evident 
that others were trying to outdo their rivals, and thus 
establishing a healthy competition. 

The impracticable was fast vanishing, and long clean 
lengths, uniform and of higher conductivity, were being 

I doubt whether it has ever been fully recognised how 
important were the labours of these men ; by responding 
quickly to the call made upon them, they were the first to 
sow the seed, the fruit of which, not only in the electrical, 
but in many other branches of science, is now being reaped 
in an abundant harvest. 

This length of wire would also require about 410 tons of 
gutta percha. Just then the Gutta Percha Company were 
sorting their gutta percha into two qualities known as " A " 
and " B " ; "A " being used exclusively for covering wire, 
and ^^B " for general work, such as sheets, millbands, &c., &c. 
This large order following quickly upon the completion of 
the core of the Atlantic cable, which had taken about 450 
tons of " A " quality, did not give the Company time to 
replenish their stock, so they arranged to use the " B " 
quality for the second covering of this and all other 


This length of core was required for the Red Sea Tele- 
graph Company's cable to be laid in sections as follows, the 
figures giving the distance of each section in knots. 

s i I I =3 i I 

M w w <j a 1^ w 

I 264 I 477 I 646 | 717 | 488 | 477 | 

Messrs. Gisbome and Forde were appointed engineers, 
but took no part in the designing, manufacturing or laying 
of the cable ; in fact, it was purely a contractors* " go as 
you please *' sort of arrangement, and from what follows I 
think it is evident that full advantage was taken of the 

The British Government who had so liberally subsidised 
this line did not apparently think it necessary to look after 
their own interests, and they had to pay dearly for the neg- 
lect. The contractors appointed no representative to test the 
wire in London, but they had to deliver it at the Works of 
Messrs. Newall & Co., Birkenhead, where, it was said, it 
would be tested in water, under a pressure of 1,000 lbs. 
per square inch. The coils were at first delivered in as 
nearly one knot lengths as possible, the Gutta Percha Com- 
pany sending men to join them as required. For a time these 
jointers w^e allowed in the Works, but, under the plea 
that they were learning too much of the art of cable 
making, they were confined to a private room, the ends 
of the wires to be joined being passed to them through 
a hole made in the wall for that purpose. This arrange- 
ment did not last long, the men being sent back to 
London, accused of making bad joints, and the "cable 
makers" arranged that their own men should imdertake 
this work. 

On the Gutta Percha Company investigating the subject, 

F 2 


Mr. Gordon admitted, with the greatest candour, that the 
amount of friction they thought it necessary to apply to 
keep the wire taut while passing into the core and iron 
covering machines, might possibly stretch it, but thought 
that well-made joints ought not to stretch so little and 
break so frequently as these had done. The Gutta Percha 
Company demonstrated to Mr. Gordon how liable joints and 
repaired places were to become defective or to break under 
the like conditions, and strongly advised the discontinuance 
of such a system. The Company also suggested that 
their jointers should again undertake the work, as the 
joints submitted to their inspection were decidedly inferior, 
both electrically and mechanically. The jointers, however, 
never returned, and there is reason to believe that the 
stretching continued to the end. With a view to obtain- 
ing a cheap core, a few miles of this strand were covered 
to the required size, with a very soft and common gum 
called gutta percha mixed with from 12 per cent, to 25 
per cent, of shellac. These coils were sent to Birkenhead 
to be tested under pressure and to be otherwise experi- 
mented upon. When done with, they were to be returned 
to the Gutta Percha Company, but unfortunately, owing to 
a misunderstanding on the part of Messrs. Newall's 
assistants as to what the coils were, they were allowed to 
pass into the cable, the fact not being discovered until too 
late for their removal. The Gutta Percha Company had also 
every reason to believe that some of the short lengths of 
this wire were, by accident, joined in with the regular 
core at their Works, and passed into the cable without 

When about 1,800 knots, had been delivered, iron reels 
on which in future the wire was to be forwarded, arrived 
from Birkenhead. Each reel held four knots and was sup- 




posed to fit the pressure tank, but, within a month, the 
Gutta Percha Company were requested to send half knot 
coils only, as the pressure tank was out of order. 

In three days^ time one knot lengths were asked for, and 
this was continued for about two months, when the four 
knot reels were again used. 

Although the electrical tests at Birkenhead were kept 
secret, it is fair to suppose that they were not of an 
elaborate character, if one may judge by the short time 
the wire remained in the pressure tank. 

The pressure tank process did certainly show that tho 
Gutta Percha Company had yet much to learn with regard 
to excluding the air from their covering machines. A few 
of the coils were returned as being too low in insulation, 
but it was time, not pressure, that had deyeloped these 

On March 9 th, the Gutta Percha Company were requested 
to suspend the manufacture of the '* Red Sea Cable " and 
with all speed, proceed with 56 knots for the Candia Alex- 
andria cable which has been already described. 

On August 19th the order for the '^ Red Sea " was 
continued, the length being increased to 4,600 knots^ 
and in the following September the Gutta Percha Company 
completed that quantity. 

During the laying of this, or rather these cables, the 
electrical department was in charge of Messrs. Siemens 
and Halske, of Berlin, and Mr. Werner Siemens of that 
firm accompanied the expeditions. 

Some of the sections were laid at a speed of 8*5 knots 
per hour with only 3 per cent, of slack ; in fact, it is on 
record that from Aden towards India 254 knots of cable 
corered 252 knots of distance, " so perfect was the paying 
out machinery." 


No wonder that faults soon developed which it was 
impossible to repair ; in some places the elongation of the 
iron wires had nipped the gutta peroha, and in others the 
iron wires were much stretched and broken. Of course the 
contractors did not consider themselves to blame; they 
could not be held responsible for ship's anchors, lightning, 
high battery power used in ignorance, nor for inexperi- 
enced men employed by the Company. 

All the sections soon failed and became useless, but the 
English Government alone suffered, finding, when too late, 
that they had '^paid too dearly for their whistle," 

Considering the position of England, far from other parts 
of the world where she had many colonies and dependencies, 
it was but just and right that submarine telegraphy, whose 
birth promised great things for communities in general and 
for the British Government in particular, should, at least 
during infancy, have looked to Government for support and 
succour. Some people said that the assistance given by 
Government was very erratic, that at one time it strained 
at gnats, while at another it cheerfully swallowed camels. 
However that may be, it must not be forgotten that con- 
cessions were granted, soundings taken, men provided, and 
ships lent to assist in the laying of the cable ; also that, in 
the case of the Eed Sea Telegraph Company, a subsidy was 
granted which cost the British taxpayer £36,000 per 
annum; from this outlay the public, owing to circum- 
stances which ought never to have occurred, reaped no 
benefit whatever. Surely this was a case of killing the 
goose that was expected to lay the golden eggs. Well 
might the Government join issue with the Atlantic Tele- 
graph Company to hold a joint committee of enquiry into 
the history of submarine telegraphy, and to suggest, if 
possible, a remedy for its many lamentable failures. The 


Government also undertook to investigate the subjict, and 
employed well-known men to conduct experiments. These 
were of course steps in the right direction easily under- 
stood and commended as such, but why, on the eve of 
such enquiry, the Government should, without any 
apparent reason, think it advisable to order a cable, is 
not so intelligible. 

On June 1st, 1859, the British Government ordered of 
the Gutta Percha Company 1,200 knots of a seveu copper 
wire strand, weighing 400 lbs. per knot, trebly coverod 
with gutta percha to the same weight, so that the whole 
was 800 lbs. per knot. 

They appointed the firm of Messrs. Gisborne and Fordo 
as their engineers, and this firm engaged Mr. J, C. Laws 
as electrician. The proportions of the conductor and 
coverings were as follows : — 

The strand consisted of 7-056 wires=400 lbii.^168 

This was covered, 

Firstly with 80 lbs. of gutta percha to '235 diameter, 
giving a thickness of '033. 

Secondly with 150 lbs. of gutta percha to -365 diameter, 
giving the thickness of '098. 

Thirdly with 170 lbs. of gutta percha to '467 diameter, 
giving the thickness of '149. This was such an excep- 
tionally large size that special arrangements had to be 
made for its manufacture. 

Archibald Smith's horizontal quick stranding machineSj as 
used at the cable works to twist the iron strand for the 
Atlantic cable, were employed to make the copper strand. 
The peculiarity of these machines is that the bobbins remain 
stationary while the frame revolves, thus making it possible 
to use comparatively large bobbins, and consequently, longer 


lengths of copper. The engineers reported of this core that 
it stretched 25 per cent, and broke at 9*4 cwt. It was stated 
til at the core was for a cable to be laid from Falmouth to 
Gibraltar, so it came to be known as the "Gib Core." 
On June 27th, three knots were completed, and Mr. Laws 
commenced experimenting with them. On July 6th, the 
first fifty knots were passed. I should use the term coil 
rather than knot, as they differed in length, but were kept 
as near 2029 yards as possible. The Gutta Percha Company 
liad to find a suitable room and fit it with all the apparatus 
required for electrical purposes. The insulation of these 
coils was taken while they were suspended along the out- 
,sido of a " Fly Boat," moored in the basin of the canal, at 
the back of the Gutta Percha Works. The battery used 
consisted of 504 cells of the ordinary sand type, and a sensi- 
tive horizontal galvanometer. Neither the time of electrifica- 
tion nor the temperature was taken into account, but, with a 
view to obtaining an approximate co-eflScient for temperature 
one of the coils was removed from the canal where the 
temperature of the water was 74° Fahr., and kept for 24 
liours in water at a temperature of 58° Fahr., when the 
deflection on the galvanometer fell from 70° to 2'5°. Lengths 
r»f this core were supplied to cable makers, and also to 
those who wished to become so, to cover as they thought 
liest, and deliver at the works of Messrs. Siemens & Halske, 
at Millbank. Here, in the presence of the engineers and 
ns many of the makers as chose to attend, these samples 
were submitted to experiments similar to those made by 
1 lie Atlantic Telegraph Company, at Messrs. Brown, Lenox 
k Co.'s, in 1856. 

Early in September the Gutta Percha Company were in- 
formed by the British Government that Messrs. Siemens & 
Halske, of Berlin, were appointed by them to electrically test 


the core now on order, and, a few days afterwards, Mr. C. W. 
Siemens and one of his assistants visited the Ghitta Percha 
Works, with a view to selecting a suitable test room. They 
thought it probable that a new room would have to be built 
to suit the sensitive apparatus they had to use, but for the 
present they selected a suite of rooms on the top floor in 
the front of the building. On October 1st men were un- 
packing and fixing the instruments in those rooms, but 
twelve days later they were all removed, because it was 
found that, being mounted upon slabs of slate, the loss of 
insulation was far too great and variable to enable any re- 
liable tests to be obtained. Up to October 31st 400 knots 
of the completed core had been certified as perfect and paid 
for; in addition to these there were about 200 more knots 
in various stages of manufacture ; no order for the delivery 
of the passed coils having been received, the Gutta Percha 
Company were overstocked, and at their wit's end to know 
where to put them. Still they were not allowed to decrease 
the manufacture, but received instructions to meet the diffi- 
culty by purchasing more boats ; this they hesitated to do, 
considering that they had already encroached too much upon 
the canal. The Gutta Percha Company had been informed 
that the core would be tested under pressure before it left 
their works, and made provision for Mr. W. Eeid to fix two 
of his cylinders for that purpose ; but not imtil November 
12th did Mr. C. W. Siemens intimate his desire to immerse 
the core, while on the iron reels ready for the pressure 
tank, for twenty-four hours in water kept at a uniform 
temperature of 80°, the water supplied to the pressure tank 
to be of the same temperature. Although this would cause 
further delay, it was considered a step in the right direction, 
and arrangements were at once made to place iron tanks in 
the cellars of a new building erected for the cylinders, each 


tank being suflBciently large to hold two coils. About this 
time there were 542 coils completed and stowed in various 
parts of the works, some in water and others dry. On 
November 22nd Mr. Siemens' assistant, Dr. Esselbach, 
began to test the copper resistance of each coil. This was 
done on the principle of the Wheatstone bridge, composed 
of resistance coils, multiples of what was known as Siemens' 
unit, which was supposed to be equal to the resistance 
of a prism of mercury, one metre in length and one milli- 
metre square, at a temperature of 0° Centigrade. The 
resistance of each coil was recorded in these units. On 
December 2nd, one of Mr. Eeid's cylinders arrived at the 
Gutta Percha Works ; it was a very formidable looking 
aflfair, which might have been mistaken for a steam boiler. 

The Gutta Percha Company had represented to Govern- 
ment that their business was being seriously interfered with 
through the accumulation of the stock of " Gib " core ; in 
reply they were informed that Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co. 
were to manufacture the cable, and that they would soon 
be ready for the core. 

Mr. Siemens had an idea of using static electricity for 
testing the insulation of the coils, and for that purpose, on 
January 2nd, 1860, one of Armstrong's hydro-electric 
machines was brought to the Gutta Percha Works. A few 
experiments were, however, sufficient to prove that such 
high tension was totally unsuitable, for the current passed 
through the gutta percha in all directions, making perfora- 
tions resembling small air or " blow " holes. 

On January 19th, after many failures, Mr. Eeid got a 
fairly good vacuum and a pressure of 600 lbs., which he 
said was as high as he intended to go, and consequently 
he considered the tank was ready for practical work. 

On January 27th, Dr. Esselbach reported that he had 


discovered what the Gutta Percha Company thought was a 
self-evident fact, that the core on a reel did not take up the 
temperature so quickly as when in a coil, and that he had 
not yet learnt how long it would take to arrive at a uni- 
form temperature of 80^. This was not all ; the Company 
were cautioned against the error of assuming the resistance 
of the conductor to give the true temperature of the 
gutta percha surrounding it. The conductor being in 
the centre, it was reasonable to suppose that the gutta 
percha was the only means of conducting the temperature 
to the copper, but, paradoxical as it may appear, experience 
had taught that the conductor was at the true temperature 
long before the dielectric. 

In round numbers the gutta percha of the core was 
shown by analysis to consist of 

Pure Gutta Percha 
Soft Resin 
Vegetable Fibre 







To account for such an unexpected problem with regard to 
temperature, I imagined the interstices of the molecules of 
pure gutta percha to be filled with, foreign matter, which 
conducted heat more freely than the pure gutta percha did. 
Of course assuming the temperature to be 80°, when it 
was really lower, gave the lengths a higher insulation than 
they possessed, but the error at the same time being of an 
unknown quantity and very irregular, there was shown to be 
a want of uniformity. Against this the Gutta Percha Company 
strongly protested, for they were aware that many persons 
were trying to lower gutta percha from the high eminence 
it had attained, and to replace it by a substance with which 
they were more intimately connected. 


When it became generally known that temperature was 
such an important factor in calculating the resistance of 
gutta percha, what a multitude of sins it was made to cover ! 
Unexplained phenomena were attributed to this cause, and 
it stopped further investigations, from which much would 
have been learnt. 

Thursday, February 9th, 1860, was an eventful day at 
the Gutta Percha Works, as the first test of the " Gib'' core 
under pressure then took place. On this occasion the wire, 
wound on two iron reels, kept in water at a temperature of 
85^ Fahr. for five hours, which Messrs. Siemens & HaLske 
considered equivalent to twenty-four hours at 80°, was 
placed in the pressure tank. When what was considered a 
fair vacuum was established, water at a temperature of 85^ 
was let-in, and just as a pressure of 600 lbs. was attained, the 
twenty-four screw iron bolts intended to secure the lid of 
the tank snapped in two, between the cover and the tank, 
as though divided by a sharp instrument ; while the iron 
plate upon which the base stood (the tank was placed ver- 
tically with about three feet of the top projecting through 
the floor) broke, as though it had been violently struck in 
the centre, and the tank fell carrying all before it. 

The Government had gone to the expense of purchasing 
more boats in which to store their core, but it was now 
quite evident that something besides this must be done, 
for 890 knots had been certified for the engineers and paid 
for by the Government, while 152 knots were in various 
stages of manufacture ; making in all 1,042 knots. The 
engineers consented to discontinue the manufacture for one 
month. Dr. Esselbach employing the time in experimenting 
with samples of the cores which the Gutta Percha Company 
had made and sent to the Government experimenters. 

On Monday, February 27th, all was ready for another 


trial under pressure, but the instruments of Messrs. Siemens 
& Halske were out of order ; however, next day, the first 
four miles were tested under a pressure of 600 lbs. after 
being kept in water at a temperature of 80^ for six hours. 
If the application of electrical tests could ensure a 
good core, surely the ''Gib" core ought to have been perfect, 
for never was core more thoroughly tested. The Gutta 
Percha Company made their test, then followed Mr. Laws for 
the engineers, Mr, May for Glass, Elliot & Co., and lastly, 
Messrs. Siemens & Halske for the English Government. 
The three first named used 504 cells of the sand type and 
a horizontal galvanometer, all of which were supplied by the 
Gutta Percha Company. Messrs. Siemens & Halske used their 
own instruments and battery, consisting of 100 cells of a 
Bunsen type ; these were, no doubt, much more uniform 
and higher in what is now known as electromotive force, 
but lower in resistance than the old sand cells. The fibre 
suspension horizontal galvanometer had a glass prism so 
fixed, at the end of a spy tube, that the needle and divided 
circular paper card appeared vertical, the deflection of the 
needle being so read. The deflection caused by each length 
was ascertained in this way, and then converted into 
Siemens' units as follows. What was called the constant of 
the galvanometer was ascertained at the commencement of 
the test, and assumed to remain the same until the finish. 
To illustrate my meaning, assuming that one cell through 
100,000 units gave a deflection of 50^ then the 100 
cells were supposed to give the same deflection through 
10,000,000 units. Now assuming the length under test to 
be one knot, and that after one minute's electrification it 
gave 5^, this deflection would be converted into units of 
resistance as under : — 

100.000,000 - io>ooo>ooo X 50 



It was also assumed, that every cell of which the battery 
was composed was equal, in every respect, to the one used 
for the constant ; a careful consideration of such details, the 
importance and influence of which will readily be imagined, 
goes far to show that in these tests, a great deal had to be 
taken on assumption. Test your wire while it is under as 
high a pressure as possible, advised theory. Pressure 
may do harm and can do no good, retorted practice ; it 
makes faulty coils appear perfect, and has never been 
known to develop them. 

Now, unfortunately, in those days practice was but as a 
dwarf of dwarfs, and reason seemed to back his gigantic 
opponent, theory ; small wonder then that victory fell to 
the strong. Time, however, that universal and unbiassed 
umpire, whose verdict only fools or knaves dispute, decided 
in favour of practice, proving thereby that, however 
feasible theory may appear, it cannot afford to ignore 

Vacuum and pressure combined developed " air-holes," 
which were in some cases connected by "gutters" or 
" tunnels," but it was argued that such defects left unde- 
veloped would have done much less harm than did the 
treatment resorted to for their remedy. After each length 
had passed all the tests and been certified good, it was 
pulled about in a search for "air-holes," and pieced, 
" tooled," or even a length cut out of it, according to the 
caprice of the superintendent on duty, and some of these 
gentlemen could not be congratulated upon a profound 
knowledge of the work they were appointed to super- 

On March 1st, 1860, the first four reels, containing 
eight knots of the "Gib" core, were delivered at the 
Works of Messrs. Glass, Elliot and Co., Morden Wharf, 


East Greenwich, where the core was to be covered with a 
serving of tarred hemp and eighteen iron wires No. 11 
Birmingham gauge. The only difference between this 
and the Eed Sea cable was that the latter required 
eighteen No. 16 iron wires because of the difference in the 
diameter of the core, the thickness of the hemp serving 
being in each case the same. If imitation be the sincerest 
flattery the designer of the first cable ever laid deserves 
our congratulations. 

Messrs. Glass, Elliot and Co. threatened to return this 
core, as it had been subjected to what they considered a 
dangerously high temperature, but used it on being assured 
that it was all right, water of 110° not affecting the 
mechanical properties of gutta percha> 

On the 16th of the same month the second pressure 
tank arrived at the Gutta Percha Works, and was con- 
sidered far superior to its predecessor. On April 11th 
the tank was used for the first time, and five days after- 
wards the pressure was increased to 750 lbs. per square 

As the core was sent to Greenwich on the same reels as 
were used in the pressure tank, it was found that their 
number was insufficient ; and, to keep Greenwich supplied, 
the core was often tested in water at a normal temperature, 
what was considered a correct co-efficient being used by 
Messrs. Siemens, Halske and Co. in their calculations, and 
the results given as though the temperature had been 75°. 
The core frequently got damaged while being placed in, or 
taken out of the pressure tank ; so much so that upon one 
occasion, when pressure was applied, the water flowed 
along the strand as through a tube, and issued from the 
ends which projected through the stuffing boxes; the 
whole of this portion was rejected. To obviate a recur- 


rence of this, I caused the centre wire of the strand to be 
passed through my compound before the other six were 
tw^ted, thus making a solid mass through which no 
amount of pressure obtainable could force the water. It 
was also useful in other ways, as the compound coming 
through the interstices of the strand amalgamated 
with the compound put on with the first covering of 
gutta percha, not only causing better adhesion but in- 
creasing insulation. 

The Gutta Percha Company having in hand several im- 
portant orders for cores, did not recommence manufacturing 
the Government core until the accumulated stock had nearly 
all been sent to Greenwich. With a view to its improve- 
ment, both mechanically and electrically, compound was 
used in the stranding, while the gutta percha was put on 
it in four coverings, instead of in three as heretofore. 

During the discontinuance of the manufacture of the 
core, the order was increased to 1,385 knots, and re- 
christened the Eangoon and Singapore core. 

All but Messrs. Siemens, Halske and Co. admitted 
that the new core was an improvement, but their firm 
rejected some of it as not up to their standard before and 
after pressure, although they admitted that, while under 
pressure, it exceeded their standard. It was experi- 
mentally demonstrated to them that the resistance of 
the gutta percha increased daily, and that the reason why 
what had gone before was so high in insulation was, that 
the core had been manufactured many months before they 
commenced their tests, whereas what they were now 
testing was quite new. 

That the core which was thought to be below their 
standard should be passed by them, while better lengths 
were rejected, was most puzzling, and showed that some- 


thing was wrong somewhere. This was proved by the fact 
that the rejections of one day were passed the next under a 
new number (separate lengths were known by a number), 
and by the same manipulator. Different manipulators 
also unwittingly passed those which their colleagues had 
rejected ; so when Mr. Lionel Gisborne was brought to see 
what was presumed to be a large number of rejections, he 
was surprised to learn that all had been passed. 

There can be no question as to the great desirability of 
the employment of a recognised unit of electrical resist- 
ance, the electrical resistance of substances being given 
in terms of such unit. Much credit is due to Messrs. 
Siemens and Halske for their assistance in the endeavour 
to establish such a system ; in such a case theory may 
be the architect, but practice must be the builder, if the 
erection is to be a firm and lasting one. Now it was just 
this practical knowledge that Messrs. Siemens and Halske 
lacked, especially in the testing of comparatively short 
lengths of core of high insulation, and therefore they were 
not justified in acting as they did. 

The Gutta Percha Company naturally thought the pub- 
lication of untrue statements very unfair to them, and 
misleading to others. For instance, Messrs. Siemens and 
Halske stated " The covering of the Eangoon and Singa- 
pore cable, now in process of manufacture, insulates fully 
ten times better than the covering of the Eed Sea and 
Indian cable did before it was laid. This marked improve- 
ment is due to the greater care taken by the Gutta Percha 
Company in the manufacture, under a system of stringent 
electrical tests, which we are charged by the British 
Government to apply." 

For obvious reasons the testing of the two cables will 
not bear comparison : no more care was bestowed upon the 



manufacture of one core than upon the other, and, as cores, 
their insulation, as tested by the Gutta Percha Company, 
was about the same. Considering that over 1,000 knots of 
the core was completed before Messrs. Siemens and Halske 
commenced their tests, it was presumption on their part to 
assume that the " stringent " tests referred to had anything 
to do with the care bestowed upon its manufacture. 

Again, they say ^' The lower horizontal broken line re- 
presents the standard of 90,000,000 of units at 75° Fahr. 
to which it was found necessary to reduce the original 
standard of 100,000,000, in consequence of the inability of 
the Gutta Percha Company to provide sufficient material of 
such high insulating qualities." The fact was that the 
Gutta Percha Company was opposed to the reduction of the 
standard, knowing that with newly manufactured core it 
was impossible to exceed what Messrs. Siemens and Halske 
termed 90,000,000 resistance, but that after a few days it 
would bo equal to their 100,000,000 standard. It was 
in order to keep, the Cable Works going that the engineers 
ordered the standard to be altered. The Gutta Percha 
Company was not in any way dependent on the tests of 
Messrs. Siemens and Halske, so that it was immaterial 
whether the coils were passed or rejected. 

It may be correct for theory to assert that anything 
once charged with electricity never entirely loses it, but 
practice has no need to recognise this ; at least so thought 
the Gutta Percha Company when it was requested to deliver 
the lengths of the Eangoon and Singapore core without 
ascertaining their electrical condition. The reason assigned 
for such an unprecedented and unreasonable request was, 
that the core so treated interfered with the tests of Messrs. 
Siemens and Halske, but in such short lengths a few 
minutes were more than sufficient to discharge them for 



all practical purposes. In fact, no indication of their 
having been charged could be traced, therefore the Gutta 
Percha Company took no notice of what was considered an 
unnecessary demand. 

On November 23rd, 1860, the last length of the 1,385 
knots was passed under pressure by Messrs. Siemens and 
Halske, and three days afterwards the engineers wrote to 
thank the Gutta Percha Company for their valuable assist- 
ance, and to congratulate them upon the satisfactory way 
in which the order had been executed. 

The first portion of this cable was coiled in its wet con- 
dition in the holds of the SS. Queen Victoria^ but no sooner 
had this been done than Messrs. Siemens and Halske 
announced that heat was being generated to an extent that 
would soon destroy the cable. 

It had long been recognised that the conductivity of 
copper wire altered per every degree Fahi\ -21 per cent., it 
was thought therefore that the resistance of the conductor 
of the cable would have been the best guide on this 
occasion. Messrs. Siemens and Halske apparently held a 
diflterent opinion, as they constructed what they termed 
** resistance thermometers '^ in the following manner : — 
Bound a rod of iron 18 inches in length and 1 inch 
in diameter was wound fine silk-covered copper wire of 
about 1,000 Siemens' units resistance at 32° Fahr., this 
was covered by strips of india rubber, and placed in a metal 

A length of gutta percha insulated wire was joined to 
each end of the fine wire. These "resistance thermo- 
meters '- were placed between the layers at various parts 
of the cable, and the gutta percha covered wires were 
led to the test room, where they were so connected that 
the "resistance thermometers" formed one side of a 



Wheatstone Bridge, while ordinary resistance coils com- 
pleted it. 

From the results obtained by tests so made, it was 
asserted that the heat was increasing 3° per day, and that 
it attained to 86°. At this point the engineers pumped 
water on the cable, but with apparently about the same result 
as would ensue if oil were employed to subdue a conflagra- 
tion, for Dr. Miller, whom the Government had called to 
its assistance, reported that the heat was caused by the 
oxidation of the wet iron wire where exposed to the 
atmosphere, while Dr. O'Shaughnessy asserted that oxida- 
tion of the gutta percha was causing the mischief. 

It did, certainly, appear strange in the face of all this 
evidence that ordinary thermometers in the vicinity of such 
a mass of dark heat, should not be affected by its radia- 
tion, but such was the case; they showed an uniform 
temperature of 62°. I do not know the amount of battery 
power used in these tests, but it is a fact that, if fine wire 
be wound round the bulb of an ordinary mercury thermo- 
meter, and a battery power applied, the column of mercury 
will at once show an increase of temperature. When Pro- 
fessor Thomson first called attention to the great variation 
in the specific conductivity of copper wire, this was sug- 
gested as one of the plans for its measurement. 

The theory of Dr. O'Shaughnessy, which a man of his 
high position ought never to have started, was at once re- 
jected, and it was argued that, if Dr. Miller's theory were 
correct, the mischief would cease as the exposed part 
became dry. So the Queen Victoria left for her destina- 
tion, but having occasion to put in to Plymouth she went 
ashore there, sustaining so much damage that she could not 

Mr. Lionel Gisborne brought from there a piece of the 


cable, cut from what was reported to have been the part 
most afltected by the increase in the temperature, and no 
signs of deterioration could be anywhere detected ; in fact, 
it was pronounced perfect. 

The cable was re-coiled into water tanks fitted for the 
purpose on board the 88. Malacca and Rangoon^ and re- 
christened the Malta and Alexandria cable. 

Mr. Gisbome was not permitted to see all these changes 
carried out, as he died in London, March 7th, 1861. 

The cable was laid from Malta to Alexandria in three 
sections, viz , from Malta to Tripoli, from Tripoli to Bengasi^ 
from Bengasi to Alexandria. 

Messrs. Canning and Clifford, the engineers of the con- 
tractors^ had charge of the engineering department, Mr. 
de 8auty, their electrician, being responsible for the 
electrical department. Dr. Whitehouse was also on the 
expedition on behalf of Messrs. Glass, Elliot and Co., 
the whole being under the control of Mr. H. C. Forde as 
engineer for the Government. 

The section from Malta to Tripoli had to be laid in 
comparatively deep water, but for the other two sections 
along the shores of Africa two lines of soundings were 
marked out, with a maximum depth of 100 and a minimum 
of 30 fathoms. 

Between these two lines the cable was laid in a ser- 
pentine course, with the idea that it would be the more 
readily lifted for repairs. During the laying three Go* 
vemment steamers were employed in taking soundings 
and placing flag-buoys and recovering them. 

The paying out only proceeded while there was sufficient 
light to discern the buoys, consequently the expedition 
anchored each night. The laying occupied just four 
months, commencing May 28th, 1861, and finishing 


September 28th following. During this period the testing 
was in the hands of the contractors, but on its completion 
Messrs. Siemens and Halske tested the line and pronounced 
it perfect, at the same time regretting that the system of 
testing adopted by them during the manufacture and 
shipping of the cable had not been continued throughout. 
When all was completed the Government leased this line 
to Messrs. Glass, Elliot and Co. Soundings had shown 
the bottom to be in places very rough rock, and so uneven 
that it was diflScult to keep to the proposed lines ; the iron 
of the cable was designed for deep not shallow water, but 
still it was thought that the very large core would remain 
intact even if oxidation destroyed the iron wires and 
marine insects devoured the hemp serving. 

After longer and shorter periods of immersion faults 
were developed, some of which clearly showed that they 
had occurred during the manufacture of the cable, but had 
been more or less concealed by the insulating properties of 
the tar used in the serving. 

Perhaps if Messrs. Siemens and Halske had not been so 
positive that the reduction in insulation was owing to " a 
general decrease of the insulating properties of the gutta 
percha '^ rather than ** to any local eflfiect," many of these 
defects would have been earlier discovered and removed 
in less time, and certainly at much less cost. 

I shall have occasion to refer to this cable again 
later on. 


"Joint '' Committee, 1859 — Competition— Report—Cable Manufacturers — Merits 
of Gutta Percha — ^Evidence of Mr. C. W. Siemens — India-rubber— Wra/s 
Compound — Professor Hnghes — Colonel Hyde— Self-repairing Core — Mi. 
Fleeming Jenkin — Experiments — Speed — Toulon and Algiers Cable— Mr. 
Robert Stevenson— Tests — ^Faull in First Section — Laying Commenced— 
Gkwi^e— Accident— Cable Buoyed— Broken in Lifting— " Black Cable"— 
Otranto to Corfu — Laying Commenced — Cable Lost — Grappling — Splice- 
Cable Laid — WUlicm. Cory ashore — Return Home. 

The details given of the Malta and Alexandria cable have 
carried me somewhat ahead in my narrative ; so, following 
the example of the good weaver, I will go back to pick up 
the broken thread. 

The ** Joint Committee," to which I have already referred, 
commenced its labours about the middle of 1859. Here 
was a rare opportunity, all being invited to try their skill. 

Good umpires and all necessary appliances being supplied, 
the competitors were allowed to proceed at pleasure in a fair 
field with no favour ; it was therefore certain that the best 
man would win. Many accepted the liberal invitation to 
compete, but when, two years later, the report was pub- 
lished many of them found out that ** Experience is the most 
effective schoolmaster," although, as Jean Paul observes, 
" The school fees are somewhat heavy." 

Others appear to have failed because, '* In general, all 
fatal, false reasoning proceeds from people having in their 
heart some one false notion, with which they are resolved 
that their reasoning shall comply." 

The report is contained in the usual formidable-looking 


Government Blue Book. I should not recommend its 
perusal on the score of accuracy in all respects, there being, 
to my knowledge, statements (especially of the opinions 
expressed by diflferent witnesses) that do not even require 
time to prove their incorrectness. Still, from my own 
observation, I cannot help thinking that many so-called 
"electrical engineers" of the present day might read, 
mark, learn, and inwardly digest some of its contents with 

In the days of which I write there were, what may be 
termed, three ** cable manufacturers," viz., Messrs. Newall 
& Co., Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co., and Mr. Henley ; and 
their evidence as to the merits of gutta percha for cable 
cores certainly does not agree. 

Mr. Newall says, " I think from what I have seen lately 
that my confidence is entirely gone. I would never under- 
take to lay down another cable encased in gutta percha. 
The faults have been so great and so frequent that I have 
not the least confidence in it now." 

In reply to the chairman's remark, " And that is evidence 
of your opinion of gutta percha as an insulator ?" Mr. Glass 
says, " Yes. We have had samples submitted to us of many 
other insulators which certainly show a superiority as 
regards their insulating property, but we have no means of 
judging what the efiect would be of dealing with those 
substances, particularly in laying the cable." 

In answer to Professor Wheatstone's question, ** What 
should you prefer above all things that you know ? " Mr. 
Henley said, " I should prefer pure gutta percha, in my 

It is an old saying, that what is one man's meat is 
another man's poison, and certainly this seems, from the 
foregoing paragraphs, to have been the case with gutta 


percha. The Gutta Perclia Company rejoiced when Mr. 
Newall declared that he would never use gutta percha 
again, they having long thought that he had treated that 
material very unfairly. 

Whether it was his inability to find a substitute for the 
despised gutta percha, or the result of the verdict given in 
the trial of Glass v. Boswell, is not generally known, but 
certain it is that Messrs. Newall & Co. retired from cable 
manufacture, leaving the field entirely to Messrs. Glass, 
Elliot & Co. and Mr Henley. These two firms often 
reminded me of athletes competing for a prize, so eagerly 
did they race and wrestle to gain the coveted prize in the 
shape of a fresh order. 

The Gutta Percha Company, knowing that Messrs. Sie- 
mens, Halske & Co. held views somewhat similar to those 
of Messrs. Newall & Co. as to the unsuitability of gutta 
percha covered cores, and that they also were in search of a 
substitute, waited with curiosity to hear what they would tell 
the Committee. Mr. C. W. Siemens, one of the partners in 
the firm of Messrs. Siemens, Halske & Co., of Berlin, who 
was located in London as their representative, twice sub- 
mitted himself for examination, and although the Gutta 
Percha Company knew that facts did not agree with many 
of his assertions, being of opinion that he went out of his 
way to attack the character of gutta percha and to injure 
the reputation of that material, it was surprised to find 
how easily and rapidly crude ideas could assume a tangible 

In his first evidence before the Committee Mr. C. W. 
Siemens says, ** My experience of india-rubber as an insu- 
lator is very limited." He also stated that he was unac- 
quainted with Wray's composition. Yet in his second 
evidence, given about four months afterwards, in reply to 


the Chairman's question, ** How would you propose to con- 
struct a deep-sea cable ? '' he says, " In constructing a 
deep-sea cable the conditions to be fulfilled are to get good 
insulation, great security from external injury, and light- 
ness. The material to be used immediately upon the wire 
should be one possessing very little inductive capacity and 
high insulating property. Perhaps gutta percha, after we 
have learned something more of its capabilities, may be 
rendered a high insulator, but at present compounds, such 
as Wray's mixture, appear to possess decided advantages. 
There is one difficulty in using compounds of that descrip- 
tion, namely, that they lose very much in quality by being 
exposed to heat in the covering machine. I therefore think 
it very desirable to coat the conductors without heating the 
material, and I have constructed a machine which appears 
to accomplish the object very well. Here is some wire 
coated with Wray's mixture, which can be twisted about 
anyhow, and though it is single coated it tests remarkably 
well. I should not be satisfied, however, with a coating of 
one material only, because an action similar to that we 
have observed in gutta percha, namely, the core becoming 
eccentric, may arise, although the risk of eccentricities will 
be greatly reduced in avoiding heat in the process of cover- 
ing, and the liability to air-holes will be entirely removed. 
Therefore I should always prefer to give one or more coat- 
ings of pure india-rubber. India-rubber possesses very 
remarkable properties ; in addition to its high insulating 
property and low inductive capacity, it can be stretched to 
a gieat extent, and it possesses great continuity in itself. 
Therefore, if any cavity should exist in the lower insulating 
medium, the external pressure will tend to fill the same with 
india-rubber, and thoroughly exclude the water from the 
inside. It is very important to put on the external coating 


of india-rubber without the application of heat, because the 
heat will not only injure the india-rubber itself, making it 
sticky and oily, but it is certain to injure the coating below 
it, and therefore I have tried to accomplish that also without 
the application of heat. Although for insulation a very thin 
covering is all that could be desired, so long as the insu- 
lating medium employed possesses very high insulating 
properties, it is necessary to add to its thickness in order to 
diminish the influence for induction. It is not necessary, 
however, that this additional covering should possess high 
insulating properties ; we may, therefore, select a material 
combining great strength with moderate insulating proper- 
ties. I propose for this purpose to put a number of hemp 
strands saturated in insulating cement, such as marine 
glue and shellac, or any other compound, in several layers 
upon the insulated conductor, and to bind the whole 
together by a band of copper or brass, in order to protect 
the saturated fibre from external injury. The copper should 
be either soldered up solid or it may be made so as to form a 
complete gripe joint. In this way a cable may be produced 
combining a very low inductive capacity with great relative 
strength and permanency. Its specific weight would be 
about = 1 -4, and it would be capable of supporting sixteen 
miles of its own weight in sea water. Its absolute sti*ength 
is above two tons, and, what is important, it breaks with 
little more than two per cent, of tension, whereas an iron- 
covered cable extends above three per cent. The hemp 
fibre, being thoroughly impregnated and bedded solid in 
the elastic cement, can suflfer no contraction or deteriora- 
tion, being thoroughly excluded from the sea water. This 
cable has, moreover, no tendency to untwist or to form 
kinks. The copper sheathing is intended as a permanent 
protector against abrasion and marine animals. A cable 


constructed in this maimer will not be more expensive than 
an iron-covered cable. In shallow seas, and for shore ends, 
an additional iron or steel sheathing will still be required." 

Now the Gutta Percha Company knew that Wray's com- 
pound consisted of a mixture of india-rubber, shellac, silica, 
and gutta percha; that it could be manufactured like gutta 
percha and that it resembled that material in appearance, 
but that it absorbed water, and had a higher specific induc- 
tive capacity than gutta percha. As to pure india-rubber, 
the company's experience of it was very unsatisfactory ; 
much wonder was therefore felt at the proceedings of 
Messrs. Siemens and Halske in this direction. 

Professor Hughes and Colonel Hyde were introduced to 
the Gutta Percha Company, as from America, to demon- 
strate a system the adoption of whch would ensure any 
defect that might occur in the cores of submarine cables to 
be self-repairing. Their idea was to place an insulated 
conductor in an insulated tube filled with their specially 
prepared *' semi-fluid," resembling in appearance thick, 
dark tar, and if a core so placed became by any means 
defective the '* semi-fluid" would almost immediately heal 
it by filling up the cavity. This system was very taking, 
but during the manufacture of two miles of it, ordered for 
experiments by the Committee referred to, many difl&culties 
presented themselves which seemed likely to prove insur- 
moimtable and a bar to its general adoption, especially for 
submarine cables, even if only of short length. In forming 
their opinion they had not taken into account one fact 
which time revealed, namely, that the gutta percha, so to 
speak, soaked up the *' semi-fluid," which from the want 
of nfioisture became dry, and crumbled as gutta percha does 
after the evaporation of its solvent. 

The evidence of Mr. Fleeming Jenkin, as far as it goes. 


with reference to his experiments with two coils of core, 
supplied by the Gutta Percha Company to Messrs. Newall 
& Co., must not be taken as correct, for in error, as I 
pointed out at the time, he mistook the component parts of 
these coils. Messrs. Kewall & Co. expressed regret that 
the results of these experiments should haTe been pub- 
lished, and Mr. Jenkin promised to ^^ set the matter right 
with the public." 

Formula for calculating the working capacities of differ- 
ently proportioned cables were many and misleading, while 
statements of the results obtained in the actual working of 
laid cables were very conflicting. For instance, Mr. Newall 
in his evidence before the Committee says, " The clerk was 
not aware that I was taking his speed, and I saw seventeen 
words a minute sent through that cable from Varna to 
Balaclava on the Morse instrument." While Mr. H. C. 
Forde in his evidence gives the practical speed of the 480 
knots, in the section of the Bed Sea cable from Kurrachee 
to Aden, as twelve words per minute. Comparing the state- 
ments as follows — 

Conner Ontta>nerchfl. 


this data might be used in support of their argument by 
the persons who assert that the outer covering of iron affects 
the working capacity of cables ; for, be it remembered, Mr. 
Newall is speaking of a simple gutta percha covered wire 
without any protection, save at its iron-covered shore ends, 
and Mr. Forde of a core covered with iron wires throughout. 
I have no doubt that, theoretically, with rapid reversals, 
such metal coverings have a retarding influence, but for 
such low power as that used for working cables I do not 
think it makes any difference. Of course much depends in 
either case upon the skill of the operators. 




per knot. 

per knot. 








While Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co. were manufacturing 
what eventually became the Malta and Alexandria cahle they 
were also engaged in making one for the French Govern- 
ment, to connect Toulon with Algiers. This cable consisted 
of a 7 copper wire strand conductor, weighing 107 lbs. per 
knot, covered with 4 coats of gutta percha and compound 
to No. size, and weighing 197J lbs. for same length. 
This was served with tarred yam in the usual way, and 
then surrounded with ten No. 14 tar-saturated, hemp- 
covered iron wires, known as Wright's patent ; it did not 
make what is termed a " pretty cable." Opinions diflFered 
as to the qualities of this system of outer covering, but 
specimens similarly constructed were tried at Messrs. Brown, 
Lenox & Co.'s Works in 1856, when the Atlantic Tele- 
graph Company were making their experiments there, and 
the results proved highly satisfactory. Mr. Robert Steven- 
son had stated, ^' Iron is also a material which is liable to 
rapid destruction in sea water from rust, and steel is liable 
to a similar objection, although quite admissible as regards 
strength. When either of these materials is employed it 
should be enclosed with hemp, which not only protects it 
to some extent from rust, but if properly combined assists 
materially in increasing the strength." 

He might also have said with equal truth, that with such 
an arrangement the sea water has free access to the gutta 
percha, and that sea water is the best-known preservative 
of that material. 

The core was tested under pressure at the works of the 
Gutta Percha Company by Messrs. Siemens and Halske on 
behalf of the French Government, and by Mr. Joseph May, 
one of Mr. de Sauty's assistants, for Messrs. Glass, Elliot 

During the manufacture of the first section of this cable, 


480 knots, there were 20 twists or " rings up " at the lay 
plate of the machines, 7 breaks, five times want of con- 
tinuity in the conductor, and there were in all 387 joints. 

On August 29th, 1860, the Gutta Percha Company com- 
pleted the order of 700 knots for this cable, and in this 
length there were 710 joints in the second covering, 688 in 
the third covering, and 2,169 in the fourth covering, making 
a total of 3,567 joints. Hiid more time been given to the 
manufacture of this cable the number would have been 
considerably less. 

The first section of 480 knots was coiled in the hold of 
the S.S. William Cory^ the process occupying five days, and 
it was taken to Toulon, where th0 laying commenced. The 
William Cory was accompanied by the Goniire^ a large, brig- 
rigged, paddle gunboat belonging to the French Govern- 
ment, her allotted task being to communicate positions and 
soundings. All went well, and at noon on the fourth day 
they were in 700 fathoms with a stiff breeze blowing and a 
chopping sea, having laid 380 knots of the cable. At this 
time the Gomh'e was observed to be approaching the Wil- 
liam Cory^ but as it was thought she was only engaged in 
her usual avocations, no notice was taken of her until she 
came full speed stem on and struck the latter vessel on her 
port side just abaft the bridge. As the flying jib-boom and 
bowsprit of the Gomire reached completely over the decks 
of the William Cory^ she carried away most of the things 
thereon as she drifted astern, but as soon as she got clear 
she went fall speed ahead, and it was two hours before she 
returned. Fortunately, although much damaged, the Wil- 
liam Cory was kept afloat, and they managed to attach a 
buoy to the cable before parting with it. The Gomh'e then 
towed the unfortunate cable ship into Toulon, and it was 
seven weeks before she was ready to resume work. When 


her repairs were completed, the William Cory again started, 
and after two days' searching found the buoy, but the cable 
broke in lifting and was at once abandoned, no further 
attempt being made to regain it, then or afterwards, and 
the ships returned to Toulon. The William Cory had on 
board 90 knots of ordinary cable, which was called "black" 
because the iron wires were ungalvanised. These 90 knots 
were to be laid between Otranto and Corfu, so the William 
Cory left Toulon to carry out this purpose ; she had not 
proceeded far, however, when, disabled by a gale, she had 
to return there. After necessary repaire she made another 
venture, and arrived safely at Otranto, where the laying of 
the cable commenced. Owing to those in charge not being 
prepared for the sudden changes of depth, the cable of its 
own accord ran out with great velocity, and the ship was 
put full speed ahead in the hope of reaching a more manage- 
able depth, but the length of cable exhausted itself before 
the desired goal was reached, and the buoy attached near 
the end went down with it and was no more seen. 
After grappling for four days the cable was brought to the 
surface, and a length of the Toulon and Algiers cable 
spliced to it, 27 knots of this cable bringing them to Corfu. 
On the way back to their starting-point the William Cory 
went ashore full speed about 16 miles from the cable house 
at Otranto, with no building nearer. The ship was light- 
ened as much as possible, all hands having to live and sleep 
as best they might in improvised tents on shore. On the 
fourth day, after much difficulty, H.M.S. Scourge floated 
the William Cory^ and she eventually reached London with 
all on board, apparently none the worse for the many dis- 
asters and unpleasant experiences they had sustained. 


Mr. Truman— Washed Qutta Percha— 1860— Electrical Tests— Comparison- 
Mr. Brooman's Patent — " Wet Serving " — Mirror Reflecting Galvanometer 
— Ohm's Law^Compounding Iron Wires — Mr. John Mackintosh — Mr. 
Dnncan — Experiments — Waste Core — Multiple Cable under Repair — Con- 
ductivity—Insulating Wires with Colodion — "Cable Company "—Blend 
of Qutta-percha — A — Two Prices for Wire — Mr. W ray's Tests — Letter to 
the Electrician — "Coil Current" — Wexford and Whitehead Core — New 
Zandvoort Cable — Dr. Cattell— Cleansing Gutta Percha by Solvents — 
Cable from Carbonara to Marsala — Cylinder Fixed for Mr. Reid. 

Mr. Truman, a surgeon-dentist, who employed gutta 
percha for professional purposes, used to select small 
pieces suitable for his requirements from the stock of raw 
or semi-manufactured material at the Gutta Percha Works, 
These pieces he took home, and having no steam-power at 
command, he placed them in a small masticator turned by- 
hand in hot water. By thus working the material he 
found that it became much cleaner than by any process 
used at the Works ; he therefore patented the method. 

On November 22nd, 1860, the Gutta Percha Company 
prepared lengths of No. 18 copper wire, doubly covered to 
No. 7, with gutta percha that had been washed for three 
hours, and similar lengths prepared in the ordinary way, 
but without compound. 

The electrical tests were made with 504 cells, and a 
large horizontal galvanometer which was considered very 

The coils were immersed in water which had been kept 



at a temperature of 75° for twenty-four hours. The 
results were as follows : — 
















Deflection after 
1 min. Electrifioation. 



1-0 64-5 

•9 64-4 

•7 60-7 

1-2 62-2 

1-2 62-2 

1-3 600 

This comparison showed in favour of the washed, espe- . 
cially in induction. 

Nine days afterwards, under exactly similar circum- 
stances, tests were made with a coil of ordinary plain 
gutta percha containing twenty per cent, of compound, 
the latter material being used in the wire between the 
coverings ; the following were the results : — 

Yard.. Charge, i „£f.*S^XflSSiou. ^^^^rge. 

1760 54 1 51 

This was, therefore, the best coil both for insulation and 
induction. However, notwithstanding this, and the fact 
that a similar system of cleansing gutta-percha in hot 
water was illustrated and described in a patent granted to 
Mr. Brooman in 1845, the Gutta Percha Company paid 
Mr. Truman a royalty on every pound of gutta percha 
" washed " at the Works. 

Customers were charged extra for the material which 
had undergone this process, and an advantage thus secured 
to both parties. 

No doubt the washing process was a step in the right 
direction, as it removed the small particles of foreign 
matter which would have otherwise remained; this was 
more marked in the "thin sheet," manufactured and sold 


for various purposes by the company, than in the electrical 
qualities of insulated wires. 

On December 30th, 1860, I first mentioned my "wet 
serving " system of saturating the serving of cables with 
a conducting instead of, as hitherto, with an insulating 
fluid, the core thus served being coiled in suitable tanks, 
supplied with water in such a manner that the core could 
be under a continuous electrical test, and the pressure of 
the iron wires on the serving at the lay plate of the 
closing machine sufficient to force the water into any flaw 
that might exist in the gutta percha. 

It was easily demonstrated that tarred hemp concealed 
faults, while hemp saturated with water immediately de- 
veloped them. On one occasion the experiment was tried 
of making, in various ways, several serious faults, then 
serving the core with tarred hemp in the ordinary way, 
and immersing it in water. There it tested as perfect for 
2,348 hours; then after twenty-four hours' reversals at the 
rate of 200 per minute from 100 cells, the faults in some 
cases developed, but in others neither time nor reversals, 
so far as could be ascertained, seemed to have the least 

My system was condemned at first by the many who 
thought tar necessary to the preservation of gutta percha, 
but as it quickly manifested its superiority it became 
universally adopted. 

Early in 1860 Professor Thomson's mirror reflecting 
galvanometer was coming into practical use; the Gutta 
Percha Company therefore consulted him by letter upon 
the subject. Professor Thomson sent Mr. Fleeming Jenkin 
to ascertain what was required, but it was not until March, 
1862, that the arrangements for its use were completed by 
the Company. The galvanometers were made in Glasgow 



under the personal superintendence of Professor Thomson ; 
the resistance coils, switches, and keys in London, under 
the personal superintendence of Mr. Fleeming Jenkin, the 
unit of resistance being the ^^B.A." (British Association). 
The keys, switches, &c., looked very pretty, and were 
indeed multum in parvo ; all were mounted on the bottom 
of a vulcanite case, with a cup at each corner to hold 
chloride of calcium ; the whole was covered by a glass lid 
through which keys to manipulate switches, &c., could be 
inserted. But in this arrangement the connections inter- 
fered with each other, so it had to be abandoned. It was 
while engaged, on March 3rd, 1862, in endeavouring to 
trace the cause of so much faulty insulation, that Mr. 
Jenkin noticed that Ohm's law does not hold good after 
you get a certain tension. To give an idea of the com- 
parative results of two modes of testing the induction of 
an immersed coil, a No. 1 mirror galvanometer and one 
cell gave eighty deflections; a horizontal galvanometer 
with 504 cells gave forty-seven. 

When the mirror galvanometer first came into use it 
was considered necessary, while watching it, to cover one's 
head, as in focussing an object before photographing it; 
experience soon proved a semi-darkened room to be all 

On February 28th, 1861, I advised the passing of iron 
wires through my "compound" as they entered the 
machine to receive a hemp covering, and on the following 
day I made a sample for inspection. 

Mr. John Mackintosh failed in an attempt to cover 
wires with pure masticated india-rubber by the aid of 
rollers which he had fixed at the Gutta Percha Works. 

At this time also Mr. Duncan was experimenting with 
canes for the outer covering of cables in lieu of iron wires. 


Some of his specimens looked very well, but it was found 
that the specific gravity of such a cable would be too 
light for its purpose. The Gutta Percha Company made 
specimens, using wet leather for a serving, and taping and 
painting each iron wire separately, or using it as an outer 
covering ; this process was considered too expensive. 

In May, 1861, Messrs. Newall & Co. sold to the Gutta 
Percha Company a lot of waste core, amongst which was 
found a great many lengths of Ked Sea core. These must 
have been subjected to a great heat, as the conductor was 
at the surface of the gutta percha, although concealed by 
the tarred yam which adhered to it. This is what had 
happened to parts of the Atlantic cable. Lengths were 
found also of the same core injured by the mechanical 
means used in the manufacture of a cable. 

In May, 1861, the multiple cable, eventually laid from 
Portpatrick to Donaghadee, was under repair by the 
^^ Magnetic Telegraph Company," and when finished it had 
128 splices in a length of thirteen knots. During the 
repairs a piece of the cable was obtained and the con- 
ductivity of each of its six copper conductors tested as 
follows, the Gutta Percha Company's standard being '85 
of pure copper. 

No. 1 vnre = '46 

„ 2 „ = -40 

„ 3 „ = -48 

„ 4 „ = -46 

„ 5 „ = .46 

» 6 » =41 

The Gutta Percha Company had contemplated pur- 
chasing Mr. John Mackintosh's patents for insulating 
wires with collodion and other things, but experiments 
failed to warrant the company in taking this step. About 
the same time the short-lived "Cable Company" closed 


their premises at Millwall, and sold off what machinery, 
wire, &c., it had. This company started with the inten- 
tion of making cheap cores and light cables ; as far as I 
know, however, it never got beyond the experimentiog 

In June, 1861, Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co. were manu- 
facturing the Toulon and Algiers and the Toulon and 
Corsica cables in the way already described. 

When the Gutta Percha Company first began to sort 
their gutta percha into two qualities it was a distinction 
without a difference, as neither electrically nor mecha- 
nically could any difference be detected. In 1861 the 
gutta percha when imported was of such varied, and in 
many cases questionable, quality that it had to be sorted, 
and experience soon taught those concerned how to mix 
the different qualities so as to make a good blend for 
insulation and induction^ 

The core for the Algerian cable, sixty knots in length, 
which Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co. were making in July, 
1861, was the first to contain some of this blend known by 
the company as /p\ (triangle P), because in it there were 
three qualities of equal proportion. 

One mile of No. 16 copper wire doubly covered to No. 4 
with best "washed" guttapercha, which had been im- 
mersed in water for six months at a temperature of 100^, 
began to fall in insulation ; this proved to be caused by a 
mended place in the first covering, over which was a small 
speck of impurity in the second covering. With com- 
pound and a lower temperature, perhaps this fault would 
not have been developed. 

Dr. O'Shaughnessy experimented in the pressure tank 
with 128 yards of core, the same size as that used in the 
Malta and Alexandria cable ; the dielectric was, however, 


india-rubber. It proved very bad in insulation, and could, 
in fact, only be tested with a low battery power, and even 
then the deflections were very unsteady. 

The fault that had recently been found in the Toulon 
and Algiers cable resembled a puncture made by some 
sharp instrument. 

In November, 1861, for reasons not very clear, the 
Gutta Percha Company quoted two prices for their wire, 
making the difference in some cases between the first and 
second quality as much as £10 per knot. This did not 
last long ; the second quality proved the better insulator, 
and there was no perceptible mechanical advantage in the 
first quality, so the former was generally specified for ; the 
Company therefore soon returned to one uniform price. 

In December, 1861, Mr. Wray tested, for induction 
only, two lengths of his wire that had been sent to the 
Gutta Percha Works by Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co., and 
he became convinced that they were much higher than 
gutta percha ; he also stated that his best proportions were 
as follows : — 

India-rubber 2 

SheUac 1 

Powdered flint 1 

Gutta-percha 0*5 

And that the mixture should not be allowed to enter water 
during the process of manufacture. 

In January, 1862, Messrs. Siemens & Halske sent three 
samples of core, one covered with india-rubber, the other 
two with Wray's mixture, to the Gutta Percha Company 
to be covered with gutta percha. 

On February 11th, 1862, I sent to the Electrician a 
letter upon the subject of my experiments on " coil cur- 
rents," a subject at that time exciting attention. 


About this time the phenomenon of " coil current " 
manifested itself; that is, that when an insulated core 
becomes damaged the discharge is more than from a 
similar coil perfectly insulated, but the discharges are 
generally erratic and sometimes opposite in sign. On 
February 14th, 1862, the Electrician published the result 
of my experiments in that direction. 

On March 7th, 1862, the Gutta Percha Company com- 
pleted for Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co. 253 knots of core for 
the four-wire multiple cable which they eventually laid 
between Wexford and Whitehead. 

On April 11th, 1862, Mr. Eeid removed one of his 
pressure cylinders from the Gutta Percha Works to Mr. 
Silver's Works at Silvertown. 

On May 8th, 1862, the Gutta Percha Company com- 
pleted 548 knots of core for the new Zandvoorst cable, 
which was manufactured and laid by Messrs. Glass, Elliot 
& Co. In this core all the wires were compounded. 

On June 4th, 1862, Dr. Cattell commenced at the Gutta 
Percha Works his experiments on the cleansing of gutta 
percha by means of solvents. There is no doubt that by 
bringing the gutta percha into a liquid state, and con- 
tinually straining it through fine strainers, the material 
becomes very clean, but when *' thrown down" its mecha- 
nical properties are destroyed, and it becomes totally unfit 
for covering wires. 

On June 7th, 1862, Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co. 
ordered of the Gutta Percha Company 200 knots of core 
the same size as the " Eed Sea," for a cable to be laid 
from Carbonara to Marsala. At this time also Mr. Eeid 
was having fixed at the Gutta Percha Works a cylinder, 
in which, it was stated, that a pressure of 10,000 lbs. 
on the square inch could be maintained. 


White Gutta Percha — 1862 — Colonel Stewart — Cable for Indian Government — 
Description — Manufacture — Method for Testing Joints — Diagram — Persian 
Gulf Core — Tests — Before Pressure — After Pressure — High Resistance — 
Segmental Wire — Increased Order — Core Finished — Another Order — 
Mishaps Increased by Segmental Wire — Data — Cable Laid — Death of Dr. 
Esselbach — Experiments in Pressure Tank — Faulty Coil — Different 
Woods — Moulded Cones — Copper Wire Covered with India-rubber — 
Messrs. Siemens and Halske — Experiments — Core Delivered — Oran to 
Carthagena — Specific Conductivity of Copper Wire — Limited Liability 
Company — Mr. Pender — Prospectus of Telegraph Construction and Main- 
tenance Company — Death of Mr. Samuel Statham. 

It has been well said that what to-day we spurn with scorn 
and contempt, on the morrow, grown wiser, we embrace 
with openarras. This truism was amply verified by the Gutta 
Percha Company in November, 1862, when they purchased 
what they understood to be the best '* white gutta percha." 
In the course of manufacture it was found that this gutta 
percha was difficult to manage. It was a new class of 
material, one of which they had no experience, and ignorant 
of its virtues they became alarmed, fearing their purchase 
worthless. But from experiments they learnt that, not only 
were its mechanical properties good, but that its electrical 
qualities far surpassed these of ordinary gutta percha. At 
this they rejoiced exceedingly, congratulating themselves 
upon its possession, in the nick of time, to refute the 
assertions of those who condemned gutta percha for its low 
insulation. By adding a portion of the new material to 
their " blend," the resistance of even the new core could be 
made to equal, if required, 500 units per knot, after one 


minute's electrification at 75° F., and as it improved in this 
respect with age, in the same way as ordinary gutta percha, 
it was difficult to put a limit in its resistance. 

Tests were now made at various temperatures, pressures, 
and times of electrification, extending over a long period, 
with lengths of wire differently covered. Messrs. Hall and 
Wells used india-rubber, Messrs. Silver gutta percha, Mr. 
Hooper his material, and the Gutta Percha Company plain 
gutta percha, and also gutta percha over the core made 
under Mr. Wray's instructions. Colonel Stewart decided 
for the Gutta Percha Company, and ordered of their firm 
850 knots of gutta percha core for a cable to be laid in the 
Persian Gulf for the Indian Government. The order was 
given on November 29th, 1862. Messrs. Bright and 
Clarke were the engineers, ably assisted by Messrs. Laws 
and Lambert and Dr. Esselbach, while Colonel Stewart 
represented the Indian Government. The core was to con- 
sist of a segmental copper conductor weighing 225 lbs. per 
knot, covered with four coatings of gutta percha and four 
of compound to 275 lbs., the total weight being 500 lbs. 
The diameter of the segmental conductor was -111 of an 
inch, and the Gutta Percha Company proportioned the 
covering of the gutta percha as follows : 

1 covering 

. -174 diameter = 36-6 Ihe. 

2 coTeringd 

. .245 „ = 97 „ 

3 „ 

. . -313 „ = 174-5 „ 

4 „ 

. . -380 „ = 276 „ 

The specific conductivity of the conductor was to equal 
85 per cent, of that of pure copper, and the resistance of the 
gutta-percha per knot 125,000,000 of Siemens' units, after 
one minute's electrification and 24 hours' immersion at 75° P., 
before being tested under a pressure of 600 lbs. per square 
inch. The copper wire consisted of four segments which 


when laid together resembled a solid wire, and these were 
encased in a tnbe of the same metaU It was thought that 
by this arrangement the mechanical advantages of a strand 
would be obtained, combined with the electrical advan- 
tages of a solid ; but a greater mistake it would be diffi- 
cult to imagine, and the Gutta Percha Company ought, 
instead of making, as they did, verbal complaints, to have 
entered a written protest against its use, for the following 

It was only produced in comparatively short lengths, of 
very varying conductivity. The tube frequently allowed 
the sections, which were found to be covered with a very 
fine powder and very dirty, to protrude. During the 
manufacture of the core the conductor had to be wound and 
rewound no less than twelve times, but the tube frequently 
split in places while being wound only three times, this 
being one of the tests to which each length was subjected 
before being used ; and, worst fault of all, the tube stretched 
and frequently broke at the joints while passing through 
the covering machines. No wonder the weight per knot 
was, when completed, 17 lbs. below the average weight 
certified for at its commencement. 

The deliveries were so small, and the rejections so large, 
that the manufacture of the cable would have been prolonged 
indefinitely, had not another manufacturer produced what 
he called a '* segmental wire," which was, however, simply a 
solid wire inside a tube. This wire was almost as objection- 
able as the first, and for similar reasons, but by the aid of 
the two the work was kept going until near its completion, 
when, in order to keep to the time of contract, a solid wire 
only was used. Mr. Glass, or one of the other representa- 
tives of the firm of which he was the head, took an active 
part in the experiments, the Gutta Percha Company being 


under the impression that Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co. were 
to manufacture the cable ; great, therefore, was their surprise 
when, on December 18th, Mr. Henley informed them that 
he had received the order. 

The number of joints in the core of a cable varies with 
circumstances, its length and size being two very important 
factors, but when it is remembered that these joints are 
frequently counted by thousands, it wiU be readily under- 
stood how important it is .that they should be separately 

A method of testing the joints had long been sought in 
vain until the manufacture of this cable commenced, when 
Mr. Latimer Clark introduced a system which proved very 
effective and caused a great improvement in the method of 
joint making. This system was known as the "accumu- 
lating joint test," and was as follows : — 

An insulated trough was filled with water, in which the 
joint to be tested was immersed; in this tank also was 
placed a copper plate that could be connected with or dis- 
connected from one side of a coil of insulated wire. The 
wire containing the joint was charged as in tests for insula- 
tion, and of course the amount of current passing through 
the joint accumulated in the coil, and was measured by its 
effect upon a galvanometer in discharging. 

The sketch on the opposite page may assist in forming 
an idea of the arrangement : — 

The standard generally was that the discharge from a 
joint after one minute's accumulation should not be more 
than that from six feet of the core under the same con- 

Let us assume that the joint had passed at the core works, 
and after long immersion had been again 'tested at the 
cable works, where it was found to be below the standard ; 



the question would naturally arise, was it better to replace 
the joint by a new one, of which it was impossible to say 
what its condition would be after long immersion, or to 
retain the original one ? Of course a line must be drawn 
somewhere, but I have known joints to be cut out which, 
in my opinion, ought certainly to have been allowed to 
remain in. By way of experiment, I collected joints cut 
out of various cables, and joined them together until I had 
one mile of core composed entirely of joints immersed in 

B. Battery for charging the line. 
J. Joint to be tested. 

T. Tank insulated. 

C. Coil in canal. 

G. Galvanometer. 
P. Copper plate. 
E. Earth. 

water. The insulation was of course comparatively low, 
but they stood the test of quick or slow reversals from high 
or low power remarkably well, and although I tested them 
at frequent intervals, extending over a period of several 
years, they never were broken down. 

On February 3rd, 1863, the first six lengths of the core 
for the Persian Gulf cable were tested, with the following 
results : — 


Before Pressure. 



Siemens' Unit*. 

















After Pressure. 





















The Gutta Percha Company were much concerned at the 
high resistance of the gutta percha, imagining that it would 
lead to a discussion which they were anxious to avoid. 
However, greatly to their relief, the only comment made 
upon the subject was of a favourable kind, and to the eflfect 
that the test proved highly satisfactory, and that the 
Company did not know what they could do until put to it. 

Some persons thought that the high resistance was due to 
the segmental wire, while Mr. Truman considered it was 
owing to his system of washing the gutta percha, but it was 
in reality due to the blend with the white gutta percha 
before mentioned. 

The six lengths of core were, after being tested, joined 
into two lengths, wound on to two of Mr. Henley's wooden 
reels and sent to his works at North Woolwich, where the 
core was served with wet tanned hemp, round which were 
laid, helically, 12 galvanised iron wires. Over these wires 
were wound, in reverse directions, two coverings of tarred 
hemp, the whole being passed through what was termed 
" Bright and Clark's compound"; consisting of tar, pitch 
and silica, applied at a high temperature. As this was com- 


pressed by passing through a pair of grooved rollers, the 
cable was in external appearance smooth, even, and of a 
black colour. The heat did not affect the gutta percha as 
it passed through this compound unless it were allowed to 
remain stationary, when it became soft; this happened 
several times owing to the negligence of the man whose 
duty it was to lift it from the trough when the twisting 
machine stopped. 

On February 26th, 1863, the order was increased to 
1,045 knots, and on June 26th of the same year it was 
further increased to 1,240 knots. 

By means of salt and ice a temperature of 30° F. was 
obtained, and the gutta percha resistance of a coil of the 
Persian Gulf cable at this temperature was 3,000 Siemens* 
units per knot. At a pressure of 5,040 lbs. per square inch 
the resistance of the gutta percha increased 122 per cent 

On September 16th, 1863, the Gutta Percha Company 
completed all the core that had been ordered for this cable, 
the last consignment of it being delivered at Woolwich on 
September 30th. 

On October 13th twelve more knots were ordered, making 
the total length 1,257 knots. The conductor of this newly 
ordered length was a solid wire, and its mean resistance 
6,075 ohms, but, owing to the many peculiarities of the 
segmental wire, the proposed maximum standard of 6*75 
was much exceeded. 

The mean resistance of the gutta percha per knot was 
196 millions Siemens' units, consequently there was a great 
difference between the maximum and the minimum in this 
respect. The variation arose principally from the endeavour 
to blend the electrical qualities of the gutta percha so as to 
keep as nearly to the standard as possible, a task by no 
means easy on account of the many unknown factors which 


entered into the calculation. The number of mishaps which 
appeared to be inevitable in the manufacture of cables was, 
in this instance, increased by the aforesaid peculiarities of 
the segmental wire, and by the application of Messrs. Bright 
and Clark's compound. 

After twenty-four hours' immersion in water kept at 75° 
F., and one minute's electrification, the means per knot of 
the Persian Gulf cable were 

Conductor 625 ohms 

Gutta percha 190*00 megohms 

Inductive capacity .... -349 microfarads 

The cable when completed was coiled into iron tanks 
fitted in the holds of sailing vessels, and thus conveyed to 
the Persian Gulf. On arrival there the vessels were taken 
in tow by steamers, and the cable laid in four sections, 
under the personal superintendence of Sir Charles Bright. 

It was while engaged on this expedition in the Persian 
Gulf, that, much to my regret. Dr. Esselbach met with his 
death. I had learnt to respect him as a true man of science, 
for he was bound by no creed or dogma, and had a great 
thirst for knowledge, which, when obtained, he freely 
imparted to others. 

During the manufacture of the core of this cable many 
experiments were made in the high pressure cylinder ; some, 
although not connected with electric telegraphy, are, I 
think, worthy of notice and may prove interesting. 

In one of these there were placed, in the cylinder, a live 
lobster, two living fresh- water fish, four bottles of ale, and 
one tightly corked empty bottle. After a pressure of 2^ 
tons per square inch, the fish were found to be dead, but 
quite unaltered in appearance ; the cork of the empty bottle 
had been forced in, and the bottle was full of water; the 



bottles of ale were affected in the same way, only curiously 
enough the metal capsules remained intact. 

A faulty coil, which gave a resistance of 49 Siemens' 
units per knot before pressure, increased to 115 under 
pressure ; immediately the pressure was removed, the re- 
sistance further increased to 178, and it was two hours and 
a-half gradually falling to its original 49. This experiment 
was repeated on the following day with the same residt, 
high or low battery power making no apparent difference. 

On another occasion an experiment was made with eight 
pieces of different woods ; 60 cubic inches each submitted 
to 6,000 lbs. pressure ; they gained in weight as follows : — 

1. Yellow deal 

40 per 


2. Pine . 

. 161 „ 

3. English oak 



4. Elm . 



5. Beech 



6. English oak, wet 



7. American oak . 



8. Pine, with knots 

95 , 


Under the same pressure were placed moulded cones of 
the following dimensions :— Height, 6 inches ; base, 4 
inches; apex, 1 inch. They were made respectively of 
Wray's mixture, pure masticated indiarubber, a mixture 
of half indiarubber and half gutta percha, and gutta percha. 
Upon each, near its apex, was placed a heavy gun-metal 
ring or collar, the object being to ascertain if the material 
contracted while under pressure, but only a slight, if any 
fall of the ring could be detected. 

Four of these cones, one Wray's mixture, one half india- 
rubber and gutta percha, one indiarubber, and one gutta 
percha had a string fastened round them by which they 
were suspended in a room. The indiarubber cone slowly 
but surely yielded to the pressure caused by its own weight, 


as after hanging for a long time the string was observed to 
be more than half way through it ; the other cones remained 
intact as when first suspended. 

Similar cones were placed on a shelf, in the same room, 
in close proximity to each other, and after a time, without 
any apparent cause, the surface of one of the indiarubber 
cones became covered with patches as though decomposition 
had set in. In bending over, the apex of this cone found 
rest on a neighbouring cone, also composed of indiarubber, 
and at the point of contact inoculation took place, gradually 
extending more or less over the whole cone, but never to 
the same extent as in the first one, as it remained erect and 
apparently proud to support its fellow cone in its helpless- 
ness, no matter what the danger might be to itself Other 
indiarubber cones, together with those made of the other 
materials aforesaid, remained perfect. 

In the case of some of the sample lengths of the copper 
wire which Messrs. Siemens' had covered with indiarubber, 
and which the Gutta Percha Company had afterwards 
covered for them with gutta percha, although so recently 
made, the indiarubber had burst through the gutta percha 
and studded the surface with dark bead-like spots. This 
was due to the combination of two forces, viz., contraction 
pf the gutta percha and the decomposition of the india- 

It was supposed that Messrs. Siemens and Halske had 
learned something of the character of this and other 
materials, especially when, on June 15th, 1863, they ordered 
of the Gutta Percha Company 130 knots of a 16-gauge 
strand, doubly covered to No. 2 gauge. This core was to 
be submitted to a pressure of 1,400 lbs. per square inch, and 
a suitable room was to be provided in which their own 
instruments and batteries could be fixed for testing 


purposes. The proceedings of Messrs. Siemens and Halske, 
however, partook more of the character of experimental re- 
search than of practical work. Frequently they were 
occupied for three, and sometimes four, days in testing a 
batch of six coils, and seldom was a charge tested but they 
placed in the cylinder with it sample lengths of their own or 
other people's manufacture. 

On one occasion a solution of salt and ice was mixed in 
the cylinder, and when a temperature of 30° F. was attained, 
two coils of the core were immersed in it with the intention 
of submitting them to a pressure of 5,000 lbs. ; but when it 
was found that the low temperature had so contracted the 
cylinder that it was impossible to get the cover on it, Mr. 
Keid became alarmed and would not proceed with the 

Messrs. Siemens and Halske found that their indiarubber 
covered wire absorbed water, and that under a pressure of 
5,000 lbs. its electrical resistance was quite destroyed. At 
these high pressures the ends were frequently forced through 
the stuffing boxes with great force like arrows from a bow, 
as those whom they struck coidd testify. 

When about 80 knots were completed, it was intimated 
that a gauge would be supplied by Messrs. Siemens and 
Halske through which the core must be passed before 
delivery. If the joints would not pass at first they would 
have to be spokeshaved until they did. 

On September 3rd the first six lengths were delivered at 
the new buildings at Charlton, where they were covered with 
hemp cords that had been saturated with a conducting fluid, 
laid longitudinally, and over these was wound an over- 
lapping thin brass tape (at least it was so designated.) On 
October 20th the last delivery was made, and when the core 
was all covered and formed into one length, it was wound 

I 2 


on to a revolving wooden cone, fixed in the hold of a French 
steamer, and taken to Oran, from whence it was proposed 
to lay it to Carthagena. The would-be equestrian, no 
matter how profound his book-learning may be, finds that 
his knowledge is very inadequate to his purpose when he 
comes to apply it practically. So it was with the use of the 
revolving cone, theory and practice did not agree ; the 
motion of the vessel soon caused the revolving gear to 
break, the water made the hemp shrink, and produced 
kinks, while the deep water broke it ; the expedition was 
therefore eventually abandoned. 

In April, 1864, forty-seven more knots of this core was 
supplied, but how covered, or when or where laid, I do not 

Being curious to know what was the specific conductivity 
of the copper wire in use before Professor Thomson called 
attention to its great variation, I availed myself of every 
opportunity to test the same, and found there existed a 
great difference even in various samples of the same cable. 
The standard against which they were compared was said 
to be equal to pure copper, and designated 100. The lowest 
specific conductivity of the samples tested by me was 17, 
and the highest 74-2. A sample of the experimental line 
laid from Dover to France, in 1850, was 71*2 ; that of the 
cable laid in the following year, after twelve years working, 
was 72*5 ; and a piece of the same which had never left the 
Gutta Percha Works, 73-5. 

Comparing the two samples last mentioned, I conclude 
that the specific conductivity of wire, in submarine cables, 
does not alter by the continual application of tension such 
as would be employed in signalling or testing. 

The original " Holyhead and Howth" was 40-6 ; the 
mean of the six conductors in the cable from Portpatrick to 


Donaghadee, 47*6; and the mean of eight samples in the 
used wire of the ^^ Electric Telegraph Company," 34-2. 

In one length of the 1850 line, recovered after 17 years' 
immersion, the gutta-percha had the same appearance as 
when first laid, but the copper wire was in sections of about 
half an inch in length, measured and divided with a 
precision which surprised me. My opinion was, and still 
is, that the cable had been suspended where the effects of 
the tide caused great tension and constant vibration. I 
produced something like the same result by letting a 
length revolve for a considemble time, as an endless band 
does on a machine. 

It is fair to suppose that when Messrs. Glass, Elliot & 
Co. suggested to the Gutta Percha Company that they 
should amalgamate with them to form a Limited Liability 
Company they were cognisant of the following facts : — That 
Mr. Henley had successfully manufactured the Persian 
Gulf cable, and that Sir Charles Bright was as successfully 
laying the same ; that Messrs. Silver had converted their 
works into a Limited Liability Company for the purpose of 
making and laying cables ; and that Messrs. Siemens and 
Halske had erected large works at Charlton for the same 

The terms they suggested were very tempting, but the 
Gutta Percha Company wisely considered the reverse side 
of the picture, anxiously inquiring how they were to be 
indemnified, supposing the scheme did not succeed. Mr. 
Pender (now Sir John Pender, K.C.M.G.), became a 
guarantor for the amount required as an indemnity, and a 
prospectus was issued with the following directors, offices, 
&c. : — 

The Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company 
(uniting the business of the Gutta Percha Company with 


that of Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co.), is constituted as 
follows : — 

Directors. — John Pender, Esq., M.P., Chairman; Alex- 
ander Henry Campbell Esq., M.P., Vice- Chairman ; 
Richard At wood Glass, Esq. (Glass, Elliot & Co.), 
Managing Director; Henry Ford Barclay, Esq. (Gutta Percha 
Company); Daniel Gooch, Esq., C.E., M.P. ; Thomas 
Brassey, Esq., Samuel Gurney, Esq., M.P., George Elliot 
Esq. (Glass, Elliot & Co.) ; Lord John Hay, Alexander 
Struthers Finlay, Esq., M.P., John Smith, Esq. (Smith, 
Fleming & Co.) 

Bankers. — ^The Consolidated Bank, London and Man- 

Solicitors.— Messrs. Bircham, Dalrymple, Drake & 
Ward ; Messrs. Baxter, Eose, Norton & Co. 
Secretary. — William Shuter, Esq. 
Offices. — 54, Old Broad Street. 

London Works. — Wharf Road, City Road, and East 
Greenwich, S.E. 

In those days Limited Liability Companies were com- 
paratively new things, and more in favour with the public, 
so that the shares of this fresh company were eagerly 
sought for, and consequently no difficulty was experienced 
in launching it successfully. 

The Wire Rope Works of Messrs. Kuper & Co. were 
practically the germ from which the firm of Messrs. Glass, 
Elliot & Co. sprung, but Mr. Elliot (now Sir George 
Elliot, Bart.), having removed them from Camberwell to 
Cardiff soon after the company commenced submarine 
telegraph work, they were not included in the new 

During the formation of the two companies into one, a 
sad event occurred. Samuel, or as ho was familiarly called 


^^Sam" Statham, who had been Manager of the Gutta 
Percha Company from almost its commencement, was laid 
to rest in the churchyard at Forest Eow, East Grinstead. 
It would not be wrong to say he and the Company died 
together. From personal knowledge I can testify how 
zealously and conscientiously he worked for the extension 
of submarine telegraphy, with an energy which even failing 
health had not power to destroy. I never heard him other- 
wise than well spoken of, and by his death I, with manj 
others, lost a true and valued friend. 


Mr. Cyrus Field— Agreement for New Atlantic Cable— 1864— Heading of 
Agreement — Description of Core — Experiments — Presaure Resistance — 
Tests — Covering at Greenwich — Specification Discussed — Diagram — Re- 
sistance of Conductor— Units— Mr. C. F. Variey— Mr. Henley— Working 
Agreement — Quotations from Diary — Compound at Greenwich — ^Fault 
Removed— Data for Core— Cable Completed— Condenser— G^«i« Eastern— 
Diagram — Comparison of Condensers— Cable in Tanks — Different Earths 
—Speed— Tests for Electrical Qualities— Another Trial of Speeds— Exami- 
nation of Shoring — Paying-out System — Expedition Started — S.S. Caroline 
—Shore End Laid— Fault— S.S. Hawk—¥sM\t Discovered— Paying-out 
Recommenced— Another Fault— Suspicion— " The Atlantic Telegraph "— 
Deflection too High— Cable Broken— Efforts to Regain— Futile— Buoy 
Placed — Great Eastern Returned to Sheemess — 1865. 

Ever since the failure of the first Atlantic cable Mr. Cynis 
Field had been unceasing in his endeavour to obtain the 
necessary means for making another attempt, and the 
number of different samples he had made to effect his 
purpose were, to say the least, considerable ; at length his 
wish was gratified. Immediately after the formation of 
the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company, its 
directors offered to make and lay a cable. 

The Atlantic Telegraph Company accepted their terms, 
and on May 5th, 1864, the agreement was signed. At 
this point I find the proceedings and dates somewhat 
puzzling ; the scientific committee appointed by the Atlantic 
Telegraph Company to consider the best form of cable, &c., 
made their report on October 31st, 1863 ; the GuttaPercha 
( 'ompany received the first of the copper wire for the con- 


ductor on December 8th, 1863 ; and the manufacture of 
the core was started on April 18th, 1864. 

The heading of the Agreement was as follows : — 

"Articles of Agreement made and entered into this 
Fifth day of May, in the year of our Lord One thousand 
eight hundred and sixty-four, between the Telegraph 
Construction and Maintenance Company, Limited, herein- 
after called *the Contractors,' of the one part and the 
Atlantic Telegraph Company, incorporated by Special Act 
of Parliament, hereinafter called * the Company,' of the 
other part. 

" Whereas the Contractors have made to the Company 
a proposal for manufacturing for the Company a Submarine 
Electric Telegraph Cable and for submerging the same 
across the Atlantic Ocean between Ireland and Newfound- 
land. And whereas the Company have accepted the pro- 
posal of the Contractors on the terms and conditions herein- 
after contained," &c., &c., &c. 

The core was to consist of a 7-copper wire strand, im- 
bedded in compound in the ordinary way to prevent the 
water travelling through it ; weight to be 300 lbs. per 

The specific conductivity of the copper was to be not 
less than 85, that of pure copper being taken at 100. 
This core was to be covered with four coats of gutta percha, 
and to have compound on the strand and between each 

The proportions were : — 

Strand, 7 wires -049 diameter = 147 = 300 lbs. 

Ist coating of gutta percha, diameter = '228 = (52 lbs. of gutta percha 

2ud „ „ „ = -311 = 91 „ „ 

3rd „ „ „ = -394 =119 „ 

4th „ „ „ = -347 - 128 


An experimental length of one knot gave the following 
results : — 



Weight. * 

(esistanoe in Millions 
BiemenB' rnuts. 

inaneaon oon 
with each 

1 Cov. 





2 „ 





3 „ 





4 „ 





On May 9th Professor Thomson, Professor Wheatstone, 
Captain Galton, Mr. George Saward, Mr. C. F. Varley, 
and several other gentlemen, were at the Gutta Percha 
Works for the purpose of trying some experiments on 
behalf of the Atlantic Telegraph Company; and they 
confirmed what had already been stated ; that the resist- 
ance of a faulty coil increases under pressure; that in- 
duction is not affected by pressure ; and that the resist- 
ance of india-rubber covered wire does not increase by 
pressure, while that of gutta percha does, so that under 
pressure gutta percha has as great a resistance as india- 

It was pointed out to them that, owing to the holding 
capacity of the high and low cylinders, if they agreed 
to a pressure of 6,000 lbs. it would necessitate 800 more 
joints in the core. 

Mr. C. F. Varley was electrician for the Atlantic Tele- 
graph Company, and on June 20th was engaged, with 
his assistants, in fitting his instruments and batteries in 
two rooms placed at his disposal in the Gutta Percha 

After twenty-four hours' immersion at a temperature of 
75** F. the electrification and consequently the resistance 
of one knot of the Atlantic core was as follows : — 


Time in 

Recistanoe in milliona 
Siemens* uniU. 































The core was to be tested in lengths of 4,500 yards 
wound on an iron reel, the resistance of the gutta percha 
was to be again tested when in the pressure tanks, but 
before pressure was applied again under pressure of 600 lbs. 
per square inch, and again after the pressure was removed. 

The wire was then to be examined while being rewound 
on other similar iron reels, and again tested, but in cold 
water, previous to delivery at Greenwich. 

All the joints were tested by Mr. Latimer Clark's 
ingenious system, with this exception, that the tank con- 
taining the joint was more perfectly insulated, and that the 
accumulation took place in a well insulated condenser, 
instead of in an ordinary coil of wire. 

One hundred knots of the core were ready and waiting 
for Mr, Varley when, on July 11th, he announced that he 
was ready to commence testing. 

After twenty-four hours' immersion at 75"* F. the con- 
tractors' tests of the first eight lengths were as follows : — 

Reaistance of gatta 

percha per knot in millions 

ffiemena* units. 

in SiemenB' 


Discharge per knot 

cumpaiaUe with each 



































What had long been suspected now became evident, 
namely, that neither Mr. Varley nor his assistants had 
been accustomed to test such short lengths of high resist- 
ance gutta percha and such low resistance conductors. 
Their tests were so wide of the mark that it was suggested 
they should be repeated, but Mr. Varley said he was satis- 
fied and passed them, although in the confusion they had 
omitted to take the gutta percha resistance of some of the 
lengths while under pressure, and in no case had induction 
been noted. 

On July 18th, these eight lengths where sent to Green- 
wich, where they were to be covered with wet tarred yam 
for a serving, over which were to be laid gpirally ten wires, 
No. 13 Birmingham wire gauge, drawn from Webster and 
Horsfall's homogeneous iron, each wire being covered with 
five tarred strands of manilla yam. The breaking strain of 
the cable was calculated to be 7 tons 15 cwt., or 4*64 of 
the strength requisite for the deepest water. It was some 
time before the cable could be commenced, owing to the 
alteration and additions necessitated by the manufacture of 
such a long length. 

On July 25th Messrs. Canning, Varley, De Sauty, 
Saward, Clifford, Chatterton, and myself, met Mr. Glass at 
23, Great George Street, for the purpose of discussing the 
specification for the cable. 

It was agreed that the B.A. unit which was taken to be 
•05 higher than a Siemens' unit should be used as a standard. 
All joints made at the Gutta Percha Works to be retested 
at Greenwich. The standard for the specific conductivity 
of the copper to be 80% and not 85 as specified. 

I cautioned them concerning the compound they thought 
of using to cover the iron wires previously to putting on 
the hemp. I did not like the idea of the use of india- 



rubber dissolved in oil, and thought it late for them to 
talk about making experiments just as they were about to 
commence the cable. The data, as given on the certificates 
by Mr. Varley, clearly showed that his system of testing 
was wrong, the resistance of the conductor in some of the 
lengths being below the standard should have been rejected, 
while some of the tests gave the value as above that for 
pure copper ; the same remarks apply to the resistance of 
the gutta percha. 

Well kept connections, particularly spiral ones, look 
very pretty, but they must be used with caution, especially 
when the unit of resistance is high compared to the resist- 
ance to be tested in Mr. Varley's units. The resistance of 
the conductor with a differential galvanometer and a set of 
resistance coils made to Varley 's unit was as follows : — 

I give, as an example, one case, in which the resistance 
was 4-33 Siemens' units, but Mr. Varley gave it as -ITl 
of his units. 





This was too high, and, on investigating the matter, it 
was found that the resistance of the line wire was '45, and 
that of the two spirals in connection with the resistance 
coils '3 Siemens' units. Now if the first be deducted and 
the second added, the result will be 4-3473 Siemens' units, 
which brings the two tests nearer to each other, but strange 
to say the resistance of the connections was not considered 
of importance, as they formed so small a part of a Varley 

It will have been seen that Mr. C. F. Varley's unit was 
26*3 times a Siemens' unit, therefore why he should have 
persisted in using it, is one of those mysteries impossible 
to solve. It was the same when ascertaining the resistance 
of the gutta percha ; the loss on the instruments and leads, 
especially in a wet or moist atmosphere, would amount to 
one-third of the deflection, and yet all was debited to the 
length under test, thus in some cases making it appear to 
be below the standard. The trouble and anxiety caused 
by this state of things at length became unbearable, and a 
thorough investigation was demanded, after which Mr. 
Varley admitted that he was wrong, and promised to cancel 
all the data he had given on the certificates to both the 
companies ; these were for a length of about 400 knots. 
It was most extraordinary that while all this was taking 
place, Mr. Varley, instead of endeavouring to prove him- 
self right, or to confute the many complaints made, was 
busy publishing elaborate systems as to the correct methods 
of testing and working long submarine lines, with formulc8 
for quickly obtaining what he considered correct results. 

Mr. Henley had not succeeded in manufacturing a suit- 
able core for cables, consequently he had, much against his 
will, to make a virtue of necessity and enter into a working 
agreement with his rival, Mr. Glass, who was managing 


director for the T. C. and M. Co. Thus he became engaged 
in making the shore ends for the Atlantic Telegraph Cable, 
and in covering fifty knots of various sized old experi- 
mental cores, in stock at the Gutta Percha Works, for the 
purpose of repairing the Malta and Alexandria Cable, that 
line having already given much trouble owing to the 
frequent faults and total breaks occurring in it. 

I quote the following from my diary : — 

"September 2nd, 1864. Mr. E. Wright called this 
morning ; had a long discussion concerning the compound 
they are using at Greenwich for the iron wires of the 
Atlantic cable. Showed me a piece of the cable in which 
there was a chemical action going on between the com- 
pound used and the iron wire ; the fibres of the yarn next 
the iron were quite rotten." 

It must be remembered that Mr. Wright was supplying 
the company with hemp, and also held a patent for the 
combination of iron and hemp for ropes and other pur- 
poses, he was therefore anxious to see that the work was 
properly done. 

I again quote from my diary : — 

" September 27th. Cautioned Mr. Varley against using 
naphtha in any part of the Atlantic cable core as he informed 
me he had been doing at Greenwich. Showed him the old 
experiment of merely bending a piece of one-eighth sheet 
gutta percha and dipping it into coal-tar naphtha, when it 
instantly parted at the bend." 

On December 14th, a fault removed from the cable was 
examined at the Greenwich factory in the presence of 
Messrs. Clifford, J. Temple, De Sauty, Varley, Saward, and 
myself. From the appearance of the gutta percha, and a 
small mark on the conductor, it was agreed that it must be 
caused by a puncture from some sharp instrument. 



On May 17th, 1865, the testing of the last four lengths 
of the 2,300 knots was finished, and on May 22nd they 
were delivered at Greenwich. 

The mean for the core, per knot, when it left Wharf 
Road, was: — 

Copper conductor . . . 427 ohmB. 

Guttapercha .... 365*00 megohms. 

Inductive capacity . . . -364 microfarads. 

On the 29th of that month the whole cable was com- 
pleted. At this time I made a condenser of circular plates 
composed of a mixture, half best white gutta percha and 
half shellac, and sheets of soft tinfoil, the whole being 
enclosed in a vulcanite case and very portable ; its inductive 
capacity was supposed to be equal to one knot of the 
Atlantic cable, and its insulation can be judged by the 
fact that 96 per cent, of the charge remained after one 
minute and 93 per cent, after five minutes. 

That monument of Brunei's genius, the S.S. Great Eastern^ 
was chartered to carry the cable, but, as she was too large 
to come so far up the Thames, she was moored in the 
Medway just below Sheemess, her cargo being taken to 
her in sections coiled in hulks lent by the Government for 
the purpose, and towed by steam tugs. 

Wednesday, May 24th, 1865, was quite a gala day on 
board the Great Eastern^ for the Prince of Wales and suite 
honoured her with a visit. H.R.H. was much interested in 
all he saw and heard concerning the "big ship" and her 
novel cargo, and, on his departure, warmly wished every 
success to so great an undertaking. 

The diagram (Appendix E) shows a section of the Great 
Eastern^ and will give an idea of how she was fitted as a 
cable ship. 

On June 12th I made the following notes in my diary : — 


"Left the Works at 9.30 this morning for the Great 
Eastern. Met Saunders and De Sauty at London Bridge 
Station. As I had made arrangements to remain on board 
until Tuesday afternoon I was able to devote the evening, 
when all was quiet, to several experiments which came 
out highly satisfactorily. Owing to the want of a suitable 
galvanometer it was found to be very difficult to compare 
the capacity of the condenser made for De Sauty by 
Lambert & Elliott Brothers with mine ; but, by charging 
the condenser from 200 cells, and then discharging it 
through 1,470 knots of the cable and No. 6 galvanometer 
(marine), we were able to get a very steady reading." 

Elliott's condenser (composed of tinfoil and sheets of 

31 — 31 — 3r deflection. 

My condenser (composed as described) : — 

28 — 28 — 28" deflection. 

Taking the mean inductive capacity per knot of the cable 
as one, the capacity of my condenser was 1-06. 

De Sauty considered the capacity of his condenser 1'18, 
which he had taken from the mean of all the coils as tested 
at Greenwich ; and, if the two tests are compared, it will 
be seen that we agree very nearly in the tests made at 
Wharf Koad and at Greenwich : — 

J;18 X 28 ^ ^.^^ 


100 cells No. 6 galvanometer. 

Fore tank 633731 knots. 



divisions = 929 M.S.U. per knot. 



= 1020 



= 1075 



= 1120 



After tank 837.799 knots. 






M.S.U. per knot 






» >» i 






77 n 






>» » 

On June 27th all the cable, 2,273 knots, was coiled on 
board the Great Eastern^ and a speed of 1*8 words per 
minute with two cells was considered satisfactory. With 
one knot of 16-strand doubly covered to No. 4 I tried, 
at the Gutta Percha Works, the resistance of diflferent-sized 
earths, the connections being as shown below : — 


With earth at each of the lines, the sectional area of 
which was '0625 copper wire, the resistance was 99,650 

Copper Wire Ezpoeed 
each end. 

J inch 

1 ,, 

2 „ 
4 „ 







Two copper earth plates attached, 4*25 by 3*5 inches, one 
at each end = 225 units. This shows what care should be 
exercised in the selection of earths of low resistance. 

Two plates, one of copper and the other of zinc, the 


same size as in the last experiment, the zinc plate on the 
knot of wire, equalled in resistance 1,650 units. 

On July 6th most of the members of the scientific com- 
mittee, and others, visited the Great Eastern to make 
experiments of speed through the cable. Mr. Varley 
worked his curb key at the "sending station," while 
Professor Thomson and two assistants read from the mirror 
instrument at the "receiving station." The following 
message to be sent through the cable was given to Mr. 
Varley, verbally, by Sir Stuart Wortley, "We are all 
ready for dinner." The time taken in transmission, as 
taken by me at the sending station in the dining saloon 
was 66-5 seconds ; it was a disputed point as to whether 
the word the was included in the message before the word 
dinner. Mr. Yarley held that it was, those who received 
the message could not speak positively upon the subject 
as no record had been kept at the receiving station, and 
Sir Stuart Wortley was of opinion that he did not give 

At 8 p.m. on the same day, when all was quiet on board, 
the cable was tested for its electrical qualities, the readings 
were taken with 40 cells and a marine galvanometer. 

Minutes. DiTisions. 

1 199 

2 181 

3 171-5 

4 ...... 166 

5 161 

6 157 

7 154 

8 151-5 

9 149-5 

10 148 

11 146-5 

12 144-5 

13 143-5 

14 142 

15 141 



At the end of the test, zero was less two, therefore the 
last reading was reduced to 139. 

Resistance to reproduce 15 minutes reading =87,657 

Rx 5_+^x L = G.P.R.P.K. 

G = 5,225 
S = 1,047 

At the 15 minutes the G. P. resistance was 1,193 M.S.U. 
per knot. 

Copper Besistaoce. 
Total length = 9,935 S U. = 4370 per knot 

Temperature given 63°; but according to copper re- 
sistance the true temperature was 66°. 

On July 11th another trial of speeds took place, Mr. C. 
V. Walker, acted as umpire, gave the messages at the 
sending station, and there timed the transmission. I timed 
it at the receiving station, and found it very difficult to do 
so correctly, especially with Smyth when receiving on De 
Sauty's instrument, as he could not be certain when to 
commence receiving the trial message. After thr^e false 
starts the following was received by Smyth on De Sauty's 
instrument in 12 minutes 10 seconds, Gott sending, ^^ In 
accordance with measure meditations I have to inform you 
that a subscription was opened in the romasidist of the sum 
subscribed to this day is appended the council wbytiste 
with nearly hundred pounds." 

The same message was sent by Professor Thomson and 
Mr. Varley in 8 minutes 32 seconds, and was correctly 
received by three of their assistants. 

At about 10.30 p.m., when all was comparatively quiet, 
Smyth received correctly from Gott in 13 minutes 40 
seconds the following message, '* Paper accepted for reading 
at the ordinary meetings are satiety which are issued as 



soon as possible after each meeting proceedings also contain 
notices of books and memoirs." 

Several messages were sent by Professor Thomson and 
Mr, Varley, the average speed being about five words (five 
letters to a word) per minute. De Sauty's speed may be 
taken at three words per minute. Captain Bolton (late 
Col. Sir Francis Bolton) also experimented with his light 
signals between ship and shore. 

On July 14th Mr. Newall and his friends were admitted 
on board the Great Eastern to examine the shoring of the 
cables and the paying out system. 

At noon on the following day the Great Eastern left for 
Ireland, the Cunard service kindly permitting Captain 
Anderson (now Sir James Anderson) to take command of 
her. Mr. R. C. Halpin was chief officer, Mr. Canning was 
in charge of the expedition with Mr. Cliflfbrd as his chief 
assistant, Mr. de Sauty had charge of the electrical depart- 
ment with Mr. Saunders as his chief assistant. Captain 
Moriarty, by kind permission of the Government, was 
navigating officer, and Professor Thomson and Mr. Varley 
represented the Atlantic Telegraph Company. I accom- 
panied the expedition, at the request of the Telegraph 
Construction and Maintenance Company, to render any 
assistance in the electrical work should such be required ; 
and, not wishing to be a mere spectator, I allied myself to 
the Electrical Department, Messrs. de Sauty, Saunders and 
myself taking alternate watches of four hours each. 

Amusements such as concerts, &c., were provided for the 
ladies and gentlemen who had availed themselves of the 
opportunity of taking a pleasant and unique trip to Ireland 
on board the '* big ship." 

The weather was not what might have been confidently 
expected in July, and plenty of *' summer gales" were 


experienced. At 2.30 p.m., on July 17th, when off the 
Land's End, Mr. Henley's S.S. Caroline^ having the shore 
end on board, was descried, and, as she was making bad 
weather of it and very little headway, the Great Eastern 
took her in tow. What a contrast there was in the be- 
haviour of the two ships ; here was the Great Eastern but 
little affected, majestically going on her way with all on 
board dry and comfortable, while the Caroline was tossed 
about by the waves like a fragile plaything in the hands 
of boisterous children. It did seem extraordinary that 
one could sit at ease at the stern of the Great Eastern^ 
while a man on the bridge of the Caroline held his position 
with much difficulty, firmly grasping the rail with one 
hand, whilst with the other he endeavoured to represent 
the signals of the Morse instrument, by which means we 
learnt what difficulties they had encountered, and how 
they had not left the shelter they had been obliged to 
seek until the Great Eastern was sighted. During the night 
the Caroline had one of her boats washed overboard, and 
she laboured heavily all day. At 7.30 p.m., when off 
Crookhaven, there was every appearance of its being what 
sailors call a dirty night, and great fears were entertained 
for the safety of the Caroline^ especially when at 4 a.m. the 
following morning the tow rope parted at her bows. At 
6.30 she was seen at some distance from Valentia, which 
place she eventually reached without further mishap. Mr. 
Canning and a few passengers landed at Valentia; the 
Great Eastern then proceeded to Bantry Bay, where she 
landed more of her passengers, and waited until the shore 
end was laid. 

From an iron dwelling erected on the high land at Foil- 
hummerum Bay, Valentia, the Caroline laid the shore end 
and intermediate cable about twenty knots out to sea, 


where, at 11.20 am. on Sunday, July 23rd, the end of the 
cable was passed to her from the Great Eastern^ that vessel 
going her slowest speed ahead until the splice was success- 
fully accomplished. 

Fortunately the weather was very fine, and the sea as 
smooth as could be desired for the work. At 6.10 p.m. 
the splice was dropped into the sea, and the paying- out of 
the cable on board the Great Eastern fairly commenced. 
All went well until 3.10 a.m. the following day, when 
"spot suddenly left the scale,'' the cable was cut about 
one and a-half knots in-board, the length of the cable 
from ship to shore by copper resistance being 85*5 knots. 

The fault was of high resistance, and consequently 
difficult to localise, but what was considered the best test 
placed it at twenty-five knots from the ship. At 11.30 a.m. 
the end of the cable was over the bows, connected to the 
picking-up machinery, and passed to the test -room. At 
9.20 p.m. only 4'25 knots had been with great difficulty 
hove back, owing to an insufficient supply of steam to the 
engine of the picking-up machine, and at 12.30 p.m. about 
six knots had been recovered; fault still in the sea. 
During the picking up, messages were sent to and received 
from the shore by Morse instruments. At 7.30 a.m. the follow- 
ing day the S.S. Hawk arrived to ascertain if she could be of 
any assistance. At 9 a.m. Messrs. de Sauty and Saunders 
had just completed another test, which gave the fault at 
still twenty -four knots from the ship, when Mr. Temple 
came to the door of the test-room with a piece of iron wire 
in his hand about l|-inch in length, and accompanied by 
two men carrying a bight of the cable. The piece of wire 
had been seen projecting out of the cable as it passed in- 
board, and unfortunately withdrawn, so that the actual 
spot was lost. The cable was immediately cut and the 


insulation test applied, when the portion in-board proved 
faulty and that between the ship and shore perfect. Mr. 
Canning ordered the length of cable containing the fault 
to be placed in safe keeping, and no person to be allowed 
to see it. 

At 2.50 p.m. paying-out recommenced, but for some 
time all were kept in a state of most anxious suspense as, 
through a misunderstanding, it was not until 5 p.m. that 
shore commenced sending signals as usual. 

Again all went well until 3.4 p.m. on July 29th, when 
''spot suddenly left the scale'' for the second time. The 
cable was cut two knots in board, and picking up begun. 
After hauling in about three knots of cable the fault, at 
11 p.m., came in-board. During the night the splice was 
made, and the cable again ready for paying out; Mr. 
Canning, however, thought it better to stop all work until 
daylight. At 5 a.m. the following day the cable got 
damaged, and another splice had to be made. Paying out 
recommenced at 10.9 a.m., and at noon (Greenwich time 
two hours in advance of ship's time) the amount of cable 
paid out was 750 knots. 

The cause of these faults was regarded with suspicion, 
and a jury was empanelled to investigate the matter. A 
large majority quickly gave a verdict of wilful murder 
against some person or persons unknown, while a small 
minority considered that the verdict ought to have been 
suicide. My opinion was, that, if the number of broken 
wires had been considered, and the way in which they 
were bent in the recovered cable had been properly ex- 
amined, the evidence in favour of the latter verdict would 
have been strong. So firm, however, was the opinion that 
the faults were caused by wilful stabs that several gentle- 
men on board, who were not engaged in the actual work. 


agreed to take watch and watch in the tank during the 
uncoiling of the cable, in the hope of discovering the 
perpetrator of so diabolical a deed. 

During the voyage Mr. H. O'Neil, A.E.A., issued from 
time to time, though far too seldom, The Atlantic Telegraphy 
a paper which certainly touched a chord of humour that 
would otherwise have remained mute amid the cares and 
anxieties felt by all. 

Of course much of the contents of these papers can 
only be appreciated by those who were on board at the 
time, but nevertheless I publish them in extenso (Appen- 
dix A). In them will be found two cleverly executed 
sketches, the first showing how one of the aforesaid gentle- 
men was seen keeping his watch, and the second depicting 
in the form of a nightmare how Mr. Canning saw the nails 
being driven into the cable while Mr. de Sauty pointed 
out the mischief that would ensue. 

The suspicion engendered by the discovery of these 
faults had a very depressing effect, for it was justly 
observed, " The faults do not occur in the same watch, so 
that there must be more than one person concerned." 

Now that the cable hands were suspected they appeared 
to lose all interest in their work, and were certainly not in 
the humour to receive from the crew, what at another time 
they would have considered good-natured chaff. 

On July 31st, at 5.5 a.m., paying out recommenced ; at 
this time about 850 knots had been let go, and the depth 
of water below us was about 2,250 fathoms. All went 
well until 8 a.m. on August 2nd, when the deflection given 
on the commencement of the half-hour test was 290 deg., 
instead of about 47 deg., as it should have been. Picking 
up was the consequence, and the cable came in in good 
condition, but unfortunately the want of a sufficient supply 


of steam to the engine of the picking-up machinery caused 
many stoppages. During one of these the cable became 
fixed across the ship's " fore-foot/^ and, in endeavouring to 
clear it, too great a strain was brought to bear upon the 
cable, which parted in-board just behind the stopper, the 
end going overboard at 12.35, ship's time. The total 
length then paid out was 1,213-962 knots, distance run 
1,06 4'4 knots. Endeavours were at once made to regain 
the cable, but, owing to the breaking strain of the picking- 
up machinery, the unsuitability of the ship's capstan as a 
substitute, the loss of grapnels through the breaking of 
their ropes, unwieldy shackles, and other causes, the task 
was given up in despair. A buoy was left behind to mark 
the place (vide sketch in Atlantic Telegraphy Appendix A), 
and the Great Eastern started at 11.30 p.m., on August 11th, 
for her old moorings at Sheerness, arriving there on the 
20th of the same month. 


New Atlantic Cable Commenced — Anglo-Americcm Telegraph Company- 
Agreement — Constant Test Required — Letter to Mr. Glass — Reports on 
New System— Mr. Clark— Professor Thomson— Mr. Cyrus Field— Testing 
Joints — Tests of Cable at Greenwich — Experiments with New System — 
Shore Ends — Letter from Captain Bolton — Telegraph Code — Programme 
of Proceedings — Engineer — Instructions for Ship and Shore — Data for 
Completed Cable— Staflf— Diary of Mr. Thomas WiUey— Note for July 9th 
— Diary Continued— *' Great Eastern Telegraph" — Messages — Gooch to 
Glass— Smith to Gkss— Line Handed Over— Data for 1866 Cable after 
Laying— Diary Continued — Grappling for 1865 Cable — Description of 
Grappling Rope — End of Cable Secured — Illustrations — Table of Dis- 
tances — ^Fault Occurred— Cable Completed — Handed Over to the Anglo- 
American Company — Arrival in England — Honours Received — Engraving 
of Medal — Address. 

A FEW days after the return of the Great Eastern 1,600 
knots of the same size core for a new cable was commenced. 
On investigation however it was found that, financially, both 
the Atlantic Telegraph Company, and the Telegraph Con- 
struction and Maintenance Company much resembled two 
ships labouring in a storm, on a lee shore, and it was with the 
greatest difficulty that the Anglo-American Telegraph Com- 
pany was launched for the purpose of assisting them. Had 
not this Company come to their rescue it is impossible to say 
what might have happened. It was not until March 1st, 
1866, that the *^ Heads of Agreement," between the At- 
lantic Telegi'aph Company and Mr. Eichard Attwood Glass 
was signed on behalf of a new Company, to be formed and 
called '^The Anglo-American Company, Limited, or some 
other name.'' 


Two days later, another agreement was signed, headed 
as follows: —'^ Heads of Agreement between the Telegraph 
Construction and Maintenance Company, Limited (herein- 
after called 'The Contractors'), and the Anglo American 
Telegraph Company, Limited (hereinafter called *The 
Company ' )." 

The manufacture of the cable now went on more briskly, 
for, up to this time, only about 300 knots had been 

It was finally agreed that "The Contractors" alone 
should electrically test this length, so, after '^ The Com- 
pany" had tested several lots, they discontinued testing 
and removed their instruments from the Gutta Percha 
Works, when ^' The Contractors " at once dispensed with 
testing the core while under pressure. 

The iron used was softer than in the previous cable and 
was galvanised, and only covered with strands of manilla 
hemp. I can understand why the compounds hitherto used 
to cover the iron wire were discarded, but 1 think a more 
suitable compound might have been used with advantage, 
as also I believe that tarred hemp would have made the 
cable less lively. It is diflBcult to conceive why it was not 
used, unless from motives of economy. 

As far as I knew it had always been the practice in 
cable laying to make all necessary tests independently of 
each other ; thus in the case of the last Atlantic expedition, 
the hour was divided into four parts and a certain test had 
to be repeated in the time allotted to it. 

The first thirty minutes were. occupied on ship-board in 
testing the insulation, or resistance of the gutta percha, of 
the entire cable, and during that time the end of the 
conductor on shore had to be insulated. The other thirty 
minutes were divided into three equal parts, which were 


devoted respectively to receiving reversals from the shore, 
ascertaining the resistance of the conductor, and sending 
reversals to the shore. The most important tests, indeed 
the only ones absolutely necessary during the submersion 
of a cable, are those for insulation and continuity of the 
conductor. A ready means of immediate communication 
between the ship and shore is also desirable. Hitherto 
each test had been applied independently ; that is to say, 
while the continuity test was being made, the insulation 
test had to be neglected and vice versa. Consequently, in 
the arrangements above mentioned, the state of the insula- 
tion of the cable was not known during the last thirty 
minutes of each hour, so that if a fault passed overboard 
during that time, it might be two or three miles astern 
before it was detected. 

How best to devise a system which woiild keep up the 
constant test for insulation and continuity, and at the 
same time allow free communication through the 
cable between the ship and shore, was now the question. 
In trying to solve this problem I took for my basis the 
following fact. Were it possible for a submarine cable, 
and the water surrounding it, to bo placed in an insulated 
trough, the resistance of the gutta percha enveloping the 
conductor could be ascertained, not only by measuring the 
amount of current passing into the cable after a certain 
time had been allowed for electrification, which constitutes 
the ordinary insulation test, but also by merely placing a 
wire from one terminal of a galvanometer in connection 
with the water, and a similar wire in connection with the 
other terminal to earth, the actual amount of current 
passing through the dielectric could be measured, and 
thus tests could be made by two separate persons quite 
independently of each other. Upon this I built the 


system which induced me to write to Mr. Glass on 
September 28th, 1865, as follows : — 

^' Dear Sir, — It occurred to me during the laying of the 
Atlantic Telegraph Cable that it would have been advan- 
tageous, had it been possible, to have kept the core 
constantly under an insulation test, so that when the 
slightest fault occurred, it would have been immediately 
detected. Since my return from the Great Eastern I have 
given this subject some attention, and I am pleased to be 
able to inform you that I have succeeded, above my expec- 
tations, in perfecting a system which will allow not only 
the ship, but also the shore to keep up a constant 
insulation test ; and, when necessary, signals could be 
exchanged without interfering with the arrangement If 
you think this of sufficient importance, I shall have much 
pleasure in submitting my scheme to you and then shall 
be better able to enter more fully into detail. 

" (Signed) WiLLOUGHBY Smith.'^ 

On October 25th Mr. Glass visited the Great Eastern to 
witness my experiments through the 1,027 knots of cable 
left from the late expedition. He appeared to be much 
pleased with the results, and promised to at once employ 
an expert to make experiments and report to him on the 
whole matter. Mr. Latimer Clark, who was the expert 
employed, visited the Great Eastern on February 3rd, 1886, 
for the purpose of testing my system, there being present 
(besides his assistant, Mr. J. C. Laws), Messrs. Field, 
Gooch, Fothergill Cooke, Shuter, De Sauty, Chatterton, 
Canning, Smyth, George, Graves, Medley, &c., and Capt. 

In his report Mr. Clark stated :— 


"I have examined the system carefully, and have 
experimented upon it through upwards of a thousand 
miles of Atlantic cable now on board the Great Eastern^ 
and I find it in every way suited for practical use; it 
allows of the free application of the various tests requisite 
during submergence of a long submarine cable, and it has 
the peculiar merit of giving an absolutely continuous test 
of insulation, and at the same time of enabling the tests 
for continuity of the conductor, and the transmission of 
intelligence, to be carried on iminterruptedly without the 
necessity for any change in the connections of the appa- 
ratus employed either on ship or on shore." 

Mr. Graves' report to the Atlantic Telegraph Company 
was equally favourable. 

Later on, Professor Thomson reported as follows : — 

^' I found its action through the cable on board the 
Chreat Eastern quite perfect so far as signalling each way 
without interfering with the ship's insulation test is con- 
cerned. The plan by which he allows the shore operator 
to signal to the ship is particularly simple and well 

The following extracts on the same subject are taken 
from a report made by Mr. Cyrus Field. 

"Mr. Willoughby Smith, of the Gutta Percha Works, 
who was on board the Chreat Eastern last year, and who 
saw the diflSculties we had to contend with, has, since his 
return, devised quite a new system of testing a cable 
electrically during its submersion. Of the merits of this 
system there can be no question, as it has been thoroughly 
tried through the 1,000 knots of Atlantic Cable now on 
board the ship with perfect success. Professor Thomson 
and all the gentlemen competent to form an opinion upon 
the subject, speak of it in the highest terms . 


" Another advantage in this system may be mentioned, 
namely, the simplicity of all its arrangements. There is 
not throughout the entire voyage any alterations in the 
connections. Whatever takes place there cannot be any 
confusion in the handling of the apparatus. Experience 
has shown that in the excitement of laying a submarine 
cable great trouble is caused by having to change the 
apparatus so frequently for the different tests ; but in this 
new system all these tests are combined in one, and thus 
this great annoyance is completely obviated." 

On April 4th I went to the Greenwich Works to inspect 
their system of testing joints, as seventeen had been 
rejected in succession. I was there informed by Messrs. 
Canning and Clifford that Mr. De Sauty had left the 
service of the Company on the previous Saturday, al- 
though they had not known of it until the day before ; 
they also told me that Mr. Joseph May was in charge 
of the electrical department. 

As to the joints, had I been the judge, I certainly 
should not have rejected them ; the case was a difficult one 
to decide. Supposing, after long submersion, the joint to 
be tested fell below the standard, was it more desirable to 
pass it, or to make a new one of the conditions of which 
nothing could be certainly known ? 

Having promised to remain with the Gutta Percha Com- 
pany until they gave up possession to the Company who 
were about to take over the business, I was still considered 
to be in their service, when, on April 7th, 1866, at the 
request of Mr. Glass I visited him at St. Leonards, where 
he was staying for the benefit of his health. It was there 
agreed that in addition to my position at the Gutta Percha 
Works I should accept the post of chief electrician to the 
Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company, and as 


such, should have sole charge of the electrical department 
during the next Atlantic expedition. 

On April 11th I noticed that by using a very high 
resistance in taking the constant I obtained a higher 
value for the resistance of. the gutta percha, in the pro- 
portion of about 1 to 1"25, and this value I adopted. 
Mr. Latimer Clark had been appointed by the Anglo- 
American Telegraph Company, to test all the sections of the 
cable at Greenwich, so, on April 13th, Mr. Laws proceeded 
there to make the tests on his behalf, and obtained the 
following values expressed in millions of Siemens' Units. 

Tnwilatifim rerigfamce, 

by Tnarmometer. 

Temp, of Core by 

Siemens' U 


Total Length. 

Co|>per Besistanoe. 





































On April 19th Mr. Laws went to the Crreat Eastern^ 
there to test the 211 knots of new cable which had left 
Greenwich before it was finally settled that Mr. Clark 
would have to certify the cable, and on the same day I 
arranged with Captain Halpin that l^e should, on the 
following Monday, lay a length of insulated wire, attached 
to one end of the core of the cable on board to the shore. 
Here, nearly opposite to the place where the Great Eastern 
was moored, I had engaged a herdsman's cottage. This 
cottage I fitted as the shore station, so that the electrical 
staff, to be engaged to work my system during the laying 
of the cable, could test through the entire length while it 
was being coiled in the tanks of the ship. Thus, not only 
were continuous tests applied during the coiling of the 
cable, but the operators got well used to their respective 
duties before the actual laying of the line commenced. 



On April 28th Mr. John Pender and friends visited both 
the ship and shore to see my electrical arrangements; they 
appeared much pleased with the way their messages 
were sent and received thi'ough the cable without interfer- 
ing in the least with the insulation tests. 

On May 14th Mr. Henley began to manufacture the 
shore ends for this cable ; on May 18th I proved that a 
fault represented by one inch of bare copper strand did 
not with my system prevent signalling through the cable ; 
on May 30th the manufacture of the 1,646 knots of cable 
was completed, and on June 6th Mr. Graves tested the 
cable on board the Great Fastem on behalf of the Atlantic 
Telegraph Company. 

Mr. Cyrus Field had received the following letter from 
Captain Bolton. 

" Chatham, Uth February^ 1866. 

*^ Dear Mr. Field, — In reply to your enquiry as to how I 
am getting on with my Telegraph Code, it will doubtless 
interest you to know that it is now rapidly approaching 
completion. When I made the trial through the 2,300 
knots of cable on board the Great Eastern^ in July last, I 
succeeded in gaining 14 minutes out of 32 in the trans- 
mission of a message. The Code of that time was 

'^ Now I fully expect to be able to gain (at the lowest 
average) cent, per cent, over any instruments worked on 
the existing telegraphic system. 

'^Another advantage possessed by this code is its 
correctness in the rendering of telegrams, added to 
which is its simplicity. I have proposed to the 
Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company 
to open negotiations for the commercial working of 


my code, not with the Atlantic Cable alone, but with 
other existing great lines, especially India; and I am 
induced to believe that by doubling the working powers of 
a line the market value of the shares must necessarily be 
advantageously influenced. I hope to see you again 
shortly on the subject, meanwhile believe me. 

^* Yours very truly, 

" (Signed) Frank Bolton." 
^V Cyrus W. Field, Esq., 

"Palace Hotel, London," 

Every facility was therefore given to Captain Bolton to 
continue his experiments and he appeared to spare neither 
time nor expense over them. 

On June 26th Mr. Glass visited the Great Eastern^ to 
test his system; on this occasion Captain Bolton was at 
the sending and his assistant Major Knapp Barrow at the 
receiving station. One of the test messages handed to 
Captain Bolton was as follows : — 

" Bad news from the home-farm. TrichinsB spiralis in all 
the last year's bacon, and the bull-pup laid up with 

This message took Captain Bolton 45 minutes to code, 
the clerk 8 minutes to send the figures representing it, 
and Major Knapp Barrow 20 minutes to translate with 
two mistakes. 

The same message by the ordinary system was, by the 
same clerks, sent and received in 5 minutes 10 seconds, 
after which Mr. Glass decided not to enter into any agree- 
ment for working, until the cable was laid and he had seen 
what we could ourselves do in that direction. 

The engineers' programme and the electrical ship and 

shore instructions, printed in leaflet form and freely 

circulated, were as follows : — 


148 the ei8e and extension of 

Programme op Proceedings for Laying the 
Atlantic Telegraph Cable. 

Morden Wharf Greenwich, 

June 20th, 1866. 

1. The S.8. William Cory having received on board at 
North Woolwich the shore end and machinery for the 
Irish coast, will leave the Thames not later than the 30th 
instant, and proceed to Berehaven to be in readiness to lay 
the shore end when the weather is sufficiently fina 

2. The S.S. Albany having her recovering machinery, 
ropes, buoys, and stores on board will leave the Thames on 
the 26th and proceed to Cardiff, fill up with coals, and go 
from thence to Berehaven to assist the William Cory in 
laying the shore end. She will afterwards accompany the 
expedition to Newfoundland. 

3. The S.S. Medway having all her coals, cable, and 
machinery on board, will leave the Thames about the 5th 
July, and proceed to Berehaven to join the d'eat Eastern 
and be ready to accompany her in laying the cable. 

4. The Great Eastern will leave Sheemess on the 30th 
June for Berehaven to complete her coaling, and be ready 
to steam out to the buoy on the shore end on or about the 
10 th July. The splice to the main cable will be made on 
board the Great Eastern, 

5. After the shore end is laid by the William Cory and 
buoyed, if the weather is fine she will remain by the buoy, 
and the Albany will return to Berehaven for the Great 

6. Upon commencing to lay the cable from the Great 
Eastern the position of the Terrible will be ahead of the 
Great Eastern on the port or starboard bow, to keep other 
vessels out of the course, and the Medway will be on the 



port and Albany on the starboard quarter in readiness to 
pick up or let go a buoy or do other work as may be 
signalled from the Great Eastern. 

7. All the accompanying ships to keep their allotted posi- 
tions, and within signalling distance of the Great Eastern. 

8. The speed of the ship over the ground, in paying out 
the cable, should in no case exceed six knots per hour. 

9. In laying the cable of 1865, the average slack paid 
out through the deep water was 15 '6 per cent, at an 
average speed of ship of 6-34 per hour, and with a strain 
ranging from 10 to 14 cwts. 

10. The total length of cable taken out this year being 
2,724 miles, it will be seen from the following estimate 
that 764 miles will be left to complete the line of 1865 : — 


Cable Required. 



Shoal. Deep Water. 


r per cent 20p(roent. 
Blaok. Slack. 

Valentia to Heart's Content 



1866. Valentia to end of 

shoal water, lat. 62° 21', 

long. 14° 40'... 




Deep water .... 




Heart's Content to end shoal 

water, lat. 49° 17', long. 

49° 40* 

Totals for line of 1866 



185 — 

Distance ] 

,670 miles 

Cable 1,960 miles 

1865. From the end of cable 

of 1865 to Hearts Con- 


Totals for line of 1865 . 



185 1 512-5 


600 miles 

Cable 697-5 miles 

Taking this 697 5 miles from 764, we have 665 miles 
of cable left, and the cable of 1865 must, therefore, be 
grappled and spliced within this distance from the end. 

11. In the event of any unforeseen occurrence, in laying 


the Cable of 1866, by which the cable could not be re- 
covered in the deep water, it becomes necessary to fix 
upon the length remaining on board with which it 
would be prudent to start again from the point latitude 
52° 21' N., longitude 14° 40' W., or 164 miles from 

Taking the figures in the previous paragraph with 20 
per cent, of slack through the deep water, and 7 per cent, 
through the shoal water, the length of cable required 
between Ireland and Newfoundland is 1,960 ; this taken 
from the total length 2,724 miles leaves 764 miles, which 
could be paid out, and yet have sufficient cable left to 
begin again if an accident happened at that place ; but as 
the cable can be grappled in between 200 and 300 fathoms 
depth at latitude 52° 21' N., longitude 14° 40' W., this 
would give 175*5 miles to be added to the 764 miles, 
making 939 miles, which might be paid out and yet have 
sufficient cable to commence again at the above position 
and reach Newfoundland ; but in deciding upon a point of 
such importance, I consider a larger margin ought to be 
allowed, and should not therefore advise re-commencing at 
the end of the shoal water if more than 830 miles had 
been paid out when the end of the cable was lost. 

In the event of such an occurrence, the Expedition must 
first return to Berehaven, or some other port, where the 
Cable can be transhipped from the Medway into the Great 
Eastern before making another attempt. 

12. The disconnecting gear on the Great Eastern should 
be tried on the passage round to Berehaven, to ascertain 
how she will answer with both paddle and screw. 

13. In the case of a fault being discovered, a signal 
from the testing room will be immediately made by gong 
to the bridge and to the paying out machine to reverse the 


engines, and by electric bell to the coil, and as soon after- 
wards as possible with safety to the cable to commence 
hauling back. 

14. Should a fault occur, a buoy placed ready at or 
near to the stem will be immediately attached to the 
Cable to buoy up the bight. The ship would then be 
kept as near this position as possible, and other buoys can 
be attached at intervals if necessary, and if the weather is 
such that, from the drift of the ship or other causes, too 
much cable is being lost, and it is necessary to cut the 
cable, the end will be moored and buoyed with a large 
ocean buoy. 

The latitude upon which the Cable will cross each degree 
of longitude to be given to each officer in charge of the 
Medwajj and Albany in order that, should the ships part in 
a fog, any ship having missed the Great Eastern can steam 
ahead to a meridian which she can be sure the Great 
Eastern cannot have reached, then steam slowly back with 
the view of picking up the Great Easterny which may be 
engaged picking up a fault. 

Both Maryatt's and Colomb's signals to be used, the 
latter method having been already applied to the codifying 
of all probable signals. 

At any time the Great Eastern may be heard firing 
guns, it is to be understood by the accompanying ships 
that they are desired to close with the Great Eastern. 

In case of fog on approaching the Newfoundland coast, 
the Terrible will keep close ahead of the Great Eastern^ and 
direct the latter to alter course by tiring one gun to port 
helm and two guns to starboard same ; three guns danger 
ahead. If the Great Eastern fires one or more guns, 
attendant ships to close in with her. 

If when near the land, our position or Trinity Bay 


cannot be ascertained on account of the fog, and the 
weather is calm, the Great Eastern can be kept nearly in 
her then position with the Cable, or if, for the safety of 
the ship, it is necessary to keep further from the land 
whilst the fog lasts, the Cable can be cut, moored, and 
buoyed, and watch-buoys put down to facilitate in finding 
the Cable Buoy. 

This could also be done should a gale of wind be blowing 
up Trinity Bay, or whilst making the splice, so that it may 
be considered dangerous or unadvisable for the Great 
Eastern to go nearer the land. 

As soon as the Terrible has taken in coal, she will pro- 
ceed with the Albany to the position about one mile from 
the end of the Cable of 1865, and place mark buoys for 
guidance in grappling. The Medway and Great Eastern 
will follow as soon as they have coaled ; but should they 
not join the Terrible and Albany by the time they have placed 
the mark buoys, the Albany will proceed to grapple for 
the Cable, and if she succeed in grappling it, she will lift 
it as far as possible without approaching the breaking 
strain ; she will then buoy the grapnel rope, and grapple 
for the Cable again further on. By continuing this she may 
succeed in lifting the bight or an end to the surface, and 
buoy it in readiness for the Great Eastern. 

Should the Great Eastern and Medway arrive before the 
bight or end of the Cable is grappled or raised, they will 
take up their position and commence grappling. 

If the three ships are grappling for the Cable at the 
same time, their relative positions will be: the Medway 
to the west, with the greatest lifting strain, the Albany to 
the east, with the least lifting strain ; so that, if the Cable 
is broken by the Medway the end will be secured either by 
the Great Eastern or the Albany, 








The ships will be provided with grapnels both for 
breaking and holding the Cable. 

If the ships have hold of the Cable and a gale of wind 

springs up, so as to prevent the possibility of raising the 

Cable to the surface, buoys are provided for buoying the 

grapnel ropes, and watch buoys placed to assist in sighting 

the grapnel buoys, in case the ships are driven away from 

their position. 

Samuel Canning, 


(Approved) R. A. Glass, 

Managing Director. 

Instructions for Ship and Shore. 

1. The tests to be applied on shore may be put, for 
convenience, under five heads. The instruments on shore 
are to be connected, as showed in the accompanying 
diagram (No. 1), and not to be altered under any pretence 
throughout the voyage unless instructions are received 
from the ship to do so. 

y . The end of the cable must be brought direct to the 
test room, and the conductor firmly secured to the 
switch S. 

3. No. 1 arrangement consists of a very high resistance, 
R, permanently attached to the conductor, and one end of 
a galvanometer, G, the other terminal of the galvanometer 
being connected to earth. This being a variable resistance, 
it should be adjusted so as to allow a deflection of about 
200 divisions on the scale of G, from the tension of the 
ship battery. This deflection never, on any account, to be 
allowed to exceed 300. The purpose of this arrangement 
is to enable ship to speak to shore by cither reversals, or 


reduced or increased tension. It will also be an insulation 
and continuity test for shore, as well as a control tension 
test for ship. As this arrangement will not require to be 
altered during the voyage, to ensure a good and constant 
contact the connection had better be soldered to the con- 

4. No. 2 arrangement consists of a condenser, C, equal 
in inductive capacity to about thirty miles of the cable, con- 
nected to an ordinary key, K, in such a way that it can be 
charged from the line at will, and discharged through the 
galvanometer G'. This is to serve for a continuity test for 
ship, to ascertain the potential of the line at the shore end, 
and as a call signal when shore wishes to speak to ship. 

5. No. 3 is an arrangement for enabling shore to speak 
to or receive from ship through a condenser, C, equal to 
about 80 miles in inductive capacity. C is connected to 
the line when required by means of the switch S", so that 
either positive or negative currents from battery B may be 
sent into the condenser. This will produce on ship's insu- 
lation galvanometer deflections either to the right or left, 
which will represent dots and dashes in the code, the left, 
or negative, being equivalent to a dot, the right, or 
positive, to a dash. 

6. No. 4 is an electrometer arrangement for ascertaining 
the potential of the line. The battery galvanometer must 
always be kept at one reading by means of the resist- 
ance coils, R' (ordinary 1 to 10,000). Before reversing 
the battery at any time by its key, the galvanometer must 
be short-circuited by putting the galvanometer key into 
its middle position, and when the battery is reversed, the 
reversal of the galvanometer may be completed. By aid of the 
electrometer and its key, the potential of the fine slide is to 
be always kept equal to that of the insulated end of the 


cable. The actual electric zero of the electrometer at the 
time is to be worked to. This may vary a good deal. The 
slide number, to be telegraphed to the ship at certain times, 
consists of hundreds from the lower scale, and units from 
the upper. Thus 713 is the number corresponding to the 
positions shown on the diagram. But ordinarily, when all 
is well, the lower slide will be much nearer the right, and 
the numbers will, generally, consist of four figures, as, for 
instance, 8,213, if the upper spring of double slide touches 
the number of 82, and the upper or fine slide is as shown 
in the diagram. Shore is to adjust his battery and resist- 
ance so as to find 8,000 for his slide reading when the 
cable is first joined up. Thenceforward his battery galvano- 
meter is to be kept at one reading as constantly as possible. 

7. No. 5 is an ordinary bridge arrangement for testing 
the copper resistance of the line. It must be kept ready 
for use, but must not by any means be connected to the 
line until ship gives orders for the test to be made. It 
can thcD be attached to switch S by the wire leading to 
resistance R, and it will thus not interfere in the slightest 
degree with the other connections. 

8. The cable on board the Great Eastern will be joined 
into one entire length, and when joined to the shore 
end, ship will charge aod commence the insulation test with 
100 cells. This tension will be maintained throughout the 
voyage, unless it should be thought prudent to alter it, of 
which due notice will be given to the shore. 

9. The resistance R on shore must bo so adjusted as to 
obtain the desired deflection on galvanometer G, and must 
not again be altered unless the deflection exceed 300 divi- 
sions ; or unless a serious fault occur, when it will have to 
be reduced until a sufficient deflection is obtained to enable 
ship to speak to shore by reversals. The deflections must 


be taken at stated intervals, directly after the zero of the 
instrument has been adjusted and carefully tabulated for 
future reference, 

10. The continuity test (No. 2 arrangement in the dia- 
gram) will be applied every five minutes, commencing at 
the sixth minute after each hour, unless shore is speaking 
to ship, and then it can be discontinued during the time 
of speaking, and the discharge reading carefully tabulated. 
One charge of 10 s. duration will be sufficient for this test. 
It is important, in order to make this reading very accurate, 
tiiat it should be as high as possible, and, therefore, the 
readings should always be taken on the same side of the 
scale, with the zero point at the extreme end of the other 
side, by which means a reading of 600 divisions can be ob- 
tained. Shunts will have to be employed to regulate these 
readings. Shore must multiply these readings by the value 
of the shunt (which he will have previously determined) 
and telegraph to the ship the true value of his readings. 

11. Ship will reverse the currents every fifteen minutes, in 
addition to this, ship will send four reversals of two minutes 
each, commencing at the thirtieth minute of each hour. After 
each of these reversals, the tension of the line must be taken 
on electrometer E, condenser C, and galvanometer G. As it 
is important that the potential should be taken on E and 
C simultaneously, S' and S'" will be generally connected 
together by means of a plug or some other simple arrange- 
ment. Each of the four readings of each instrument must 
be sent to the ship by No. 3 arrangement in the diagram. 
The ordinary Morse " number " code to be used : — 

1 . 6 - ... . 

2 . . 7 . . . 

3 . . . 8 . . 

4 .... _ 9 . 



These readings are to be taken at 31m. 40s., 33m. 40s., 
35m. 40s., and 37m. 40s. The slide reading of the electro- 
meter test must always be sent FIKST, then the discharge 
reading from the condenser, and lastly the reading on G. 
The code will be worked as follows : — Suppose the readings 
to be slide 87, condenser 600, and galvanometer 194, they 



would be signalled to the ship in this order, viz., _ 

16 s. pause, — ^ • •, 15 s. pause, then "the understand " 

(. . to indicate that the first reading is completed). 

_ .^ . ., 15 s. pause, ^ , 15 s. pause, ^ , 15 s. 

pause, then "the understand" as before, *_ ., 15 s. 

pause, ^*_ ., 15 s. pause, ..*.._ 15 s. pause, then "the 

understand " to denote the finish. In case of one reading 
being doubtful, D. D. (_.._. .) will be sent instead. 

12. Ship's ordinary mode of communicating to shore will 
be by K' and B', the plug P'" being first removed. At 
the end of each word ship pauses long enough to get an 
approximate or accurate insulation reading. 

13. A " time " code as follows may be used : — 



60 8. 



60 8. 



70 8. 



80 8. 



90 8. 



100 8. 



110 8. 



120 s. 



130 8. 


140 8. 

All messages can be sent by the code annexed hereto in 
numbers the spelling code providing 1,000 signals, by which 
any word can be spelt in syllables. Therefore, the use of 
the alphabet will seldom be required. 

The advantage of this code is the frequency of the rever- 
sals, which allowing an insulation reading to be taken after 


each. This will be a good test of the electrical condition of 
the cable. The insulation test will also not be interrupted 
for more than 15 s. at any one time. 

14. When speed is necessary, ship will speak direct by 
K' and B' as above, working by two currents, as in the or- 
dinary single needle code. Three reversals of 20 s. duration 
will be the quick-speaking signal. 

15. Shore will send a daily Greenwich time signal to 
ship at lOh. 11m. Os. a.m. 

16. To sum up, the ordinary tests will be as follows : — 
Continuity test from shore, when not otherwise provided, 
every five minutes, commencing at the sixth minute after 
each hour (§ 10). 

17. Ship will reverse current every fifteen minutes, when 
not otherwise engaged. 

18. At the thirtieth minute of each hour reversals will be 
sent and potential of line taken on shore (§ 11). 

19. To open communication with shore, ship will give 
three 15 s. reversals for the "time" code, three 20 s. rever- 
sals for the quick code, and three 25 s. reversals for the 
" number " code, all of which will be continued with pauses 
between until shore gives " the understand." 

20. Shore's call signal will be one continuity test each 
minute until attention is secured (§ 4). G. G. will be the 
signal for shore to commence speaking, but a reversal from 
ship will mean that shore is not to proceed speaking until 
the G. G. signal is given. G. G. would not be doubtful in 
case of a fault. 

21. As ship will be on the alert for the hourly tension 
test from shore ; shore need not send the call signal, but 
may at once proceed to transmit results, having first sent 

s« s. s. 

22. The following signals taken from those in the code 


will be sent from ship to represent the corresponding in- 
structions : — 

10. Double battery power on speaking instrument. 

83. Half do. do. do. 

40. Double capacity of condenser for continuity. 

04. Half do. do. do. 

49. Take potential on electrometer slide every exact 
minute of ship's chronometer time, beginning on an even 
minute. Send results immediately after four readings 

38. Take resistance of line : first, negative, and then, 
positive, and send results. We will free the line for 
six minutes. 

91. Take copper resistance: first, negative, and then 
positive, and send results. We will put line to earth for six 

96. Put end of line direct to earth for five minutes. 

58. Put end of line direct to earth for two minutes. 

23. If it be found necessary to add to or alter any of 
these instructions, ship will do so by giving due notice to 
shore ; but in no case is shore to depart from their instruc- 
tions, unless ship gives them permission to do so. 

24. Should ship reverse the current while shore is speak- 
ing, or at any other time than that stated in the instruc- 
tions, shore will understand it as a signal for them not to 
interfere in any way with the line until ship gives G. G., 
when the ordinary signals or tests may be proceeded with. 

25. Ship will work to Greenwich time with a chrono- 
meter, and shore, except at lOh. 11m. a.m., must take that 
time as being correct, and work to it. 

26. When the cable is laid, the entire system must be 
transferred to the end of 1865 cable, and the galvanometer. 


G, carefully watched for signals. Unless ship instruct 
otherwise, it will be understood that the same instructions 
are to be observed during the completion of that line. 

27. Should a misunderstanding arise while adjusting 
speaking instruments, after the line or lines are laid, the 
paying out speaking arrangements must be again adopted. 

28. Eecords of the tests made and the results obtained are 
to be carefully kept both on ship and shore. 

29. Once a day ship will send distance run, miles paid 
out, and insulation resistance per mile, in miUions of 

Special Instructions for Srap. 

1. The connections are to be made as in the annexed 
diagram. No. 2. 

2. For ordinary insulation test plug P must be inserted, 
and P' and P" removed. 

3. Minute readings must be taken on G and recorded. 
Slide resistances S K and S E' must not be used or inter- 
fered with, except by the electrician on duty at the time. 
When required to ascertain the resistance of the G P by 
the slide arrangement, the plug P must be removed, and 
P' and P" inserted. When altering connections, care 
must be taken to shunt off the galvanometer G, so as not 
to allow too strong a current to pass through it. 

The resistance of S E and S E' must be varied by the 
slides, until the image on the scale of G stands at zero. 

If n be the number read on the slides, 

E" resistance in line with cable, 

I" Insulation resistance of the cable, 

I = R(iMl?-l) 


The same formula gives copper resistance if the remote 
end is put to earth. 

(Signed) Willoughby Smith. 

The mean per knot for the 1866 cable when completed 
was as follows : — 

Copper Conductor . . . 4*198 ohniB. 

Gutta Percha .... 358 megohms. 
Inductive Capacity . -370 microftirads. 

Captain Anderson again commanded the Great Eastern^ 
Mr. Kobert Halpin was his chief oflBcer ; Captain Moriarty 
also accompanied the expedition in the same capacity as in 
the previous year. Mr. S. Canning, with Mr. H. Clifford 
as his chief assistant, was in charge of the expedition, and 
I, ably assisted by my staflF, had sole charge of the elec- 
trical department. 

Professor Thomson and Mr. J. C. Laws were on 
board as representatives of the Atlantic and Anglo- 
American Telegraph Companies, while Mr. Glass, Mr. 
C. F. Varley, and Mr. Latimer Clark remained at Valentia. 
Mr. Daniel Gooch, Mr. Cyrus Field, Captain Hamilton, 
a Director of the Atlantic Telegraph Company, Mr. J. 
C. Deane, Secretary to the Anglo-American Company, Dr. 
C. V. Poore, as Medical Officer, and Mr. Kobert Dudley, 
artist, were also on board. 

As I was fully occupied in the electrical department, 
my able assistant, Mr. Thomas Willey, took notes for me, 
and I do not thiak I can do better than give them here as 
they were given to me. They are brief, but still I think 
sufficient to show the daily events of this memorable 

" Saturday, June ZOth, 1866. 

" Almost exactly at 12 this morning our anchor was 



weighed, and the engine started. We steamed slowly out 
of the river, cheered loudly by the men-of-war which we 
passed. We reached the Nore at 3.30, and dropped anchor 
there for the night, as the tide was not high enough to carry 
tis over the bar. The weather was exceedingly fine, but 
towards evening a rather stiff S.W. breeze sprang up, 
promising something disagreeable for us the next day. 

** Sunday^ July Istj 1866. 

" As we expected yesterday, we had this morning a 
very heavy gale, with frequent showers of rain and hail ; 
they said it had been raining all the previous night. 
While we were at ^ church,^ in the grand saloon, the men 
above were weighing the anchor, and at one o'clock we 
started once more ; we were accompanied by Mr. Pender's 
yacht The weather in the afternoon became exceedingly 
rough, so much so that the yacht was obliged to put back 
again. About 7 o'clock we noticed a small steamer from Deal 
or Dover making direct for us. The sea was so rough it 
seemed as if she would be swallowed up entirely. Every 
now and then her bows went clean under water, the sea 
streaming over the deck. However, she held up against 
it, and presently, at 7.50 she came alongside us, and took 
away our pilot, thus saving us the trouble of stopping at 
some port to land him. 

We passed Margate ... 4.0 p.m. 
„ North Foreland . 4.30 „ 

„ South „ . 7.30 „ 

„ Dover .... 8.15 „ 

„ Dungeness Light 10.45 „ 

^' The gale continued strong all the day. 


" Monday J July 2nd. 
*• Passed Ventnor 3.0 p.m. Weather still rough. 

" Tuesday^ July Srd. 

^* Passed Lizard 3.30, Land's End, 7.0 p.m. Weather 
very rough all day. 

" Wednesday^ July 4 th. 

" Weather all day was very rough. We sighted Irish 
land at 7.0 p.m. In the evening we had a theatrical enter- 
tainment in the grand saloon. The piece was entitled 
* The Field Glass,' being a pun on the names of our two 
chiefs (see Appendix B). As we were so near our destina- 
tion somebody started a sweepstakes, 10s. each. Each o^ 
the tickets had a certain hour marked on it, and the prize 
was to be given to the one whose time came nearest to the 
time of our arrival next morning. The first prize was won 
by Lord Hastings. 

" This being the anniversary of the American Declara- 
tion of Independence, the American flag was hoisted, and 
speeches made in compliment to Mr. Field. 

" Thursday^ July 5th. 
" We entered Bantry Bay at 5.30 in the morning, and 
dropped anchor about five miles from Castletown, in a 
part of the bay completely screened from the roll of the 

" Friday^ July 6 th. 
**The William Cory^ with the shore end, arrived in 
harbour at 1 o'clock p.m., having experienced very rough 
weather all round. She left again for Valentia, with Mr. 
Smith and the staff and instruments, at 9.0 p.m., the Great 
Eastern saluting with one of her guns. 
**The Terrible arrived at 10 p.m. 



'^ Saturday y July 7th. 

" The Albany arrived in the harbour about 1 1, and 
left for Valentia late in the evening. 

" The William Cory anchored in Foilhummerum Bay at 
7 a.m., having met the Terrible entering Bantry Bay. Mr. 
Glass landed just before 8 o'clock to arrange boats, &c. 
About forty boats were engaged to carry the shore end 
from the ship to the beach. At 2.20 (Greenwich) the 
shore end was about half way to the shore. It was raining, 
and there was every appearance of a rough day. The end 
of the cable was not long enough to come into the test 
room, so it was joined to a piece of taped wire, about 
thirty yards long. At 3.55 the end of the cable was 
brought into the testing room — signals from ship were 
good, on a Morse. 

" At 5.20 the Cory commenced steaming out of the Bay. 
The insulation test was taken on shore every five minutes, 
the rest of the time being occupied in speaking on the 

'^Before the boats could be made to take up their 
positions they crowded so round the ship, it was found 
necessary to play upon them with a hose, to get them off. 

^' Sunday y July Sth. 

** At 3.10 a-m. disconnected the end from the office, as 
ship wished to seal the end. Sent telegram to Field and 
Glass, informing them of the successful laying of the shore 
end. At 12 noon tested the cable — resistance 817 M.S.U. 
per knot. The resistance when the paying out was com- 
menced was 251, and each test showed a gradual in- 
crease. The last test made previous to disconnecting was 


" At 6.30 p.m. Messrs. Glass, Thomson, Field, Varley, 
and Latimer Clark arrived. The latter gentleman made 
the resistance 801, all readings after one minute. 

**The William Cory left for Berehaven, and was obliged 
to keep outside the harbour for 60 hours, until Tuesday 
morning, the fog being too thick to allow her to proceed 
any further." 

The following note for July 9th I was enabled to 
make for myself: — 

The shore end being laid, and all the arrangements 
made at the shore station, I left Mr. J. May in charge, 
and in the evening started across country to join the 
Great Eastern at Berehaven. Fortunately for me Cap- 
tain White, of the coastguard station, allowed one of 
his men to accompany me on what was at night far 
from a pleasant trip to contemplate. After six hours' 
drive through a '^ Scotch " mist, which I thought might 
have been more aptly termed an Irish one, we, about 
midnight, arrived at a place called West Cove, where, 
with difficulty, the coastguardsman got together a crew 
to take us across the Kenmare river. It was so dark that 
I could only make out the number of men from their 
voices as they, with the volubility of their nation, boasted 
of the. number of titled personages they had rowed and 
sailed across the river, and the large amount of money 
they had received for this service. They, of course, 
protested that they would not have taken us, more par- 
ticularly on so dark a night, for the insignificant sum ( 20s.) 
had they not felt so great a respect for the " big ship " 
and her mission to connect more closely old Ireland and 
young America. I could not well judge of their boat in 
the darkness, but, if the titled personages appreciated the 


" very ancient and fishlike smell " arising from it, I cer- 
tainly did not, but I can testify that they got plenty of it 
for their money. 

We now met with an instance of Irish superstition, 
which, had it not come within my own experience, I would 
not have believed possible. The men had pulled well and 
strong together, and, in response to a demand for my opinion, 
I had expressed unqualified approval both of their skill and 
speed, when, suddenly, with exclamations of fright, they 
" in oars," and refused to row another stroke. It then 
transpired that in the Kenmare river there was an island 
which, according to their reckoning, they ought to have 
made by this time; not having done so they solemnly 
aflSrmed that on dark nights like the present, evil spirits, 
to spite them, frequently removed the island. Thinking 
that they had simply missed their way, and were treating 
me to a little blarney, I proceeded to jest upon the subject, 
but my guide, who was himself an Irishman, warned me 
to be careful, as the men were in earnest, and nothing that 
I could say or do would make them alter their convictions. 
My superstitious crew were huddled together in the bows 
talking in a low, and to me unknown language ; for all I 
knew to the contrary they might have been under the 
impression that I was the evil spirit, and discussing how 
best to dispose of me. Thus, for three long hours, did we 
drift, and from the increased motion of the boat it was 
evident that the tide was carrying us seawards. At length, 
at early dawn, it was discovered that the island had been 
replaced, and in its usual position too, for I noticed that 
the men, with renewed energy, rowed to a certain part of 
the island well-known to them, and from thence steered 
their course to the opposite shore. Daylight did not lend 
enchantment to my view of cither the boat or its crew, and 


being once more landed on terra firma I was heartily glad 
to have done with them. 

The only conveyance obtainable at the place where I 
landed somewhat resembled a broad short ladder, supported 
horizontally by being fixed on a cross bar of iron attached 
to a wheel on either side ; this arrangement, which was 
totally guiltless of springs, its owner called a cart. The 
horse — well, I am not much of a judge, but even my 
ignorance was surprised when I was told that its progeni- 
tors were well-known Irish race horses. I thought it 
fortunate for me that he had not apparently inherited their 
speed, for the way was rough, and his driver made much 
use of an apology for a whip, accompanied by many excla- 
mations of an inspiriting nature. However, nothing in- 
duced him to move beyond a jog trot, and at every indica- 
tion of a more than usually rugged piece of road he 
invariably walked. Eventually I reached the Great 
Eastern with a good store of food for future reflection in 
the incidents connected with my journey from Valentia to 

Mr. Willey's notes continued : — 

" Tuesday y July lO^A, 
^^The Albany came into Bantry Bay early, and the 
William Cory arrived at one o'clock p.m. The live stock 
was being taken on board the Great Eastern to-day ; there 
were 100 sheep and a score each of bullocks and pigs, 
besides a large number of fowls of different kinds. 
** The Medway arrived in the harbour in the evening. 

^' Wednesday^ July Wth. 
^^The William Cory left us for England at 3.30 p.m., 
saluting us with two guns as she passed. At 5.30 the 
-RacooTi, twenty-one gun ship, sailed into the harbour. 


" Thursday^ July \2th. 

"The three ships, Terrible^ Medway^ and Albany left 
Bantry Bay for Valentia early in the morning. We were 
getting ready to start all the day long, and at 6 o'clock 
p.m. the Racoon^s boat came alongside and took away all 
those in the Great Eastern who were not going to New- 

"We started about 7 o'clock, with the Racoon following. 
It became very foggy as we left the harbour, and we were 
obliged to keep the fog signals going continually. 

'^ Friday^ July 13M. 

" We came in sight of the buoy to which the shore end is 
attached, off Valentia, about 6 o'clock a.m. The Terrible^ 
Medway^ and Albany were stationed in different positions 
around, so as to guide us to the buoy. We were setting 
ourselves down until about 10.30 (Greenwich) when we 
began to haul in the chain fixed to the cable. The end of 
the cable was shipped at 12.20 (Greenwich), the depth of 
water being 100 fathoms. The joint was immediately 
made, tested, and found perfect, and when the splice was 
completed at 3.20 it was thrown overboard — the Great 
Eastern firing her two guns to announce the fact to the 
other ships. Paying out was at once commenced, the ship 
proceeding at about five knots per hour. The whole opera- 
tion of hauling in was performed amidst floods of rain, 
which drenched everybody who was not well protected. 
The wind was slightly against us, but the great ship hardly 
rolled at all, while we could see the other ships tossing 

''We received the first signal from shore at 2.6 p.m. 
(Greenwich). The weather continued dull all day, and 
became foggy again in the evening. Everything went on 


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^' •' f v.jhi:..' i V 1 j" • MN J- w ' :i^ '"11 


well during the remainder of the day. The paying out 
arrangements were perfect. 

" Saturday^ July 14^A. 

^* Throughout the whole of the day the weather was 
splendid. The testing and paying out proceeded most 
satisfactorily, and the signals from shore were quite dis- 
tinct. The cable is paid out at the rate of about six knots 
per hour, the ship running five knots. The Great Eastern 
behaves herself admirably; she is much quieter than 
when coming round the Channel, and all her motions are 
much more gradual, owing to the increased size of the 

" At three o'clock a man fell overboard from the Terrible, 
but was fortunately recovered, after delaying the vessel 
some time. 

" At 10.45 p.m. we received the following message from 
shore : — ^ General Cialdini is marching upon Eovigo with 
an army of 100,000 men and 200 guns. The Austrians 
have evacuated the whole territory between the Mincio and 
the Adige.' It was immediately written, and published as 
the first number of the Great Eastern Telegraph,^^ 

(Before leaving I had arranged with Mr. May that, as 
opportunity offered, he should telegraph to the ship any 
news likely to prove interesting to our little world so soon 
to be crossing the Atlantic, with no other means of 
knowing what was taking place in that bigger world of 
Europe. Fortunately, all went well electrically, so we 
daily received a batch of news, some of which I posted 
outside the test-room door, heading it The Great Eastern 
Telegraph, The test-room being a deck-house in the centre 
of the ship was a capital position for the purpose, and it 
was gratifying to see those who were not actually on duty 


attracted to the spot, eagerly discussing the news thus 
received, and anxiously awaiting more. 

There can be no doubt that all this had a healthy 
tendency, as it taught the men the importance of their 
work, for was it not strange that they on ship-board in 
mid-Atlantic should be able to read news from that day's 
TimeSj seemingly, owing to difference of time, before it was 
circulated in London. To give my readers an idea of the 
style of the paper and the news contained therein, some 
copies of it will be found at the end of this volume 
(Appendix C). The cover was designed by Mr. Kobert 

" Sunday^ July Ibth, 

" At eight o'clock this morning we had the nicest possible 
escape from a mishap with the cable. It was just after we 
commenced to pay out a section of last year's cable. One 
of the outside wires had broken, and was sticking out like 
a hook. As it was being paid out, it caught up the 
flake of cable underneath, and there would inevitably 
have been a thorough confusion and, perhaps, a breakage 
had not the piece of wire fortunately snapped off and 
allowed the flake underneath to fall into its place again. 
To prevent a recurrence of anything of the kind orders 
were given to the men to lift up the cable as it went 
round and round with their hands, so that in case of 
another broken wire, it would be detected at once. 

^^ Monday^ July 16^A. 

" We had all the day a * dead calm ' ; the sea was 
literally without a ripple except where the paddles had 
been disturbing its surface. Everything has proceeded 
most satisfactorily throughout the day ; signals from shore 
were quite distinct and readable. We have been pro- 


ceeding rather slowly on account of the difficulty in paying 
out the section of 1865 cable. 

" Tuesday, July 17th. 

" At 7.55 this morning the last of the section of 1865 
cable was paid out, and we thought everything would go 
on all right again. But this day must be remembered 
only as one disaster. In the first place, there was a com- 
plete change in the weather ; instead of the calm we had 
yesterday there was a rather stiff S. wind, and towards 
the afternoon a good deal of nasty small rain beat about us. 

" About four o'clock one of our staff accidentally set 
the bell fixed in the tank ringing. Those in the tank, 
without any hesitation, ordered the engineer to stop the 
ship, and it was some little time before the mistake was 

"A much more serious affair happened at 12.30 am. 
(Greenwich). One of the outside wires of the cable had 
broken in a certain place, and when it came to be paid out 
it caught up three or four turns of the flake below. In a 
twinkling the whole bundle of cable rushed up out of the 
tank into the machines, forming an apparently inextricable 
mass of kinks and twists. The ship was at once stopped, 
and all hands put to work to unravel the tangle, while a 
buoy was got ready in case the cable should break. In 
about two hours, by extraordinary exertions, the cable was 
made a little straight, and paying out slowly recommenced. 
During all this time the rain was coming down heavily, 
and the sky was dark as pitch. Our companion ships 
had all gone ahead, having taken no notice of our signals. 
The insulation of the cable, fortunately, remained perfect, 
and all the testing continued as. if nothing had happened. 
The water is very deep about here, 2,400 fathoms is marked 
in the chart. 


" Wednesday^ July 19>th. 

" At 6.22 a.m. an accident of exactly the same nature 
as that recorded yesterday took place. For the third time 
the ship's engines were stopped and reversed. We should 
have had all the trouble of yesterday had not one of the 
men, at the risk of severely hurting himself, fortunately 
caught the tangle before it went out of the "tank. As it 
was he had a pretty heavy fall on his back, but the cable 
was saved, and everything went on as before. The weather 
in the morning was rather finer than yesterday, but there 
was a considerable swell resulting from yesterday's wind. 
Towards evening the rolling greatly increased, and thiags 
were pitched about the cabins anyhow. Fears were enter- 
tained, although, perhaps, not expressed, that the foretank, 
in one of the ship's heavy lurches, might shift, and most 
likely knock the vessePs sides out, and then, of course, it 
would be all U.P. with us. The night passed, fortunately, 
without any mishap of a serious nature, and on 

" Thursday, July VHh. 

*' both weather and sea were a little calmer. By the after- 
noon the weather had quite changed, and the sun came out 
brilliantly. To everybody's satisfaction the after tank was 
emptied to-night, and the paying out of the cable in the 
fore tank commenced. Everything in the fore tank beiag 
put in readiness the ship was stopped at 12.45 (Green- 
widi), and at 1.5 the last yard came out of the after tank, 
and paying out proceeded without the occurrence of a 
single mishap. The night was very fine, contrasting 
^eatly with the weather during our pick-up at Valentia. 
No diflference whatever was perceived in the testing, but 
everything proceeded most satisfactorily. 


" Fnday, July 20^A. 

'* Although it was so fine and quiet yesterday evening, 
the wind began to blow to-day, and, increasing gradually, 
it became a thorough * sou-wester ^ gale by evening, accom- 
panied by heavy showers of rain. We managed to get 
along without any very bad rolling, but the three ships 
accompanying us, especially the Albany^ seemed as if they 
could not live through the night. Tlhe Albany was repeatedly 
ducking her bows quite beneath the billows. Notwithstand- 
ing the state of the wind and sea, the paying out of the cable 
proceeded just as usual. In the very height of the gale, we 
were receiving a message from shore of 208 words and not 
one of the signals had to be repeated. The trim of the ship 
improves as paying out from the fore tank goes on. 

" Saturday July 21st 
*' The wind continued N.W. all day, and the weather 
was splendid. It appeared that we had been the previous 
night on the S.E. edge of a cyclone, fortunately escaping the 
worst of it. 

" Sunday^ July 22nd. 
*^ Weather continued very fine all day, the wind gradually 
changing to S.W. About 11 o^clock am. we were at 
the nearest point — thirty-four miles S. — to where the cable 
broke last year. Everything proceeds excellently. 

" Monday^ July 2Srd. 
** Weather continued fine during the morning, but 
towards the afternoon it became foggy, with a good deal of 
rain and wind just in our teeth. The wind is very cold 
indeed now. 

" Tuesday, July 24:th. 
** Weather still foggy, rainy and cold. 


" Wednesday^ July 2b th. 

" Weather same as yesterday. This morning we changed 
from the fore tank to the main tank. The ship was stopped 
at 2 a.m. (Greenwich), and paying out recommenced from 
the main tank at 2.20. The weather was foggy, but very 
quiet, and so far suitable for the work we had to do. Every- 
thing went off admirably. 

'' Thursday, July 26M. 

" The weather was somewhat clearer to-day. At day- 
break the Albany left us to go in search of one of the men- 
of-war, which are stationed near Newfoundland, to guide us 
in. She returned about 6 p.m. in company with the 
Niger J and we all sailed on in company — ^five of us. We 
passed Baccalon Point at the entrance of Trinity Bay at 
11 p.m., after beating about a good deal in front of the 

" Friday, July 2Tth. 

" We sailed into Heart's Content Bay this morning, the 
people standing on the hills cheering us as we passed. At 
9 o'clock a.m. the Great Eastern finished her work, and 
the cable was handed over to the engineers to splice to the 
shore end on board the Medway. At 11 o'clock we 
dropped anchor, while the Medway was getting ready to 
finish the laying of the cable. This was done at 8 p.m., 
when the fact was made known by a salute of 21 guns each 
from the Terrible, Lily, and Great Uastem. Congratulatory 
messages were immediately sent between Newfoundland and 
Valentia." (For the Queen's message to the President, which 
was received this morning before the completion of the 
cable, and the President's reply, see the Great Eastern 
Telegraph, Appendix C.) 

(Every one on board was permitted to send free messages, 


the only restrictions being that no code should bo used, and 
that they should be written so that they could be readily 
understood ; the number of the messages may be imagined. 
These restrictions had to be made as communications of a 
doubtful character had been passing. 

On July 27th the following message was sent : — 

'* Heart's Content. 
" Gooch to Glass, 

" Our shore end has just been laid, and a most perfect 
cable under God's blessing has completed telegraphic com- 
munication between England and the continent of America. 
I cannot find words to express my deep sense of the untiring 
zeal, and the earnest and cheerful manner in which everyone 
on board, from the highest to the lowest, has discharged the 
anxious and arduous duties they in their several depart- 
ments have been called on to perform ; of their untiring 
energy and able and watchful care, night and day, for the 
period of two weeks required to complete this work can only 
be fully understood and appreciated by one who, like myself, 
has seen it. All have faithfully done their duty, and glory 
in their success, and join with me in hearty congratulations 
to our friends in England, who have in various ways 
laboured in carrying out this great work.'^) 

'^ Saturday^ July 2%th. 

" The line was opened to the public to-day, and several 
messages were received from England for parties in New 
York. Mr. Smith had charge of the station and line until 
6.30 p.m., when it was formally handed over to Mr. CoUett 
by Mr. Smith in the presence of Messrs. Gooch, Hamilton 
and Canning, Mr. Clark having previously certified the 
cable to be perfect." 


(After the official tests had been made by Mr. Latimer 
Clark at Valentia, and Mr. Laws at Heart's Content, and 
the certificate given, at 6.58 p.m. on July 28th, I sent the 
following message: — 

'* Smith to Glass, 

" I have just handed the line to Mr. CoUett as representing 
the Anglo-American Company, in the presence of Mr. 
Gooch, Capt. Hamilton and Mr. Canning." 

The total number of words sent and received through the 
cable from the time the laying commenced until the line 
was handed over, a period of fourteen days, was 6,437. 

The data for the 1866 cable after it was laid was as fol- 
lows : — Length, 1,852 knots. Average depth, 1,400 fathoms. 
Resistance of copper conductor, 3*89 ohms. Resistance of 
gutta percha per knot 2,437 megohms. Temperature by 
copper resistance, 39° Fahr. 

In laid cables, especially cores of this size, and where 
low temperature and great pressure so influenced the result, 
it is impossible to obtain reliable data as to the true resist- 
ance of the gutta percha immediately after the completion 
of the laying. This is a case in point and shows that it 
takes a long time to reach its true condition, for when handed 
over, the gutta percha in this cable was said to be 2,437 
megohms per knot after one minute's electrification ; but if the 
temperature was really what the resistance of the conductor 
made it, and the formula for pressure correct, it should have 
been 5,361 megohms. I had an opportunity of testing this 
cable some months afterwards, and the gutta percha resist- 
ance was then above the calculated value, which was to be 
expected owing to the increased improvement by age. In 
short lengths it was customary to take the readings after 


one minute's electrification although at that time polarisation 
would be far from having arrived at its maximum ; but in 
long lengths especially, such as laid cables, for the same 
reason nothing less than readings after fifteen minutes' elec- 
trification should have been taken.) 

^^ Wedne^day^ August \st 

*' The Albany and Terrible went to the grappling ground 
in the morning. 

^^ Tuesday^ August TtL 
" To-night our coaling was finished. 

'^ Wednesday^ August Sth. 

*' By this morning the whole of the cable was transferred 
from the Medway to the Great Eastern. The Governor 
of Newfoundland came in the Lily on Wednesday evening, 
and slept on board. 

" Thursday y August 9tk. 

*'The Medway cleared out this morning at 10 o'clock, 
and the Great Eastern followed in company with the 
Lily (the Governor having previously left the ship at 
12 o'clock, ship's time). The weather was very calm, but 
there was a heavy shower of rain as we steamed out of the 
harbour. The Ltlyy after giving us a cheer, sailed 
away towards St. John's, and we went on with the Medway 

" Friday y August 10 th. 

^* Distance run at noon (ship's time) 188 miles — weather 
fine, but wind rather strong. 

'^ Saturday y August 11th. 

" Distance run at noon 380 miles. The wind continued to 
blow strongly, and by evening the sea was terribly rough. 




The Great Hastern gave us a specimen of what she can 
do in rolling. Hardly anybody could sleep at night 
through the combined noise of the waves and the rolling 
of the ship. 

''Sunday^ August Vlth. 
" The rolling of the ship increased since yesterday, ren- 
dering it almost impossible to stand on deck. At noon the 
distance run was 586 miles, and by 2 o'clock (ship's 
time) we sighted the Albany^ and the Terrible about 
a quarter of an hour afterwards. We learnt from the 
Albany that they had hooked the cable twice, and 
buoyed it once, but the buoyed chain had snapped, and the 
cable dropped again. .The wind all the time was blowing 
hard, so as soon as we had spoken to the Albany we put 
our head to the wind and steamed slowly against it. 

'* Monday J August \^th. 
'^ The wind had gradually abated during the night and the 
sea was very much calmer this morning. About 9 a.m. 
Mr. Temple and Mr. Clifford came on board from the 
Albany and after a little consultation, our grapnel was 
let down with about 2,300 fathoms of rope attached to it. 
(The cable itself was surrounded by only ten hemp covered 
wires, but the grapnel rope was composed of a strand of 
seven such wires twisted together, and then seven of these 
strands again twisted in the same way, so that it contained 
forty-nine wires and was about 5*75 inches in circumference. 
At every eighty fathoms of this huge rope was a large and 
cumbersome metal swivel, the object of it being to prevent 
the rope from twisting or untwisting; but from its 
dilapidated and straight condition when hauled in it 
was evident that instead of the swivel controlling the rope, 
quite the reverse had been the case.) We remained in just 


the same position all day, the wind not being strong enough 
to drift us in the way we wished. The strain on the 
dynamometer was about eight tons. At 1 1 o'clock p.m. 
it was decided to pull the grapnel up again ; it took three 
hours to do this, it being finished by two o'clock 
next morning. About 12 o'clock noon to-day, the United 
Kingdom from New York to Glasgow passed, and oblig- 
ingly took a packet of letters for England from the Great 

^^ Tuesday^ August 14#A. 

'' The wind was very strong from the E.S.E. all day, we 
had to keep our head against the wind, and nothing was 
done towards letting the grapnel down again. 

'' Wednesday^ August \bth. 

'' To-day the weather was much calmer, but te make up for 
the absence of wind we had a thick fog all day. However, 
it was considered to be fine enough to make another 
attempt at grappling, and at 12.30 noon, the grapnel again 
went down. It reached the bottom by 2 o'clock, after 
2,200 fathoms of rope had been paid out. At about 2 
o'clock both the Medway and Albany came alongside ; after 
some consultation the former was sent to grapple 2| miles 
west of us, and the latter was ordered to stand by buoy. 

" At six p.m. our strain was such as to induce us to believe 
the cable was hooked, and at 8 o'clock we commenced 
hauling in. By 10.15 600 fathoms had been pulled in, and 
we were preparing to buoy the cable, when the splice which 
connected the buoy rope and grapnel rope drew, and the 
grapnel rope rushed with great violence away over the 
bows. While this was going on, we discovered, by hearing 
terrible bumps against our side, that one of the buoys 
already laid by the Albany was alongside and doing its 

N 2 


best to damage our paddle wheel. After raany fruitless 
eflforts to hook and secure it, it drifted away astern. All 
the evening the fog was very thick ; we sometimes could not 
see half a boat's length before us. 

*' Thursday^ Auffust Idth. 

^'To-day the weather was splendid, and most favourable for 
our grappling operations. The morning was spent in obtain- 
ing an accurate knowledge of our position, and by noon we 
had steamed into a suitable situation for grappUng. Within 
two hours our grapnel was let go, it reached the bottom in 
three hours more ; after drifting to the N.N.E. our strain 
indicated that the cable was hooked. By 9 p.m. (ship's 
time) or 11.40 (Greenwich) 100 fathoms were hauled in, 
but as it was too late to complete the hauling in, we let 
the 100 fathoms out again, and hung on until daylight 
next morning. 

^^ Friday^ August 17 th. 

"Very early this morning we recommenced heaving in, 
and by 7 o'clock half the rope had been secured ; the strain 
at that time was 10'4 tons. By 10.30 the 2,300 fathoms 
had been hauled in, and there remained but the three 
fathoms of chain. In fifteen minutes the grapnel appeared 
with the cable actually hanging to it. Then arose a shout 
of exultation, the men in the Terribleh boats began (o secure 
the cable, the testing instruments were got ready, but before 
anything effectual was done, the sudden fall of the dynamo- 
meter told us that the cable had snapped at the grapnel ; 
one of the boats had been washed heavily against it by a 
wave. Silent amazement and disappointment appeared on 
every countenance for some minutes until we were suffi- 
ciently recovered to talk about our next proceeding. It 
was then decided to steam up to a position between the 



Albany and Medway^ both which ships were grappling. In 
three or four hours the grapnel was let down again, but for 
some reason or other, it was hauled in again before night. 

'* Saturday^ August l%th. 
"We were, to use Mr. Clifford's expression, ^lolloping 
about ' all day, the only thing done was to launch a buoy, 
No. 5, to mark the place where the cable broke. This was 
done at 7.30 p m. (ship's time). 

^^ Sunday^ August 19M. 

" The weather was tolerably fine to-day ; starting from 
No. 5 buoy, we steamed five miles to the S.S.W., and 
at 8 a.m. let go our grapnel, finished by 9, from 9 to 3 
drifted to the N.N.E. At 4 the strain went up to 10| 
and sometimes touched 11 ; we then immediately began to 
haul in, and after getting up 1,300 fathoms, it was resolved 
to buoy the cable, the sea being too rough and the day too 
far gone, to risk bringing the cable to the surface ; accord- 
ingly our monster-buoy. No. 6, was again got ready and 
this time safely launched, with the grapnel rope and cable 
hanging to it. 

"The position of the three ships to-day while grappling 
was thus : — 



Lat. 51.25 
Long. 38.41 

Great Eastern. 


No. 5 buoy being : Lat. 51. .30 ; Long. 38.40. 


*' The Albany and Medway were both unsuccessful. 

^^ Monday^ August 20 IL 
*^ The weather was tolerably fine, but the wind was too 
rough for us to do anything to-day. 

^* Tuesday^ August 2\st, 

'' This morning about 10 we perceived one of the buoys 

adrift. We immodiately started in chjise of the runaway, 

and soon came up to it, lowered a boat, secured the buoy 

and hauled it on deck. It proved to be No. 4 buoy, 

broken loose by the snapping of the chain from its moorings. 

The sea is too rough for us to grapple for the cable ; next 

to this, a buoy hunt is the best thing to pass away the 


*' Wednesday^ August 22nd. 

^* The sea and wind were much quieter to-day, and having 
got into position for grappling, we let go our grapnel at 
11.28 a.m., but presently we discovered that we were drift- 
ing the wrong way, so after some hours we ignominiously 
hauled in our grapnel again. The Medway and Albany 
had been stationed, the former west, the latter east, to 
grapple. The Medway informed us in the afternoon that 
she had hooked the cable, but in an hour or two afterwards 
she discovered she had made a mistake ; thus another fine 
day passed without any practical results. 

*^ Thursday y August 2Zrd. 

*' The grapnel was let out to-day about 9 a.m., the sea 

being tolerably calm; our drifting not being satisfactory, we 

hauled up again ; this completes the account of to-day's 


Friday^ August 2ith. 

*'The weather was rather dirty to-day and the sea 


rough, and all we did was to launch another mark buoy 
about 7 p.m. 

'^ Saturday^ Augtist 26th. 
^^ To-day the weather was very fine and the sun out 
brilliantly all day. We dropped the grapnel no less than 
three times ; the first time after a hundred or tw o fathoms 
of rope had gone out, it was found that some repairs were 
necessary, so it was hauled in again. This was at 6.30 a.m. 
At 9.30 the grapnel was let out again, but after several 
hours we discovered that we were drifting the wrong way, 
so the rope was again pulled in. At 7 p.m. the grapnel 
went down for the third time. By 2 o'clock Sunday 
morning, the strain had gradually gone up to 10^, and we 
all thought the cable was hooked. All the hands were 
called up, the engine got ready, and we were about to haul 
up, when suddenly the strain went down to about seven, 
where it remained. When the grapnel came up, some of 
the prongs were very much bent, so probably we hooked a 
piece of rock instead of the cable. 

^^ Sunday^ August 26th. 

^' The weather continued propitious all day ; we let go the 

grapnel about 1.30 p.m. Shortly afterwards the Medway^s 

engineers came on board and reported that they had broken 

the cable, and set the bight buoy adrift. As it seemed useless 

for us to grapple for a loose bight, we hauled in at 7.35 


^^ Monday^ August 21th. 

*' Early this morning, Mr. John Temple came on board 

from the Albany and reported that he had hooked the cable, 

raised it to the surface, cut it and buoyed the two ends ; 

as a proof of his success he brought a piece of the cable 

which he had cut off. It was then resolved that we should 

bring our stem round to the buoy, and from there bring the 


Cible on board. For about four hours we were vainly 
endeavouring to do this, when the Captain having said he 
could not do it, we changed our tactics, and after some 
diflSculty brought our head to the buoy, with the intention 
of picking up from that end of the ship. We soon had 
the end of cable on board ; there could be no mistaking it, 
but the strain on the dynamometer sufficed to show that 
we were hauling in only a short piece. The two ends 
were taken into the testing room. The following are the 
results of the tests: — 

" No. 1 end, even Bridge 


res. 1,470 S.U. 
350 miles 

" No. 2 end. About the same (showing the instruments 
to be out of order). 
" Insulation. 

No, 2 line, slide reading 9,814 = 200 S.U. for the whole line. 
No. 1 „ „ 9,791 = 210 S.U. for the whole line. 

No. 1 end. Copper resistance, Bridge • 

70 cells Z to L 227 S.U. 


42) 2,270 

541 miles. 

*'No. 1 end then brought in-board, so this end was laid 
aside altogether. 

"No. 2 end connected on. 

Copper resistance 100 cells C to L -— 



4-2) 270 

64 miles 
Do. 100 
Out of range Avith 2,700 S.U. 





71 units 


Z to line 

* 100 

. 62S.U. 

. . c „ 

• V 

. 71 „ 

. . Z „ 


. 69 „ 

. . C „ 


. 61 „ 

. . z ., 


. 60 „ 

. . c „ 

)♦ • 

• 60 „ 

. . z „ 


• 63 „ 

7) 426 
4-2) 61 

14*5 miles. 

"The next result was 1 unit, when it was announced that 
the end had just come in. 

"Altogether the length hauled in was 1*8 miles. 

" N.B. — Mr. Smith had the two ends of the cable. 

" It was then resolved to bear down to the bight buoy, 
and secure what might be hanging to it. We did so and 
brought the grapnel rope on board, and began to haul in ; 
but the strain on the dynamometer (five tons) told us that 
the cable, which undoubtedly had been left suspended to 
the buoy, had either broken or slipped off. It being ap- 
parently of no use to grapple any more in the same ground, 
it was decided to go fifteen miles east, and try our luck 
there ; this was accordingly done, and by 8 a.m. on 

" Tuesday, August 28M, 

the grapnel was again let down, but an hour or two sufficed 
to show to our navigators that we were about fourteen 
miles from our proper position, in consequence of the drift- 
ing of the buoys. The grapnel was hauled in again. 

" In the afternoon, the Albany proceeded to launch two 
more buoys. At 7.15 p.m. having placed ourselves in what 
we considered a suitable position, we let down the grapnel 
once more. We drifted to the E.N.E. by the help of one 
of our paddle wheels. 


*^ Wednesday y August 29t'A. 

*^ We continued to drift till 6 this morning, when the 
angle of the rope hanging over the bow, and the strain 
induced us to believe that the grapnel had not touched the 
ground, but had been floating. We accordingly hove in ; 
about 8 p.m. Captain Commerell came on board from the 
Terrible to take leave previous to his departure to St. 
John's for coal and provisions. Immediately after he left, 
we sailed off for a spot 80 miles east of our present position 
to try to grapple there ; the Albany remaining to pick up 
the two buoys now floating, and the Medway accompanying 

^* Thursday^ August 30/A. 

^'By 7 a.m. we had run by calculation 80 miles; but 
when we took an observation we found we had gone 
twelve miles too far east. . We retraced our steps and 
somehow managed to go another twenty-five miles out of 
our way, making altogether forty- nine miles steaming more 
than necessary. The remainder of the day was spent in 
repairing the grapnel ropes ; while the Medway dropped a 
buoy. The weather was tolerably calm, but there was a 
heavy swell resulting from a breeze yesterday. 

^^ Friday^ August ^\st. 

'* At 10 a.m. having placed the ship about fifteen miles 
from the supposed line of cable, we dropped the grapnel 
with 2,150 fathoms of rope— the depth being 1,900 instead 
of 1,600. From that time until 11.50 p.m. we drifted 
slowly to the southward, and then the dynamometer strain 
indicated that the cable was hooked. We at once began 
to haul in. The Medtvay informed us that she also had 
hooked the cable, but had lost it owing to the breaking of 
the fluke of the grapnel. 


** Saturtlay^ September \st 
" We stopped heaving in at 5.20 this morning, after 
about lj300 fathoms had been hauled up. We then 
launched our large buoy with the cable suspended, and 
proceeded two miles east to grapple again. We let down 
the grapnel at 8.45 a.m. with 2,150 fathoms of rope. We 
drifted till 3.45 p.m. when the strain on the dynamometer 
told us that the cable was again hooked, we at once began 
to haul in. The Medway who was grappling two miles 
west having informed us that she too had hooked the cable, 
we told her to break it, so as to give us an end for hauling 
in. This she accordingly did. By 12.50 (midnight) the 
bight of the cable was above water ; it was at once secured 
by strong stoppers, and after some time the end slowly 
came on deck. By 3.15 (ship's time), or 5.35 (Greenwich) 
the end was brought into the testing room. 
*^ The following were the tests, &c. made : — 

Insulation 100 cells. Z to line 
Slide reading after 1 min. 20 sees. = 4,990,000 

multiplied In- 1,0(X) say 

4,99(),00(),(KK) S.U. 
5.30 a m. . sent three . 20 sees, reversals. 
5.40 ., . „ . „ „ 

5.45 „ . „ . „ „ 

*' When we received from Valentia, 'Understand, Query,' 
there was at once a burst of cheering in the testing room, 
which was repeated from one end of the ship to the other." 
(In one of the two illustrations here given, which may be 
considered authentic as they are taken from pictures painted 
for me by Mr. E. Dudley, who was present at the time and 
made sketches of the incidents, is shown the recovered 
cable hanging at the bows of the Great Eastern. In the 
other, the interior of the test room at the moment when 
the first signal was received from Yalentia, and I involun- 
tarily started a cheer which, lustily and heartily taken up 



by all present, passed through the ship, telling more 
plainly and quickly than words could have done that all 
was right electrically. Our hopes had been ascending and 
descending with the grapnel for the past three weeks, 
during which period the beam of bright light on the scale 
of the mirror galvanometer at Valentia had been carefully 
watched ; great therefore must have been the delight of the 
patient watchers when they at last saw it move to the 
ship's call, as it indicated that the lost was not only 
found, but that it was in a healthy condition.) ^^The 
weather throughout the day was beautifully fine and calm, 
just suitable for our operations. 

** Sunday^ September 2nd. 
^^ It was decided this morning that the Albany should 
leave at 8 o'clock for England, which she accordingly did, 
having orders to pick up our last bight buoy. The picked 
up cable having been spliced to that in our main tank, and 
the bight passed from bow to stem, we commenced paying- 
out ; the engines starting at 9.22 a.m., by noon we had paid 
out 29 miles. The weather during the day was not 
pleasant, a stiff breeze and heavy rain prevailed nearly 

all day. 

'^ Saturday^ September 8th, 

*'The following table gives the daily distance run and 

the cable paid out during this week." 











Total 1 

^^i BemarkB. 
our. 1 

Sept. 2 
» 3 

„ 4 

„ 6 





Strong gale from N.N.E. 
Foul flake in the morning. 
Sunny day — occasional wind. 
Sun shining brilliantly all day. 

Arrived in 150 fathoms. 


" On Friday moraing we dispatched the Medway to look 
after the Terrible ; and in the evening about 8 o'clock we 
sighted them both. The Terrible soon after sent a boat to 
us with the letters from England ; in company with the 
Terrible was the Margaretta Stevenson^ whose captain, Mr, 
Kerr, came on board to pilot us up the Bay. 

^* This morning early we were joined by the Lily and 
the IJawk bringing the Governor and a large party from 
St. John's. 

'' About 6 o'clock occurred the only fault which has 
troubled us since leaving England. A few simple tests, 
however, served to show that the fault was in-board, so 
the cable was cut and joined to another length in the after 
tank, and in the course of an hour or two paying-out 

(It was, I think, well that this fault did occur, as it de- 
cided two important points. Firstly, that the electrical 
system worked well, as the fault was discovered while in 
the coil and the ship was only stopped while the splice 
was being made ; secondly, it showed how the faults in the 
last year's cable were probably caused, for, on careful 
examination, it was found that a broken wire on an out- 
going flake had by some means got one of its ends bent 
so that it penetrated the turn of the cable beneath it. It 
is supposed that the pressure caused by the tread of the 
cable hands forced this wire into contact with the con- 

" We came in sight of Heart's Content Harbour about 
11 o'clock. The cable was at once cut, and handed over 
to the Medway to splice to the shore end. The Great 
Eastern then steamed into her former position in the 
Harbour and dropped anchor. By 4 p.m. the Medway had 
completed the laying of the shore end, and soon afterwards 


the end was brought ashore by the Terrihleh boats. There 
was the usual amount of excitement when the end made 
its appearance, and a good deal of cheering while the 
" Jacks " carried the end up to the Telegraph House. 
Messrs. Canning, CliflEbrd and Field were successively 
chaired and applauded. The end was brought into the 
operators' room in presence of the Governor and Bishop of 
Newfoundland and others, and the cable was soon ascer- 
tained to be perfect. It was then given up to Mr. Laws to 
test on behalf of Mr. Latimer Clark. He remained on 
shore all night taking tests. 

(After the official tests had been made and the test 
messages sent, the cable was handed over to the Anglo- 
American Telegraph Company, and thus terminated the 
expedition, which forms a most important epoch in the 
annals of submarine telegraphy. The data for this cable 
when handed over was : — 

Length laid .... 1,896 knots. 
Average depth .... 1,90() fathoms. 

Mean temperature by resistance of copper conductor 
41^^ Fahrenheit.) 

" Sunday^ September 9 th. 

" All last night- it blew almost a gale, aflfording us a 
prospect of but poor weather for our start to-day. How- 
ever we managed by 3 o'clock p.m. to weigh anchor, and 
bid farewell to Heart's Content, steaming out of the 
Harbour amidst the cheers of the Terrible and the Medway, 
Mr. Field when he left the Great Eastern came in for three 
hearty cheers from our, crew. The wind had somewhat 
quieted, but the sea was still rough." 

It was agreed that the Great Eastern should go to Liver- 


pool to be cleaned on the " gridiron," and on our way thither 
several entertainments were arranged for our evening's 
amusement ; one of these took the form of a theatrical per- 
formance. The play was entitled ^' Contentina," and will 
be found in extenso in Appendix D. 

On our arrival in England all the *^ cable layers " were 
feted and made much of. At a banquet given to them in 
Liverpool it was announced by Lord Stanley (now Earl 
Derby) who presided, that Her Majesty would confer the 
honour of knighthood on Messrs. Glass, Canning, Thomson 
and Anderson ; and a baronetcy on Mr. Daniel Gooch and 
Mr. Curtis Lampson. 

On the 19th February, 1867, I received the following 
letter : — 

^' American Chamber of Commerce, 

Liverpool, February 18^A, 1867. 

^' Dear Sir, — The American Chamber of Commerce of 
Liverpool being desirous of commemorating the successful 
completion of the Atlantic Cable between England and 
America, resolved in September last to present Gold 
Medals to yourself, Sir Samuel Canning, Sir James 
Anderson, and Mr. Cyrus W. Field, as representing the 

^' The Medals are now ready, and it is proposed that they 
should be presented at a banquet to be given by the 
Chamber at Liverpool on the 14th of March next. 

" I have ascertained that this day will suit the convenience 
of Captain Sir James Anderson and Mr. Cyrus W. Field, 
and I shall be obliged if you will let me know as early as 
possible whether you will be able to honour the Chamber 
with your presence at the time proposed, or if not, what 


other day in that week will suit you, as Sir James Anderson 
and Mr. Field leave England in the followiug week. 

" I remain, 

" Yours truly, 
*' Henry W. Gair, President. 
" WiLLOUGHBY Smith, Esq., 
" Anglo-American Telegraph Co., 
'^ London." 

And at the banquet, Gold Medals specially designed were 
presented to Mr. Cyrus Field, Captain Sir James Anderson, 
Sir Samuel Canning, and myself- 

Engravings of both sides of this medal, are here given, 
and also a reduced facsimile of the illuminated address 
presented by the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce. 


* :u < II' I' - i": . t 
'^ \ .SI'- II , 

Iff ^mnl" 

I • 



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E«ipi«% hm vmIUi ood iwpofUw on oIomIb eo oo t cto d with Um OMhitMMmw aad mpiwioo of Uu 
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21IU1 S'litaoibw, ISM. 


"Hooper's Core" — Avlona Cable lifted — Death of Col. Stewart — Malta and 
Alexandria Repairs — Comparison of B.A. and Siemens* Units — Cable for 
Persian Gulf— 1865 — Behring Sea Cable — Diagram — ^Working of Sub- 
marine Cables — Valentia — Experiments at Malta — Letters on the Subject 
— 1866 — Business slack — Presentation — Mr. Hooper's Patent — ^Proposed 
Purchase — Hooper v. Elliot — Placentia and Sydney Core — Capt. S. 
Osborn — 1866 Atlantic Cable — Broken and Repaired — Data for Placentia 
Core — S.S. CkUtem — Data for Cable when laid — Atlantic Cable again 
Broken — Cable in West Indies — Death of Seven Members of Staff — 
Atlantic Cable Repaired — Mr. Huxley's Report on Piece of 1851 Dover 
and Calais Core. 

My wish to give an uninterrupted account of these two 
expeditions has caused me once more to carry my readers 
somewhat too far ahead of other subjects worthy of note. I 
must therefore ask them to retrace their steps and to be 
patient while I enter into further particulars. 

In "Hooper's Core'' the conductor was of tinned copper, 
around which were lapped tapes of pure india-rubber, over 
which again were lapped tapes of india-rubber containing a 
certain quantity of oxide of zinc, and called the " separator." 
Over the separator were lapped tapes of india-rubber contain- 
ing a known proportion of sulphur, and this last covering 
was called the "jacket." When a certain length was com- 
pleted it was coiled in a cylinder and vulcanised in the 
usual way, the object of the separator being to prevent the 
pure rubber from becoming vulcanised. It was said by 
many recognised authorities that the inductive capacity of 
this core, as compared with that of gutta percha, was 35 per 
cent, lower, while its insulation was as 1 to 50 higher; 


also, that it was unaffected by a temperature that would 
cause gutta percha to become plastic and flow like tar ; 
therefore it was the only known core suitable for warm 
climates, while its high insulating qualities were invalu- 
able, as they enabled minute faults to be detected should 
they occur during the manufacture of the cable. In tensile 
strength it was lower than gutta percha, and had only been 
manufactured in comparatively short lengths ; in fact, it was 
a new and untried core, and, like all rubber cores hitherto 
tried, pressure and age did not improve its insulation; 
still its many good qualities warranted the attention it was 

On June 8th, 1864, Mr. Hooper presented a letter from 
Mr. Glass to the Manager of the Gutta Percha Works, 
requesting him to assist Mr. Hooper in every way to test 
his wire under pressure; consequently, Mr. Hooper sent 
two lengths of his core, wound on two iron reels, for 

The lengths were said to be as follows : — 

No. 1 . 2,289 yds. No. 2 . . 1,686 yds. 

They tested well under all sorts of conditions and varied 
temperatures, and on the 24th June I informed Mr. Glass 
that the resistance of Hooper's wire was very high, and that 
I thought they should direct their attention more to the 
durability of the material when made into a cable than to 
its electrical qualities, which in its then state were all that 
could be wished. I also called his attention to the fact that 
the 20 knots of core made by Messrs. Hall and Wells, 
covered by Henley with iron wires, and sent by Govern- 
ment about two years since to the Persian Gulf, was now 
lying there in a very faulty state, the rubber having become 
semi-fluid. A sample of this core which I had in my pos- 


session appeared to be as good as when first made, but a 
piece of the same core, bound with tarred yarn as serving 
and with iron wires, showed evident signs of decay between 
the copper and rubber. 

It was thought a great thing in the annals of submarine 
telegraphy when, in September, 1864, the news arrived that 
Mr. Henley had lifted and repaired the Avlona cable in 
665 fathoms. 

I should mention that Colonel Stewart, a man well known 
in connection with the Persian Gulf cable and the Indian 
lines, died January 17th, 1865, at Constantinople. 

In February, 1865, 50 knots of old core, of all sizes and 
in every condition, were supplied to Mr. Henley to make 
into a cable to repair the Malta and Alexandria line, and in 
the July following a cheap core, made by using the common 
gutta percha, was manufactured at the Gutta Percha Works 
for 100 knots of cable, also to repair this same line. 

In March, 1865, while Mr. Sabine was at the Gutta 
Percha Works testing 160 knots of core for Messrs. Siemens 
& Co., of Charlton, he compared the B.A. unit with one of 
Siemens', and made it -046 higher. 

In October, 1865, 170 knots more cable were made for 
the Persian Gulf the conductor being a solid wire and not 

The failure of the attempt in 1865 to lay a cable across 
the Atlantic revived a scheme for laying one across the 
Behring Sea, consequently 560 knots of 14 strand wire, 
doubly covered to No. 1, were made at the Gutta Percha 
Works, and Mr. Henley covered it in the usual way with 
hemp serving and iron wire. Mr. J. K. France, who was 
then engineer to the Submarine Telegraph Company, super- 
intended the making of this cable. It was coiled on board 
the sailing ship JEgmont^ and left for its destination in 




March, 1866; but owing to the great success attending 
the Atlantic expedition of that year it was not laid, and 
after an absence of three years was returned to Mr. Henley's 
Works, looking, mechanically, none the worse for the many 
vicissitudes it had experienced ; its electrical condition, 
however, was not so healthy as when it was first manu- 

On my return ft'om Heart's Content, in 1866, 1 arranged 
the working of the cables in the way shown in the follow- 
ing diagram: — 

/TVJ |r 

-« 4 m~~i coNoiHtcti hH> 

In which c shows the condenser, the electrostatic capacity of 
which was equal to 75 knots of the cable, g receiving gal- 
vanometer, s switch, K ordinary reversing key, and b battery 
of ten Menotti cells. 

The arrangements were the same at each end of the 
cable. When not working, the switch s at each station was 
turned to the contact marked "receive," so that each end of 
the conductor would be connected to a condenser. The 
operator at either station wishing to speak, would " switch 
over " to the stud marked " send," and commence sending 


reversals by the key k, to represent the usual call signal ; 
then " switch over " and wait until he received the reply 
to his call, when he would again "switch over," and send 
what he had to communicate. A room in the cable house 
at Foilhummerum, Valentia, was occupied by the repre- 
sentatives of the Telegraph Company, who used to send the 
messages from there to London by what was called " a land 
line," and a Morse instrument. On one occasion during my 
stay at the cable house all had been at a standstill, owing 
to a break down somewhere on the American side of 
Heart's Content, and in consequence of this, one evening 
a special messenger arrived at the cable station there 
with a large batch of accumulated messages. Here was 
a good opportunity for a trial of systems and speeds in 
sending and receiving, of which the operators were not slow 
to avail themselves, being justly proud of their skill, while 
each warmly upheld the superiority of his own system. 

The distance from Valentia to London was only about 
one- fourth of that of the length of the cable from Valentia 
to Heart's Content ; but still the race was on equal terms, 
and in sporting phraseology the mirror won in a canter, the 
contrast between the systems being as great as if a good 
cart horse were entered for the Derby with an idea that he 
could beat the thoroughbreds. 

On my return from Valentia, the Malta and Alexandria 
cable having given some trouble, I was requested to pro- 
ceed to Malta to ascertain whether my system as used on 
the Atlantic cables could be applied in working this cable 
from there direct to Alexandria. I therefore sent my able 
assistant, Mr. J. May, to Alexandria, and I on the 1st 
December presented the following letter to Mr. Gibson at 
Malta : — 

198 the rise and extension of 

" Telegraph Construction and Maintenance 

Company, 20th November^ 1866. 
^^ George Gibson, Esq. 

"Dear Sir, — 

" This will introduce you to Mr. Willoughby Smith, 

this Company's electrician, who comes out for the purpose 

of making some experiments with a view to working the 

Malta and Alexandria line in one unbroken length. I will 

therefore thank you to place the line in his hands at such 

times and for such periods as Mr. Smith may desire, and 

also to instruct the staff to follow out any instructions he 

may give. 

" I am, dear Sir, yours truly, 

"George Elliot, 

" Managing Director ^ 

For the information of the Directors of the Telegraph 
Construction and Maintenance Company, I on the 8th 
December wrote to Mr. Shuter, the Secretary, as follows : — 

"Malta, December Sth, 1866. 

"My dear Sir, — 

" The break in the line off Ees-sem was repaired 
yesterday, when Mr. Saunders informed Mr. Gibson that 
he thought it best to start at once for Alexandria for coals, 
and also to get a more accurate test of the fault still in the 
line about 240 miles from Alexandria. 

" As B.G. could not work to AX with ordinary battery, 
I instructed them to increase battery to twenty cells, which 
power enabled them to work the Morse. 

" The line was put direct through from here to AX for 
two hours last evening, and we worked first-rate with ten 
cells, the sigs. being quite equal to those on the A.T.C. 

" I learn from Mr. Gibson this morning that the line is 


opened to the public, and as the clerks have been on duty 
all night they are not in good condition for further experi- 
ment with the new system to-day, but I will endeavour to 
get them to practise this evening. There are only two 
clerks at this station. Brown and Stevenson, two very good 

" I am much pleased with the result of my experiments, 
and am sure there would not be any difficulty in working 
a line of much higher resistance direct between here and 
Alexandria, From what I learn here I feel confident the 
present line will always be giving trouble between B.G. 
and AX owing to the nature of the bottom, &c. 

" I have no authority to give instructions for the new 
system to be adopted here, therefore I assume that after I 
have completed my experiments, and satisfied Mr. Gibson 
that the line can be so worked, I can return home. 
" Yours very truly, 


On December 14th I wrote the following letter to Mr. 
Shuter : — 

'^ Malta, December Uth, 1866. 
" My dear Sir, 

*^ Mr. Gibson's telegram will have informed you of 
the break in the cable which occurred on Sunday last, 
about 230 miles from Alexandria. I have been busy experi- 
menting with Tripoli and B.G. They were working direct 
with B.G. yesterday at the rate of seven words per minute 
with a cell constructed for the occasion, equal in tension 
to 0*012 of an ordinary Siemens' cell as used here for 
working the Morse. In fact, the greatest difficulty I had 
was to get B.G. to reduce the tension to give readable 
signals. Ther^ being no mirror gal. at B.G., I could not 


work to them by the same means, but Smith at Tripoli 
has constructed a mirror gal. and they have been sending 
to and receiving from him to-day at a good speed, with 
the tension mentioned above. 

" I hope the cable will soon be through to AX, as there 
are a few more experiments I wish to make direct with 
that station before I return home. 

"Mr. Gibson and the clerks here are much taken with 
the simplicity of the new system. 

" I have not been able to communicate with Saunders 
yet, and therefore do not know his views upon the subject, 
but I suppose he saw May at Alexandria, who would 
explain all to him. 

" I can but again remark, that there would be no diffi- 
culty in working a line at a good speed direct between here 
and Alexandria, with a much smaller conductor than that 
of the present cable. A new section, with a core something 
like the old ^ Red Sea ' cable, joined to the present cable 
at a suitable point between Tripoli and B.G., and laid in 
deep water to Alexandria, would ensure, I think, perma- 
nent communication. Tripoli could still be retained as a 
station. All the old cable could be recovered, the core of 
which would be worth, to the Company, about £70 per 
mile. As recovered the cable could be cut into yard 
lengths, and the core withdrawn and stowed away in 
bundles, while the iron could be thrown overboard or sold 
here. Labour is cheap, and when the line is perfect 
the Hawk would have nothing to do. I offer these sugges- 
tions as I fear the present B.G. and AX section has 
suffered too much from constant repairs and the wash of 
the sea ever to remain long in working order. 

" Tours very truly, 



On my return from Malta, early in the following 
January, I found business very slack at the Gutta Percha 
Works, and at the City oflSce all appeared dull and gloomy, 
contrasting sadly with the jubilant spirit prevailing before 
I left, owing to the success of the Atlantic expedition. 

On January 11th, 1867, the men and boys engaged at the 
Gutta Percha Works were each presented with a sovereign, 
and a Bible containing the following inscription : — 

Presented to 


Henry Bbwlet and Hbnrt Ford Barclay 

On the occasion of the Transfer of the 

Gutta Percha Company's Works 


The Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company (Limitnd), 


About this time rumours were being circulated among 
the staff of the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance 
Company, to the effect that Mr. George Elliot was en- 
deavouring to persuade his co-directors to purchase Mr. 
Hooper's patent and plant, while admitting him as one of 
their colleagues, and this rumour was received by many 
members of the staff with expressions of a decidedly 
unparliamentary character. 

On February 12th, 18G7, I was at Valentia making 
experiments, and in a letter I sent from there to Mr. Chat- 
terton, the Manager of the Gutta Percha Works, in reply 
to one I had received from him, I said, "I think you 
thoroughly know my views, and when speaking upon the 
subject can safely affirm that I endorse all you say. I do 
not agree with Thomson when he states that it required 
the experience of 1866 to prove the superiority of gutta 
percha over india-rubber. It appears from Bircham's 


letter (Mr. Bircham was solicitor to the Company, and 
Mr. Chatterton had sent me his letter with a copy of Sir 
William Thomson's report on Mr. Hooper's cables), that 
the Company have agreed to take the patent and Hooper's 
stock, and the only question to settle is the amount of pay 
for the same. I fear that anything we may say will have 
but little influence in the matter." 

Experience would seem to have taught Sir William 
Thomson to speak more approvingly of gutta percha ; at 
least that was the impression I gleaned from the report 
above referred to, and from the evidence which he gave 
before the arbitrators on behalf of Mr. Elliot in the case 
of Hooper v. Elliot. 

At Valentia good tests of the electrical condition of both 
cables were obtained with very satisfactory results. The 
gutta percha resistance, after ten minutes' electrification, 
was in each case 14,000,000 B.A. units per knot. 

My experiments terminated abruptly^ as I was recalled 
to give evidence in the case of *' Hooper v. Elliot," and 
there I heard what seemed to me extraordinary statements. 
Mr. Hooper, in his evidence, said that Mr. Elliot was first 
introduced to him by Mr. Cyrus W. Field in the summer 
of 1863, when he told him that although Glass, Elliot and 
Co. were the largest customers of the Gutta Percha Com- 
pany, that firm would not allow them a larger discount than 
they did to others ; therefore they had lost the contract for 
the Persian Gulf cable, and intended to bring the Gutta 
Percha Company " to book " by entering into an agreement 
with Mr, Hooper to use his core. Able counsel argued on 
both sides, experts were examined, and the inquiry lasted 
thirteen days, but I have forgotten, if I ever knew, how 
the arbitrators settled the case ; however it may have been, 
Mr. Hooper never was a director of the Telegraph Con- 


struction and Maintenance Company, and that Company 
never supplied his core. 

On March 8th, 1867, the core of a cable to be laid from 
Placentia to Sydney was commenced at the Gutta Percha 
Works, and about this time Captain Sherard Osbom became 
the Managing Director of the Telegraph Construction and 
Maintenance Company. 

On May 17th, 1867, the Atlantic Cable broke, about 
three miles from Heart's Content ; it was suggested that 
an iceberg had grounded and severed it, and this solution 
did seem as feasible as many that were propounded. The 
Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company's S.S. 
Chiltem left on June 4th to repair the mischief, arriving 
at her destination on June 16th, and on the 19th the cable 
was repaired, and the following message sent through it: — 


"Have put in 616 fathoms new shore end, 123 fathoms 
picked up taper. The splice to main cable made in taper. 
Picked up altogether about 420 fathoms taper. Faulty part 
picked up is about 20 fathoms small taper all crushed 

It was announced in the Times of July 22nd that the 
1866 Atlantic cable had again broken about 50 knots from 
Heart's Content, and about this time Mr. C. F. Varley 
strongly advised the use of Hooper's core instead of gutta 
percha for Indian cables. 

The S.S. Chiltem left Greenwich, August 12th, 1867, 
with the Placentia and Sydney cable ; owing to there not 
being sufficient gutta percha in stock from which to select 
the electrical qualities necessary, much trouble was caused, 
and Messrs. Bright and Clark, who tested the cable on 
behalf of the American company for whom it was made, 


rejected many coils and joints on account of their low resist- 

The means per knot of the core were as follows : — 

Conductor 150 lbs. 

Guttapercha 230 ,» 

Values per knot after 1' at 76". 

Resistance of Conductor . . 8,958 B.A. units. 
Resistance of gutta percha . . 465,000,000 B.A. units. 
Inductive Capacity . '356 microferads. 

It left Greenwich in two sections, 154-515 knots and 
166-886 knots respectively, but being dry in the tanks and 
the men at work fitting the eye of each, it was impossible 
to get reliable tests. 

On August 27th, 1867, the Chiltern arrived at Placentia. 
Sir Samuel Canning laid this cable, the laid values of which 
were recorded as follows : — 

PlacentU to St. Pierre to 

St. Pierre. Cape Breton. 

Total length of cable laid . .112 189 knots. 

Average depth 100 170 fathoms. 

Mean teiDp. by copper resistance . . 42' 41 J** F. 

Electrical Values per knot after Laying. 

Copper resistance 8*324 ohms. 

Gutta percha resistance ..... 5,278 megohms. 

Sir Samuel Canning then went to repair the 1866 Atlantic 
. cable. After the completion of the repairs to this cable in 
June last, the average copper resistance for the entire length 
( 1 ,862 knots) was 7,238 units, which divided by the length, 
gives 3*908 units per knot. Therefore, if we divide the 
average of the first test (6-940 units) by 3*908, it will 
place the break 1,776 knots from this end, or 76 knots from 
Heart's Content. By the same reasoning the second test 
would place the break 1,793 knots from this end, or 69 
knots from the other end, but I believe the first test to be 
the most reliable. 


About this time Mr. Webb was laying for the India 
Rubber %nd Gutta Percha Company a cable in the West 
Indies, but it does not appear to have been a success, for 
the certificate was withheld, and seven of the staff died of 
fever. Two of the electrical staff, Messrs. Crooks and 
Medley, I knew well ; they were young men who took far 
above the average interest in their work, and if death had 
not prematurely interrupted their career, they would cer- 
tainly have excelled in their profession. 

On September 10th, 1867, Mr. Lambert, one of Messrs. 
Bright and Clark's staff (who represented the company) 
tested the Atlantic cable from the Valentia end, and there 
commenced to watch for ship. The Chiltern arrived at 
Heart's Content on the following day, but the weather was 
too rough for her to proceed to the grappling ground. The 
distance of the break, as tested at the Heart's Content end 
was 81 "9 knots ; this would locate the injury at about the 
entrance to Trinity Bay. On this spot, when laying the 
cable, those on board the Great Eastern could not under- 
stand the erratic movements of the ships that were sup- 
posed to be showing the way, more especially as it was a 
dark night and their lights could only be seen at intervals, 
as they appeared to be moving round the " Big Ship " in 
preference to entering the harbour. It is fair to suppose 
that in consequence of this behaviour a lot of slack laid 
anyhow would be found at that spot. The cable was 
repaired on September 20th, but, owing to the tension put 
on the splice, the cable parted, one of the ends going over- 
board ; this was soon recovered and the work completed, 
when the electrical conditions of the cable proved satis- 

On November 27th, 1867, Mr. J. E. France gave me a 
piece of the core of the Dover and Calais cable laid in 1851 


in which a small white insect, not unlike a maggot, with 
many legs and prominent ,black eyes, had bored through 
the serving and the gutta percha in several places down 
to the copper ; the serving was very rotten and of any- 
thing but an agreeable odour. Mr. Huxley's report on 
the subject was as follows : — 

'^ Jermyn Street, lith December, 1867. 

^^Mt dear Captain Osborn, 

^^ I am sorry to have very bad news for you. The 
animals contained in the little bottle which you left with 
me belong to the crustaceous genus Lmnocta, the only 
species of which at present known, is famous for its power 
of devouring and destroying wood. It gave Stevenson 
infinite trouble when he was building the Bellrock Light- 
house, Its occurrence at so great a depth as 30 fathoms is 
a fact at present, I believe, unknown to naturalists. The 
grooves in the gutta percha are just such as the Limnocia 
makes. The most are superficial, but one I have examined 
goes vertically in, and the bottom of it is not a fortieth of 
an inch (at a guess) from the copper wire ; a few hours' more 
work would have destroyed the insulation of the wire pretty 
effectually. Many means of prevention against the ravages 
of these animals have been suggested, among the rest white 
paint is said to be perfectly effectual. But I suppose the 
Company will lose no time in making some experiments 
upon this point. If you are getting up any more cable in 
this condition please to have a lot of the Limnocia put into 
a bottle of sea- water for me; they will live for several days. 

(Signed) "M. Huxley." 

The piece of core was found about two knots from the 
South Sand Head Lightship. I have never heard that the 


cable has since been similarly attacked there or at any other 
place, nor have I heard of or seen anything like it in the 
experimental wire laid from Dover to Cape Grisnez in the 
previous year. As the iron wires had gone in parts, 
perhaps it^as the tar and grease in the hemp that attracted 
this minute mischief-maker. 


1868— Cable from England to New York— Death of Mr. Stewart— Anglo- 
Mediterranean Company — Cuba Cable — Cable from Malta to Alexandria 
— Cable Completed — Particulars of Laying, &c. — 1866 Atlantic Cable — 
Induction in Land Wires — Specifications for French Atlantic Cable — 
Coverings of Cores — ^Tests — Reduction of Resistance — Improvement by 
Age — First Section — Brest to St. Pierre— Laying Commenced — Shore 
Station — Fault — Cable Cut and Buoyed— Discussion about Supposed 
Fault — Reduction of Battery Power — 1' Readings of Insulation — Laying 
Completed — Official Tests — Data for this Section— Summary of Laying — 
Section St Pierre to Duxbury —Temperature— Earth Currents. 

In January, 1868, the Anglo-American Company made 
experiments with a view to laying a cable direct from 
England to New York, should the Atlantic Telegraph 
Company succeed in their endeavours to take the Atlantic 
cables from them. The two cables joined as one, equalled 
a length of 3,900 knots, and gave about three words per 
minute, working as they then did ; but, by attending to 
minor details, I estimated that a good commercial speed 
could be obtained, and that a minimum of nine words 
per minute through 3,000 knots of cable, which wsts the 
length required, could be relied on. 

Mr. Stewart the Managing Director of the Anglo- 
American Company, died suddenly on February 19th, 1868, 
in the board room of that Company. He was a well- 
intentioned man, but lacked experience in telegraphy, and 
therefore, without doubt, his work was the more laborious 
to him, especially as at that time the Atlantic Telegraph 
Company was worrying the Anglo-American Company. 
Sir Kichard Glass was his successor. 


The Malta and Alexaiidria cable having given so much 
trouble, the Anglo-Mediterranean Company was formed in 
1868 to lay a cable in deep water direct from Malta to 
Alexandria, and a core for this was commenced at the 
Gutta Percha Works. 

On July 14th, 1868, it was rumoured that Sir Charles 
Bright had failed to lay the Cuba cable. 

On August 3rd, 1868, the 1866 Atlantic cable again 
broke about the place were it was last repaired. 

After the great success which had attended the Atlantic 
expedition of 1866, it might be supposed that the Tele- 
graph Construction and Maintenance Company would bask 
in the sunshine of prosperity, but it was not so ; dark and 
ominous clouds soon appeared to be gathering along their 
path, and for two years all was gloom and anxiety. Now, 
however, it seemed that brighter days were in store for 
them. They had sent their S.8. Hawk to repair the Atlantic 
cable, and their S.S. Chiltern to Malta with the shore ends 
of the Anglo-Mediterranean cable, which they had in 
hand ; but more important still, they had just entered into 
a contract to make and lay the ^' French Atlantic Cable," 
for which work they would again employ the Great 

On September 26th, 1S6S, the laying of the cable for the 
Anglo-Mediterranean Telegraph Company commenced at 
Malta from the S.S. Scanderia and the S.S. Chiltern^ ac- 
companied by H.M.S. Endymion ; Sir Samuel Canning 
had charge of the expedition, and I of the electrical 
department, in which I employed a similar system to that 
used in the 1806 Atlantic expedition. Sir Charles Bright 
represented the Company as both engineer and elec- 

When 020*77 knots had been very successfully laid a 



truth in the report that serious faults had been found in it 
at Mr. Henley^s Works. 

I give the specifications for the French Atlantic cable 
in full, as I think they will be better understood than if 
they appeared in an abbreviated form. 







S^c^'iS''to '^^^ following description of Cables will be required, made to the 
be laid. Undermentioned Specification : — 


lbs. lbs. 
Cablk a 1 . Core. — Copper 7-wire strand, weighing per knot 400 
Gutta percha and compound „ „ 400 

800 800 

2. Serving. — A good and suflScient serving of jute yam, 

well tanned ....... 

3. Outer Covering. — 10 galvanized homogeneous iron 

wires, of the aggregate weight of . . . 1,568 

Each homogeneous wire to be enveloped in 

strands of Manilla or New Zealand yarn, steeped 

in tar, as hereafter specified, weighing in all not 

less than 1,450 

4. The outer diameter not to exceed Tl inch. 



5. Shore ends next the Main Cable to have the same core as Cable 3 
Cable A, covered with 12 B.B. galvanized iron wires 238 inches 
diameter. The total weight of iron per knot to be not less than 

11,160 lbs. 

6. The whole to be covered with two layers of hemp and asphaltc, 
laid on bjs hereafter specified. 

7. Heavy shore end laid next the landing-places. To have the Cable C 
same core as Cable A, covered with 12 B.B. galvanized iron wires, 

•19 inches diameter, served with a sufficient quantity of tarred yam 
to form a bedding for 1 2 strands, each formed of 3 galvanized iron 
wiies, '230 inches in diameter. The total weight of iron per knot to 
be not less than 38,000 lbs. 

8. The iron wire to be used in Cables B and C is to be of the iron Cover- 
quality known as best-best, free from inequalities, galvanized and 
annealed ; a margin of 10 per cent, will be allowed in weight in 

any portion of the Cable, provided the average weight is as specified 
above. The wire to be capable of being bent round itself, and 
unbent without breaking. No wire of brittle quality shall be put 
into the Cables, and the Engineers or their assistants shall have 
power to reject any hanks which break in the closing machine, or 
which are of unsatisfactory quality. No weld shall be made in any 
of the iron wires or joint in the homogeneous iron wires within 12 
feet of any other weld. 

9. Cable B is to be covered, after the iron wires are laid on, A«phaite 
and before being coiled into the tanks, with two coatings of ^^^^ 
mineral pitch, and silica, in the proportions of 60 and 40 parts 
respectively, with sufficient mineral tar to give the requisite consist- 
ence, and with two servings of tarred hemp yam, laid altemately, 

the first coating of the yam being next the wires, then a serving of 
compound, then yam again, and lastly compound. The compound to 
be applied hot, and the yam is to be laid over immediately after its 
application. Such special precautions are to be taken against injury 
to the core, in case of the machinery stopping, as the Engineers shall 
direct. The yarn is to be everywhere covered hy the compound, 
and the outside is to be smooth and regular. 

10. The wire used in the deep sea Cable (A) to be of the best ^^"iroQfoi 
quality of homogeneous iron, galvanized, having a tensile strength of cabie a. 
not less than 750 lbs., to elongate not less than three per cent, before 
breaking, and to be equal in every respect to that used in the 
Atlantic Cable of 1866. The joints in the homogeneous iron wires to 

made by scarfing the ends, binding them with fine wires and solder- 
ing them. 



Cable A. 



ro^d^irei 11. Each wire is to be served with the best quality of Manilla or 
of Cable A. New Zealand hemp, steeped in tar, and laid on in such a manner that 
the served wire shall have a strength equal to that of the Atlantic 
strand of 1865. 

12. The completed Cable is to be capable of bearing on any portion 
of its length a weight of at least 7 tons, vertically suspended by it, 
without injury to the core between the fastenings or points of suspen- 
sion, and shall not break with a less weight than 7} tons. 
TapOT Cable. 13. Each shore end to be finished oflf with a taper not less than J 
of a knot in length for splicing on to the deep sea Cable, to be 
arranged to the satisfaction of the Engineers to the Company. 

14. The conductor to consist of a strand of 7 wires of annealed 
copper of the best quality and manufacture, the resistance per knot 
at 75° Fahrenheit (24 Cent.), to be not greater than 3*25 B.A. units. 

15. The interstices of the strand to be completely filled up with 
Chatterton*s compound. 

16. The Insulator to consist of the best quality of gutta percha 
used for the insulation of Cables, put on in four concentric layers 
or coverings of as near as may be equal thickness. Chatterton's 
compound to be laid on between the conductor and the first covering 
of gutta percha, and also between each of the coverings of G.P. in 
such a manner as to unite the G.P. coverings to the metallic con- 
ductor, and form a solid core, free from roughness and air-bubbles. 

17. The resistance of the insulator at 75° Fahrenheit (24 Cent.) to 
be not less than 250 millions of B.A. units per knot fourteen days 
after manufacture, and after one minute's electrification. 

18. The core when finished shall be capable of resisting the passage 
of water along the conductor when pressure of 600 lbs. per square 
inch is applied at one end of a specimen six inches long. This test 
shall be applied at the Contractor's expense whenever the Engineers 
may desire. 

19. The Joints in the core are to be made by experienced work- 
men. Chatterton's compound is to be used next the conductor, 
between the layers of gutta percha and outside alL In every case 
one joint-maker is to be employed to join the conducting wire, and 
another to apply the insulating covering. No joint in the completed 
core at the Cable works is, under any circumstances, to be made 
except in the presence of inspectors, who will bo appointed for this 
duty, and who will test and pass each joint Sufficient time is to 
be allowed by the Contractor for this operation. 

20. The joints, after they have been made six hours, shall test to 
the entire satisfaction of the Engineers. 

21. To consist of a good and sufficient serving of jute yarn, well 
tanned and applied wet ; extreme care to be taken in its application. 

Joints ia 



22. The Core shall be delivered for testing in lengths of not less 2?^<S!^ 
than one knot. While being tested at the Gutta Percha Works, the 

core shall be immersed in water at the temperature of 75**, and shall 
have been previously maintained at that temperature for 24 hours. 
The lengths and weights of each coil shall be given. A margin of 5 
per cent, over and under the specified weights shall be allowed, but 
the mean weight of the whole must be at least equal to the specified 

23. All coils approved of by the Engineer shall be redelivered for 
further manufacture. 

24. All coils shall be numbered, labelled, and registered, and the 
Engineers shall be kept cognizant of the portion of the Cable into 
which each knot of the core is inserted. 

25. A separate and convenient rbom for testing the core and 
Cable, and suitable space for batteries, is to be provided by the 
Contractor, both at the Gutta Percha Manufactory and Sheathing 
Works, and all connections with the testing-rooms to be made at the 
Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall also provide a man to 
be in attendance on the Electricians testing the core or Cable. 

26. During the covering of the core, and after the completion of 
the Cable, it may be tested by the Engineer at all reasonable times 
to be agreed upon. 

27. Free access to the Contractor's Cable works shall be given, at 
all times, to the Engineers or persons whom they may appoint to 
inspect the manufacture of the Cable, and full liberty for examining 
and testing every part of the materials or manufactured Cable ; all 
materials shall be liable to rejection. 

28. The Core shall be coiled on dnuns, and shall be kept under storage of 
water until serving is begun. The drums to be carefully protected. Cable. 
The core when served to be coiled in water-tight tanks. 

29. The water is to be withdrawn by the Contractor from the 
tanks, and replaced if and so often as required by the Engineers. 

30. The tanks and other parts of the manufactory where the Cable 
is manufactured or stored are to be roofed over. 

31. Correct Indicators are to be attached to each closing ma- indicators, 
chine, showing the exact amount of Cable manufactured, and the 
completed Cable is to be marked at every nautical mile in the usual 

32. Every facility is to be provided by the Contractor for the 1^^'**' 
shipment of the Cable, and no vessels are to be moored oflf his works 
during the shipment, in such manner as to interfere therewith. 

33. Any Additions or Alterations in the manufacture of the AiterationM 
Cable, as described in this Specification, which may be required at 

any time by the Engineers during the progress of the work, are to 


hd made by the Contiactor upon terms to be then agreed upon ; or, 
in the event of difference, the price of such alteration is to be deter- 
mined by arbitration in the usual manner. 

iMTiTJioe. 34. The Contractor shall, at his cost, insure the Cable against 
risk of damage by fire to the full amount of the advances made ; the 
policies to be effected in the name of the Concessionaires or of the 
intended Company and placed in their hands. 

Time of 35. The Manufaci'URE shall commenck twenty-one days after 

ture. the date of the order to begin work and payment of the firet instal- 

ment of the Contract sum. 

Cab^* °' ^^' ^^® following is the approximate length of Cables that will 
be required ; but these lengths may be modified from time to time 
by the Company or their Engineers, under Clause 33, provided due 
notice of the same be given to the Contractor. 

Cable A. 2,643 Knots Main Cable. 

Ditto B. 127 „ UhoreEnds. 
Ditto C. 18 „ J 

Total 2,788 Knots. 

37. The foregoing includes a quarter of a mile of Taper Cable at 
the junctions of the Thick Cables with those of smaller diameter. 







Descriotion The following description of Cables will be required, made to the 

of Cibles to , . , r, .« . -1 » 

be i»id. undermentioned Specification : — 



lbs. lbs. 

1. Core. — Copper 7-wire strand, weighing per knot 107 Cable D 

Gutta percha and compound, „ „ 150 

257 257 

2. Serving. — ^A good and sufficient serving of jute yarn, 

well tanned 

3. Outer Covering. — 10 B.B. galvanized iron wires '165 

inches diameter, weighing per knot about. . 4,254 

4. Outer Protection. — To be hemp and asphalte, laid on 

in two coatings 


5. Shore ends next the main cable. To have the same core as Cable E 
Cable D, and to be covered externally with 12 B.B galvanized iron 

■vires, *238 inches diameter, the total weight of iron per knot to be 
not less than 11,160 lbs. 

6. The whole to be covered with two layers of hemp and asphalte 
as hereafter specified. 

7. Heavy shore end laid next the landing places. To have the Cable P 
same core and iron covering as Cable D, served with a sufficient 
quantity of tarred yam to form a bedding for 1 2 strands each formed 

of 3 galvanized iron wires, 230 inch in diameter ; the total weight 
of iron per knot to be not less than 38,000 lbs. 

8. The iron wire to be used in Cables D, E, and F is to be of the iw>n Cover- 

. log- 

quality known as best-best, free from inequalities, galvanized and 
annealed ; a margin of 10 per cent, will be allowed in weight in any 
portion of the Cable, provided the average weight is as specified 
above. The wire to be capable of being bent round itself, and 
unbent without breaking. No wire of brittle quality shall be put 
into the Cables, and the Engineers or their assistants shall have 
power to reject any hanks which break in the closing machine, or 
which are of unsatisfactory quality. No weld shall be made in any 
of the iron wires within 12 feet of any other weld. 

9. Cable B is to be covered, after the iron wires are laid on, and ci^^SuLd 
before being coiled into the tanks, with two coatings of mineral pitch, 

and silica, in the proportions of 60 and 40 parts respectively, with 
sufficient mineral tar to give the requisite consistence, and with two 
servings of tarred hemp yam, laid alternately, the first coating of 
the yam being next the wires, then a serving of compound, then 
yam again, and lastly compound. The compound to be applied hot, 
and the yam is to be laid over immediately after its application. 
Such special precautions are to be taken against injury to the core. 



Taper Cable. 



Joi'itfl in 


Testing and 

in the case of the machinery stopping, as the Engineers shall direct 
The yarn is to be everywhere covered by the compound, and the 
outside is to be smooth and regular. 

10. Each shore end to be finished oflf with a taper not less than J 
of a knot in length for splicing on to the deep sea Gable, to be 
arranged to the satisfaction of the Engineers to the Company. 

11. The conductor to consist of a strand of 7 wires of annealed 
copper of the best quality and manufacture, the resistance per knot 
at 75** Fahrenheit (24 Cent.) to be not greater fhan 12*15 B.A. 

12. The interstices of the strand to be completely filled up with 
Chatterton's compound. 

13. The Insulator to consist of the best quality of gutta percha 
used for the insulation of Cables, put on in three concentric layers 
or coverings of as near as may be equal thickness. Chatterton's 
compound to be laid on between the conductor and the first cover- 
ing of gutta percha, and also between each of the coverings of G.P. 
in such a manner as to unite the G.P. coverings to the metallic 
conductor, and form a solid core, free from roughness and air 

14. The resistance of the Insulator at 75^ Fahrenheit (24 Cent.) 
to be not less than 250 millions of B.A. units per knot 14 days aftor 
manufacture, and after one minute's electrification. 

15. The core when finished shall be capable of resisting the 
passage of water along the conductor when pressure of 600 lbs. per 
square inch is applied at one end of a specimen 6 inches long. This 
test shall be applied at the Contractor's expense whenever the 
Engineers may desire. 

16. The Joints in the core are to be made by experienced 
workmen. Chatterton's compound is to be used next the con- 
ductor, between the layers of gutta percha and outside all. In 
every case one joint-maker is t ) be employed to join the conducting 
wire, and another to apply the insulating covering. No joint in the 
completed core at Cable Works is, under any circumstances, to be 
made, except in the presence of inspectors, who will be appointed 
for this duty, and who will test and pass each joint. Sufficient time 
is to be allowed by the Contractor for this operation. 

17. The joints, after they have been made six hours, shall test to 
the entire satisfaction of the Engineers. 

18. To consist of a good and suflicient serving of jute yam, well 
tanned and applied wet ; extreme care to be taken in its application. 

19. The Core shall be delivered for testing in lengths of not less 
than one knot. While being tested at the Gutta Percha Works, 
the core shall be immersed in water at the temperature of 75*^, and 


shall have been previously maintained at that temperature for 
24 hours. The lengths and weights of each coil shall be given. 
A margin of 5 per cent, over and under the specified weights shall 
be allowed, but the mean weight of the whole must be at least equal 
to the specified weight. 

20. All coils approved of by the Engineers shall be redelivered 
for further manufacture. 

21. All coils shall be numbered, labelled and registereii, and the 
Engineers shall be kept cognizant of the portion of the Cable 'into 
which each knot of the core is inserted. 

22. A separate and convenient room for testing the core and 
Cable, and suitable space for batteries, is to be provided by the 
Contractor, both at the Gutta Percha Manufactoiy and Sheathing 
Works, and all connections with the testing-rooms to be made at the 
Contractor's expense. The Contractor shall also provide a man to 
be in attendance on the Electricians testing the core or Cable. 

23. During the covering of the core, and after the completion of 
the Cable, it may be continually tested by the Engineers. 

24. Free access to the Contractor's Cable works shall be given, at 
all times, to the Engineers or persons who they may appoint to 
inspect the manufacture of the Cable, and full liberty for examining 
and testing every part of the materials or manufactured Cable ; all 
materials shall be liable to rejection. 

25. The Core shall be coiled on drums, and shall be kept under I^Sd' 
water until serving is begun. The drums to be carefully protected. CaWe. 
The core when served to be coiled in water-tight tanks. 

26. The Cable, when completed, is to be coiled under water in 
suitable water-tight tanks, so situated that it can be afterwards, at 
all tides, coiled op board vessels drawing twenty feet of water. The 
water is to be withdrawn by the Contractor from the tanks and 
replaced, if and so often as required by the Engineers. 

27. The tanks and other parts of the manufactory where the 
Cable is manufactured or stored are to be roofed over. 

28. Correct Indicators are to be attached to each closing indicators, 
machine, showing the exact amount of Cable manufactured, and the 
completed Cable is to be marked at every nautical mile in the usual 

29. Every facility is to be provided by the Contractor for the Ij^^ '"^^ 
shipment of the Cable, and no vessels are to be moored off his works 
during the shipment, in such manner as to interfere therewith. 

30. Any Additions or Alterations in the manufacture of the AitcrationB. 
Cable, as described in this Specification, which may be required at 

any time by the Engineers during the progress of the work, are to 
be made by the Contractor, upon terms to be then agreed upon ; or, 




Time of 
ture. , 


11 the event of difference, the price of such alteration is to be deter- 
mined by arbitration in the usual manner. 

31. The Contractor shall, at his cost, insure the Cable against 
risk of damage by fire to the full amount of the advances made j the 
policies to be effected in the name of the Concessionaires or of the 
intended Company, and placed in their hands. 

32. The Manufacture shall commence twenty-one days after 
the date of the order to begin the work, and payment of the first 
instalment of the contract sum. 

33. The following is the approximate length of Cables that will 
be required ; but these lengths may be modified from time to time 
by the Company or their Engineers, under Clause 30, provided due 
notice of the same be given to the Contractor. 

Cable D, 

700 Knots. 

Ditto E, 

54 „ 

Ditto F, 

22 „ 


776 Knots. 

34. The foregoing includes a quarter of a mile of Taper Cable at 
the junctions of the thick Cables with those of smaller diameter. 







Deatdnation. L The Cables described in the Specification No. 1 of equal date 
with this, shall be shipped from the Contractor's works, conveyed to 
the neighbourhood of Brest or St. Pierre, and laid between such 
points of the coast as may be hereafter selected by the Engineers. 

Bhipping. 2. The Cables shall be shipped from the Contractor's works with 

such machinery and in such manner as shall be approved of by the 


Company's Engineers, or, in case of difference with the Contractors, 
Mr. John Penn to decide. The Cable B shall receive, at the same 
time, a thorough coating of chalk and water. 

3. The Contractor to supply, at his own expense and risk, the steftiner«^ 
necessary steam tonnage, including coals, crew, and all supplies and &c. 
wages, and fit the steamer or steamers out with all necessary approved 
machinery and appliances (including all electrical instruments and 
batteries) for lajring the Cable, buoying it, picking it up, &c., &c. 

The machinery and appliances to be approved by the Company's 
Engineers or, in case of difference, shall be such as shall be approved 
by Mr. John Penn. 

4. The steamers to be fitted up with good and sufScient water- 
tight Cable tanks, thoroughly secured. 

5. No Cable shall be shipped until the fitness of the hold shall 
have been certified by the Engineers or their Inspector. Every knot 
of Cable when put on board shall be carefuUy marked with a tally on 
which the number of the knot shall be stamped. 

6. Previous to the departure of the Expedition, the Engineers of Course over 
the Company, and of the Contractor shall mutually agree upon the is to be liid 
course over which the several Cables shall be laid, and the positions 

in which the different sized Cables shall be placed. After such 
decision is come to, no deviation shall take place without the mutual 
consent of the above-named parties. 

7. The Engineers of the Company to select the several landing landing 
places, in conjunction with the Contractor's Engineer or Agent. 

8. During the laying the Engineers of the Company shall be con- Laying, 
suited by the Contractor's Engineer as to the proper amount of slack 

to be laid, and the retarding strain to be put upon the Cable ; also the 
sj>eed of paying-out, and all other incidental questions that may arise 
during the process of paying-out the Cable or hauling back, should 
such latter be f oimd necessary ; but the ultimate decision shall remain 
with the Contractor's Engineers. Such agreement or acquiescence of 
the Company's Engineers is in no way to relieve the Contractor of 
any responsibility. The Engineers to have the right of having com- 
munication with the shore forwarded through the Cable at reasonable 
times during the laying. 

9. During the laying an acciu^te log must be kept by the Con- 
tractor's Engineer, on a form to be approved of by the Company's 
Engineers, and copies of this log to be at all times open to the 
inspection of the Company's Engineers, who shall be furnished with 
all necessary information for filling up a similar log during the 
progress of paying-out. 

10. The position of the ship shall be accurately determined by 
observations as often as possible during the paying-out of the 



ot Cable. 



dation for 

General Die- 



Cable, and the course marked down on the best published chart of 
the Atlantic. 

4:1. In four different places, to be mutually agreed to by the 
Engineers of the Company and Contractor, about 3 knots of slack 
shall be laid, in a zig-zag course, to facilitate the picking-up and 
testing of the Cable, should such ever become necessary. 

12. The Cable shall, on its completion, be handed over to the 
ofl&cers of the Company for their use and inspection. 

13. Every facility shall be afforded to the Engineers and their 
assistants to test every part of the Cable during shipment and trans- 
port. During the laying, the testing shall be in the hands of the 
Contractor, but shall be open to the continual inspection of the 
Engineers or their assistants on board ship and on shore. The principle 
of testing to be the same as adopted in laying the Atlantic Cable 
of 1866, or any improvement that may be agreed upon. The con- 
dition of the Cable when laid shall be such, that the tests of the 
conductor and insulator shall give no reasonable ground for believing 
that any deterioration or defect exists. The decision of the Engineers 
to be binding, with an appeal to Sir William Thomson in case of 

14. Should the Contractor fail to complete the Line, or should the 
tests of the Line when completed be unsatisfactory, the Contractor 
shall hand over all spare Cable remaining after the failure or 
abandonment of the Expedition. 

15. The Engineers may decline to allow any portion of the Cable 
to be laid which is in their opinion damaged or unfit for use, and the 
Contractor shall replace any Cable damaged during shipment or 

16. The Contractor shall provide accommodation and victualling 
for the Company's Engineers and staff (not exceeding ten) on board 
the ship laying Cable. This obligation shall extend over the whole 
time during which any of the vessels shall be employed in laying the 

17. All disbursements whatsoever, necessary for carrying out the 
present Specification, shall he at the charge of the Contractor (unless 
where exceptions are specifically named), and he shall not be entitled 
to claim any allowance on account of delays, whether these arise from 
unavoidable causes or otherwise. 

18. The Contractor shall, at his own cost, insure the Cable against 
i-isk by sea and fire during transport, and the policy shall be effected in 
the name of the parties of the first part, or of tha intended Company, 
and placed in their hands. 

19. Any surplus Cable shall be delivered to the Company at some 
one station or stations to be agreed upon before the sailing of the 


expedition from Brest, or, in case of difference, to be settled by 
Arbitration. The Contractors may ship, at their own risk, such 
lengths of Cable as they think fit, in addition to the specified lengths, 
and in case any of such additional Cable is paid out with the consent 
of the Company's Engineers, it shall be paid for in cash on comple- 
tion of the Section, at the rate of £220 a mile, up to the sum of 

20. The Contractor shall, at his own expense and risk, at each Land Con- 
landing place bury the Cable in a good and sufficient trench, if stations, 
required, to the extent of 200 yards from high-water mark, in such a 
position as shall be pointed out by the Company's Engineers. 

21. All further land connections shall be made at the expense and 
risk of the Company by their Engineers. 

22. During the thirty days' tests, after the completion of the whole Eventual 
Line, the Contractor shall keep a suitable vessel for such repairs as an^Uying. 
may possibly be required. 

23. Any additions or alterations to the contract for laying and Alteration, 
transporting the Cable, or any alteration in the -destination or length 

of the Cable, which may be required at any time during the progress 
of the work, shall be made upon terms to be then agreed on. 







1. The several Cables described in the Specification, No. 2, of Desiination. 
equal date with this, shall be shipped from the Contractor's works, 
conveyed to the neighbourhood of St. Pierre, or the Coast of 
North America, between 40 and 45 degrees of N. latitude, and laid 
between such points of the coast in those neighbourhoods as may be 
hereafter selected by the Engineers. 


Shipping. 2. The Cables shall be shipped from the Contractor's works with 

such machinery and in such manner as shall be approved of by the 
Company's Engineers, or, in case of difference with the Contractor, 
Mr. John Penn to decide. The Cable D shall receive at the same 
time a thorough coating of chalk and water. 
Bteamerefor 3. The Contractor to supply at his own expense and risk the 
laying, Ac. ,jQ^.^gapy stoam tounago, including coals, crew, and all supplies and 
wages, and fit the steamer or steamers out with all necessary 
approved machinery and appliances (including all electrical instru- 
ments and batteries) for laying the Cable, buoying it, picking it up, 
&c., &c. The m:ichinery and appliances to be approved by the 
Company's Engineers, or in case of difference shall be such as shall 
be approved by Mr. John Penn. 

4. The steamers to be fitted up with good and sufficient water- 
tight Cable tanks, thoroughly secured. 

5. No Cable shall be shipped until the fitness of the holds shall 
have been certified by the Engineers or their Inspector. Every knot 
of Cable when put on board shall be carefully marked with a tally 
on which the number of the knot shall be stamped. 

Course over 6. Previous to the depaiture of the Expedition, the Engineers of 
istobeiaicu the Company and of the Contractor shall mutually agree upon the 
*°' course over which the several Cables shall be laid, and the positions 

in which the different sized Cables shall be placed. After such 
decision is come to, no deviation shall take place without the mutual 
consent of the above-named parties. 
Landing 7. The Engineers of the Company to select the several landing 

Fiaoea. places, in conjunction with the Contractor's Engineer or Agent. 

Laying. 8. During the laying, the Engineers of the Company shall be con- 

sulted by the Contractor's Engineer as to the proper amount of slack 
to be laid, and the retarding strain to be put upon the Cable ; also 
the speed of paying out, and all other incidental questions that may 
arise during the process of paying-out the Cable or hauling back, should 
such latter be found necessary, but the ultimate decision shall remain 
with the Contractor's Engineers ; but such agreement or acquiescence 
of the Company's Engineers is in no way to relieve the Contractor 
of any responsibility. The Engineers to have the right of having 
communications with the shore forwarded through the Cable at 
reasonable times during the laying. 

9. During the laying an accurate log must be kept by the Con- 
tractor's Engineer, on a form to be approved of by the Company's 
Engineers, and copies of this log to be at all times open to the inspec- 
tion of the Company's Engineers, who shall be furnished with all 
necessary information for filling up a similar log during the progress 
of paying out. 


10. The position of the ship shall be accurately determined by 
observations as often as possible during the paying out uf the Cable, 
and the course marked down on the best published chart of the 

11. The Cable shall, on its completion, be handed over to the ^^^^ 
officers of the Company for their use and inspection. 

12. Every facility shall be afforded to the Engineers and their Testing, 
assistants to test every part of the Cable during shipment and trans- 
port. During the laying, the testing shall be in the hands of the 
Contractor, but shall be open to the continual inspection of the 
Engineers or their assistants on board ship and on shore. The 
principle of testing to be the same as adopted in laying the Atlantic 
Cable of 1 866, or any improvement that may be mutually agreed 
upon. The condition of the Cable when laid shall be such, that 

the tests of the conductor and insulator shall give no reasonable 
ground for believing that any deterioration or defect exists. The 
decision of the Engineers to be binding, with an appeal to Sir Wm. 
Thomson in case of disagreement. 

13. Should the Contractor fail to complete the Line, or should the 
tests of the Line, when completed, be unsatisfactory, the Contractor 
shall hand over all spare Cable remaining after the failure or aban- 
donment of the Expedition. 

14. The Engineers may decline to allow any portion of the Cable B«Je«tion. 
to be laid which is in their opinion damaged or unfit for use, and 

the Contractor shall replace any Cable damaged during shipment 
or transport. 

15. The Contractor shall provide accommodation and victualling Aooommo- 

M -t ^ .'^ *^ dationfor 

for the Company s Engineers and staff, not exceeding ten, on board staff, 
the ship laying the Cable. This obligation shall extend over the 
whole time during which any of the vessels shall be employed in 
laying the Cable. 

16. All disbursements whatsoever, necessary for carrying out the General Din- 
present Specification, shall be at the charge of the Contractor (unless 

where exceptions are specifically named), and he shall not be entitled 
to claim any allowance on account of delays, whether these arise 
from unavoidable causes or otherwise. 

17. The Contractor shall, at his own cost, insure the Cable against inmirance. 
risk by sea and fire during transport, and the policy shall be effected 

in the names of the Concessionaires or of the intended Company, 
and placed in their hands. 

18. Any surplus Cable shall be delivered to the Company at some gnroiufc 
one station or stations to be agreed upon prior to the sailing of the 
expedition from Brest ; or, in case of difference, to be settled by 


knot length when first manufactured and immersed at 75"^ 
after 1' electrification equalled : — 

December 2 

118,000,000 B. A. units. 






236,000,000 „ 

„ 30 


January 1 






Februjiry 23 


Things did not go smoothly at Mr. Henley's Works ; he 
had erected furnaces for the purpose of drawing rods and 
iron wire, thus making the place anything but suitable for 
the manufacture of submarine cables. A new test room 
had to be constructed, but still the constant movement of 
large masses of iron so affected the galvanometers that it 
was with difficulty that reliable data could be obtained. 

This section was made in eight lengths and coiled in 
iron tanks placed above ground in the yard, and some of 
these tanks not being water-tight, it was no easy task to 
keep the cable immersed. 

The faults which occurred during its manufacture were 
numerous, and the re-coiling and cutting caused thereby 
gave much anxiety and occupied much time. 

The S.S. Scanderia and William Cory took this section, 
and on June 10th, 1869, the latter left for St. Pierre direct, 
while the former remained behind to accompany the Great 

The cable was coiled in the tanks on board the Great 
Eastern as follows : — 

Fore tank . . 720 knots ; 3-3 knots in each flake. 

Main tank . . 1,114 „ 7*25 „ „ 

After tank . . 921 „ 4*25 „ „ 

Making a total of 2,755 knots. 


On June 12th, 1869 the Great Eastern left the Medway 
for Portland, there to take in coal, &c. She was under 
the command of Captain Halpin, who on the former expe- 
ditions had been chief officer under Sir James Anderson, 
the latter gentleman accompanying us this time on behalf 
of the French Company. 

On the eve of the departure of the Great Eastern from 
Portland, when those who were to take part in the expe- 
dition came on board, it was found that the engineers for 
the French Cable Company were represented by Messrs. 
Latimer Clark, Hockin, Fleming Jenkin, C. F. Varley, and 
M. Bertsch, together with their assistants. 

The contractor's staff, with the exception of Mr. J. C. 
Laws, who, by permission of Mr. Latimer Clark, was to 
assist me in the electrical department, consisted of almost 
the same men as were employed on the 1866 expedition. 

The shore end of the cable having been laid by the S.S. 
Hawk and Chiltern from a cable house erected by the sea, 
in close proximity to Port Minou, about ten miles from 
Brest, the Great Eastern proceeded to the buoyed end of 
the cable off that place. 

In 1867 the Great Eastern had been engaged to carry 
passengers from France to America, on the occasion of the 
Orleans Exhibition, but the undertaking not having been a 
success, it was reported that if the vessel went to France 
most likely she would be seized for debt ; she was therefore 
kept well out to sea and no visitors were allowed on board, 
although many came from Brest to inspect her. 

Although the same system as that adopted in the 1866 
Atlantic expedition was to be used, and I had every confi- 
dence in Mr. Joseph May, who was in charge of the shore 
station, I was sorry I could not visit it, as, by so doing, I 
could have understood at one glance more than could be 


conveyed to me by any other means. On this occasion, 
especially, it was more than ever a matter of regret that I 
could not visit the shore station, as I had been informed 
that Sir William Thomson was not only to be umpire in 
case of dispute, but was to act there on behalf of the French 
Cable Company. This statement required explanation, for 
it was no secret that Messrs. Thomson, Varley, and Jenkin 
were in partnership and receiving royalties for working the 
mirror system. Whenever opportunity offered I had al- 
ways spoken well of the mirror galvanometer, and given 
Sir William Thomson the fullest credit for its introduction, 
but I could not give the same credit to Mr. Varley for the 
condenser, as he certainly did not invent it, and was not 
the first to apply it in the working of submarine cables. 
As regards Mr. Jenkin, I could not at all see where he 
came in, unless under the assumption that union is strength. 
At any rate I should have liked to talk the matter over 
with Sir William, for it seemed to me, that according to 
the specification, the contractors were entirely in the hands 
of Messrs. Thomson, Varley, and Jenkin, and that to them 
they gave great power without the least responsibility. 

Paragraph 8, Specification 3, says: — "Such agreement 
for acquiescence of the Company ^s engineers is in no way 
to relieve the contractors of any responsibility.^' Again in 
Paragraph 13 of the same document it says, " During the 
laying, the testing shall be in the hands of the contractors, 
but shall be open to the contintml inspection of the engineers 
or their assistants on board ship and on shore. The decision 
of the engineers to be binding, with an appeal to Sir 
William Thomson in case of disagreement." (The italics 
are mine.) But enough of this ! The shore end had been 
spliced to the main cable and paying-out commenced ; no 
sooner, however, had shore begun to send signals to ship 


through the 2,765 knots than confusion was caused by two 
signals being received for each one sent. This was found 
to be caused by the way the cable was coiled in the main 
tank, for there, attached to the bottom end of the coil, 869 
knots in length, which would be the last coil paid out, was 
the ship's receiving galvanometer. On the top of this coil 
was one, 245 knots in length, from which paying-out was 
then going on. The top end of this latter coil was in 
connection with the instrument on shore. The conse- 
quence was that the first signal ship received was due to 
induction caused by the coils being one on the other, and 
the second signal was the true one that had passed through 
the entire cable. There was an appreciable time between 
the two signals. As the cable on the top coil was paid out, 
the amplitude of the induction signal gradually diminished, 
but did not entirely disappear until the last turn was 
removed. Taken as a whole the weather was not favour- 
able, for during the entire expedition the wind and sea were 
at times very high, and the Great Eastern rolled sometimes 
to an extent that made testing almost an impossibility. Her 
course being east and west, when she rolled the coils of 
cable passed through the terrestrial magnetic line at their 
strongest point, and produced, by induction, a current 
which was sufficient to cause the beam of light, at the 
insulation galvanometer, to leave the scale as though a 
fault had occurred. This was the more to be regretted as 
several faults did occur which were found to proceed from 
punctures in the gutta percha similar to those which 
wrought such mischief in the 1865 Atlantic expedition. 
One of these faults developed itself in the midst of a gale 
in which it was found impossible to manoeuvre the Great 
Eastern in the required way, and there was only just time 
to let shore know we were going to *^ cut and buoy " ere 


it was done. The attendant ships, Chiltern and Scanderia^ 
appeared to be having a very bad time. The former lost her 
life-boat, which was swept away ; and both ships seemed 
more or less damaged. For two days the Great Eastern 
did nothing but steam about in the vicinity of the buoy, 
but on the morning of the third day the weather had suffi- 
ciently moderated to allow her to recommence operations. 
The cable and fault were soon regained and paying -out 
proceeded with. 

On one occasion, after a longer time than usual had been 
occupied in sending and receiving, a marked diflference was 
found to exist in the resistance of the gutta percha taken 
by the different currents. Mr. Jenkin insisted that this 
denoted a fault, consequently paying- out was stopped and 
a long and protracted discussion ensued. I objected to 
picking up as the insulation was high with either current, 
and there was no indication of a fault in the true accepta- 
tion of the term, although it was probable there soon 
would be if the ship held on the cable much longer; I 
maintained further that several causes might be assigned 
for the discrepancy noticed, independently of a fault. The 
testing and discussion had extended to nearly midnight, 
and the time for a final decision had arrived ; when it was 
discovered that Sir Daniel Gooch had retii'ed for the night. 
On going to his cabin he requested me to do what I 
thought best in the matter ; therefore laying was recom- 
menced under a protest from Mr. Jenkin, who spoke as 
'' The Engineers." 

There are times, and this was one of them, when it is 
desirable for those on whom a great responsibility rests, to 
concentrate all their thoughts on the testing, and in con- 
sultation with each other. Here such abstraction was 
found to be impossible ; nothing could be said or done in 


the test room without one of the Company's staff, note 
book in hand, demanding to know what was going on ; a 
running comment upon its policy was kept up. Not 
only was this done, but frequent complaints were made by 
me, both to Mr. Jenkin and Mr. Varley, of the way in 
which they interfered in the test room during my absence. 

As it was decided to continue to lay the cable Mr. Jenkin 
requested that the testing battery should be reduced to 20 
cells, and not so frequently reversed "for fear of opening 
out the fault." This was agreed to, but as the laid length 
increased, the deflection became so low owing to the differ- 
ence in temperature, that it was feared an incipient fault 
might pass unnoticed ; it was therefore suggested that the 
battery power should be increased to 40 cells. Mr. Varley 
"would not object to 100 if necessary, but he did not 
think it was " ; Mr. Clark " would meet me half way and 
say thirty," but Mr. Jenkin " would not consent to any 
increase," although the gutta percha resistance of the 
cable per knot was now 2,538 megohms, and messages were 
being sent and received at a speed of five and a half words 
per minute. 

Soon after this, strong vibrations of the deflection on the 
insulating galvanometer took place, and I was informed 
that the fault, of which I would not admit the existence, 
had begun to show itself in a more marked form. Inves- 
tigation, however, showed the vibrations to be caused by 
the battery altering its potential each time the sea struck 
the ship with sufficient force to give them a tremulous mo- 
tion. It was found that the vibrations could be produced 
at will by merely tapping the shelf on which the battery 
stood. With precautionary arrangements this kind of 
vibration vanished and never reappeared. 

Mr. Varley at this time informed Sir Daniel Gooch that 


he had calculated, and found the existing fault in the cable 
to be 2,000,000 times smaller than the last one we recovered, 
but Sir Daniel Gooch told him it was immaterial what was 
said or thought, the cable was being laid under protest and 
only time could prove whose theory was correct. On July 
12th, before cutting the cable, very careful one minute 
readings of the insulation galvanometer were noted with 
the slide of 350, and as this record will give some idea of 
how the beam of light wandered from the rolling of the 
ship, and other causes, T give it in full : — 

Left. Zero. Right. 

55 „ 88 

35 „ 64 

46 „ 55 

50 „ 50 

12 „ 65 

54 „ 85 

52 „ 51 

85 „ 25 

According to this the resistance per knot of the gutta percha 
was 6,381 megohms. 

The weather being too foggy to give any hope of finding 
the buoy attached to the shore end, it was supposed that 
the Great Eastern had overrun the distance by four knots, 
and at 12.43 Greenwich time, having laid 2,552*66 knots, 
the cable was cut and buoyed, the Great Eastern groping 
her way into Placentia Bay. 

On the following morning, on board the Scanderia^ the 
shore end was spliced to the length of the main cable which 
was on board the Great Eastern^ and that vessel laid several 
knots towards the William Cory^ which was supposed to 
have the end of the main cable on board ready to splice. 
They had, however, lost the picked-up end, so the Great 
Eastern buoyed her end, and left the William Cory^ 
Scanderiaj and Chiltern to complete the work, while she 


steamed to anchorage in Placentia Bay, just below the cable 
house. At 11.30 p.m. ship's time, on July 13th, the laying 
of the cable was completed and electrical communication 
established between the cable house near Brest and that at 
St. Pierre. 

At 2.30 p.m. on the following day the oflBcial tests were 
commenced, in the presence of Messrs. Laws, Jenkin, Var- 
ley, Hockin, Bertsch,Willey, Theophilus Smith, Williamson, 
Fothergill, Betts (six of whom had notebooks), and myself. 
Messrs. Jenkin, Varley, and Hockin were busy tracing 
connections and entering them in books. A diagram of 
these connections had been offered to them, but had been 
refused, on the ground that they preferred tracing them 
themselves. I regretted that Mr. Latimer Clark was not 
present, as he was familiar with the behaviour of long 
cables. Sir William Thomson and staff were at the Brest 

What are designated " earth cuirents '^ were interfering 
with the tests, but the most reliable, taken with 100 cells 
zinc to line, were as follows : — 


Besistanoe per knot. 


2,202 approximate. 








8,142 and decreasing. 


7,480 very steady. 




7,544 3 seconds before time. 


7,415 good. 

Mr. Latimer Clark came in later, but did not take part in 
the tests. At 9 p.m. Messrs. Jenkin, Clark, and Varley 
consulted together, and then said that the message to the 
Emperor might be sent, but Mr. Jenkin interrupted the 
message to send one as follows : — 


'* Jenkin to Thomas, 

" We wish you to make two tests, one with copper and 
one with zinc to line for fifteen minutes each, after some 
messages have been sent.'' 

The Emperor's message was then continued, and Messrs. 
Clark, Jenkin, and Varley left to walk to the town of St. 
Pierre, promising to return at daylight to resume tests. In 
a few minutes Mr. Jenkin returned to request that if the 
fault should develop we would discontinue using the cable ; 
he also said that he had left Mr. Hockin to record all that 
was done. The night was principally passed in sending and 
receiving messages, but on the return of Mr. Jenkin late 
on the following morning he said he had had sufficient 
testing and was going to experiment as to speeds, so at 
11.19 a.m. he sent the following message: — 

^' Jenkin to Thomson or May, 

" Please send regular dots for one minute at sixty per 
minute; note battery and condenser." 

About noon Sir James Anderson .came in and said that 
the experiments must be terminated as the whole expedi- 
tion was being kept waiting, but Messrs. Jenkin and Varley 
continued for over one hour longer before the cable was 
handed over to the company. 

My notes concerning the data of this cable are as 
follows : — 

Means of the core per knot after twenty-four houre at 75* and 1' electri- 
fication, t 

Conductor 3*16 ohms. 

Gutta percha 

Inductive capacity 


Total length laid 

Average depth 

240*5 megohms. 

•419 microfarads. 
804 lbs. 

2,584 knots. 

2,100 fathoms. 

Mean temperature by copper resistance 40*5'* F. 


Resistance after 1' electrification at 75** when laid. — 

Con<luctor 2*93 ohms. 

Qutta percha 2,881 megohms. 

Present working speed ten and a half words per minute. 

I was unwell when I joined the Great Eastern at Port- 
land, and felt worse day by day ; but I suppose it was the 
excitement that had kept me going, for on giving up charge 
of this section of the cable, it was impossible for me to 
proceed farther ; Mr. J. C. Laws acted for me in laying the 
other section, and I returned to England with Sir Daniel 
Gooch in the Great Eastern, which started two hours after 
the expedition. 

The following is a summary of the laying of this section : 

French Atlantic Cable, St. Pierre to Duxbury. 

Thursday, July 15th, 1.12 p.m. Greenwich time, started 
paying out shore end. 

July 16th, 12.30 a.m. — We had to stop testing for a short 
time, as through the bursting of the valve of the bilge pipe 
the test room became flooded with froth and mud. Just 
at the same time one of the outer strands of the shore end 
broke and got foul of the machines. It rucked up for 
several yards, and upset the vertical supports before the 
ship could be stopped. It was, however, soon put right, and 
the ship started again. 

1.46. — First continuity signal received. 

2.14. — Finished paying out shore end, 10*895 knots. 

2.43. — Current off to take constant of instrument. 

3.29. — Fogs came on about 12 o'clock. 

12.45 p.m. — Changed from after to main tank. Attempting 
several times to speak to shore, but signals too sharp to be 
understood, on account of the short length in circuit. 


11.59 p.m. — Heavy rain and wind all night, ship rolling 
heavily. During the night we ran into the Chiltemj smash- 
ing up one of her boats, and injuring the paying-out gear. 
The collision was caused by the Chiltem coming up too 
close to us while speaking. 

Saturday^ July Vlth. 

There was a heavy swell on all the morning, resulting 
from the breeze of the previous evening, and when the 
whole of the cable was paid out from the Cory^ it was found 
to be too rough to change to the Scanderia^ so at 11.16 a.m. 
the end of the cable on board the Cory was buoyed, and 
after dropping a mark buoy the three ships steamed off to 
find a quiet refuge behind Cape Scatari, about twenty miles 
north. It was also intended to repair the damage done to 
the Chiltern. 

6.15 p.m. — Dropped anchor in Mira Bay, Cape Breton 

7 p.m. — Mr. Laws and T.W. went to Chiltern to test cable 
on board. 

During the evening, the batteries and instruments from 
the Cory were removed to the Scanderia^ and set up. The 
three ships left anchorage for the buoy about midnight. 

Sunday J July \%th. 

2.10 p.m. — Scanderia came up to buoy. The weather 

2.37. — End of cable on board. 

3. — Cable connected to instruments. Splice commenced. 

3.46. — Called shore and sent " How are signals ? '^ 

3.49.— Eeceived '' First rate." 

5. — Ship started paying out from No. 1 tank. 

10.23.— Changed from No. 1 to No. 4 tank. 


Monday^ July 19^A. 

In the morning varying earth enrrents on line. Slide 
reading ranging from 232 to 328. 

1.9 p.m.— Change from No. 4 to No. 3 tank. 

4.6. — Current off line for about an hour, making per- 
manent joint between No. 2 and No. 3 tanks. 

In the. evening slight earth currents still on line, but 
signals very distinct and readable. Weather continuing very 
fine. Paying out proceeding at about seven and a half 
knots per hour. Testing O.K. 

Tuesday July 20 ^A. 

7.9 a.m. — Foul Flake in tank of a very complicated 
character. The ship was speedily stopped and reversed, but 
in putting on the breaks sharply^ the cable parted over the 
stem. Within five minutes a buoy was dropped overboard, 
and soon afterwards a second. As quickly as possible the 
grapnel was lowered and by 11.40 we had got the cable on 
board. The Chiltern not noticing our signals, went right 
on, and we were compelled in consequence to pick up the 
short end attached to the buoy ourselves (after paying out 
the cable) causing a delay of about two hours. The St. 
Pierre end was held by a boat until we were ready to pick 
it up, which was done at 2.46 p.m. 

3.31 p.m. — Spoke to shore and received reply. 

4. 52. — Splice made and recommenced paying out. Length 
of cable to be deducted owing to foul flake and piece cut off 
cable overboard, 3*567 knots. Weather all day very fine 
and calm. 

Wednesday^ July 2\8t 
The Chiltern being still out of sight we reduced our speed 
towards evening, continually firing off rockets and blowing 
the whistle in the hope of attracting the Chiltern^ 8 attention. 


Thursday^ July 22nd. 

10.22 a.m. — Having paid out all our cable, and the 
Chiltern not being in sight, we buoyed the end, and after 
dropping another buoy as a mark, we began to steam to the 
eastward of the buoy. This continued for about two hours, 
when the masts of the Chiltern were discovered in the dis- 
tance, and we at once turned back. We fired a gun to 
attract attention, and in about an hour the Chiltern was along- 
side. The instruments were at once taken off the Scanderia^ 
and fitted up on the Chiltern. Sea rather rough. 

1.10 p.m. — The cable was hauled on board the Chiltern. 
Calculation of resistance of total length of cable from resist- 
ance of ship and sea portions : — 

Slide. Absolate. 
Ship portion « 120*5 knota 230 = 3,016,000 
Sea „ = 619-4 „ 130 = 5,390,000 

5,390,(XK) X 3,016,000 , ^^, ,^^ . ,^. , . 

— ? — = 1,934,000 or 1,431 per knot. 

5,390,fKX) X 3,016,(KM) ' ' » t' 

6.14 p.m. — Actual resistance of total. Length, 739*9 
knots = 2,080,000 or 1,539 per knot. 

6.10. — Chiltern started paying out cable, the Scanderia 
being told to pick up mark buoy and then follow us. 

Friday^ July 23rrf. 

The deep sea portion of the cable was completed off Cape 
Cod at 11.20 a.m. Total paid out to that time 721-4 knota. 
The splice was then made between deep sea and intermediate 
portions, and at 12.45 we commenced paying out again. 

First fourteen minutes slide reading : — 

After splice = 137 Z to L = 3-852 per knot.' 

Length in circuit = 753*7 knots. 

After paying out the thirty-one knots of intermediate 
cable we commenced upon the heavy shore end (4.45 p.m.), 
and at 6.30 we had arrived at our anchorage opposite the 
landing place. The hands at once commenced to coil the 


end into a boat, and in about three hours the end was con- 
ducted into the cable house on shore. The instruments 
were taken at the same time from the Chilterrij and set up 
on shore exactly as on ship. Total length of cable : 

G(yry 173 

Scanderia 446*5 

Chiltem 129*6 


Saturdat/j July 2ith. 

Finished testing, and certificate handed over to Mr. Laws, 
by Clark 

N.B. — On board the Cory and Scanderia^ one of the Com- 
pany's representatives was always in the test room (except 
during sending or receiving of private messages) keeping 
a copy of our Diary, but the test room of the Chiltern 
being very small, the practice was discontinued. 

When it was first ascertained that temperature affected 
the resistance of gutta percha it was attributed to every 
imaginable cause, whereas, perhaps, even a little thought 
and investigation would have shown the fallacy of such con- 
clusions and would probably have taught valuable lessons 
for future guidance. Now it appeared also to be the custom 
to attribute every unknown phenomena, whether in short 
or long laid lengths of cable, to *^ earth currents." 

There can be no doubt that by some means or other more 
or less electromotive force travels along the conductors of 
laid cables, and causes in some instances much trouble and 
annoyance, while in others, it is so low as to be scarce 
recognisable. Much appears to depend on the direction 
in which they are laid ; time of day and the state of the 
atmosphere also affects them, but still I think the cur- 
rents due to such causes have been much magnified and 
their doings exaggerated. I remember a case when, during 



the official tests of a laid cable of considerable length, 
my attention was called to the fact that the readings were 
negative. The conclusion drawn was that the " earth cur- 
rents " were flowing out of the cable with sufficient force 
to oppose that of the 100 cells in circuit for testing the in- 
sulation of the cable, consequently the tests were abandoned 
until the following day. But were earth currents really so 
strong as was imagined? I thought not, but that they 
were very slight, for it was only after long electrification 
that they interfered. To illustrate my meaning more 
plainly. Suppose a pair of ordinary scales to be delicately 
suspended, and precisely the same weight placed in the pans, 
under these conditions the index attached to the centre of 
the beam will remain at zero, but the slightest addition to 
the weight in either pan will destroy the balance : but it 
would not be correct to assert that the addition was of more 
weight than all that was in the opposing pan. Now this is 
precisely what takes place during the test for insulation of 
the cable: the galvanometer represents a very sensitive 
index, while the battery represents one pan, and a charged 
cable the other. Now if the potential in both were the 
same (and the longer the current is applied the nearer they 
approach to it) the galvanonieter would remain at zero, 
but it would indicate the slightest alteration on either side, 
and there are several cases in which this diflterence can 
occur and which are remediable. For instance polarisation 
of the battery, loose connections, defective earth, &c., 
may cause a negative result which it is incorrect to attri- 
bute to so-called " earth currents.'^ 

Too much care cannot be bestowed on these points, and 
I could instance numerous cases in which the neglect of 
the same has led to disastrous results, more especially in 
the case of defective earths. 


Report of Mr. Hooper's Cables — Sir W. Thomson — Insulation — Inductive 
Capacity — Values of Different Coatings — Joint Making — Mechanical 
• Hardness — ^Effect of Tinning — Remarks — Indian Government — Cable for 
Persian Gulf — Faults — Cable from Bombay to Aden — Down Red Sea to 
Suez — Tasmanian Cable — Data — Improved Core— Cable Malta to Sicily — 
Data — Pressure Tank — Resignation of Sir R. Glass— Bombay and Aden 
Section commenced — Data for both Sections — Insulation and Speed highly 

I WILL now return to note some of the things that 
occurred in the cable world during the manufacture and 
laying of the " French Atlantic Cable," leaving farther 
remarks anent that expedition to follow in due course. 

In the arbitration case already referred to between 
Messrs. Hooper and Elliot in 1867, it transpired that in 
May, 1864, Professor Sir William Thomson gave to Mr. 
Elliot the following — 

Eepoet on Mr. Hooper's Cables. 

At the request of Mr. Elliot, I undertook an examination 
of the qualities of Mr. Hooper's insulated wires about the 
end of last September. 

I arranged to test especially the following particulars : — 

1. Insulating quality of covering, and its durability 
under water. 

2. (For speed in long submarine cables) inductive 

3. Separate values as to each of the above, particulars of 



the three materials, "pure rubber,'' "separator," "jacket," 
which are used together by Mr. Hooper. 

4. Practice of joint making. 

5. Mechanical hardness of the manufacture. 

6. EflPects of tinning on the conductivity of the wire. 
At the end of November I gave, in a letter to Mr. 

Elliot, a provisional report, to the effect that I had found 
the results of observations which I had made on each of 
those points so far very satisfactory ; and that I considered 
the excellence of the manufacture sufficiently proved to 
justify an experiment on a large scale, to consist of the 
laying of a submarine cable of considerable length for 
practical telegraphic work. 

I have continued the investigations especially to SSSS 1, 
2, and 3 up to the present time, and I still keep a large 
number of the specimens hitherto experimented on in 
proper circumstances for testing their durability, I shall 
report further results on this, the most important point of 
all, from time to time. 

The details of the laborious investigations which I have 
already gone through are all minutely recorded, and shall 
be produced at any time desired, with full explanations to 
any person who may be appointed to take charge of the 
manufacture, or of practical testing in connection with it. 
They would be too voluminous for the present report, in 
which I propose to give a summary of the practical results 
and conditions. 

This I shall do under the six heads numbered above. 

SS 1 Insulation. — I have tested for insulation upwards 
of forty specimens of Mr. Hooper's manufacture, comprising 
lengths of cable from two to three feet up to 1,003 yards ; 
specimens of two or three years' age, and of inferior 
manufacture to that now adopted by Mr. Hooper ; short 


specimens with one or more joints each, and with joints 
imperfectly *^ cured'* by heat in the manufacture; and 
long and short pieces which I subjected to violent 
mechanical strain. In the course of many hundred tests 
made on these specimens from the commencement of last 
October to the present time, I have, tvith only the one 
exception of an apparently failed joint, noted below (SS 4), 
found in every case a degree of insulation very much 
superior to that of gutta percha. The worst insulator was 
in the cases of a specimen marked No. 2 EX, given to me 
by Mr. Hooper at Betley Hall in the beginning of October 
(which, before I tested, he told me he knew to be of inferior 
manufacture), and a length of 457 yards of the same 
manufacture (green), which I tested at Mitcham on the 
29th October, and of a length of 1,003 yards, then two years 
old, which I tested at Mitcham on the same day. In each 
of those cases the loss was about 4 per cent, per minute, 
corresponding to loss " from charge to half charge " in 16 
or 17 minutes. It is right to observe, however, that even 
this insulation is four times as good as that of the best 
gutta percha cables ever made. 

I advised that the 1,003 yards length should be cut and 
tested for a fault or faults, as it would be important to 
find whether the comparatively poor insulation which it 
presented was owing to inferior manufacture on the whole 
or to some imperfect joint, but I was not able to undertake 
this investigation at the time myself, as I was obliged to 
return to Glasgow for my University duties. 

The best insulation which I found in the great lengths 

was in the following cases : — 

Tested Oct. 29th, 1863, at Mitcham. 

Cable No. 1 600 yards Loss per cent, per minute '19 

Cable No. 2 500 „ ) .,o 

Made May, 1863 ) '' " " 


The nearly equal insulation in these two cases is about 
100 times as good as that of the best gutta percha cables. 
It corresponds to loss of 5 per cent, in about half an hour, 
or fall from charge to half charge in seven hours, but as the 
rate of loss goes on diminishing from hour to hour, I have 
no doubt but that considerably more than seven hours 
would pass before one of these cables would lose half of 
any charge left in it after several minutes' electrification. 

The best insulation of all the specimens which I tested 
was that of No. 2 ('^ jackef above) of a set of four 
experimental cables prepared for me at the beginning of 
November by Mr. Hooper. In every test it was found to 
insulate remarkably well. For instance, during twenty 
hours, December 8 and 9, it lost from charge = 220 to 
charge = 158, being at the rate of rather less than ^^ per 
cent, per minute. This is about 700 times as good insula- 
tion as gutta percha, and compounds to loss from charge to 
half charge in 47 hours. It is, I believe, much the highest 
insulation that has yet been recorded of any india rubber 
or other submarine cable. 

As to durability, I have not yet found any falling oflf 
in the insulation of any of the specimens. It certainly 
remained very constant during the first two months of the 
investigation in each case, and in the few specimens I have 
been able to test recently I have found no sensible change 
since last October. 

Thus three short specimens given to me by Mr. Hooper 
at Betley Hall in the beginning of October have been tested 
since the beginning of the present month (May), and found 
to be rather better than they appeared on the 10th October 
when I first tested them, and as nearly as possible the same 
as on the 21st and 26th, when each was tested a second 
time. The apparent improvement is owing to a better 


method of preparing the ends, which I adopted after the 
early tests. 

One of these specimens had two joints. Another, before 
the end of October, was twisted and wrenched to a great 
extent, and with great violence, so much so as to cause the 
outer jacket to crack and peel off in many places. The 
third was the best insulator of all that I had then tried. It 
is very satisfactory to find that not one of them has shown 
any loss of insulation, or any appearance whatever of decay 
or deterioration during six months that they have kept in 
an open glass jar of water, exposed to light. 

No. 2. Indtjctive Capacity.— I compared the electro- 
static capacities of equal lengths of the Persian Gulf Core 
and Mr. Hooper's ordinary manufacture, and found the 
former to be 1*595 times the latter. The diameter of the 
wire was found in each case to be '106 of an inch, the outer 
diameter of the insulating cover was '38 of an inch in the 
Persian Gulf, and '46 in Mr. Hooper's. The Naperian 

logarithms of the ratios ^^Ka ^^^ ^^ttt^ are 1'243 and 1*467, 

and therefore if the specific inductive capacity of the 
insulating materials were the same, the capacity of the 

Persian Gulf Core would be tt^Is ^^ ^^^^ times that of 

Mr. Hooper's. But its capacity by electric measurement 
was 1*595 times, and therefore the specific inductive 

capacity of the gutta percha of the P.G. cable is -yTH 

or 1*35 times that of Mr. Hooper's insulator. 

In the recent specimens of Mr. Hooper's ^^ ordinary 
manufacture" the outer diameter was 3*848 times the 
diameter of the wire, the corresponding ratio in the Persian 
Gulf being only 3 '5, I find that with Mr. Hooper's insulator 


an outer diameter of 2*84 times that of the wire would give 
one or two per cent, more speed than an outer diameter of 
3-848 times the wire, with gutta percha. That is to say, 

rather less than half, ott of the quantity of insulator 

actually used by Mr, Hooper would give the same speed as 
a gutta percha cable of the dimensions he uses, and this 
speed would be about 10 per cent, above that of an equal 
length of the Persian Gulf cable. Hence it is safe to rely 
upon something less than half the quantity of insulator 
actually used by Mr. Hooper to give a speed equal to that 
of the best gutta percha cable supplied up to the present 
time. And, generally speaking, with the proportions of 
copper and gutta percha at present approved of for long 
submarine lines, we may reckon (whatever is the absolute 
gauge of the conductor, and whether strand or round wire) 
that about half the bulk of india rubber insulator will give 
the same speed. This is a most important result as regards 
the economy of the manufacture. I would strongly advise, 
in connection with it, that specimens should be prepared 
with smaller quantities of the insulator, but with the same 
arrangement of coatings as that adopted by Mr. Hooper, 
in order that the convenience and the security of the 
manufacture and the joint making may be tried with the 
thinner layers, and that these specimens be carefully tested 
for insulation especially^ to make sure that there is no 
increased liability to faults with the thinner covering, and 
that its hardness be also tfftted mechanically. 

No. 3. Separate Values op the Different Coatings 
rsED together by Mr. Hooper. — At my request Mr. 
Hooper prepared for me in the beginning of November a 
number of specimens — (1) coated with *^ separator " alone, 
(2) "jacket" alone, (3) pure india rubber, (4) ordinary 


manufacture, the conductor in each case being similar to 
that of the Persian Gulf, for the sake of greater ease and 
accuracy in the electric comparisons. 

The insulation of each of these specimens was remarkably- 
good. That of the "jacket'^ was best of all, being the 
case of best insulator (^^ per cent, per minute of loss) 
referred to above (SS 1). The '^separator" also stands 
high, being above that of the pure india rubber consider- 
ably. The inductive capacity of the "jacket," on the other 
hand, stands very high, being nearly as great as that of the 

Persian Gulf gutta percha (ttaq is the ratio I have found). 

The pure rubber stands as nearly as may be in the same 
relation to gutta percha as the compound of three layers 

used in Mr. Hooper's ordinary manufacture (jTok being 

the ratio, agreeing within one per cent, with my measure- 
ment for the ordinary manufacture). The "separator" 
seems to have less inductive capacity than the pure rubber, 
but one measurement (that of the outer diameter of the 
separator cable) is accidentally wanting to allow me to give 
the number. I shall take an early opportxinity of supplying 
it. It will be important to compare the four specimens as 
regards permanence. All I can say yet is that all of them 
having been kept together under water and exposed to light 
since the middle of November, none of them show any 
sign of deterioration or change. 

It must be borne in mind, however, that none of these 
substances, separately laid on, are in the same condition 
after the curing by heat which they undergo together in 
Mr. Hooper's finished cable, for each of them undoubtedly 
causes some chemical influence on the other. The excel- 
lence of Mr. Hooper's manufacture probably depends to 


some extent on their mutual influence during the application 
of the heat, especially the permanent soundness of the 
inner pure india rubber. It will, however, be worth while 
to try, by making and testing specimens with different 
proportions of the coatings, whether it may not be advan- 
tageous, as regards speed, to diminish the thickness of the 
"jacket," and as regards insulation to diminish the thick- 
ness of the inner layer of pure rubber, making up the whole 
thickness required by an increase in the " separator." 

No. 4. Practicb of Joint Making. — I examined care- 
fully the process of insulating a joint, and went through it 
with my own hands. It seems to be reduced to a perfectly 
practical form, and I see no reason why it should cause 
difficulty or risk in any circumstances in which the requisite 
time can be given. To test whether a hurried covering of 
the insulator round a joint could give good results, I had a 
number (18 in all) prepared all in the same way in the first 
place, but cured in different times by the steam heater, one 
only in ten minutes with the heat applied suddenly to the 
highest degree, others at all intermediate degrees, up to the 
ordinary process, which is gradually from steam at atmo- 
sphere pressure, increasing to 40 lbs. during an hour, and 
then kept at 40 lbs. during half an hour. One of these. 
No. 6, cured only 15 m. at 50 lbs. pressure steam, had lost 
insulation when I last tried it. As soon as I have an 
opportunity I shall examine it to ascertain how it has gone 
wrong. The others are all still good, they will be examined 
from time to time, and tried severely by induction coils, 
&c., and I shall report results. 

No. 5. Mechanical Hardness. — Besides experiments, 
such as those referred to above (SS 1), on the short 
specimens given me by Mr. Hooper in the beginning of 
October, in which the most violent twisting and straining 



was found to produce no injurious effect in the insulation, 
even though the outer covering was cracked, and though the 
specimens have been wet with common and sea water, and 
left about carelessly exposed, and finally kept in an open 
glass jar of water exposed to light and air for six months, 
I had a length of twenty yards prepared by Mr. Hooper of 
his ordinary manufacture covering a strand of nearly the 
same gauge as that adopted for the Atlantic, I coiled this 
back and forward many times on rough ground in the open 
air, twisted it and filled it with kinks and pulled them 
straight and then broke the cable (after stretching it many 
feet) by the aid of levers, and examined the mechanical 
bearing of the wire and india rubber. I could find nothing 
that seemed dangerous as regards use for a deep sea cable. 
I then tested the insulation of each part, and found it perfect 

No. 6. Effect of Tinning upon the Conductivity op 
THE Wire. — I made accurate tests on this point, and, to 
my surprise, I found that the tinning seemed to exercise a 
slightly beneficial effect. To make sure of no mistake, I 
had one half of a piece of solid wire tinned by Mr. Hooper's 
ordinary process, and I still found (the weight of each part 
being taken probably would account) a slight advantage in 
favour of the tinned wire. It is quite safe, therefore, to rely 
upon there being no injurious effect on the conductivity 
produced by the metallic coating which Mr. Hooper 
applies. The mechanical quality of the tinned wire seemed 
quite similar to that of the plain copper wire. 

William Thomson. 

London, May 27 ih, 1864. 

P.S. — If there is any subject embraced in the preceding 
report on which additional information is desired, I am 


ready to give all particulars, so far as my observations 
have already been carried. 

W. T. 

This report, which is dated May 27th, 1864, reads 
curiously, for while it was in hand it will be observed that 
it says therein, " At the end of November I gave, in a letter 
to Mr. Elliot, a provisional report, to the effect that I had 
found the results of observations which I had made on each 
of those points so far very satisfactory, and that I con- 
sidered the excellence of the manufacture sufficiently proved 
to justify an experiment on a large scale, to consist of the 
laying of a submarine cable of considerable length for 
practical telegraphic work.'' 

But be it remembered that at the date of this provisional 
report Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co. were using their best 
endeavours to come to terms with the Gutta Percha Com- 
pany, so that they might amalgamate the two companies 
and form the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance 
Company, Limited; therefore, perhaps the bringing the 
Gutta Percha Company '^ to book '' was to be done in away 
little anticipated. 

I have no doubt but that such a character as given in 
the above report, emanating as it did from so recognised an 
authority, induced the Indian Government to lay, in the 
Persian Gulf, a long cable containing Hooper's core, more 
especially as Mr. C. F, Varley was also advocating its use 
in warm climates. Mr. Hooper manufactured this core, and 
Mr. J. C. Laws tested and generally superintended its 
manufacture on behalf of Mr. Latimer Clark, who acted as 
engineer for the Indian Government. 

To my knowledge seven faults occurred during its 
manufacture, but if they were the only ones that did occur, 


they were not so many as were discovered in the St. Pierre 
and Duxbury section of the French Atlantic cable. It was 
not so much their number that attracted attention as their 
novel and unexpected way of appearing and disappearing ; 
in fact they were as puzzling as tricks played by a conjuror 
who can at will conceal or reveal. In one case the battery 
power employed was sufficient to bum the rubber at the 
fault, and thus it was discovered by its odour and the 
discolouration around the surface. 

This cable was coiled on board two sailing ships, the 
Tweed and the Calcutta^ and in each length a fault developed 
while shipping. The fault on board the Tweed was sup- 
posed to be about 69 knots in the coil, but that on board 
the Calcutta was said at the time not to have been localised. 
Of the further history of this cable I have no record. It 
is said that to know the cause of the disease assists very 
much in its cure, but in this case there appeared to be 
nothing by which to fix a clue. 

At this time also Mr. Henley was manufacturing for the 
Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company an 
ordinary iron covered cable to be laid across Cook's Straits, 
to be called the ^' Tasmania Cable." This was taken out 
and laid by S.S. Investigator. The following particulars 
refer to it : — 

1868. Tasmanian Cablb. 

Copper 107 lbs. 

Gutta percha . . . . 150 „ 
TotalleDgth .... 180 knots. 
Commenced testing . . October 28tli. 

Finished „ . . December 16th. 

Means of the core per knot after 24 hours at 75° and 1' 

Conductor . . . 12 555 ohms. 

Gutta percha . . 492* megohms. 
Inductive capacity . . '362 microfarads. 

Weight .... 2551 lbs. 


The only real advantage to be gained from the use of 
Hooper's core instead of gutta percha was its low inductive 
capacity. I therefore turned my attention to this point, 
and on February 4th, 1869, I informed Captain Sherard 
Osbom that by a slight alteration in the preparation of 
gutta percha its inductive capacity could be reduced 20 
per cent. The Company requested me to at once cover one 
knot on my proposed plan, and to ascertain what the real 
diflference was between this and the material we were then 
using. For this purpose a knot length the same size as the 
Brest and St. Pierre core was covered, and Mr. George 
Preece found it to be 19 per cent, lower in inductive 
capacity than that of the mean of the batch of coils he had 
last tested. 

At this time a company was about to be formed to lay a 
cable from Bombay to Aden, and thence down the Eed Sea 
to Suez. For the section from Bombay to Aden (2,000 
knots, to insure twelve words per minute), I had given the 
proportion to be 180 lbs. copper, and 240 lbs. gutta percha 
per knot. For the other section (1,600 knots) 101 lbs. 
copper and 135 lbs. gutta percha per knot, but it was 
thought that this was too small for mechanical require- 
ments, so it was altered to copper 120 lbs., and gutta 
percha 175 lbs. I now informed Captain Osbom that if 
my improved gutta percha were used, the proportions in the 
long section could be reduced to equal proportions of 160 
lbs., but opposition to its use now sprang from an unex- 
pected source, and its adoption was denounced in language 
unmistakable. It was asserted that it could only be pro- 
duced in small quantities, that the mechanical properties 
of the material would be destroyed, &c., &c. We know 
that when doctors disagree it is difficult to know who 
shall decide, and so it appeared to be in this case. Those 


who did not understand the subject considered it better to 
bear the ills they had than fly to others that they knew 
not of. 

On my return to business, after an absence of two 
months through illness, I found that during my absence my 
opponents had been active in their endeavours to convince 
the Managing Director of the absurdity of my proposed 
scheme. In consequence of these objections, I not only 
gave practical illustration of its working, but placed one 
knot length of my improved core at the disposal of Sir 
"William Thomson, and Messrs. Latimer Clark, H. C. 
Forde, Hockin, Fleeming Jenkin, and C. P. Varley, so that 
they might report on both its electrical and mechanical 
qualities. Specimens were also sent to Dr. Matthiessen for 
chemical analysis, and in all cases the report was favour- 
able, so much so that the Company ordered the core of 
the cable to be laid from Malta to Sicily to be of this 

The following are the particulars of this cable : — 

Copper ... 73 lbs. 
Guttapercha . . 119 „ S.6 

Means of the core per knot after 24 hours at 75° and 1 
electrification : — 

Conductor 17*39 ohms = 93*9 per cent, pure copper. 
Gutta percha 280 megohms. 

Inductive capacity 260 microfarads. 

This cable proved highly satisfactory, and so far so good, 
but the high additional prices charged per knot for this 
material prohibited its use except in some long lines; con- 
sequently it was long before it was universally adopted. 
In future reference to this material I shall designate it S.6, 
that being how it was distinguished in the factory. 


In October, 1868, the Anglo- American Telegraph Com- 
pany removed their station from Foilhummerum to the 
buildings they had erected at Knightstown. The sub- 
terranean lines to the cables consisted of two taped gutta 
percha covered wires, laid in iron tubes, and it was found 
that the induction, caused by the close proximity of these 
wires, prevented the two cables being worked simul- 
taneously ; to remedy this another wire was laid on the 
opposite side of the road. 

In February, 1869, Mr. Eeid removed his pressure 
tanks from the Gutta Percha Works to those of Mr. 

In March, 1869, Sir Richard Glass resigned the chair- 
manship of the Anglo-American Telegraph Company. 

On the 27th April, 1869, the core for the Bombay and 
Aden section was commenced in the presence of the 
Directors of the British India Telegraph Company and 
those of the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance 

In May, 1869, the Telegraph Construction and Main- 
tenance Company removed their ofl&ces from 54 to 38, Old 
Broad Street. 

On November 5th, 1869, Mr. Laws was engaged by the 
Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company to take 
my place in cable laying expeditions, so as to give me 
more time to attend to important home duties, as contracts 
for long submarine cables were now coming in from all 
directions. Mr. Laws was to proceed overland to join the 
Great Eastern at Bombay, for which place she left on the 
following day, November 6th, under the command of 
Captain Halpin, who was also to lay this cable in place of 
Sir Samuel Canning, who did not accompany this expedition. 

The following data refers to this cable : — 


Bomb AT and Aden. 
Conductor . . . . 180 lbs. 

Qutta percha . 
Total length . 
Commenced testing 
Finished ,, 

240 „ 
2,050 knots. 
May 26th. 
September 29th. 

Means per knot of the core after 24 hours at 75° and 1' 
electrification : — 

Conductor . 70216 ohms. 

Gutta percha . . 276*35 megohmB. 

Inductive capacity "321 microfarads. 

Weight . 419-5 lbs. 

When Laid. 

Total length of cable laid . 1 ,818 knots. 

Average depth . . 1,700 fathoms. 

Mean temp, by copper resistance 39 F* 

Electrical Values. 

Conductor .... 6,524 ohms. 
Guttapercha after r electrification 2,240 megohms. 

Aden and Suez Section. 
Conductor . . . .120 Ib^. 

Gutta percha . 
Total length made 
Commenced testing 
Finished „ 

176 „ 
1,150 knots. 
June 4th. 
November 10 th. 

Means per knot of the core after 24 hours at 75° and 1' 
electrification : — 

Conductor . . . 10*4121 ohms. 

Gutta percha 336*79 megohms. 
Inductive capacity , -3354 microfarads. 

Weight .... 292-9 

Total length laid . . 1,460 knots. 

Average depth . . 500 fathoms. 

Mean temp, by copper resistance 74° F. 

Electrical Values, 

Conductor .... 10*260 ohms. 

Gutta percha after r electrification 568 megohms. 



Four ships were . engaged in laying these two sections, 
viz.: — The Great Eastern^ S.S. Hibernia^ S.S. William Cori/, 
and the S.S. Hawk. Captain Robert Halpinhad sole charge 
of the expedition, but Mr. Henry Saunders laid about 360 
knots from the Hawk and William Cory^ from Suez towards 
Aden, to meet the Hibernia. 

These two sections may. be taken as similar to those just 
laid for the French Atlantic Telegraph Company, but under 
what different circumstances ! It might be supposed that 
the French Company followed the maxim that in the 
multitude of counsellors there is wisdom, while the British 
Indian Telegraph Company held the opinion that too many 
cooks are apt to spoil the broth. Of course, the Eed Sea 
and Indian Ocean are as a rule more suitable for cable 
laying than the Atlantic Ocean, but be that as it may, the 
comparatively few engaged in this expedition were in every 
way united, and success crowned their efforts. 

Mr. J. May was in charge of the shore station at Bombay 
during the laying, and on March 21st Mr. Laws reported 
that the insulation and speed were highly satisfactory. 
Later on he reported the same of the Aden and Suez section. 


Singapore to China Cable — 1869~S.6 — Reduction of Standard— Letter to 
Capt. Osbom — Syphon Recorder — Signal Station for Passing Ships^ — 
Falmouth and Malta Cable — Data British Australian — Batavia and Sin- 
gapore Section — Engineer's Report — Data for British Indian Extension 
Cable — Data for British Australian Cable — Singapore amd Batavia Section 
— Particulars concerning it — Banjoewangie to Port Darwin — Particulars — 
Repairs 1872. 

On December 9th, 1869, for 1,500 knots of core for the 
cable from Singapore to China, I guaranteed 15 words per 
minute, with proportions per knot of 107 lbs. copper and 
140 lbs. gutta percha if S.6 were used, but Mr. Chatterton 
asserted that it was impossible to treble cover such pro- 

On December 21st I received instructions to reduce the 
standard of the core for the Falmouth and Gibraltar Cable 
to 150 megohms per knot. 

On February 15th, 1870, 1 wrote the following letter : — 

" Captain Osborn, C.B. 

"Dear Sir, — 

" In the event of the British Australian Cable being 

laid direct from Baby Straits to Buck Town, which in 

round numbers would be 2,000 knots, to insure a speed of 

12 words per minute the core must be C.W. 150, G.P. 

200, that is supposing my improved material be used, but 

for ordinary material about 17 per cent, must be added to 

the above weights. 

"Yours, &c., 

"W. S." 


On February 19 th Mr. Cliflfbrd showed me a fault taken 
from No. 12 section of the Malta and Gibraltar Cable, in 
which a piece of zinc adhering to one of the iron wires 
had pressed with the serving through the gutta percha. 

On April 11th, 1870, Sir William Thomson was intro- 
ducing his ingenious instrument the " Syphon Recorder " 
for working submarine cables. 

About this time 55 knots of cable were laid from the 
shore to a ship moored in mid-channel, the object being to 
make her the signal station for passing Fhips, but owing to 
the great difficulty in keeping up communication the 
scheme was abandoned. It was a cause of comment at the 
time that Major Knapp Barrow, being a soldier, should 
have charge on this occasion. 

Mr. Henley made, for the Telegraph Construction and 
Maintenance Company, about one-half of the Falmouth and 
Malta cables. The resistance of the gutta percha in some of 
the lengths decreased in a remarkable way. At first it was 
thought this was due to imperfect joints, but after a good 
deal of time had been spent and trouble taken to find the 
cause, Mr. Henley admitted that ho was using coal-tar in 
the outer covering, and this proved the key to the whole 
mystery. To show how the resistance was affected, No. 5 
section was cut into 5 lengths and re-coiled into other 
tanks, each length varied in its insulation, the minimum 
being 104 and the maximum 400 megohms per knot 
worked to the first minute at 75° P. The worst lengths 
were rejected, and replaced with some of the cable then 
being made for the British Indian Extension Company. 
Most of the staff were detained on their way from the 
British Indian Expedition to lay this cable. Sir Samuel 
Canning being in charge, while Captain Halpin returned 
home in command of the Great Eastern. 



The data before and after laying these sections was as 
follows : — 

Falmouth and Malta. 

Gutta percha 
Total length laid 
Commenced testing 
Finished „ 

120 lbs. 

175 „ 
2,456 knots. 
November 12th, 1869. 
March 2nd, 1870. 

Means per knot of the core after 24 hours at 75° and 1' 
electrification : — 

Conductor .... 
Inductive capacity 
Weight .... 
Manufactured T.C. and M. Co. 
„ Henley, Woolwich 

10-508 ohms. 
214*4 megohms. 

•3479 microfarads. 
296-5 ' 
1,182 knots. 
1,274 „ 

Falmouth and Malta. 

Falmoath Lisbon to Gibraltar 

to Liabon. Gibraltar. to Malta. 

Total length of cable laid . . 823 340 1,120 knots. 

Average depth .... 1,750 620 780 fathoms. 

Mean temp, by copper resistance . 65° 58° F 

Electrical Values after Laying per Knot. 


Gutta percha after 1' electrification 

Liabon to 



to Malta. 

10-149 ohms. 

1,527 megohms. 

On August 21st Captain Halpin and Mr. J. C. Laws left 
for Batavia to lay a cable for the British Australian Tele- 
graph Company. The data for these cables before and after 
laying was as follows : — 

British Australian, Batavia and Singapore Section. 

Copper .... 

. 107 lbs. 

Guttapercha . 

. 140 ,, S.6 

Total length 

. 579 knots. 

Commenced testing . 

. April 14th. 

Finished „ 

. June 2l8t. 


Means per knot of the core after 24 hours at 75° and 1' 
electrification : — 

Conductor . . . . 11*908 ohms* 

Gutta percha . . 194*7 megohms. 
Inductive capacity -2926 microfarads. 

Weight .... 248-3 lbs. 

Manufactured T.C. and M.Co. . 

„ Henley, Woolwich 

Total length of cable laid 
Average depth . , . . 
Mean temp, by copper resistance 

283 knots. 
296 ^ 
557 „ 

30 fathoms. 

83° F. 

ElectricIl Values after Laying per Knot. 

Conductor 12*111 ohms, 

Gutta percha after 1' electrification 323 megohms. 

Messrs. Clark and Forde were the Company's engineers, 
and the latter accompanied the expedition. The following 
extracts are from their report on this cable : — 

** When the cable was all coiled on board, careful final 
tests of it were taken by us on your behalf. 

'*As a rule the contractors allow us too little time to 
take these tests as accurately as we should wish, owing to 
their anxiety to get their ships away as soon as possible 
after loading, and this was more or less the case in this 
instance. However, in consequence of our representations 
on this head, they now allow us one clear day for these 
tests, which is the minimum of time that should be 

" Mean insulation resistance per knot reduced to TS*^ Fahr. 
at end of 1' 317 megohms, or 17 per cent, improvement 
over the final tests taken on board ship previous to leaving 
England, and 111 per cent, better than the contract 
standard. The copper resistance, when reduced to the 
standard temperature, showed about the same results as 
when the cable left England. 




^* Nothing could be better and more uniform than the 
polarisation of the cable both separately and combined with 
both copper and zinc currents, and there was every indica- 
tion of a perfectly sound and healthy cable. 

^* The tests during paying out were continuous, with the 
exception of speaking with shore for a short time when 
sending noon positions, and also on one occasion when the 
tests were interrupted for six hours in consequence of heavy 
rain getting into the test-room and temporarily damaging 
the instruments. 

" We think it well to remark here that sometimes the 
Telegraph Construction Company does not pay sufficient 
attention to providing proper accommodation for the elec- 
tricians on board their ships. Had the above accident 
happened when paying out a long cable in deep water 
the six hours' suspension of tests might have been most 
prejudicial to the success of the undertaking. 

'^ The mean result of the minute insulation test at the 
temperature of the sea we found to be 128 megohms 
per knot, which, reduced to the standard temperature of 
75° Fahr., gives 230 megohms per knot. 

*^ This latter figure is 53 per cent, improvement on the 
contract resistance of 150 megohms per knot, and 18 per 
cent, improvement on the mean insulation resistance found 
by testing the whole core at the actual temperature of 
75° Fahr. at Wharf Road, viz., 194 megohms per knot. 

'* It is, however, lower than the results obtained when 
taking final tests on board ship in England and at Batayia ; 
therefore, in the absence of any other indication of an 
imperfect cable, Mr. Forde, after due consultation with 
Mr. Lambert and Mr. Laws, came to the conclusion that 
the falling off in insulation as compared with the final tests 
on board ship was due to a general change in the insulating 


property of the gutta percha, possibly due to the high 
temperature of the water in which it lies. Mr. Porde conse- 
quently handed to Captain Halpin a letter dated the 18th 
November, 1870, informing him of the general results of 
the official tests, and soon after the cable was opened for 
the purposes of traffic. 

" The cable was opened to the public on the 19th 
November, but the official thirty days* tests were con- 
tinued on the 20th November, and on that day we found 
decided indications of an electric fault in the cable, of 
which Captain Halpin and Mr. Laws were immediately 

" The fault, however, did not interfere with the working 
of the cable, and we devoted considerable time to testing 
for the fault (in order, if possible, to localise it), especially 
at night when the cable was not required for messages. 

'^ It was desirable not to use much battery power or 
break down the fault, therefore a series of delicate tests 
were taken to approximately localise it, and the first results 
placed it about 90 knots from Singapore. 

'*' On the 26th December Captain Halpin and staff, accom- 
panied by Mr. Forde and Messrs. Lambert and Fisher, pro- 
ceeded in the William Cory to repair the cable, but after 
two days' unsuccessful dredging, in about 22 fathoms of 
water, we were obliged to return to Singapore, in order to 
proceed with the laying of the British Indian Extension 
Telegraph Cables. 

''The cable was repaired on the 31st of January last, 
and the faulty piece of core was sealed up by Mr. Laws 
and our representative, Mr. Lambert, and then forwarded 
to the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company." 
The data for the British Indian Extension Cable was as 
follows : — 



British Indian Extension.— Singapore, Penanq and Madras. 

Gutta percha . 
Total length . 
Commenced testing 
Finished ,, 

120 lbs. 

176 „ 
1,756 knots. 
February 3rd. 
May 18th. 

Means per knot of the core after 24 hours at 75"^ and 1' 
electrification : — 

Conductor . 
Gutta percha 
Inductive capacity 

10-569 ohms. 
234*9 megohms. 

•3403 microfarads. 
294*7 lbs. 

ICadrasto Penangto 

Penang. Singapore. 

Total length of cable laid . 1,408 400 knots. 

Average depth .... 1,400 30 fathoms. 

Mean temp, by copper resistance 46*6° 84-2° F. 

Electrical Values after Laying per Knot. 

Conductor . . . . 9929 10-686 ohms. 

Gutta percha after 1' . 1,314 261 megohms. 

It would have been considerably to the advantage of not 
only the contractor, but also to the cable companies, had 
the just remarks of Mr. Forde concerning accommodation 
and time been permanent in their effects, but, unfortu- 
nately, at this time new cable companies were springing 
up in all directions and clamouring for cables, which were 
produced in such hurry and confusion that they did not 
redound to the credit of either parties. 

The Australian Telegraph Company extended their cables 
from Java to Sumatra, and from Java to Port Darwin. The 
following particulars refer to them : — 

British Australian, Singapore and Batavia Section. 

Copper 107 lbs. 

Gutta percha . 

Total length 
Commenced testing 
Finished „ 

140 „ S.6 
1,192 knots. 
December 17th, 1870. 
April 5th, 1871. 


Mean per knot of the core after 24 hours at 75° and 1' 
electrification : — 

Conductor .... 11-885 ohms. 

Gutta percha .... 259*6 megohms. 
Inductive capacity . . . '2866 microfarads. 

Weight 249-2 lbs, 

Java to Java to 

Somatra. Port Darwin. 
Total length of cable laid . 55 1,082 knots. 

Average depth .... — 1,000 fathoms 

Mean temp, by copper resistance . — 59-75° F. 

Electrical Values after Laying per Knot. 

Conductor 11-461 ohms. 

Gutta percha .... 1,140 megohms. 

I took great interest in these cables as they were insu- 
lated with S.6; I will therefore go more fully into detail 
concerning them. 



July 26th, 1870.— S.S. Eibernia, Captain 8. Welsh, left 
Greenhithe for Batavia to lay the above section. The fol- 
lowing left London per P. and 0. mail to meet the ship at 
Batavia : — 

Captain Halpin . . . Engineer-in-charge. 
J. C. Laws .... Electrician „ 

H. C. Forde ... (On behalf of the 

F. Lambert . . • ( British Australian Co. 

November 1st, 1870. — S.S. Hibernia arrived at Batavia, 
having made the voyage round the Cape of Good Hope. 
During the voyage out tests of cable were frequently made. 
In all cases values obtained were satisfactory. 


Mr. Laws came on board and arranged for final tests 
previous to splicing. 

November 2nd and 3rd. — Ship coaling. 

November 4th. — All cables tested by Mr. Lambert on 
behalf of the British Australian Company, Mr. Laws 

November 7th and 8th. — Splices made between Type A 
fore tank and Type B main and after tanks. 

November 8th. — The Batavia shore end landed Type A 
from fore tank. 

11.10 a.m. — Commenced paying out of the fore tank 
Type A. 2 p.m. — Splice between Type A fore tank, and 
after tank Type B passed overboard. 

November 11th, 1 a.m. — Changed from after to main 
tank, Type B. 

November 13th, 6 a.m. — Cable buoyed, 549 knots paid 
out from Batavia. Ship then steamed for anchorage off 
Tanjong Katong cable house, Sing^)ore. 

November 14th, 12 a.m. GT.— End of 10 knots Type A 
from after tank landed at cable house, Tanjong Katong. 

1.10 p.m. — Commenced paying out towards buoyed end 
of main cable (549 knots). 

4 p.m. — Alongside main cable buoy, end inboard. Tested 
same, 5th minute zinc to line 6 = 150 megohms per knot. 
Ends then passed to engineers for final splice. 

7 p.m. — Final splice completed and bight of cable slipped. 
Ilibemia then returned to Singapore and discharged surplus 
cable into lighters (which was afterwards transhipped into 
William Cory for repairs of this section). Hibernia returned 
to England with cargo via Cape of Good Hope. Staff trans- 
ferred to S.S. William Cory to assist in laying Singapore 
and Penang section of the British Indian Company's 



First Test after Laying. 
November Vlth, 1870. 

























J ^ 

















. 145 
S 144 
Z 143 
* 142 

SI 140 
o» 139 
S 138 











— 1 




ZtoL CtoL 
l' 129-4 130 
5, 146 146 
3b ISI 151 

COrnn RESISTS per knot I2'1II 










— 1 


S 137 
S 136 





— 1 


t 135 



' 134 









15 10 15 20 25 30 

— Zinc to line. 
Copper to line. 

Diagram showing types and lengths. 
Total length, 65711 knots. 


A B 

Average depth, 18 fathoms. Temp. : 86° F. 
Wharf Road means obtained from Clark Forde. 
Copper resistance . . 11*87 ohms per knot. 
Dielectric „ . . — 

After laying. 


Diagram showing types and lengths, 
fault, January, 1871. 


A B 

After removal of 






^5 /Otf^fixmcJ*Mj4^i>^f^ 


During the thirty days' tests after completion, a minute 
fault appeared (on the 20th inst., six days after com- 
pletion), approximate distance by tests 65 knots from 
Singapore. This fault was removed by the S.8. William 
Cory^ January 31st, 1871. 

January 25th, 1871. — S.S. William Cory left Singapore 
for grappling ground. 

January 28th. — Cable hooked about 77 knots from 
Singapore. Bight of cable cut, tested. Cable to Batavia 
O.K., end 480 knots buoyed. Singapore side faulty, went 
on picking up towards Singapore. 

First cut 

3 knots inboard tested 0. K. 

(Fault overboard) 

Second „ 

About 5 „ 

>» » 

»» » 

Third „ 

. . 10 „ 

» » 

» n 

Fourth „ 

. . 10 „ 

» »> 

»> »> 

Fifth „ . 

. 5 „ 


(sea portion O.K.) 

Buoyed the sea portion about 42 knots from Singa- 

January 30th. — Testing and joining up pieces picked 

January 31st. — Picked up the Batavia end, which had 
been buoyed on January 28th. Tested O.K., 1st minute= 
167 megohms per knot. Splice then made to cable on 
board. Length in circuit from Batavia to ship, 519*5 
knots. 8.40 a.m. — Commenced paying out towards Singa- 
pore, end buoyed. 6.34 p.m. — Alongside buoy, and tested 
cable to Singapore, about 42 knots. 1st minute=132 
megohms per knot. 6.65 p.m. — Ends passed to engineers 
for final splice. 7.30 p.m. — Splice completed and passed 
overboard. Length is now 555-74 knots. William Cory 
then returned home with cargo via Suez Canal, staff 
remaining at Singapore awaiting the arrival of the China 
Submarine Cable. 



FiBST Test after Removal of Fault. 
February 2nd, 1871. 









— n 



— n 


■■" " 


■" ■ 


■ « ' 

-; 1* 














H 214 

O 213 

; 212 

* 211 

g 21Q 

a 209 

(A 208 

Z 207 

X 206 

O 205 

S 204 

Z 203 
















^' • 

> tf 



, , 

a a 

1 • 

r * 






■1 ■ 

- ^ 

"" ' 






















i; IBS 188 
5 217 217 
10 223 223 
\i 224 226 
20 225-6 227 
25 225-6 228 
30 226 229 








15 10 15 20 25 301 

Zinc to line. 
Copper to line. 


BANJOEWANGiE TO PORT DARWIN. Length 1,802 knots. 

August 3rd, 1871. — The S.8. Edinburgh^ Captain Cato, 
and the S.S. Hibemia^ Captain S. Welsh, left Portland for 
Port Darwin, to lay the above section. Captain Halpin 
was engineer in charge; Mr. T. Brown, electrician in 
charge, and Messrs. Hockin and Lambert represented the 
British Australian Company. Both ships also took out 
spare cable to transfer to S.S. Investigator^ the repairing 

October 24th, 1871.— The S.S. Edinburgh arrived at Port 
Darwin, 82 days out from Portland. 

October 27th. — The S.S. Hibernia arrived at Port Darwin, 
85 days out from Portland. 

From October 27th to November 7th at anchor off Port 
Darwin. Messrs. Brown and Hockin took final tests before 
laying, and the cables were then spliced up in readiness for 
the paying out. 

November 7tli, 10 a.m.— Shore end. Type A, landed at 
Port Darwin, from No. 2 Tank, S.S. Hibernia. Commenced 
paying out at noon. 3 p.m. — Splice between A and B 
paid out. Immediately after this splice passed overboard 
the insulation decreased, and the readings became unsteady. 
9 p.m. — Informed Captain Halpin that he had better pick 
up to splice between A and B. 

November 8th, 4 a.m. — Cable picked up to splice. Splice 
cut out and cable then tested O.K. The twenty knots laid 
cable l'==163 megohms per knot. 10 a.m. — Cable respliced, 
commenced paying out again. 9.30 p.m. — From Tank 2 to 
Tank 3. 


November 11th. — Hibernians cable all paid out. Length 
376-971 knots. 6 a.m.— -Changed to Edinburgh. Length 
in circuit, 1,162-39 knots. 8.30 a.m. — Commenced paying 
out from No. 2 Tank, Edinburgh. 

November 13th, 8 a.m.— Changed to No. 3 Tank. 

November 16th, 2 p.m. — 1.060 knots paid out and 
buoyed. Ship then steamed into Banjoewangie, 

November 19th, 8.30 a.m. — Banjoewangie shore end 
landed from Tank Type A, Edinburgh. 9.15 a.m. — Com- 
menced paying out to buoyed end of main cable. 3.30 
p.m. — Alongside buoyed end of main cable on board and 
tested : — 1,060 knots, 5th min.=867 megs, per knot. Shore 
end, 23 knots, 5th min.=325 megs, per knot. 6 p.m. — 
Final splice made and let go. Length=l,082 knots. 

December 3rd. — S.S. Edinburgh proceeded to Sourabaya 
for cargo, en route for London via Suez Canal. Staff on 

December 20th. — S.S. Hibernia left for Singapore, en 
route to London vid Suez Canal. 

Eepairs, 1872. 

In June, 1872, a fault appeared in the Port Darwin and 
Banjoewangie section. Estimated distance from Banjoe- 
wangie, 220 knots. 

July 15th, 1872. — S.S. Investigator^ Captain Tidmarsh in 
charge, left Banjoewangie for the fault. Mr. T. Brown 
electrician in charge. 

July 17th. — Arrived in position. Grapnel lowered. 

July 1 8th. — Picked up grapnel. Mark buoy let go, and 
sunk, the moorings being too heavy. Eetumed to Banjoe- 
wangie for two large buoys. 

July 20th.— Ship left Banjoewangie for position of fault. 


July 22iid, 12.40 p.m. — Ship in position, let go grapnel. 

July 23rd. — Still grappling. 

July 24tli.— Still grappling. 

July 26tli. — Still grappling. 

July 26tli. — Blowing too hard for work. 

July 27th. — Grappling. 

July 28th. — Grappling. 

July 29th. — Grappling. 

July 30th. — Blowing too hard for work. 

August 1st, 10 p.m. — Ship anchored in Banjoewangie. 

August 6th. — Investigator started for Sourabaya to await 
instructions, and more grappling rope from England. Ship 
remained until the arrival of Captain S. Welsh to make 
repairs of cable. 

October 12th. — Investigator arrived at Banjoewangie from 
Sourabaya, and left at midnight for grappling ground. 
Captain S. Welsh on board in charge. Mr. T. Brown 
electrician in charge. 

October lAih.— Investigator on grappling ground and 
commenced work. 

October 17th. — Cable at bows. Banjoewangie end 
tested, found to be O.K. and buoyed. Port Darwin 
end faulty, picked up to fault (break) 9*334 knots, end 

October 18th. — Cable hooked, but parted when 400 
fathoms from surface. 10.45 p.m. — Port Darwin end 
hooked, and picked up. Cable tested and found to be O.K. 

October 19th, 10 a.m. — Spliced on to cable on board, and 
commenced paying out to the buoyed Banjoewangie end. 
3 p.m. — Alongside buoyed Banjoewangie end. 7 p.m. — 
Final splice made and let go. Length after repairs, 1,0987 
knots. Investigator then returned to Banjoewangie for 
final tests after repairs. 




A B 

Cable after Eepairs. 
Length, 1,098-7 knots. 

/s/c(f rs 

Pt. Darwin. 




Cable Laid in for Repairs. 

18*951 new cable. 
8-248 relaid. 

27199 knots. 


S a4o 

2 930 
^ 920 

XL 910 
g 900 

S 880 

Z 870 

o 860 

S 850 

S 840 

















































P • 

, 4 

















1' 763 763 
J»^ 896 887 
irf 954 944 
ii - 959 
2d 989 986 
25 1017 1004 
30 1026 1020 

C. R. II-4S* OHMS MR KT. TEMP.- 8»* P 

































1 — 
















1 1 

P ' ' 'I'O' ' ' 'ii>' ' ' 'Jo* ' ' 'J5' ' ' 's'ol 

— Zinc to line. 
- Copper to line. 














^ — 

































# ' 


■ ~~ 







' "~ 




■ ~" 

































2 1270 

























1 ■ 


LEHGTH I098-73L'KH0T8 

!•» TttT AFTIR ttFAIM OCT? aOTr iSTt 

r 1139 1142 
5' 1314 1330 
id 1366 1412 
15 1395 1461 
20 1427 1487 



















1443 1514 
1452 1533 



C R ^CRI HNOl II «t« OMMt 










t"' ' ' 'is' ' ' 'J 



- Zinc to line. 
Copper to line. 



Faulty Lengtlis — China Cable — Section Seven — Singapore and Hong Kong 
Cable — Data— Siemens' Black Sea Cable — Marseilles and Algiers — Channel 
Islands — Beachy Head to Cape Antifer — Algiers and Malta — Balearic 
Islands — North German Cable. 

The following data will show liow faulty lengths were 
manipulated in those days by the Telegraph Construction 
and Maintenance Company : — 

Section 7. — China Cable. 
Ibth December, 1870. 








!■: 350 

•u> 340 

r- 330 

t 320 

^ 310 

2 290 

i 280 

S 280 

0* 250 

CO 240 

S 230 

X 220 

g 210 

S 200 

S 190 








































































1 23458789 I0III2I3I4IS 

Section 5. Copper to line. 
Section 5. Zinc to line. 

Section 7. Zinc to line. 

Section 7. Copper to line. 



For Comparison. 

Section 5 = 151 knots, Insulation Resistances 

1' at n"" F. 

Section 7 = 143 knots, Insulation Resistances 

1' at 75' F. 

( C to L = 295 megohms 

Z to L = 291 
C to L = 165 
Z to L = 246 

The vertical column gives the insulation resistance in 
megohms per knot for each minute's electrification. The 
values obtained show the fault in Section 7 to be of very 
high resistance, and it is worthy of note that the copper 
current reduces the insulation considerably, whereas the 
reverse is the case with faults of low resistance. Both 
sections were completed and coiled at Morden Wharf. 

China Cable. 
Section 7 = 142-924 knots. 



h. 86 












'•o 80 






o es 










5 60 

S 50 
«■ 45 
CO 40 
S 35 





































S 30 


S 25 

5 20 

15 10 15 20 25 30 



Battery 50 cells. 

The insulation resistance of the above section fell on the 
13th inst. from 210 to 185 megohms per knot (first minute 
worked to 75°), but on the following day it increased to 
219. It was then subjected to quick reversals from 100 



cells for about 18 hours and tested again, when the follow- 
ing values were obtained. 

C to L = 165 i^v knot V at 75' F. 
Z to L ^ 246 „ ,, „ 

Quick reversals fi*om 100 cells were again applied for 18 
hours J and the resistance fell to 7"6 megohms per knot (first 
minute to VS"*), But when tested a few hours afterwards the 
resistance had increased and the thirty minutes' electrifica- 
tion with each current was then as shown aboyc. 

With few exceptions the readings were remarkably 
steadjj and only three times did sharp kicks occur, one of 
which caused the sudden fall from 87 to 23, 

China Cable. 

Section 7 = 142-924 knots, 

December 20thj 1870, 

This section is coiled in one of the iron tanks at Morden 
Wharf and coTered with water. 

The bottom end marked ** A-"^ 
„ top „ „ «*B." 

Absolute C.R. before fault appealed on the 13th inet. waa 1590-S18 oknm 
^ L 

" A " end to bridge. ** B ' 

* to iron of cable. 

The endfi lereised 

Cto L 









































1587 -67 








Mean value == 1588-34 

Mean vahie ^ 15!S7*(>07 = R * 


Hockin's Formula. 


R (L 4- RQ ~ VR R (L - R) (L - R) 
R + R' 

Places the fault 79 knots from bottom end, or 64 knots 
from the top end. 

The loop test places the fault 69 knots from the top end. 

China Cable. 
December 29ih, 1870. 


"* " 














































. 370 

O 360 

5 350 

* 340 

S 330 

a 320 

m 310 

S 300 

5 290 

S 260 

S 270 

' 260 

















































































12 345678 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 

Section 7 cut into two lengths. 

Bottom length = 96*155 knots. 
Top „ -46-768 „ 

."TT7 C to L I Bottomlength. 

ZIctoLj Top length. 

N.B. — It would have been 
cut where the fault was local- 
ised on the 20th inst. viz., 
64 knots from the top end, 
but only the length cut was 
required to coil on board the 



China Cable. 

January Srd, 1871. 

Section 7 in two lengths. 

Top length = 46'769 knots. 

Bottom „ = 96-155 „ 
The bottom end is marked " A." 
The top end of the same length " B." 
Absolute C.R = 1,061 ohms = L. 

A " end to bridge. 

" B " to iron of cable. 


" to bridge. *' 





z „ 





c „ 





z „ 





c „ 





z „ 





c „ 





z „ 





c „ 





z „ 


= R 




1060-235 = 

1059-934 = R' 

R(L - 

R) - V R R' (L - 

- R) (L - 


A no 

R - R' 

/ 1060-235 X 1059-934 (1061 - 
578-4 = 1060-235(1061-1059-934)- ^^ 1060235) (1061-1 05-9^934)- 

1060-235 - 1059-934 

C.E.P.K. == 52-4 knots from bottom end or 43-755 


knots from the top end. 

This does not agree with the test made on the 20th 
December, when the section was in one length. According 
to that test the fault would be now only 17 knots from the 
top end. 



China Cable. — Section 7. 
January hth^ 1871. 

Faulty part 

, = 

96-155 knots. 

C.R by loop = 

1,055-19 ohms = 

= L. 

Top end to 

iron of cable. 

Bottom end to iron of cable. 





















































1054-674 = 

1052162 = R' 

10 knots i 

1 - V R R' (L - R) (L - R') 

XV = '■ ■ ■'■ 


- R' 

The variation of the resistance of the fault no doubt 
interferes with the correctness of the above formula, espe- 
cially for short lengths containing a fault of high resistance, 
as in the present instance. 

The G.P.E.P.K. at present temperature is 698 megohms, 
or 34 worked to 75"". 

The loop test still places the fault about 20 knots from 
the top end. 

January Wth. 

The first test by loop was correct, as the fault was found 
to be between the 69 and 70 knot mark. 

The serving and G.P. was punctured by a piece of iron 
about half an inch in length, but bent and half the diameter 
of one of the outer wires. It is supposed that the piece 
was ripped from a flaw in one of the outer wires at the 
lay plate and there forced through the serving into the G.P* 


The China Telegraph Company had a cable laid from 
Singapore to Saigong and from there to Hong Kong, to 
which the following data refers : — 

China Cable.— Singapore and Hono Kong. 


107 lbs. 

Gutta percha 

140 „ S.6 

Total length . 

. 1,710 knots. 

Commenced testing . 

June 2nd. 

Finished „ 

December 17th 

Means per knot of the core after 24 hours at 75° and 1' 
electrification : 

Conductor .... 11-843 ohms. 

Guttapercha .... 200* megohms. 
Inductive capacity . -2856 microfEurads. 

Weight 248-5 lbs. 

Singapore Saigong to 

^ , , , to Saigong. Hong Kong. 

Total length of cable laid . . 620 975knots. 

Average depth .... 50 50 fathoms. 

Mean temp, by copper resistance 51° 51° F. 

Electrical Values after Latino per Knot. 

Conductor 11-468 11-468 ohms. 

Gutta percha after 1' . 255 757 megohms. 

It will be remembered that during the manufacture of 
this cable it was discovered that the tar was having an 
injurious effect on the insulating properties of the gutta 
percha, so much so that when the cable arrived at Singa- 
pore the insulation was not so high as when it left England, 
although the readings were very steady and uniform with 
each current. The climate also unfavourably affected the 

The Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company 
were about this time also making and laying cables of 
shorter lengths, among which was the core for Messrs. 



Siemens and Halske^s Black Sea cable. The particulars 
of these cables are given as follows : 


Siemens' Black Sea Cable. 
. 107 lbs. 

Gattapercha . 
Commenced testing 
Finished „ 

Total length . 

166 „ 

January 19th. 
April 1 6th. 
276 knots. 

Means per knot of the core after 24 hours at 75° and 1' 
electrification : 

Qutta percha . 
Inductive capacity 

12*12 ohms. 
279 megohms 
*329 microfEurads. 

Marseilles and Algiers. 

Copper 107 lbs. 

Guttapercha 140 „ S.S 

Total length 502 knots. 

Commenced testing March 9th. 

Finished „ ... May 19th. 

Means per knot of the core after 24 hours at 75° and 1' 
electrification : 

Conductor .... 12*037 ohms. 

Guttapercha .... 205*15 megohms. 
Inductive capacity . '293 microfarads. 

Weight 247 lbs. 

Manufactured and laid by Mr. Henley. 

Channel Islands. 

Total length . 
Copper . 
Gutta percha . 
Commenced testing 
Finished „ 

92 knots. 
107 lbs. 
150 „ 
March lOtb. 
March 15th. 


Means per knot of the core after 24 hours at 75° and 1' 
electrification : 

Conductor .... 12*272 ohms. 

Gutta percha .... 218*22 megohms. 
Inductive capacity . . . *3522 microfarads. 

Weight 25315 lbs. 

Manufactured by Mr. Henley. 

Beachy Head to Cape Antifeb. 

Copper . 
Gutta percha . 
Total length . 
Commenced testing 
Finished „ 

107 lbs. 
150 „ 
430 knots. 
April 29th. 
June 28th. 

Means per knot of the core after 24 hours at 75*^ and 1' 
electrification : 

Conductor .... 11*922 ohms. 

Guttapercha . . 287*8 m^ohms. 
Inductive capacity . . '333 microfiarads. 

Weight 259-5 lbs. 

Algiers and Malta. 
Copper 107 lbs. 

Gutta percha . 
Total length of new core 
Commenced testing 
Finished ,, 

140 „ 
214 knots. 
July 22nd. 
September 9th. 

Means per knot of the core after 24 hours at 75° and 1' 
electrification : 

Conductor . .11*87 ohms. 
Gutta percha .... 178*9 megohms. 
Inductive capacity . . . -2839 microfarads. 

Weight 247-4 lbs. 

' ..i.. 


Manufactured by Mr. Henley. 300 knots of Egmont 
cable was used to complete the length. The 300 knots 
here referred to formed part of the cable made in 1866 to 
lay across the Behring Sea. On its return to England it 
was coiled at Mr. Henley's Works and the Telegraph Con- 
struction and Maintenance Company utilised it as best they 
could. Fifty knots were coiled in half knot lengths and 
sent abroad to serve as a subterranean wire from the cable 
to the telegraph office. 

Balearic Islands. 

Copper 196 lbs. 

Guttapercha 358 „ 

Total length 90 knots. 

Commenced testing . April 27th. 

Finished „ ... May 4th. 

Means per knot of the core after 24 hours at 75° and 1' 
electrification : 

Conductor .... 6-536 ohms. 

Gutta percha .... 393 "8 megohms. 

Inductive capacity . . -3465 microfarads. 

Weight 552-2 lbs. 

Manufactured by Mr. Henley. 


North German Cable (Four wire Multiple). 

Copper 107 lbs. 

Guttapercha 140 „ S.6 

Total length 922 knots. 

230*5 knots each marked 1, 2, 3, and plain. 
Commenced testing . . . June 20th. 

Finished „ ... August 29th. 



Means per knot of the core after 24 hours at 75° and 1' 
electrification : 













11 '985 













Tested by Mr. Mnirhead for Messrs. Forde and Jenkin, 
Manufactured by Mr. Ilenley, 


Resistance of Cables — Letter to Captain Osbom— Stockholm Tar — " Inspec- 
tors"-— French Atlantic — Ship's Diary — Bepairs — Cable again Broken and 
Repaired— Broke again 1876— 1880— Particulars of Repairs, 1880—" Smart- 
ness " in Repairing. 

Data and coefficients for reducing the resistance of laid 
cables to Wharf Koad means were all right for compara- 
tively short lengths of core, but for long laid cables the 
same formula did not apply. In consequence of this I wrote 
the following letter : — 

JuneUth, 1871. 
" Captain S. Osbobn, C.B., RN. 
'' Dear Sir, 

" Owing to the low G.P. resistance of the China 
cable when it arrived at Singapore (and it has been the 
same with all the cables we have sent to the East) to what 
it was when it left England, I was induced to make an 
experiment with the tar we are now using for the Bright 
and Clark compound, supposed to be pure Stockholm, and 
I am sorry to inform you that this tar at a high temperature 
has the same effect on the resistance of G.P. as coal tar has 
at a much lower temperature. At a temperature of 90° in 
tar received from Greenwich the G.P.E. is reduced 50 per 
cent, in five days ; I have no doubt this is the true cause 
of the low insulation, and unless a substitute for tar in 
the outer covering of cables is adopted, it will be difficult 


to fix a standard for the G.P.R. of any cables to be laid 
in comparatively warm climates. 

** Tours truly, 


I admit that it did appear strange, and quite justified 
the remark that it was diflScult to understand why I used 
Stockholm tar so freely in my compound for cores, and 
yet objected to its being used in any other part of the 

Fortunately the answer was simple, and could be easily 
explained thus. Hydrochloric acid has a great aflBnity to 
zinc, consequently it is not stored in yessels made of that 
material, but it will combine with zinc in certain propor- 
tions, and then it becomes " killed" and can be stowed in 
such vessels with impunity. It is the same with a well 
made compound ; the Stockholm tar has combined with 
the gutta percha until it has become *' killed," and then 
it can be used as it is without any fear of adverse conse- 

To show how well "Inspectors" were posted in their 
work in the early days of submarine telegraphy, I record 
the following fact. One of them objected to the use of 
hydrochloric acid as a flux for the joints in the copper 
wire, while another condemned muriatic acid, and said he 
would have nothing used but spirits of salts. Now, as all 
three were one and the same, the Gutta Percha Company 
had no difficulty in complying with their wishes. 

In the ordinary course the contractors' thirty days' 
guarantee of the Brest and St. Pierre section of the French 
Atlantic cable would have expired on the 14th of August, 
1869 ; at that time my health was not sufficiently restored 
to allow of my return to business. I cannot therefore speak 


certainly of what transpired on that occasion. However, 
the fact that the contractors did extend their liability for 
two years to a certain portion of that cable, which would 
include that part in which the reputed fault was supposed 
to be, shows that the electrical condition of the cable was 
disputed, and thus the compromise. All appears to have 
gone well with this cable until October 27th, 1870, when 
the contractors were informed that the fault was now clearly 
definable about 500 knots from Brest, which placed it within 
their prescribed length. 

I was at Brest on November 4th, and there no doubt 
was a fault in the cable, but as I was not allowed to localise 
it in my own way, I refused to make any report on the 
subject. The fault in no way appeared to interfere with the 
working of the cable. 

On January 2 1st, 1871, Sir W. Thomson and Messrs. 
Hockin, Varley, and Jenkin were at the contractors' office, 
and took from the Ship's Diary a copy of all the insulation 
tests from the morning of the 23rd to the night of the 
25th of June, 1869. 

On May 22nd, 1872, the French Atlantic Company ex- 
pressed a wish that I should accompany Mr. Varley to 
Brest to report to them on the electrical condition of the 
cable, but as Mr. Varley was to control the tests I did 
not comply with their wish. 

In the following June it is fair to assume that the 
cable had ceased to work, as the Telegraph Construction 
and Maintenance Company were employed to repair it. 
The S.S. Robert Low^ with Captain Halpin and Mr. J. C. 
Laws on board, was about three weeks repairing this cable, 
and they reported it to be in very bad mechanical condition, 
and the fault 218 knots distance from Brest, not 500 as 
had been asserted, consequently it was far on the Brest side 



of the length for which the Telegraph Construction and 
Maintenance Company were responsible, assuming that 
their two years had not expired. 

In the April of the next year the cable again broke, 207 
knots from Brest. The repairing expedition on this occasion 
consisted of the S.8. Hihernia^ Captain Welch and Mr, 
J. C. Laws. Mr. J. May was at the shore station. After 
repairs the insulation per knot of the cable at the 10th 
minute was : — 

Zinc to line .... 24,460 
Copper to line .. . 20,200 

In April, 1876, the cable again broke about the same 
distance from Brest. Mr. London accompanjed the repair- 
ing expedition as engineer in charge, and Mr. Laws as 
electrician, Mr. Brown being at the shore station. The 
Anglo-American Company's repairing ship Minia was first 
employed for this repair, but as she was required for some 
repairs on the other side of the Atlantic, she left, and in the 
following June the 8.S. Hibemia was engaged in her stead. 
In this expedition those engaged were not able to recover 
more than 16 knots of the 100 knots abandoned during 
the last repairs, owing to the weak state of the cable ; in 
parts the iron wire was quite gone, and the gutta percha 
had no protection. 

The following cutting from the Daily Telegraphy dated 
June 28th, 1876, refers to this repair : — 

'^ The Anglo-American Telegraph Company, Limited, 
notify that their cable, via Brest, was repaired last evening 
by the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company, 
with their steamship Hibernia^ Captain Cato, thus com- 
pleting the restoration of communication by both the Anglo- 
American lines via Brest and via Valentia." 

In November, 1880, the cable again broke. I give an 


account of the repairs more fully, the following being the 
particulars of what happened on this memorable occasion : — 

1869 Atlantic Cable. — Attempted Eepairs 1880. — 
S.S. Scotia. 

NoTcmber 18th, 11.30 a.m. — The S.S. Scotia^ Captain 
Cato, left Charlton for Brest, to there take on board Mr. 
T. Clark (who in company with Mr. T. Brown had pre- 
viously left London for Brest) and to then attempt the 
repair of the above cable, Mr. F. Lucas in charge. 

November 20th, 6 p.m. — Anchored in Brest harbour. 

November 21st, 11.30 a.m. — S.S. Scotia left . Brest 
harbour for Cable House. 

Noon. — Arrived off Cable House. Mr. Clark came on 
board. Scotia then left for position of fault. 

November 22nd.— Arrived on grappling ground about 
220 knots from Brest. Blowing hard, and very squally. 

November 24th, Noon. — Sounded in 232 fathoms, lat. 
48° 38' 30'' N., long. 9° 56' W. 1.30 p.m.— Sounded in 
380 fathoms, lat. 48° 34' N., long. 9° 59' 30" W. 

November 25th, 3.45 p.m. — Let go mark buoy B 3 in 
lat. 48° 31' N., long. 9° 59' 30" W. 

Until November 30th weather very unsettled, blowing 
hard. Soundings taken at frequent intervals. 

November 30th, 1.30 pm.— Letgo mark buoy E 3 in 
lat. 48° 30' 45" N., long. 9° 56' W. 2.40 pm—Com- 
menced grappling. 

December 3rd, 1.50 a.m. — Hooked cable and commenced 
to pick up. 2.36 a.m.— Cable at bows. 3.20 a.m. — Cable 
to Brest connected on to the testing room lead ; spoke 
Brest and said : — 



*^ Clark to Brown — Please free five minutes and then 

Dielectric Eesistance 1st min. z= 2,084 megs, per knot. 

"Clark to Brown — Please put to earth for five minutes." 

Copper Eesistance 658*9 ohms. Sent: — 

" Clark to Brown — I now put to earth five minutes for 

Shore's value : copper resistance 662-8 ohms. 

Mean value = 660-85 ohms. 

???;?? = 220-28 knots. 

Informed Mr. Lucas cable was O.K. to Brest. 
4.10 a.m. — Testing room leading wire connected to the 
western end. 

Copper resistance 15.3 ohms. 

— ^ =5*1 knots to fault 

4.20 a.m — The western end abandoned. 

4.25 a.m. — The eastern end sealed and buoyed at 220*28 
knots from Brest. 10.25 a.m. — Lowered grapnel, about 
six miles to the west of buoyed Brest end. 12.35 p.m. — 
Hooked cable. 2.10 p.m. — Cable to bows. Leading wire 
joined to western end. 

Copper resistance 32*07 ohms. 

Reported short end and commenced picking up. 

2.30 p.m. — Eastern end abandoned. 

4.30 p.m. — Finished picking up our western end, 1*302 
knots recovered, and then the end broken at a kink came 
inboard. Supposed to have parted whilst picking up bight. 
About 14 inches of copper exposed. Iron wire broken off 
short. 7.36 p.m. — Lowered grapnel to the west of last 


December 4th, 1.7 a.m. — Picked up the grapnel. 

Picked up mark buoys, then steamed six knots west, 
let go mark buoy E 3 and recommenced grappling. 

6. p.m. — Commenced to pick up grapnel, having passed 
line of cable. 6.55 p.m. — Grapnel at bows, with 416 
fathoms of cable on prongs. 

December 5th. — Grappling all the morning. 1.26 p.m. — 
Commenced to pick up. 2.25 — Grapnel at bows, with 
310 fathoms of cable on prongs. Sounding during the 
remainder of the day. 

December 6th, 10 a.m. — Let go mark buoy B 3, six 
knots to the west of last position, and commenced grappling. 

December 7th. — Grappling all day. 

December 8th. — After taking several soundings picked 
up mark buoy B 3, and let it go again six miles of last 
position. 1 p.m. — Lowered grapnel. 7.20 p.m. — Com- 
menced to pick up grapnel. 9.10 p.m. — Grapnel at bows 
with 1,276 yards of cable on prongs. Grappling all 

December 9th, 4.5 a.m. — Commenced to pick up. 6,20 
a.m. — Grapnel at bows with bight of cable on prongs. 

Eastern part broke adrift. 544 fathoms picked up. 

Noon. — Picked up mark buoy B 3, and let it go again 
six knots west of last position and commenced grappling. 

December 10th, 6.10 a.m. — Commenced to pick up 
grapnel, having passed the line of cable. 7 a.m. — Grapnel 
at bows with 272 fathoms of cable on prongs in very bad 
condition. Grappling and sounding during the remainder 
of the day. 

December 11th. — Picked up mark buoy B 3, and let it 
go again six miles to the west of last position. 10.20 
a.m, — Recommenced grappling. 

December 12th, 1 p.m. — Commenced to pick up grapnel. 


3.14 p.m. — Buoyed the bight of cable 700 fathoms from 
surface. 5 p.m. — Let go grapnel to the east of the buoyed 
bight 11.15 p.m. — Grapnel picked up 324 fathoms of 
cable on prongs. 

December 13th, 8 a.m.— Commenced to pick up on bight 
buoy. 9.40 a.m. — Cable parted. 10.30 a.m. — Let go 
mark buoy E 3 six knots to the west of mark buoy B 3. 
4.40 p.m. — Kecommenoed grappling. 

December 14th, 12.10 a.m. — Commenced to pick up. 
Strain suddenly fell when 1,600 fathoms of rope out. 
2.10 a.m. — Grapnel at bows. Standing by mark buoy all 
day. Weather cloudy and wind increasing. 

December 15th, 7.40 a.m. — Set course for Plymouth. 

December 16th, 10 a.m. — Arrived at Plymouth. 

December 18th. — Left Plymouth for London. 

December 19th. — S.S. Scotia arrived at the Victoria 

1881. — French Atlantic Kepairs. — S.S. Scotia. 

June 8th, 8.30 a.m.— The S.S. Scotia, Captain Cato, left 
the Koyal Albert Dock for the grappling ground, about 250 
knots from Brest, to repair the above cable. 

Mr. F. Lucas was engineer in charge, Mr. Brown 
electrician in charge, Messrs. Forde and Peake represented 
the Anglo-American Company, and Mr. Donovan was in 
charge of the shore electrical staff. 

The following shows the position of cable coiled on board 
Scotia, and also the final tests before leaving Greenwich. 
The Wharf Koad means are not obtainable. 



























Main Tank. 
1877 A.A.T. Co. 


- 1878 „ 

After Tank, 
' 1880 A.A.T. Co. 


Final Teste at 76^ 










of Water. 

= 61° F. 


of Water. 

= 60"' F. 


June 11th, 11.30 p.m. — Hooked cable and commenced 
to pick up. 2.45 a.m. — Cable at bows. 

Tested western end, 200 cells, 2,324 knots: — 

Zinc to line 6 absolute 1-68. Per knot 3,902 m^ohms. 
10 „ 2-15. „ 6,006 „ 

Eeported O.K. to St. Pierre. 

Tested eastern end for Copper Kesistance = 22 ohms, 

Ee-tested western end, 200 cells : — 

Silver to line 4' = 1,275 me^. per knot. 
5' = 1,466 
6' = 1,393 

r = 

4.25 a.m. — Cable being in a very weak condition, Mr. 
Lucas anxious to make splice to cable in No. 3 Tank, end 


handed to him to start joint. 5.15 a.m. — After the joint 
had been coinnieiiced, again tostod. 

TrYostem end, with 100 Leclanehi? cells. Resistance = 
2,012 ohms* 2^012 ohms — 427 (resistance of cable in 
Tank 3) = 1,585 ohms as resistance of western end- 
Informed Mr, Lucas there was a fault to the west since 
insulation test taken, 

5,45 a.m. — Joint cut out between western end cable in 
Tank 3. 5.55 a.m. —Cable parted close to bows. 

The length of cable picked up = 231 fathoms, tested 

June ] 4th, — Hooked cable. Tested western end, eastern 
end lost. 

Test of western end ^ T — 741 ohms ; ^ 5'— 700 ohms. 

Reported to Mr. Lucas ^' short length.^' Commenced to 
jiick up at 7.20 a.m. 10.20 a.m.— Cable parted. Length 
picked up = 1*922 knots. 

Memo, to Mr. Lucas ; — 

''Lowest resistance obtained this morning waa 205 uhms^ 
which would place fault about 70 knots from ship. I think 
it would be advisable if you can get western end up to seal 
itj and proceed to Brest and obtain tests from St, Pierre, 

(Signed) '^T. J, Brown." 

June 23nt — Ilouked cable and commenced to pick np- 
2.4 p.m. — Cable at bows, bight cut and eastern end 

Tested western endj Resistance = 306 ohms. Splice made 
between western end and 134*74 knots in after tank, 
3.30 p.m. — Commenced to pay out, 6,9 p.m.— 8"03 knots 
paid out from splice, cable cut and sealed and buoyed. 
Ship then started for Brest. 


















tO CO 

a CO 
























5 § 

it ^» 










The following handed to Mr. Lucas : — 

" To-day's tests confirm those of June 14th, and show a 
bad fault within 100 knots from ship, though it is difficult 
to closely estimate distance with end sealed. If we arrange 
with St. Pierre to keep watch for our call, I have no doubt 
on our speaking him we can localise fault closely. My 
opinion is that the cable could be worked some time, using 
protecting battery and working with low power. 

(Signed) "T. J. Brown." 

June 24th, 7.10 p.m. — Anchored in Brest harbour, and 
sent following to St. Pierre: — 

" Brown to Gott. — Please test soon as possible end sealed. 
Can you arrange look out for our call on mirror, working 
without condensers. Should we be unable to speak after 
one hour, earth and free alternately for thirty minutes." 

June 26th. — Left Brest for buoyed end. 

June 29th, 4.17 p.m. — Buoy lifted and cable to-bows. 

4.22 p.m. — Spoke to St. Pierre, signals good. 

5.45 p.m. — Joint made between buoyed end and 126*71 
knots in after tank. 

6.47 p.m. — Commenced paying out towards the east. 

June 30th, 8.24 a.m. Cable cut, 70*42 knots paid out. 
Cable buoyed in 106 fathoms. 

July 2nd. — Grappling for Brest end. 11.45 a.m. — Brest 
end at bows and tested same. 

Dielectric resistance = 2,300 megohms per knot. 

Spoke Brest on Morse. Tested for copper resistance. 
= 599-02 ohms = 199-49 knots. 

0.30 p.m. — Joint commenced between Brest end and 
56-29 knots in after tank. 

1.50 p.m. — Commenced paying out towards buoyed 
western end. 



3.26 p.m. — Cable cut, arrived at western end ; 2^31 
knots paid out. Buoyed western end, picked up and 
brought inboard. Spoke St. Pierre, and said, " Now going 
to make final splice. Call B. R. in one hour with eight 

4.48 p.m. — Final splice completed and let go. 

Tests after completion, July 10th. — Tests commenced 
with end free for Brest to test for two minutes, then end 
free at Brest for St. Pierre to test and so on for thirty 
minutes ; the same arrangements were then repeated, only 
with the ends being earthed instead of freed. 

Test from Brest. 


End Free. 

EDd Earthed. 



1,162 ohms 

1,192 ohm8 

6,736 ohms 

6,720 ohms 


1,188 „ 

6,730 „ 

6,710 „ 

1,208 „ 

1,188 „ 

6,700 „ 

6,710 „ 

1,231 „ 

1,196 „ 

6,700 „ 

6,710 „ 

1,195 „ 

1,191 „ 

6,770 „ 

6,705 „ 

1,244 „ 

1,188 „ 

6,770 „ 

6J10 „ 
6,700 „ 

1,188 „ 

1,182 „ 

6,730 „ 









In the following May the cable was found to be faulty, 
but I think further notice on the subject superfluous, as I 
hope sufficient has been given to show that the less cables 
are pulled about the better, and if the grapnel must be 
used let it be in suitable weather. I know that it is 
thought a great achievement to repair a deep sea cable in 
tempestuous weather, but I am sure that if the conse- 
quences of doing so were foreseen the rejoicing would be 
shortlived. It may be true that cases have occurred in which 


the medical practitioucr gained credit for removing the ail- 
nmut for wliicli he was consulted, although in doing so he 
used rcmedios which sowed the seeds of diseases which^ 
developing liiter, caused much more trouble than the 
original one. Be that as it may, I fear something similar 
does now and then occur in submarine telegraphy, wheUj to 
gain credit for ^^ smartness/' in removing a known fault, 
little heed is paid to what mischief is being done, a 
mischief whichj unfortunatelyj time is only too sure to 


Malta and Alexandria Duplicate — Data — 1866 Cable broken 1870 — Repaired 
following Year— Fault taken from Cable between Singapore and Penang 
— Insulation of Anglo-American Cables Decreasing — " Test Box " — Cable 
from Valentia to Heart's Content — Data — 1866 Atlantic Cable Broken — 
Oreat Eastern to Repair it — Failed to Find Cable— Recovered 1858 Core 
— Australian Cable Broken — Fault from China Cable — Hooper's Core — 
Report — Sir W. Thomson — Tests — Malta and Alexandria Cable— French 
Atlantic Core — Resistance — Selenium. 

Owing to increase of business, the Anglo-Mediterranean 
Telegraph Company duplicated their cable from Malta to 
Alexandria. For this cable the Telegraph Construction 
and Maintenance Company used about 500 knots of odd 
lengths of various cables which they had in stock, and 
518 knots of new cable. The data for the new core at 
the Gutta Percha Works was per knot : — 

Copper 107 lbs. 

Guttapercha . 140 „ S.6 

Commenced testing . . . July 14th, 1870. 

Finished „ . . . August 25th, „ 

Means per knot of the core after 24 hours at 75° and 1' 
electrification : 

Conductor .... 110906 ohms. 

Gutta percha .... 183*3 megohms. 
Inductive capacity . . . '2839 microfarads. 

Weight 247 06 lbs. 

And for the cable when laid : 

Total length .... 904 knots. 

Average depth .... 1,200 fathoms. 
Mean temp, by copper resistance 52° F. 
Conductor .... 10 150 ohms. 

Gutta percha after 1' . . 1,998 megohms. 


On November SOthj 1870, the 180 5 Atlantic cable was 
brokeiij it is supposed by tho S.S. Robert Low^ wbile ende^- 
vouriug to repair the 186 G rable, which had broken about 
the same distanco from Newfoundland. Owmg partly to 
its being winter time, and partly from other causes, the 
repairs were abandoned until early in May^ 1871, when the 
S.S. Scanderia^ with a new length of cable on board, having 
Captain Hiilpin in charge of the expeditioDj started to repair 
them ; this was accomplished in the following June, 

In August, 1871, the fault recently taken from the kid 
cable, between Singapore and Penang, was examined in 
the presence of Mr. H, C, Forde and Colonel Glover ; 
something which resembled the tooth of a fish had passed 
between two of the iron wii'es and perforated the gutta 
percha with such force as to bring to \iew one of the wires 
of the conductor on the other side ; but it was difficult to 
imagine how it got there, as there were no marks of other 
teeth on the cable* I never saw but one similar fault, and 
that was taken from the original Malta and Alesandriii 
cable in the Bengali and Alexandria section. 

In 1858 Professor Thomson had patented the use of the 
reflecting galvanometer "miiTor" for working long 
submarine cables, and early in December, 1871, on his 
application, the patent was granted for a further period of 
seven years- 
Early in January, 1872, Sir Daniel Gooeh informed me 
that the insulation in both of the Anglo- American cables 
was daUy decreasing, and the copy of the tests I saw at 
their office confirmed liis statement. At the request of that 
company I went to Yalentia to endeavour to locaKse the 

One of the first lines possessed by the Magnetic Tele- 
graph Company consisted of ten unprotected gutta percha 


covered copper wires, buried two feet deep in the centre of 
the " six foot " of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway, 
between Manchester and Liverpool. At each mile was an 
iron " test box," in appearance not unlike the pillar letter- 
boxes of the present day, only on a smaller scale. Inside, 
to the back of each was attached a long thick piece of gutta 
percha band, down the centre of which were ten metal 
terminals, about one inch apart, and the end of each length 
of wire was connected by each terminal. All sounded 
very correct in theory, and looked very nice in practice, 
but it was soon discovered that the condensation of the 
atmosphere caused the whole arrangement to be constantly 
wet, thus forming contact between the wires and destroy- 
ing insulation, so much so that the whole thing was aban- 
doned for well insulated joints. 

The Anglo-American Company had built at Foilhum- 
merum a brick hut, called a cable house. Here connection 
between the cables and the subterranean leading wires 
to their offices in Knightstown was made by terminals, 
boxed in a similar way to that described ; condensation 
from the salt water charged atmosphere was causing all 
the mischief, for when disconnected the insulation of the 
cables and land lines was all that could be desired. 
Perhaps it would have been better if the companies had 
ascertained these facts, instead of publicly announcing their 
cables to be faulty ; at least this was the opinion of inter- 
ested parties on the Stock Exchange. 

In April, 1872, the French Atlantic Telegraph Com- 
pany ordered the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance 
Company to make them a cable to be laid from Brest to 
Halifax, and from thence to New York. The sections were 
to be similar to the cables laid for the same company in 
1869, with the exception that the gutta percha was to be 


S.(J, and coal tar was not to be used in any way. Meiisrs- 
Clark and Forde were appointed engineers and electricians 
to the French Company, and their assistant, Mr. Hock in, 
t tested the core at the Gutta Percha Works with 20O 
Mt'notti cells and a mirror galvanometer. 

When this cable was all on board the ships were detained, 
as negotiations were in progress to amalgamate the French 
and Anglo-American Companies. At length the terms were 
agree 1, and instead of the route being from Brest to Ilali- 
fax it w^as from Talent ia to neail's Content. The data 
for this cable per knot was : — - 

tJtipper 40(HL&. 

Totiil len^^h .... 2,^s75 kiiota. 

Of this length Mr. Henley manufactured 49S'5 knots. 
Means of the core per knot after 24 hom*s at 75° and V 
electrification : 

Conductor . , , . 3^77 olmis. 

Gutta p*?rr1ia . . , . 254 me^diins. 

Inductive t^pncitj . . . -353 tiiicrofkiiKlR. 

Weiglit a(Hl Ui3, 

NpB, The mean capacity of tliis core was 18*4 lower 
than that suiipllcd to the same company in 1809. 

Totnl Ii^ni:rh laid , . . 1,^76 knots. 

' Wean te 111 |K by copper reaiiitant^e 3?i^ F* 

Conductor .... 2'940 ohmii. 

Outtti iK.*rclm iirter r . . (>. 14.^ megohms. 

During the manufacture of the last-mentioned cable 
the Anglo-American Company \vere informed that their 
1865 cable was broken about 508 knots from Yalentiaj and 
that a serious fault wiis fast deT el oping in the 1860 cable. 
Consetiuenlly when it was aiTangcd to lay the new cable 


from Valentia to Ileart's Content, instead of from Brest to 
Halifax, the Anglo-American Company contracted that on 
her way back the Great Eastern should try to repair the 
1865 cable. After an absence of about four months the 
expedition returned to Sheemess, and Captain Halpin 
reported that he was not successful in his search for the 
1865 cable, but that he had recovered a few knots of the cable 
laid by ^ir Charles Bright in 1858. This announcement 
was rather puzzling, for when in 1866 the lost 1865 cable 
was being grappled for, Captain Moriarty said that it was 
impossible to grapple the 1858 cable, as that was fully 25 
knots from the scene of action. It is fair to suppose that 
he was right, for the 1865 cable was found as I have 
related, but no signs of the 1858 cable manifested them- 
selves at that time. How it was that Captain Halpin Avas so 
unfortunate can only be assumed to have arisen from his 
not having in his possession all the data necessary to 
ascertain the true position of the cable. 

Captain Halpin not only commanded the Great Eastern^ 
but was in sole charge of the expedition, both as regarded 
the laying and repairing. 

With respect to the recovered 1858 cable, the core looked 
as new as when first made, but it was curious to see how 
in places the outer covering was intact, and looked as 
though it had just left the manufactory, while, not far 
from it, the wires were broken and corroded to sharp points, 
showing that evidently at some time or other, the cable 
had been under great strain. 

On June 27th, 1872, the Australian cable broke, about 
200 knots from Banjoewangie, in 850 fathoms, but although 
a repairing ship was near the place, she was four months 
repairing it. 

In the November of the same year a fault recently 


removed from the China cable was found to be caused by 
a sharp but small instrument, not unlike a needle, which 
had penetrated the gutta percha with sufficient force to 
mark one of the wires of the strand conductor. Such faults 
had been found before, both in course of manufacture, 
while laying, and long after they were laid; but what 
caused them was a mystery, for nothing had been found 
to give the slightest clue. In investigating thtf subject 
more vigilantly, for the effects were becoming very serious, 
it was ascertained that in preparing the hemp used as 
" serving" it was passed repeatedly over a board studded 
with vertical metal pins, called "hickling," and frequently 
the hemp carried with it one or more of them. In search- 
ing the hemp in stock at the Cable Works many were found 
concealed, which only required the pressure they were sure 
to get at the lay plate of the " closing " machine, to force 
them into the core. This was thought to be the solution 
of the mystery attending these faults, especially when it 
was remembered how comparatively easily the broken 
wires of the Atlantic cables punctured the gutta percha, 

" Hooper's Core," as it was chilled, was coming so promi- 
nently to the front, especially for cables to be laid in warm 
climates, that the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance 
Company put themselves in a position to manufacture these 
cores. They had no difficulty with them until it came to 
the vulcanising process, but here occurred what were termed 
^' blow-holes," which are, in fact, minute holes caused by 
the escape of the steam generated in the several coatings 
of the core by the high temperature necessary for this pro- 
cess. These holes are numerous, and in many cases not 
developed until time or favourable circumstances cause 
them to become electrical faults. The Telegraph Construc- 
tion and Maintenance Company considered the peculiarity 


of such defects totally proscribed the use of these cores for 
submarine cables, and they proceeded no further with the 
manufacture of them, feeling sure that time would prove 
the wisdom .of their decision. The high insulation and 
flexibility caused them to be used for "leads," especially 
between ship and shore while shipping cables, but the 
entire length fell gradually in insulation and had to be 
frequently renewed. If kept for a time in a dry warm 
atmosphere the high insulation would return, and the length 
become fit for use again, which looked very much like 

With these facts before me, I was rather surprised to 
read the following extract from a letter written by Sir 
William Thomson about this time : — 

"Glasgow University, 

''April 2Sth, 1874. 

" It is a form of cable in which I have great confidence. 
The outer protection is of the general character which both 
Professor Jenkin and I have long advocated as being the 
most suitable for a deep sea cable, but it is a very great 
improvement indeed on anything of this kind that we 
ever either designed ourselves, or have seen designed by 

"The preservative compound which Hooper has pre- 
pared and applied to the outer hemp coverings seems to 
me admirably adapted to keep the different strands of 
hemp firmly together, and to give a very complete pro- 
tection, both to the hemp and to the core, against all 
contingencies and accidents which can be foreseen as 
probable or possible, previous to the submergence. Such 
a cable once laid in deep water would, I believe, have a 
better chance of long life than the ordinary form of deep- 



sea cable sheathed with iron imbedded in hemp. Tlie 
strength of the protection as specified by Hooper is quite 
sufficient to render the laying of the cable a sure and 
comparatively easy task, compared, I mean, with that of 
laying deep-sea cables of ordinary types. 

"The fact of there being no iron in the protection 
diminishes exceedingly the liability to faults. A large 
proportion, I believe indeed a large majority, of the faults 
which have hitherto imperilled submarine cables during 
the laying, and which have caused total loss in a few 
instances, have been due to wounds in the insulating 
material produced by the iron of the outer sheath. In fact, 
it is quite certain that in many cases the cable has been 
fatally wounded by its own armour. This consideration is 
one of the reasons, and a strong one, for which both 
Jenkin and I have long been led to look to cables pro- 
tected externally, not by iron wire, but by hemp or 
otherwise, as probably the best type for deep sea. The 
insulating material (Hooper's material) I have always 
thought well of since it was first submitted to me in 
1863-64, when I tested it in my laboratory in the old 
College, and with special instruments which I took for 
the purpose to London (the telegraphic testing instruments 
of the day being scarcely capable of discovering at all any 
want of perfect insulation in even as much as a mile length 
of Hooper's cable). The durability of the material has 
been well proved since then under many and various 

'' I have acted with Professor Jenkin for the Western and 
Brazilian Telegraph Company, and the Central American 
Telegraph Company, from the commencement of each under- 
taking, and all their cables have been of Hooper's material. 

"The Western and Brazilian Company's cables from 


Pernambuco to Rio de Janeiro have been successfully laid, 
and are, I believe, the best submarine cables in existence* 
" From my own observation, both during the manu- 
facture of all the cables for these companies, and during 
the laying of the section Pernambuco to Para, in the 
Hooper's first cable-laying expedition, which Professor 
Jenkin and I accompanied as engineers for the Western 
and Brazilian Company, I have the greatest confidence in 
the insulating material in respect to all practical good 
qualities. For a cable to be carried across the tropics, 
and still more for a cable to be laid anywhere in the 
tropics, the resistance to damaging influence of heat, for 
which Hooper's material is peculiar, is a good quality of 
paramount importance. 

(Signed) "William Thomson." 

Some of the original Malta and Alexandria cable, 
between Bengasi and Alexandria was recovered, and about 
three knots of the core was tested after the joints were 
removed. These lengths were tested under precisely the 
same conditions as when they were new, and the mean 
results per knot were : — 

Conductor 3*656 ohms. 

Gutta percha . . .127 megohms. 

Inductive capacity . 437 microfarads. 

The copper strand was as clean and as good as when 
first used. Comparing its induction with other cores of the 
same proportions, I should say it had increased about 5*5 
per cent., which would be caused by the contraction of the 
gutta percha by age reducing its diameter. All gutta percha 
cores are afltected in the same way. The great difference 
in its gutta percha resistance was no doubt caused by the 
effects of the tar used in the manufacture of the cable. 


That the tar had combined with the gutta percha there 
could be no doubt, for when the gutta percha was brought 
to a plastic state the odour of tar was very strong, and the 
gutta percha rather sticky, resembling my compound in 
colour. If the gutta percha had not been affected by 
the tar, it is difficult to say what would have been its 

A similar core (French Atlantic) after twelve months 
increased 73 per cent., and after nineteen months it had in- 
creased 130 per cent. It is not easy to fix any precise 
figure, but my opinion is that, had it not been for the tar, 
its resistance would have been about 1,000 megohms per 
knot. . The three joints removed were of the original make ; 
two were made at the Cable Works, and the other at the 
Gutta Percha Works. Their resistance, compared with the 
present standard, was : — 

Present standard « 1 

1st Greenwich = 260 

2nd „ =40 

Wharf road - 2-7 

Much in the way of joint making was learnt from this. 

As I have already stated, for my new system of testing 
cables during laying, it was necessary to connect a high 
resistance to the end of the conductor of the cable on 
shore. To have used ordinary resistance coils for this 
purpose would have been expensive, so for the Atlantic 
and other cables with which I was connected, I used 
instead a resistance composed of alternate sheets of gelatine 
and tinfoil. This however proved bulky, and its resistance 
Tinreliable ; therefore I sought for other means, and among 
the many things tried was crystalline selenium. In my 
experiments with this substance I was at first sorely 
puzzled, as it varied so much in its resistance ; pieces of 


high resistance at night would be only half the resistance 
in the. morning. On investigation this proved to be owing 
to the resistance of selenium being affected by the slightest 
variation in the rays of light falling upon it. These facts 
I communicated to the Society of Telegraph Engineers 
(now the Institution of Electrical Engineers) in 1873. 

As the resistance of selenium appeared to remain fairly 
constant in the dark, I had pieces a few inches in length 
and about one-eighth inch in diameter placed parallel in 
a vertical vulcanite box, at each end of which was a row 
of terminals, corresponding to the number of pieces of 
selenium in the box, the connections between the two 
being made by fine platinum wire; the box was then 
filled with melted paraffin wax and hermetically sealed* 
After 48 hours the resistance of each box was ascertained, 
and its value marked over its outside terminal, so that 
the whole could be manipulated to obtain the desired 
resistance. Although the greatest care was taken in all 
the details connected with the construction of these boxes, 
the resistance would as a rule be found to have decreased, 
especially after being used in hot climates. Whether this 
was due to time, long electrification when in use, or both, 
I never knew. Suffice it that, with all its faults, selenium 
was the best substance I could find for my purpose, both 
as regarded cheapness and compactness; I therefore con- 
tinued to use it. Fortunately, great accuracy in the 
resistance was not essential. 


Brazilian Submarine Telegraph Company. — Lisbon and Madeira Section — 
Madeira to St. Vincent — St. Vincent to Pernambuco — First Section caused 
Trouble — Data — Particulars — Fault — Data for other Two Sections. 

Early in 1873 the ''Brazilian Submarine Telegraph 
Company" was formed, and they employed the Telegraph 
Construction and Maintenance Company to make and lay 
for them a cable from Lisbon to Madeira, from Madeira to 
St. Vincent, and from thence to Pernambuco. 

Up to this date it could be said that the contractors had 
been fairly successful in their undertaMngs, but the first- 
named section of this order caused much trouble and delay. 
The core was tested in the usual way, the data being per 
knot as follows : — 

Copper . 

. 120 lbs. 

Gutta percha . 

. 175 „ S.6 

Total length . 

. 654 knots. 

Commenced testing . 

February 14th 

Finished „ 

. April 22nd. 

Means per knot of the core after 24 hours at 75"^ and 1' 
electrification : 

Conductor .... 10567 ohms. 

Gutta percha, 3 coverings 296*6 megohms. 
Inductive capacity . -2977 microfarads. 

Weight 293-8 lbs. 

The cable was on board the S.S. Seine^ and Captain S. 
E. Welch not only commanded her, but had charge of the 


laying, assisted therein by Mr. Thomas Temple, Mr. Thomas 
Brown being in charge of the electrical department. On 
August 2l8t they started laying the cable from Lisbon, 
and on the 24th a fault developed itself, when 383 knots 
had been laid. The ship was stopped, cable cut and sea 
end passed to the picking-up machinery. Most reliable 
tests showed the fault to be about 200 knots from Lisbon, 
80 they agreed to splice the cable, complete the laying, and 
then remove the fault. While lowering the splice, the 
cable fouled and parted. On September 19th, being un- 
successful in grappling the end, the cable was recovered 
at the bight, where it had been buoyed for twenty-six 
days. It was fortunate this was done, as it was found that 
the strain caused by the buoy had so squeezed the cable, 
that the conductor was nearly through the gutta percha. 

The S.S. Mima, Captain Martin, joined the Seine^ to 
render assistance just after the splice was successfully 

On September 21st they completed laying the cable to 
Madeira, with the fault still in, but the cable working very 
satisfactorily, viz., twenty-two words per minute with one 
cell and condenser, fifty microfarads capacity, at Lisbon 
only. The fault was in very deep water, and with the 
winter fast approaching, it was deemed expedient by those 
probably most competent to judge, to leave the repair to a 
more fitting season ; some of those concerned who were far 
from the scene of action thought otherwise, so on Sep- 
tember 30th, 1873, the Seine and Minia left Madeira for 
the fault. 

On October 24th the Minia broke the cable, and on the 
30th, the supply of grapnel rope being exhausted and 
winter far advanced, the ships returned home. 

In April, 1874, a repairing expedition started, consisting 


of the S.S. Africa^ Captain Gallilee; S.8. Kangaroo^ Captain 
Liak ; engineer, Mr. Robert London ; assistant, Mr. Frank 
Lucas; electrician, Mr, Thomas Brown; and on the 24th 
they commenced to grapple for the Madeira end ; on May 
11th they found it, and, after speaking to Madeira, they 
buoyed it and commenced to search for the Lisbon end, 
which was found on May 25th. The fault was localised as 
17 knots from ship, and 292 knots were hove in when 
the cable broke at the bottom. On June 9th, 1874, the 
cable was again recovered, and it had to be buoyed owing 
to rough weather, but on the following day they were 
able to commence picking up ; while communicating with 
Lisbon the cable again suddenly broke 2*34 knots from 
the ship. The 2-34 knots were recovered and the fault 
was found to be in that length. On the next day the 
Lisbon end was recovered, and the cable was found to be 
perfect electrically from ship to Lisbon. The end was 
buoyed, and they commenced to grapple for the Madeira 
end; the buoy which was attached to this end on May 
11th was found on May 22nd, 10 knots out of position, 
with 2*02 knots of cable attached to it. On June 14th 
the Madeira end was recovered, the cable electrically 
perfect, the end was spliced to the cable on board, and the 
cable laid to Lisbon buoyed end 50*92 knots, and at 2.20 
a.m. on the following morning electrical communication 
was perfect from Lisbon to Madeira. 

The total length of cable after repairs was 625-897 
knots. The fault was in 2,250 fathoms, 198 knots from 
Lisbon ; tests, with a view to localise this fault, were made 
by diflferent electricians at Lisbon, Madeira, St. Vincent, and 
on the repairing ship, and, as might have been expected 
the most accurate measurements were found to be those in 
which the minimum resistance of the conductor was in 


circuit. The final splice was in 2,400 fathoms. Although 
owing to unfavourable weather and other circumstances 
the recovery of the fault occupied four ships 136 days^ 
the actual work was done in six days. 

The fault, which occupied all this time and caused all 
this expenditure, was owing to the conductor becoming by 
some unknown means distorted in the gutta percha coverings, 
leaving but a very thin covering over it. Some of the 
copper in parts of the recovered cable was even rotten, and 
on several occasions when picking up, want of continuity 
was the result. The tests after completion were : — 

Temp, by copper resistance . 39** F. 

Qutta-percha after 10' . . 29,658 megohms per knot. 

Keduced to 1' electrification at TS"", and allowing for the 
increased resistance due to pressure, the resistance would 
be 426 megohms per knot. The Wharf Koad means per 
knot of this at 76^ were for the first minute 295*6 megohms 
per knot. 

The mishaps to this cable did not in any way aflfect the 
progress of the other two, which were laid without any 
hitch, consequently the following data is thought sufficient 
to give concerning them : — ^ 

Madeira and St. Vincent Section. 
Copper 120 lbs. 

Qntta percha . 
Total length . 
Commenced testing 
Finished „ 

176 „ S.6 
1,260 knots. 
April 23rd, 1873. 
August 14th, „ 

Means per knot of the core after 24 hours at 75° and 1' 
electrification : — 

Conductor .... 10*436 ohms. 

Guttapercha .... 284*6 megohms. 
Inductive capacity . . . '2972 microfarads. 

Weight 292-6 lbs. 



Total length laid 
Average depth . . . . 
Temp, by copper resistance 
Copper resistance of conductor . 
Gutta percha after T per knot . 

1,197 knota. 
2,000 fathoms. 
33-5° F. 
9*6 ohms. 
14,859 megohms. 

S.S. Edinburgh^ Captain Manning ; S.S. Hibernia^ Captain 
Cato. Captain Halpin in charge of the expedition. Mr. 
J. C. Laws in charge of the electrical department on ship. 
Mr. Joseph May in charge of the electrical department at 

St. Vincent to Pkrnambuco Section. 
Conductor .... 255 lbs. 

Gutta percha . 
Total length 
Commenced tci^ting 
Finished „ 

340 „ S.6 
1,953 knots. 
May 30th. 1873. 
March 25th, 1874, 

Means per knr)t of the core after 24 hours at 75"^ and 1' 
electrification : — 

Gutta percha 
Inductive capacity 
Weight . 

Total length laid 

Average depth . 

Temp, by resistance of conductor 


Gutta percha after 1' 

4*836 ohms. 
312*3 megohms. 

•302 microfarads. 
594-6 lbs. 

1,844 knots. 
2,300 fathoms. 
40*5'* F. 
4*5 ohms. 
6078 megohms. 

Morning of June 8th, 1874, commenced paying out at 
St. Vincent from the Hibemia; June 13th changed to 
S.S. Seine ; June 18th, changed to S.S. Edinburgh. June 
21st, completed to Pemambuco; the S.S. Investigator hii^ 
the Pernambuco shore end. The heads of departments 
were the same as on the previous expedition, with the 
additions that Captain Dudden commanded the Seine^ and 
Captain Cole the Investigator. 


Eflison— Signal Instruments— Capt. S. Osbora Promoted— 1873— Loss of S.S. 
Bobert Low — Death of Sir R. Glass — Resignation of Admiral Osbom — S.S. 
Afi7iia— Formula for Resistance— Cable from Heart's Content to Valentia 
— UatSL— Great Eastern Broken up— Mr. J. Beer— Mr. Henley — Cable Laid 
from Sardinia to Obitello — Death of Admiral Osborn — Many New Cables 
— Details Unnecessary — Silvertown — Siemens — The Faraday — Faraday's 
Resting Place— Various Cables Examined — Hole in Serving — "Brass Tape" 
— Powdered Silica — Death of Mr. J. Beer — Telegraph Construction and 
Maintenance Company. — Mr. J. C. Laws — Mr. J. May — Mr. Henley — 
Death of Sir W. Siemens. 

In May, 1873, Mr. Edison brought to England a high speed 
telegraph instrument; it resembled a Morse's in signals, 
but the rapidity with which it worked on short circuit, or 
even through a large amount of resistance, was marvellous 
to behold; the paper bearing intelligible signals appeared 
to leave the instrument at lightning speed. It was thought 
by Mr. Edison that the same results could be obtained 
through a long length of submarine cable, and for experi- 
ments 600 knots of coiled cable, the core of which con- 
sisted of 120 lbs. of copper and 170 lbs. of gutta percha 
per knot, was placed at his disposal, but he was not long in 
finding that the speed of his instrument had to be reduced 
to below that of an ordinary Morse before intelligible 
signals could be obtained. Mr. Edison, with a candour 
seldom possessed by inventors, admitted that he was not 
prepared for this " darned induction," and that he *^ would 
go back to think about it." It was really not only interest- 
ing but instructive to see with what dexterity he worked 


his instrument and manipulated his connections ; in fact he 
wasthoroughlyacquainted with the subject in hand, quickly 
realised the cause of the defeat, and, what is all-important, 
freely admitted it. I am not surprised therefore at the 
valuable work he has since done, nor that he stands forth 
so prominently in the front rank of " public opinion." 

A few months afterwards a similar instrument was 
brought to England by another American, who was anxious 
to try it through a submarine cable. Now it almost goes 
without saying that the English language is made up of 
twenty-six signs called letters, and that the production of 
either a comedy or tragedy is determined by the order in 
which they are placed. This gentleman could handle these 
signs with skill and dexterity, but he evidently did not 
know what nonsense he was talking with them. It was 
difficult to conceive anything more absurd outside a lunatic 
asylum; so, as I was sure that coiled cables would not 
answer his purpose, I declined to go further into the sub^ 
ject with him. 

In October, 1871, Captain Sherard Osborn left the 
management of the Telegraph Construction and Mainte- 
nance Company for about four months, during which time 
he was afloat on active service, qualifying himself for pro- 
motion, and in June, 1873, he was raised to the rank of 

Considering the hazardous work attending cable laying 
and repairing, it is surprising how few accidents there have 
been ; but in 1873a sad disaster occurred. Whilst engaged 
in repairing one of the Atlantic cables off the American 
coast, the S.S. Robert Low and all on board were lost. 

In December, 1873, Sir Eichard Glass died. 

In January, 1874, Admiral Sherard Osborn resigned his 
position of Manager of the Telegraph Construction and 


Maintenance Company, and was succeeded by Rear- Admiral 
George Henry Richards. My opinion is that in Sherard 
Osborn the Company lost a good and skilful pilot, and the 
heads of departments a true and valued friend. 

In March, 1874, the S.S. Minia became the repairing 
ship of the Anglo-American Telegraph Company, and made 
Halifax her port of rest. 

The formula in use to ascertain the resistance of the 
g^itta percha of cores at any specified temperature was con- 
sidered correct for comparatively new cores, but when 
applied to old cores, it was found to be worse than useless ; 
for instance it was thought advisable to re-use the core that 
had been recovered during repairs, and for this purpose it 
was made into several lengths, tested at 75°, and then sent 
to the Cable Works, where it was again tested, at the ordi- 
nary temperature of the day, and increased to 75° by the 
usual formula ; it was returned as being much below the 
specified standard. The tests were repeated with the same 
result, and on investigation it was proved that the age of 
the core was an important factor in the formula, and could 
not be neglected where accuracy was necessary. 

When the French Atlantic Company merged into the 
Anglo-American Company, and the route of the new cable 
was changed /ro;w Brest to Halifax to Valentia and Heart's 
Content, it required less cable, over 1,000 knots remaining 
on board the Great Eastern. In the following year the 
Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company, as- 
sisted by Mr. Henley, made a similar length of a similar 
cable and joined it to that on board the Great Eastern^ and 
another cable was laid from Heai't's Content to Yalentia. 
The shore ends, and intermediate at both ends of this cable, 
were made from old core taken from recovered cable of 
both the French and Anglo-American Companies, conse- 


quently the conductor ranged from 400 to 300 lbs. per 
knot. This cable was laid from Heart's Content to Valen- 
tia ; the reason for so doing I know not, unless it was that 
the Great Eastern would cross the Atlantic better, with the 
cable on board as ballast. 
The data for the cable was : — 

1,835 knots. 
1,900 fathoms. 

38° F. 
2-943 ohms. 
7,301 megohms. 

Total length .... 
Average depth 
Temp, by copper resistance 
Resistance of conductor per knot 
Resistance of gutta percha 1' . 

Captain Halpin commanded the Great Eastern^ and was 
also in charge of the expedition. In the electrical depart- 
ment, Mr. J. C. Laws was chief on board ship, and Mr. 
Joseph May was chief on shore. This was the last time 
the Great Eastern was engaged in cable work. 

While I write, at the present time (1889) I am told that 
the noise of the hammers can be distinctly heard breaking 
her up. Alas ! for that monument of Brunei's great- 
ness, that admirable assistant in the success of deep sea 

Although Mr. Julius Beer was so intimately acquainted 
with the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company 
he seldom appeared outside their board room — in fact, 
his work was seemingly done by stealth, and no doubt he 
would have blushed to find it fame. Mr. Henley occasion- 
ally manufactured cables for him, and in July, 1874, he 
made 120 knots, which was coiled in a tank marked iu 
letters unmistakable, *' The cable in this tank is the pro- 
perty of Julius Beer." This gave rise to much comment, 
and when in March the following year, this cable was 
removed from Mr. Henley's works and recoiled at those 
of the Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company, 


those who had before only assumed that Mr. Henley was 
drifting into financial difficulties now became certain that 
such WHS the case, and, in many instances, did their best, 
though unintentionally, to bring about the disaster they 
had anticipated. 

In May the same year the Telegraph Construction and 
Maintenance Company laid this cable from Sardinia to 

In May, 1875, Admiral Sherard Osbom died. 

Most of the cables I have mentioned have been dupli- 
cated, and in some instances triplicated for various reasons, 
repairs are constantly going on, and repairing ships have 
increased in number accordingly. Many new cables have 
been laid, so that now it might be fairly said that, with 
but few exceptions, the whole civilised world is in electric 
telegraphic communication, and Puck's record of putting 
^' a girdle round the earth in forty minutes" has been 

To enter into detail concerning all these cables would be 
only to repeat what I have already said. 

Of course Silvertown and Siemens were not idle, but I 
know little of what they did, and most of that little has 
been gleaned from published reports which are open to 

I read with a great deal of pleasure that Messrs. Siemens 
had christened their fine cable ship the Faraday^ showing 
thereby the great respect in which they held th« memory 
of so good a man, for I suppose no one was more competent 
to judge of what Faraday did for electric science than Sir 
C. W. Siemens. 

"A prophet is not without honour, save in his own 
country." These words involuntarily escaped my lips as, 
on a recent visit to Highgate Cemetery, I turned away 



from the final resting place of the mortal remains of 
Faraday- I had found the grave in an obscure spot, a 
prey Lo rust, decay ^ and neglect. Alas ! that it should 
be so, when even a few shillings spent annually would be 
sufficient to keep so humble ^ place in order. If there 
are no relations left, I am sure that the lloyal Institution, 
from whose anvil Faraday sent forth so many bright sparks, 
has among ita members those who knew him intimately, 
revere his memory, and would willingly undertake so small 
a matter if it came before their notice. Perhaps it may be 
said with apparent truth, that Faraday's name in itself is a 
sufficient monument of his greatness; that may bo so, 
but still I think it would have been better, if something 
of a more substantial character had been crecjted to mark 
the spot where sleeps one of the greatest men the scientific 
world has ever known, and I have no doubt that this 
thought would occur to many foreigners as well as to 
his compatriots, after having seen the grave in its present 

In December, I87S, pieces of cables containing serious 
faults, and which had been taken at various times from 
cables laid from Singapore, &c., were examined, in London. 
In one of these pieces the outer covering of hemp and 
Bright and Clark^s compound appeared perfect, the iron 
wires the same, and close laid, yet directly beneath one of 
the wires Avaa a hole in the servingj about a quarter of an 
inch in diameter, as though made by a master-hand ; the 
hole extended through the gutta pcrcha to the conductor, 
but as far as the assisted eyes could scan, no trace of any- 
thing to cause such mischief could be found, and the 
speculation was, how so big an insect as must have caused 
the mischief had made its entrance and exit without leaving 
a trace behind. Is it not possible for the hemp used as a 



serving, to contain the known animalculse, which, resem- 
bling a grain of dust, becomes alive as soon as a drop of 
water touches it P The cable was inspected, and all the 
appearance of the fault tended to this hypothesis ; there- 
fore instead of looking for one big boring insect, the dis- 
carded '^dusf was the animalculsB that caused the fault, 
as the imperceptible mite does the decay in cheese. 

It was with an idea to prevent such faults in future that 
the core was covered with " brass tape,'' but in some cases, 
especially when light cores were used, the remedy was worse i 
than the disease ; for, to be effectual, the metal ribbon must i 
be wound on very tightly, and in the process adopted to ac- I 
complish this the core becomes much stretched. It may be 
slowly revealed, but surely time will prove that there is a 
destructive electrical action between the metal tape, the 
iron wires, and the copper of the conductor when the outer 
covering allows the salt water to enter and do its work. 
With a view to obviate these known and surmised evils of 
the metal tape, it was suggested that a covering of gutta 
percha, containing a large percentage of powdered silica, 
should be substituted for it, but, as far as my knowledge 
extends, it was never used, although I still believe it to be 
worth trying. 

In April, 1880, Mr. Julius Beer died. 

Early in November, 1881, the Telegraph Construction 
and Maintenance Company, ignoring the maxim that no 
man can serve two masters, promoted Mr. Shuter, who had 
been secretary to the Company ever since its formation, to 
the position of Manager, Admiral Sir George Richards still 
retaining his position as Managing Director. Mr. Edmund 
Dickens replaced Mr. Shuter as secretary. Mr. Shuter has 
since been further promoted to a Directorship, so that now 
the Company has two Managing Directors, and if, as is 



popularly supposed, two heads are better than one, the 
Company ought to benefit by the arrangement. 

The first time that I met Mr. J. C. Laws was in 1855, 
when he came from Brighton with Dr. Whitehouse, to ex- 
periment with one of Mr. Brett's cables, then coiled in the 
yard of the Cable Works of Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co., at 
Greenwich, with a view to obtaining electrical information 
for an Atlantic cable. The many times I have mentioned 
him in these pages shows the varied and important work 
he did. 

In January, 1881, when I was appointed sole manager 
of the Gutta Percha Works, in addition to being chief of 
the Electrical Department, it was arranged for Mr. Laws 
to take charge of the Electrical Department at Greenwich, 
so as to enable me to devote more time and attention to my 
new duties. Mr. Laws readily consented to this arrange- 
ment, and all went well until the following year, when it 
was noticed that his health was far from satisfactory, and 
sufficient to cause anxiety to his friends. He was strongly 
advised to take rest, but this at first he declined to do, 
asserting that ^^ it was nothing but a passing cloud, and that 
the sun would soon shine again." 

** Oh ! would some power the giftie gie us, 
To see oursels as others see us ; " 

for although early in October he went to Brighton, it was 
then too late, and on the 26th of that month he breathed 
his last, lamented as he had been respected by all who 
knew him. 

Mr. Joseph May replaced Mr. Laws at Greenwich, and 
discharged his duties faithfully. By his death, which oc- 
curred after I had resigned my appointment in the Telegraph 
Construction and Maintenance Company, the Company lost 
a good servant. 


The jfirst time I saw Mr. Henley was in October, 1851, 
on the beach near Calais, when he was watching the landing 
of the cable, through which he was to try his magnetic in- 
struments in comparison with the double needle of Cooke 
and Wheats tone, which the Submarine Telegraph Company 
were using between Dover and Calais. It might correctly 
be said that Mr. Henley was then first paddling on the 
shores of the ocean of Telegraphy, Since that time I have 
seen him swimming, with a strong stroke, assisted by the 
tide of prosperity, and I have also seen him manfully 
battling against the strong tide of adversity, where financial 
difficulties, like wreckage after a storm, sorely impeded his 
way. I thought him at times eccentric until I knew him 
better, and then I could see that there was a meaning in 
his eccentricities which were so puzzling to strangers. It 
has been well said, ^* it is pleasant to be foolish at the right 
time,'' but surely he was sometimes foolish out of season. 
I have thought his character not unlike a painted window, 
which, viewed from the outside, gives but a blurred mass of 
unintelligible combinations, but seen from within presents a 
whole, which skill and talent have developed into an instruc- 
tive and pleasing picture. Many who knew Mr. Henley 
felt sorry when he was at last overwhelmed by finan- 
cial difficulties. He complained bitterly that his original 
plant at North Woolwich fell into the hands of the Tele- 
graph Construction and Maintenance Company, who kept it 
idle and allowed it to fall into decay. Mr. Henley believed 
that Mr. Julius Beer, of whom he was borrowing money, 
was acting in kindness and consideration for his interests, 
and was quite unprepared for his foreclosure. Mr. Henley 
not only imagined, but proclaimed with much energy, that 
he could and would do again what he had done when turned 
out of Enderby's ; he could not realise that his working 



days were well nigh overj but on the 13th of December, 
18S2j his exhausted frame found rest in the long sleep of 

On November 20thj 1883, it was with regret that I heard 
of the death of Sir W. Siemens. 

The lately published ^* Life " of this eminent man, con- 
taining as it does many of his scientific sayings and doings, 
shows hia connection with submarine telegraphy and elec- 
trical woikj besides hia prominent position in many other 
branches of science. i 






JoinU — Localising Faults — Polarisation — Electrification — Healthy Sections — 
Readings — Careful Tests — Good Electricians Necessary — Wharf Boad 
Mean — Calculated Gutta Percha Resistance— Electrical Improvements — 
Copper Wire — Faults — Caused by Lightning — Advancement — Manu- 

If the good advice contained in the following verse — 

" Do what you can, being what you are, 
Shine as a glow-worm if you cannot as a star ; 
Work like a pulley if you cannot as a crane, 
Be a wheel-greaser if you cannot drive a train," 

had been taken and followed, that is, if the work of all had 
been careful and thorough, the progress of submarine tele- 
graphy would not have been so much retarded by the 
brakes of ignorance. 

To join the various lengths of the conductor together is 
an easy and comparatively quick operation, which does not 
require long training to accomplish; but to insulate the 
same is quite another matter, great care and attention, 
combined with long experience, being necessary to ensure 

In the case of gutta percha covered cores, the strips of 
that material used must be of the right temperature, and 
manipulated by soft, dry hands. A man endowed by 
nature with moist and flabby hands never makes a good 
joint, and a good jointer, after his return from a cable-lay- 
ing expedition, is frequently incapacitated from making a 
passable joint in the Works imtil his hands have regained 


their natural condition, more especially if, during the 
voyage, ignorance has employed him to clean batteries and 
do other objectionable things, which harden the hands and 
impregnate them with acid, salt water, and dirt. I admit 
that all this is, to a stranger, diflScult to understand, but 
many cases might be cited where ^^ superintendents" have 
come to grief through disregarding it. 

Want of insulation, electrical defects, or, as it is com- 
monly called, the ^' fault," frequently occurs, as I have 
perhaps too often mentioned in this narrative, during the 
manufacture, laying, and at short or long intervals after 
laying. Many suggestions and formulae have been pub- 
lished, all of which profess to be the right ones for deter- 
mining the exact position of such faults. The physician 
who has but one prescription for all sorts and conditions of 
cases would, I think, soon come to grief: so would it be 
with the electrician who trusted to one formula for the 
localising of all sorts and conditions of faults. I am 
not speaking of a fault of a low resistance, or where 
it is possible to form a loop so as to have both ends under 
one control, as during manufacture, or in laid duplicate 
cables. In such cases the work is easy and localising 
certain, but when it is one of those incipient faults, the 
resistance of which is very high and changeable, with only 
one end of the cable to test from, and perhaps earth 
currents interfering, it is not so easy to speak with the 
same degree of certainty as to its whereabouts. The good 
physician will look at his patient's tongue, feel his pulse, 
make a thorough examination of him, and endeavour to 
ascertain his ways and habits, before he prescribes ; so an 
electrician in charge (and all stations ought to possess a 
competent one) should interpret a fault by, figuratively 
speaking, examining its tongue, feeling its pulse, and 


asking daily questions, until he is satisfied he can localise 
the disease with almost absolute certainty. 

If these incipient faults appear during the manufacture, 
the usual practice is to keep sending into the length affected 
quick reversals from a comparatively high battery power, 
until the resistance of the fault is reduced sufficiently to 
allow its distance from either end to be ascertained with 
certainty. It is not wise to adopt this system in the case 
of a laid cable, for it might develop other concealed faults ; 
besides, it might be desirable to keep the resistance as high 
as possible for the better working of the cable. In a pro- 
perly manufactured cable correct records are kept of the 
resistance of the conductor, and the inductive capacity of 
each length, with its position in the cable. A true know- 
ledge of this data is of great assistance in localising a fault. 
Occasions might be cited where, in a broken cable, the end 
of the conductor was drawn several inches up the gutta 
percha, so that its resistance was such that the negative 
current soon entirely sealed it, and while in this state the 
inductive capacity of the entire length was ascertained. A 
knowledge of the inductive capacity per knot enabled the 
distance to be accurately given. 

Owing to the polarisation, as Faraday called it, but 
as it is more frequently known, electrification, the 
longer the length of cable under tesr, the longer the 
time that should be given to its insulation test. A 
recognition of this fact being given to its insulation 
test may lead to the discovery of incipient faults, which 
would otherwise lie dormant until an unknown quantity 
of time of immersion developed them. Assuming, for 
instance, 100 knots of a completed section to be coiled in a 
tank, where it has been immersed in water a sufficient time 
to suggest a uniform temperature, then comes the employ- 


ment of a positive current from a battery, the higher the 
potential the better, but say 100 cells ; if a sensitive mirror 
galvanometer be used, this should be applied for at least 
one hour, and during that time each minute reading should 
be recorded. Both ends of the section should then be put 
to earth for the same length of time, with a view to 
thoroughly discharging it, and then a negative current 
should be applied, and one minute readings recorded, pre- 
cisely the same as with a positive current. 

In what are called healthy sections, the deflections on 
the scale of a galvanometer will decrease gradually and 
uniformly with either current ; but if they differ or behave 
in a way that only practised eyes can detect, then it is 
considered unhealthy, and more care and attention has to 
be bestowed upon it. 

It is so difficult to make it understood how many things 
going on in the Cable Factory are likely to interfere with 
these tests. The moving of a small piece of iron in the 
vicinity of the test room has been known to vitiate them, 
while, if the section is not quite finished, the induction 
caused by the quick revolution of the closing machine 
makes all the electrical tests in that length of little 

I always foimd it better to draw curves of the readings, 
as by so doing I could better understand the doings of the 
section. If it be essential, and I think it is, to so test 
sections, how much more care is absolutely necessary at 
what are called the " final tests,'' that is when the sections 
are joined together, and coiled on board ship in one or 
more tanks. 

The manufacturer who allows time for sujch tests to be 
properly made is simply doing justice to the Telegraph 
Company for whom the cable is made ; but when he thinks 


all such tests are merely "fads" and objects to detaining 
the ship for them, he is behaving unfairly towards his 

It is useless for the manufacturer to say, " Oh ! if high 
farming electrical tests are necessary, do them while the 
ship is on the passage out." In the first place, while the 
ship is lying off the Works, a very sensitive astatic mirror 
galvanometer can be used on shore^ but if the ship is at sea 
a comparatively sluggish ironclad marine galvanometer is 
the only one that can be used, and interference of other 
currents of unknown quantity, caused by the roll of the 
ship, &c., renders long readings of no value. Again, the 
test room on many ships is inferior to the cattle boxes 
close by, and totally unfit for the purpose for which it is 

If the frame-maker be employed to hang the picture, the 
chances are that he will put it in the best light for showing 
off his handiwork, regardless of the effect of that position 
on the gem which the frame contains. Something similar 
occurs when the testing of a core is neglected, and all the 
attention devoted to the external covering, and the quick 
manipulation of the same. 

It is said that an intelligent boatswain can lay a cable. 
My experience points towards the truth of this statement, 
but in any case the electrician in charge should be one who 
has graduated in the school of experience, for his duties 
are of the highest importance. 

In every bargain there must be two interests, and it is 
only natural that each party should study his own, but in 
fair and honest dealings he should also consider his neigh- 
bour's side of the question. I made use of the data gleaned 
from tests taken as soon as the cables were laid, so as to 
compare the then resistance of the gutta percha with what 


it had been in the Wharf Eoad mean, as it is called. For 
the diflference in temperature, I employed Latimer Clarke's 
table, which is to be found in most text books of electrical 
science, and for pressure I used Siemens' coefficient, which 
is also to be found in the same books. Of course, in laid 
cables, tests are not to be relied on with that amount of 
certainty which should be obtainable during manufacture ; 
still, this treatment gives some idea of a cable's electrical 
condition, for in a healthy cable the calculations ought to 
be always in excess of the Wharf Eoad mean. 

When tar was freely used to saturate the serving, and 
before S.6 was thought of, such was not the case, as the 
following figures, taken at random, will instance: — 

Wharf-road meann; mfllions Siemens' 
units per knot after 1' at 75^ 

Calculated gutta percha resistance 
per kuot after 1' at 75°. 









But when tanned liquor was employed instead of tar, and 
S.6 came into general use, the results obtained were more 
satisfactory, as the following figures show :— 

Wharf-road means ; millions Siemens' 
units per knot alter 1' at 76*. 


Calculated ^tta percha resistance 
per knot after 1' at 76®. 








The gutta percha resistance of these latter examples 
increased about nine per cent, during the thirty days' 
guarantee, but in the former example they all decreased in 
that time, as though the tar were still having a prejudicial 

Great electrical improvements have been made in sub- 
marine cables. It should be remembered that in 1858 the 


proportions for the core of the then Atlantic cable were 107 
lbs. of copper and 261 lbs. of gutta percha per knot. It is 
true that Dr. Whitehouse promised a speed of five words 
per minute by using from induction coils a potential very 
high but of an unknown quantity; but those perhaps 
more competent to judge calculated about two words per 
minute as a maximum. Now, with the same amount of 
copper and one half the quantity of gutta percha, a similar 
length can be worked at the rate of twenty words per 
minute, with a potential not exceeding that of a few 
Menotti cells. The submarine cable companies themselves 
ought to know best what is the most suitable type of cable 
to use in diflterent seas and at different depths. They have 
great facilities for experiments, and surely experience has 
taught them something. 

Let it not be forgotten that the best preservative of 
gutta percha is salt water, and that the more light is ex- 
cluded the better, so that on the deep ocean's bed it is in 
its element, and I think it does not want all the covering 
with which it is usual to surround it. Perhaps the pro- 
tection is necessary when cables are laid in comparatively 
shallow water, impregnated with the outcome of decaying 
vegetable matter. 

It has been said that the athlete who is content to go in 
a circle round the starting point can never reach the goal, 
and I think this saying aptly applies to submarine cable- 
makers, for surely the time has arrived when they should 
leave the trodden circle, and make a bold effort to reach 
the goal where a valuable prize awaits the winner. 

My experience is that the copper wire, as now made, does 
not alter mechanically or electrically in laid cables ; cores 
of gutta percha do break down from causes which ought to 
be avoided and therefore should not exist, but they never 


7S:f)t Atlantic ZtitQcapt). 

Saturday, July 29, 1865. 

Our Weekly Summary. 

The week just completed has been most exciting, several mishaps 
having occurred, but we are enabled to state that everything at the 
time of our going to press was most satisfactory, both as regards the 
ship's progress and the chief objects of her voyage across the Atlantic. 
On Monday the hopes of all interested in the success of the undertaking 
were much damped by the intelligence that all was not right with the 
cable. The chief engineer immediately proceeded to stop the " paying 
out " of the cable, and gave orders for " paying in " the same. This 
latter operation is very slow and unsatisfactory, and answers to the 
" paying out " of the pockets of the shareholders ; whereas the " pay- 
ing out " of the cable contributes to the " paying in " as regards the 
same pockets. This curious feature will be better understood by a 
reference to our Monej' Market Intelligence. 

News of the Week. 

The steamer Hawk arrived from Valentia early on Monday morning, 
bringing a penny paper of the 17 th of July. 

The doctor reports that the state of health in the ship's metropolis ia 
satisfactory. The inhabitants of the Middle District are, however, 
suffering from surfeit. 


Foreign Intelligence. 

By the kindness of Mr. De Sauty we are enabled to lay before our 
readers the following important telegram from Europe : — 

WV"^ \ •^ . --v^ , ^ / -^ . / . ..-'--^ ..,_ 

Note by our Philosopher — 
Boiled pig's cheek should not be cut too thick. 
Monr. Despecher holds, however, a contrary opinion. 
Man lives to eat, and eats to smoke. 

Literary Intelligence. 

Mr. Field has just completed his 700th letter. 

The indefatigable J. D. has been obliged to occupy an extra cabin to 
contain the notes he has accumulated for a great work on the cable, to 
be completed, as at present intended, in 96 volumes folio. The accom- 
plished author has already completed the 47th volume, and the distin- 
guished artist employed to illustrate this work has made already no less 
than 350 sketches. 

Scientific Intelligence. 

Some curious experiments have been made on a ship's rope by 
striking it with the hand and measiuing the time taken for the return 
of the wave. Professor Thomson calculated it at nine seconds and 
1000-01 5th part of a second. Professor Varley, on the contrary, esti- 
mated it at nine seconds and 100001 4 |th of a second. The dispute 
was raging at the time of our going to press. 

Captain Moriarty reports a strange inconsistency in the ship's logs ; 
that on the port side giving a speed of 177 miles in the twenty-four 
hours, the starboard log only showing a speed of 143 miles in the same 
time. This strange discrepancy may be accounted for by the grease 
deposited by the cable on the port side and the extra weight of cable 
and pigs on the starboard side of the vessel. 

Dramatic, Musical, and Artistic News. 

Many distinguished musical performers have appeared during the 

On Thursday evening Captain Anderson gave a s^nce before a dis- 
tinguished audience, who went away highly delighted at the skill shown 
by the worthy captain. 


Money Market. 
Money scarce. Exchange, 00. 

Stock Exchange. 

There has been great fluctuation in the shares of the Atlantic 
Telegraph and Great Ship Company's, as shown by the following 
quotations : — 

Paid. Bosineas done. 

Monday, July 24. 

Atlantic Telegraph Company £5 ... 5i — 4}— 3— 2—1 

Tuesday, 8.30 A.M. 

2 p.m. 

„ 3 P.M. 

Saturday, 10 a.m. 

Oi— 2 —6— 8i— 11 

1 — Oi— 0000 — 

2 — 3i— 9— 14i— 21 


22 — 22i— 

23 very firm. 

Great Ship Company, Limited, £20 28,26—20—18—15—22—25 
Saturday, 1 a.m 29 i very firm. 

Strange Adventure at Sea. 

The following anecdote was related to us by a gentleman of unim- 
peachable veracity : — 

The ship Medium, in lat. 56.40 N., long. 23.15 W., observed a raft 
with two men on it, distant about one mile. On approaching the raft the 
men were found playing at ecarte. They presented a most miserable 
appearance, their arms and legs looking as if pieces had been bitten out 
of them. On inquiry, it was ascertained that the two men were the sole 
survivors of the crew of the French ship La Gloire, Ten days past she 
struck against an iceberg, and, the boats being crushed, the crew, twenty 
in all, made a raft and succeeded in getting clear of the ship. They 
had some water on board but no provisions, so it was agreed that they 
they should play at ecarte, the victor in each game having the privilege 
of biting out a piece of his opponent's flesh. In this way the whole of 
the crew had been disposed of excepting the two found on the raft; and 
it is conjectured, owing to their skill being so equal, that but for the 
timely arrival of the Medium no one would have been left to tell the 

338 * APPKNDIX, 

Amusements for the Day. 

1 2 Noon— Luncheon and Daily Navigator. 

6,30— Dinner, 

8— Tea. 

9 to 1 1 P.M< — Grog, possibly with whist. 

From daylight till dusk — -Txtoking out for the Sphinx^ 
(Through the kindness and liberality of the Admimlty, this interost- 
ing amusement will be open to tho public free of charge) 
N.B* — The above amusementa, with tho exception of whist ^ are gratis. 


Tlie Attanik Tehgrajyli will be publislied till further notice. The price 
will be for tho scries five shillings, including the cover, and the proceeds 
will be devoted to such purposes as Captain Anderson shall appoint. 

Communications to bo addressed to tho Editor, at No. 14, Lower 
South Avenue J Middle District 


Publjflhod by Dat on board tlie GrMt Eattfrti, 


^i^e Atlantic ^elearapi^. 

Wednesday, August 2, 1865. 

A serious panic occurred on Saturday last at 1.30 P.M. Of course the 
wildest rumours were afloat as to its cause, but our reporters could 
obtain no reliable information. At one time it was feared that the 
eminent firm of De Sauty & Co. had suspended payment, and a most 
anxious but respectful crowd besieged the doors until long after office 
hours. A general hope was expressed that the suspension would only 
be temporary, and we are happy to say that the confidence so well 
merited by the firm was not misplaced. Before midnight the office 
doors were opened, and all liabilities were paid in full, with compound 

News of the Week. 

The Greai Eastern speeds nobly on her mission of towing the islands 
of Great Britain and Ireland to America. In less than ten days it is 
expected that a splice will be effected between the two countries, and 
long, long may it last. 

Strange Effect of a Machine on Men. 

At the first turn of the " paying-in " machine on Saturday the look- 
out were variously affected. Some rushed down to sleep, and everyone 
looked at it with hostile feelings. We would advise Messrs. Canning 
and ClifTord, if they have any regard for their machine and expect to 
make any further use of it (which it is hoped will not be the case), to 
keep a strong guard around it, for there is every probability of its being 
thrown overboard in the present state of excitement. 

Professor Thomson gave a lecture on Electric Continuity before a 
select audience. The learned gentleman, having arranged his apparatus, 



the chief object of which was a small brass pot, looking like a small 
lantern with a long wick sticking out at the top, spoke as follows : — 

** The lecture which I am about to give is on a subject which has ever 
been of great interest to the intellectual portion of mankind, and — " 

(The luncheon bell ringing, the learned professor was left speaking.) 

Fine Art Gossip. 

Our lazy artist still complains that the wind and the smoke prevent 
his working. To these disturbing elements must be added Tank- 

The LAy of the Electricians. (Tune — " Over the Sea.) 


Under the sea ! under the sea ! Here's what de Sauty is saying to mo, 
Such testing as this is the perf ectest bliss ! Insulation is coming it 

So we'll test! test! test ! with coils and rheometers! keys, galvanometers! 
Test I test ! test ! Test each minute all night and day long. 


Copper and zinc ! acid and stink ! tink-artank-tink-a-tank-tint-a-tank 

Copper and zinc I acid and stink ! success to con-tin-u-ity. 


Under the sea I under the sea ! Signals and currents of every degree. 
Down in the sea ! down in the sea I Resistance is creeping along. 
So it's test ! test ! test ! By the units of Siemens with cunning of demons 
We'll test! test! test! and watch our con-tin-u-i-ty. 

Chorus — Copper and zinc, &c., &c. 

Down in the sea ! deep in the sea ! lay we our coils of elec-tricity. 
Under the sea ! under the sea ! Success to con-tin-u-i-ty. 
So it's test ! test ! test ! Come with wire and bells, with magnets and cells. 
And it's test ! test ! test ! all through our con-tin-u-i-ty. 

Chorus — Copper and zinc, &c., &c 



From Bhore-end to sea ! shore-end and sea ! See what Yalentia is say- 
ing to me. 
Mark May's strong relay, in units B.A. of millions and trillions again. 
It's so grand I can hardly trust Thomson or Varley to test ! test ! test ! 
Such a lovely con-tin-u-i-ty. 

Chorus— Copper and zinc, &c., &c. 


Ah ! down in the sea ! what's this I see f Home's law is playing the 

devil with me. 
Down in the sea this moment I see a token that something is wrong. 
For just as we're speaking the light that's my beacon has marched ! 

marched ! marched ! 
Marched off my con-tin-u-i-ty. 

Chorus — Copper and zinc, &c., &c. 


Up from the sea I up from the sea ! Coy little coiler come hither to me. 
Come Clifford and Canning ! Pick up, tackle manning. Haul up that 

cable to me. 
Mind dynamometers ! hang galvanometers. Haul ! haul ! haul I 
That fault from the depths of the sea. 

Chonis — Copper and zinc, &c., &c. 


Once upon deck ! once upon deck ! little for dead earth or faults do 

we reck 
Up on the deck. Let's get hold of his neck ! we'll splice him and test 

him again. 
"What a lark ! lark ! lark ! In this immensity of watery density 
Now our spark with intensity travels along. 


Kises and sinks ! coilings and kinks ! long life to our copper and acids 

and zincs. 
As long as man's able well stick to our cable, and splice him and test 

him again. 

W. H. R 


It is suggested that the above song be sung in the tanks when empty, 
and then, to use the words of William Russell (not Lord John of that 
ilk), " we may rest and be tank-full." 

Money Market. 

We are happy to report a better tone in monetary circles. A large 
and influential speculator having put into circulation several American 
notes of three cents cash, mone}^ is comparatively abundant. 

Stock Exchange. 

The shares of the Atlantic Telegraph Company underwent some serious 
fluctuations on Saturday, but at this moment are firm at 22^. The 
shares of the Great Ship Company, though necessarily affected by the fall 
in Atlantic Telegraph shares, are comparatively steady. This gratifying 
result was probably owing to the caulking of about ten yards of the 
upper deck planks, which important operation was performed with com- 
plete success on Saturday afternoon. 

Produce Market. 

Bullocks falling. The long incarceration of the sheep has so obfus- 
cated the intellects of the sheep that the poor beasts receive kindly the 
advances of their greatest enemy, the two-legged wolf. Vegetables 
sprouting, promising an early crop of turnip-tops. 


To the EdUi/r of the " Atlantic Telegraph:' 

The state of the thermometer during the past week, especially at the 
commencement and its close, has varied in so remarkable a manner that 
I am induced to send you the subjoined readings from the instrument 
in my obsen^atory, 

Monday, at 1 p.m. it stood at 70°, with a prospect of a further rise j 
at 2 it fell suddenly to 34°, and gradually sunk to freezing point. On 
Tuesday, no change up to 8.30 a.m., when it rose at once to 44*^, in- 
creasing to 60° ; at 2 P.M. it fell to zero, but in less than half an hour it 
rose as suddenly to 100°, at which point it remained up to 1.30 p.m. on 


Saturday, when it experienced a fresh fall to 9" ; at 12 it rose to 60°, but 
at 6 A.M. on Sunday it fell to 40°, and at 8.30 A.M. it rose to 90% with 
a steady aspect 

Your obedient servant, 
D. G, 
19, Field's AUey, Middle District. 

To the EdUar of the " AOaniic Telegraph^ 
I peck at your oflSce door to lodge a complaint I see you looking at 
those stupid sheep and lazy oxen, and those filthy pigs with feelings of 
pity, and I ask you to extend the same to me. Here am I, perched 
near that slimy cable, day and night watching over it, and, owing to the 
filthy smoke of innumerable funnels, am so changed in colour, and my 
health is so ruined that I fear, unless the evil be remedied, I must 
vacate my post, with what result you may guess when you learn thnt 
the two accidents which occurred last week arose from my temporar)' 
absence for the purpose of ablution. 

Pray receive the assurance of my highest consideration, 

The Raven. 

P.S. — Just tell them to keep that dirty cat away; she troubles me. 

Same as last week. The public, however, in looking for the Sphinx 
are advised to keep one eye in a westerly direction, and the other eye 
in an easterly direction as before. 


PabliHhed by Day— on board the Great Eastern. 

Satunlay^ Jy^d 12, 1865. 

The events of the la&t ten days have ciiused ao much aiixiety to the 
cliicffi of this ex[X3dition, and indeed to all on boanl, that it appeared to 
us allow our funny writer or auy one in our employ to 
utter any ill-timed joke, Thiit anxiety h now over ; and though it be 
not supplanted by the exultation of Buccess, let us accept our failure in 
the healthy spirit shown by the chief &niferersj and with an expression 
of sincere regr'et let us wijie from our brain what of the past ia unavail- 
ing and turn to the future with that ho}>e and confidence which are 
justified by the exiwrifinco gained by failure. Aa in kingdoms they 
say, '*The king is dead; the king livetli," so let ns &ay, "The cable is 
dead ; the cable liveth»*' All honour and glory to our new Sovereign- 

Deep-sea Fishing. 

It being ascertained that the Sea Seq>eut was aomewhcr© in lat. 
51.30 N., long. 39 W., Captain Anderson, accompanied by Messrs. 
Canning and Clifford and a pjirty of scientific gentlemen, endeavoured 
to capture the monster. It being found that the lazy brute lays per- 
fectly still at the bottom of the ocean, and, being fed by sea-animals, a 
bait was useless, a strong wire rope with a gnipnel attached was lowered 
to a depth of 2,000 fathoms. After dr if ting a while they grappled the 
monster ajul brought him up 1,000 fathoms, when unfortunately the 
swivel gave way. Two or three attempts were made with a like lesult, 
and it waa resolved to postpone all operations to a more favourable 

To the Editor of tJic " Atlantic Teh^apk" 
Why should I be placed in a position comixired to which that of the 
Prince of Wales is enviahlc. I cannot pursue my daily avocations 


without being insulted by Captain Moriarty taking a sight at me. If I 
retire for a moment behind a cloud, the gentleman waits to catch me 
before I am half out. If this persecution is continued, I shall keep out 
of sight till the Great Eastern arrives in the Thames. 

I The Sun. 

(Note. — The Editor has been obliged to suppress much of the lan- 
guage of his distinguished correspondent. The original letter can be 
seen in his office.) 

We are sorry to announce the untimely death of Sir Melior Cable on 
board the Great Eastern at 1 P.M on Wednesday, August 2. The unfor- 
tunate gentleman was the eldest son of Sir Bonus Cable. He started 
for America on a peaceful mission on the 16th of July, accompanied by 
a large retinue of friends. Whether, as is supposed by *some, his health 
had been secretly tampered with during the temporary absence of his 
chief attendants, or whether there was some natural defect in his con- 
stitution, he first showed signs of decay on Monday, July 24th, but 
under the skilful treatment of the family physicians, Drs. Canning and 
Clifford, he quickly revived. A more serious attack of the same disease 
occurred, from which he also recovered, and great hopes were entertained 
that he would attain the object of his voyage and pass the rest of his 
days in a most beneficent activity. These hopes were crushed by a 
third attack early on Wednesday, August 2, and, in spite of the skill 
and unwearied attention of his doctors, he suddenly expired at one 
o'clock. A strange fatality has attended the family. Sir Bonus, the 
first baronet, left England in 1858 for America. When half-way across 
the Atlantic he sent his better-half back to Ireland, and proceeded alone 
to America. Both reached their respective shores in safety, but expired 
shortly after landing. Sir Melior Cable is succeeded in his vast estates 
by Sir Optimus Cable, now an infant in arms. According to the reports 
of Drs. Canning and Clifford, and his head nurse, Mrs. Cyrus Field, there 
is every reason to believe that the seeds of decay so fatal to his father 
and grandfather have been eradicated, and that there is every prospect 
of his attaining a very old age. It is said that he will proceed next year 
to America on the same mission undertaken by his ancestors, and we 
heartily wish him a speedy and successful voj'^age. 


August 2nd, on board the Great Eastern, Sir Optimus Cable, his 
unfortunate father dying at the same moment. On the 6th of July, 
Mr. Varley, of a foimula, still-born. 


Money Market and Stock Exchange. 

Nothing doing. Prices purely nominal. 

A prospectus has been issu^ of the Atlantic Dredging Company, 
Limited. According to the reports of the scientific men sent to explore 
the bed of the ocean and analyse its contents, there is an unlimited 
supply of ooze, which will yield a profit of at least £3,000,000 per cent. 

The Humble Petition of a Bvoy.— August 5, 3865. 
To the New Zealand Authorities, 

Two thousand years ago I was bom in an obscure island called Great 
Britain, and taken early to sea. When more than half-way across the 
Atlantic, for no fault of mine, but merely to serve some selfish purpose, 
I was cast overboard by my unnatural guardians and tied to a raft, 
which was attached to the ground. I had no provisions, but, being for- 
tunately possessed of an iron constitution, I suffered my privation with- 
out detriment to my health, a brisk gale having released me from my 
painful position, and I was free to seek a home wherever chance 
directed. I have seen many changes since that moment^ and have 
visited every quarter of the globe without ever setting foot on shore. 
Several unscrupulous commanders have endeavoured to kidnap me. I 
once witnessed a fearful encounter between a French and an American 
skipper for the possession of my body, but I escaped during the fight. 
After wandering two thousand years, I was cast naked on your shores. 
I am very old and feeble ; my ribs are broken, and the rosy hue of my 
skin has turned to a rusty red, besides being covered with millions of 
filthy sea- vermin who are continually devouring me. I, therefore, hope 
that you will take into consideration my wretched condition, and, in 
virtue of my parentage and useful services, will give me a peaceful 
retreat for the remainder of my days. — And your petitioner, &c., &c. 

One Farthing Reward. 

Lost some soundings taken by the Sphinx on July 26, and of no use 
to anyone but the owner. Whoever will bring them to Mr. Halpin 
shall receive the above reward. 

Captain Anderson will sell by auction in the chief saloon of the Great 
Eastern on Saturday, August 1 2th, at one o'clock, the following articles, 
the property of various gentlemen leaving their present quarters : — 


Lot 1. The Great Eastern, For cards to view, apply to Mr. Gooch 
on board. 

2. The goodwill of the Atlantic Telegraph Company. 

(This invisible property is in Mr. Field's possession.) 

3. A small brass pot, belonging to Professor Thomson. 

4. A sextant. (Above 3,000,000 observations have been taken with 
this interesting instrument by Captain Moriarty.) 

5. Some miles of telegraphic cable, taken from a depth of 2,000 
fathoms. (Messrs. Canning and Clifford recommend this lot to enter- 
prising speculators. It is calculated that by cutting it into slices of 
J inch in thickness, sufficient would be realised to pay off the entire debt 
of Great Britain. No one to bid for less than one yard.) 

6. La vie de Jules C6sar. (Recommended by Mons. Despecher for 
soporific purposes.) 

7. Several abstruse calculations, formulae, &c. (Mr. Varley will 
explain the use of the same to the fortunate purchaser.) 

8. A colour-box, some drawing materials, and some letters of intro- 
duction to various American celebrities (literary). (Mr. 0*Neil will 
guarantee the perfect condition of these articles, as he has never used 

9. A large quantity of volatile spirits of hope, part over-proof. 

10. Two buoys, with rafts, &c. To be seen in or about lat. 61.30 N. 
and long. 39 W. For cards to view, apply to Messrs. Canning and 
Clifford. (This lot must be removed by the purchaser.) 

11. A complete electric apparatus. Messrs. de Sauty and Saunders. 

12. A free pass from Boston or Halifax to Liverpool by any of the 
Cunard boats, the proprietor, Mr. W. Russell, having no use for the 


PubliHhed hy Day on board the Great Eastern. 

Zi)e Atlantic ^deerapl^* 

Thunday, Angitst MiJ^ 1S65. 

The Eilitor to hig Beadei^. 
Dear Frtknds, 
In a day or two we ahall separate, and I cannot part with you with- 
out thiirjking you for the kindness and courtesy with which you have 
received my |70or attempts to amuse you, I Jiope wo may meet again, 
but in any case I shall ever retain a grateful recollection of the pleasure 
I have derh'etl from your company* With every kind wish, believe nae, 
youi-s very faithfully, 

Henry O'Neil. 
Great Eml^m^ Auguat 17th, 1865, 

In Requiesl Augt. 11, 1865. Horace, Epod xi. 3. 

Mourn not, ray Canning, for th' untimely end 
^Vll3ch for an hour has ta en away thy friend ; 
Though lost to sight to memory ever dear. 
Ere long he'll rise eubmi.'y?ivc fT'om his bier. 
And tlieti responsive to electric nish, 
SShall force the genial current's warming touch- 
Still passive, labouring with his ardent soulj 
Shall waft a sigh from Indus to the Pole, 
Shall make two continents their tribute yield 
Of cent, per cent to Pender and to Field. 
And l}Hng mute down in the darkling sea 
In every me.ssage still shall apeak of thee. 
Shall tell hovi', struggling vi ith tiie wind and wave. 
For nine long days indomitably bravo 



Thou waged'st battle 'gainst his sullen might ; 
Beaten, again returning to the fight. 
Till, conquered by such fortitude and force, 
Upward he came and owned his stem remorse. 

W. H. R. 

LrrERARY Intelligence. 

Books are getting so scarce that it is probable a few copies of Martin 
Tupper's " Proverbial Philosophy " might soon find readers. 

We have been much gratified by a private view of the ingenious 
and elegant mode of lighting up the ladies' saloon 
recently adopted on board the Greai Eastern^ which 
is, we understand, the result of long continued re- 
searches on the part of Mr. Gooch, Mr. Field, and the 
head-steward. It consists of two parts. The first is 
a disk of china or alabaster, slightly concave, which 
is bordered by a beautiful design of a cable rampant 
vert on a white ground passant, with Britannia cou- 
chant in the middle, having recently given birth to a 
lion and an anchor. On this chaste pedestal is erected 
a pillar of a dark green colour, highly polished, of 
rich metallic lustre, supposed to be Mr. Varley's 
recently discovered metal "Betty Martinium," much 
recommended as a medium for spirits. It is circular, 
and is of the same diameter for four-fifths of its 
total length, but gradually is rounded off in a grace- 
ful curve to a homuncular plinth of true mathe- 
matical form, crowned by a simple volute of the same 
material, in which is inserted the carbonized hydrogen lately discovered 
by Professor Fatti, of Bologna, by the aid of De Sauty's observations 
on the lunar equations of adiospere. Annexed we give a sketch of this 
exquisite apparatus, with the igniferous and luciferous arrangements. 

W. H. R. 

A novel and economical mode of illuminating London and other cities 
by electricity has been patented by Professor Thomson. It condenses 
the currents generated by the use of matches, cigars, cigar lights, 
lucifers, &c., in the streets by means of a simple but beautiful adapta- 
tion of Rhumcock's coil and Papin's digester, and will soon, no doubt, 
supersede the ordinary gaspipe and collector. 

W. H. R. 



Great Race between Mr Field and Monsieur Despecher. 
(Distance, between London and Paris.) 
Latest betting, 2 to 1 on Field. Despecher*8 backers confident. 

Money Market. 

There has been a steady rise in all kinds of Stock, especially in Great 
Ship shares and Atlantic Telegraph, owing to the mysterious winks of a 
French gentleman who is said to be in daily communication with the 
Emperor Napoleon. 

Quotations (literal and otherwise) from Shakespeare. 

Capt, Moriarty, " Farewell, the sextant and the telescope, 

And altitudes from sun and moon and stars. 

S, Canning, 
C. Varley. 

C, V, de Sauty, 
Prof, Thomson, 


a ir. Field, 

J. Temple. 



Poor Moriarty's occupation's gone." 

Phantom of cable vanishes, 

" So— being gone, I am a man again." 

" My little airy spirit — see — see — see — 
Sits in a foggy cloud and waits for me." Macbeih. 

" Hence, wiry Phantom ! through thy core 
No longer flash the units of Intelligence. 
Thy nerves lack continuity." Macbeth, 

" Who steals my purse steals trash. 
But he who filches from me my brass Pot, 
Robs me of what enricheth not himself, 
And makes me poor indeed." Othello, 

(To small piece of iron wire in cable.) 

" Hence, heap of wrath ! Foul indigested lump ! 
As crooked in thy manners as thy shape." 

Henry VI,, 2nd Part, 

" Age cannot wither — custom cannot stale 

My infinite prospectusses." 

Anthony and Cleopatra, 
" A Haw-ser ! A Hawser ! 

My kingdom for a Hawser." Richard III, 


The Cable Worm {Teredo CaUistrius), 

This singular animal was entirely unknown to the ancients, being 
called into existence by the manufacture of submarine cables, and show- 
ing in all respects the strongest proofs of its parentage. It is greasy and 
dark in colour, and, from some experiments made by Mr. Varley, it was 
found if cut into pieces each part was perfect in its electric current, but 
if a pin was stuck into the whole animal, maliciously or otherwise, the 
current was broken. 

Musical and Dramatic. 

Pig and WTiistle Theatre. — A miscellaneous entertainment, given at 
this theatre on Monday evening, drew a large and fashionable audience. 
It would be difficult to speak in detail of each musical morceau provided, 
nor was the selection less varied than original, for, in most judicious 
juxtaposition, gems of tragic composition sobered the lively strains of 
the comic opera. Wliere all acquitted themselves so worthily, it would 
be invidious to award the palm oil to any individual performer, but we 
may be permitted to single out the " Life of a Cadger " for special men- 
tion. This tragic masterpiece was grandly rendered by Mr. Parrott, 
though, at the risk of being deemed hypercritical, we must confess to a 
strong opinion that it was taken a quarter of a tone too low. This 
defect, however, was amply atoned for by the magnificent vigour and 
precision of the appogiatura with which the grand rise at the finale was 
given from double X below to G in alt. It was indeed a triumph, and 
richly deserved the burst of enthusiastic applause it elicited from a most 
critical audience. Not less charming in its way was the celebrated 
chansonette by Sauerkraut, " Nil Desperandum," which was well 
declaimed by Mr. Whatman. The substitution of the "a" for the "u" 
in the last syllable produced a burst of applause from the truly British 
audience assembled. 

Space will not permit us to more than mention Mr. Grogin's Rondo 
on " Slap-bang, here We are Again," which was excellent, whilst Mr. 
Perrott's dancing was highly chaste and elegant. 

Amongst the distinguished company present on the occasion we 
noticed Lord Grooch and staff. General Field, Lord de Clifford, Viscount 
de Sauty, the Earl of London, Bishop Varley, Dr. Ward, Professor 
Phthomisson, Hon. Willoughby de Smythe, Earl Dudley, Sir Saunder- 
son Saunders, and other swells. 

Baron Despecher, Sir W. H. Russell, the Dean of Erin, and O'Neil of 
O'Neil were unavoidably prevented by serious whist from being present. 

R. D. 

Published by Day on board the Great Eantein. 

Zf)t ^tlant^c trelefitapD^ 

A-iviL'^«««L.-'li>ok»aL ^roflwvtft wK««p«r IrmrCuL «Kici^ , 


"No u«*l*\v »ctxfTy tv-iHiiiv (^« ^n.k 
Not- ifv tlunxler of tteep wv (ptuul . k'l nv 



Air— *' The Biioy I left behind me." 
Sling by Mr. Canning to the tune, " The girl I left behind me.' 


Twas not that I was void of heart, 
As some kind critics have defined me, 

That I was forced by fate to part 

And leave my darling Buoy behind me. 


When dozing in my easy-chair 

Whilst softest chains of shimber bind me, 
Still shall my fancy wander where 

I left my dearest Buoy behind me, 
A A 



Anil when Fm doomed again to rove, 

In sight of tliee should Fortune find me, 
ril gveet theo witli a fiithcr's lovo, 
Poi^r wretched Buoy I left behijul mo. 


PabUfthed aufi FHnt43d b^ Day on board the Ormt Eaiten*. 

STCAMSMip Great Eastern ' July -1866 




p^ a Cu^Nti fijA MicTON oys/er . «t BARBCL. «<M 4 
l^cr fuef,*y,sA. ttin^ an. iinVARLiy^if tuJe U^ a} 
P rf*^, 0f/er ike manner ^ TwoMeON'* tCAZOHMt^it 

Ui'oi U Daniel's Ar^*^f on Euliot a«««< BARcikvJs 


r . PCffMitsiON -or AMPMiTRiTt And'ca Son JAMt^! 
CAH'\Nt /it A men ti0 ynpre ?????? 777? 

CLASS -(« ^«"»^ manjrcm ^ Countr^ \y M? OuOcCy > 

NtPTuN£('.n»Wma*^;*,,«; COLON f L Di BAtJ i '^^ 

COOCH .( n*f^:^^^./X-mJ.^^^^ Mf CWCLI..^ ' ^ 

V.CU) -((/^r **« y G^M ..) CAPTAIN BOLTON hL 

A ftlA MON»Tl» (a A 6 6tA'»ntT^' Mf K- f- BAUClA 

I 'J- MERMAID (7h^ tkiufkVi'rtS^^ MJ POOA£ 
2*- MCRMAIO (»■ ^*»nnnr /emmh) M9 VAUCNAN 
SCVtRAL TRiTONl , ^^Atfn«, •n** ?j^t-an» 


LSAOCA '^Ornit e»CHC«Ti*A Ol WARO . _ _ 

J%^ Ci^fitH'* g»S •'•*' «•« (9**^) Carr,kMt may U^^trrJ f 
aC ^ny hcur/ineitflv. "* " J 

A A 2 



Scene L Curtain rises, discmmring Noptune'a 3foming-roo7ti ; Mcimaids 
and Sea Monsters ducoveved in ulteTidance, 

Song and Cborua. (Tiine — " Paddle your own Canoe/') 

We've travelled about a bit iji our timej 

And of fishes weVo seen a few, 

But found it better in every slimo 

To paddle our own canoe. 

Our wants aro small^ we care not at all 

If our debts arc paid when due ; 

We drive away strife, in the ocean of life, • 

A¥hile we paddle our own canoe. 

{0kJn^^.) Then love a codfish as yourself, 

Ae these seas you go travelling through, 
And never dive down^ with a tear or a fi^own. 
But paddle your own canoe. 

We have no wives to bother our lives. 

No lovers to prove untnie, 

But the whole day long with a laugh and a iOng 

We [>addle our own canoe. 

Wo rise with the tide, and sport in our pride. 

And nothing we have to do. 

But balance our scales, and waggle our tails, 

And jmddle our own canoe* 

(Chwrm,) Then love, (fee, &c. 


Neptune (ouiside). Where are they ? 

{Enter B.) These presumptuous souls ? 
IVe searched for them mid sands, in caves, and holes. 
Where's Barclay, produce me Smith, 
Or (xooch, or Glass, their kin or kith. 
Bevenge I'll have, on Hamilton it may be. 
Nor Pender, nor Edwards with their yachts shall stay me. 

Double rap heard at door L. Enter Mermaid vMh a dip of glass, and 
presenting it to Neptune, returns and leads in Glass, 

(Enter Glass L.) 

Glass. Oh 1 Neptune, what's the noos 1 
What says our cable ? How's the ooze ? 
And, by the way, I've called to-day — 
We're going to try another lay. 

Neptune (angry.) Lay where you will, 'tis not again through me ; 
You've blocked my channels, and cut up my sea. 

Glass. Sea I Saw, you mean, a modem instance for you ! 
To see if you will — I hope I do not bore you. 

(Glass shows Nep. a bit of cable.) 

Neptune, That's very fine, you don't see-saw with me. 
You snapped last year ! I hadn't had my fee ! 
Cables have always been my bitter curse ; 
You make them badly, and you've laid them worse; 
My parks are ruined, and you've spoilt my walks. 
Hemp, wire, and rubbish aJl my freedom baulks. 
Talk of marine stores, talk of littered stables, 
Thejr're nothing like the mess that you call cables. 
If you'd but leave them still, my rage I'd smother ; 
Its trying to " pick up " that makes the bother. 
You have often grappled, dredged, and sounded. 
And all our joys below you've quite confounded. 
Only last year one of your dreadful grapples 
Attacked my palace roof, and spoilt my chatties ; 
Floating about, you left a sea of Oxon, 
Not soapy Sam's, but those thrown by your cox^on. 
In short, I haven't a bower, or e'en a grot, 
Which isn't choked with buoy-ropes, chain, or shot. 
If you want mud, I'll let you have enough ; 
/ never make a fuss about such stuff. 
Though you did last year, and I wish you joy 
In finding fun with such a dirty toy I 



I mther think it cost you something though ; 
/ needn*t magnify, though you did aa 
You'd better far by half have me been paying 
Tlian try to staal a march in cable-laying. 

G!(us. Come, come, you damp old swell, all this ia rot i 
YonVe had your innings, and must go to pot. 
Why talk this fustian when no presa-maii^s by I 

(Asid^.) We don't encourage them, 'twixt you and 1 1 

{Lmdhi.) Shuter ! how about those lost cables 
Which Keptuuo here compares to Uttered stables I 

{Aside.) Oh ! Shuter s gone, Barclay's ifdcrhaven bouutl. 
Our great {hem) cx-Pender'a nowhere to be found. 
So now ril beard him on his standing ground 1 
Now mark me, Neptune, weU ! Fll make an offer, 
Aa sure as egga is eggs III ribbons proffer 
To all your courtr— 111 make a ribbon cable ! 

Nqyhine, What then, indeed, supposing you are able ¥ 

Glass {vutddnghj). What then, indeed 1 poor fool, ha I ha ! he ! he ! 
Why, every mermaid then would aide with me. 

{Sees Mermaids pcepifi/f nmnd coifitrs behind Nep.) 

Glass. I love thorn all, dear little girla. 
With eyes hke diamonds, and with teeth like pearls I 

Meimaida rush in and iou^h kk/ace dnd fyes carimidyi and furwu&hj enibra^e 
him J dance rtmnd to mitsiCy and knre firm eAamkd in ctfiire of 
the stage.) 

Song by 1st Mermaid, 

Tune— ("In a Cottage hy the Sea/') 

Stay in the sea, dear (.ilasa, do stay with me j 
Ashiu'at,'^ bo blowed, atop hoi'e and have a apree \ 
Yqut wild sea oats were sown while in the llmck^ 
What made you land at Ryde % 
To take a walk. 
You've guesaed the truth, woVe driven to dcepair. 
For lack of ribhona for our golden hair. 
It ia hard lines, you'll learn from any belle, 
To deck our chignons with an oyster shell ; 
We've lots of corals, jeweia too, anfl pearls. 
But sea- weed doea not do to bind one's curls. 
With the help of your cables w*e did for a time. 
But we've used the laat yarn of your very last line. 

* The Glaa«-hQU0e« 

Id Mermaid. 


\si Mtmumh 


Glass. Yes, my dear. Here's a shore-end, a beautiful wire ; 
Tis from Henley-on-Thames, you can't better desire. 

(Aside.) And if ever I lay a smaller rope, 
111 come prepared with raior, strop, and soap, 
And shave their hair ; for this I plainly see 
They're so hairbrained they won't let cables be. 

Neptune, Oh ! this won't do. I'll quickly turn the tables. 
Dwellers in Glass-houses can't throw cables. 
You scaly minx, you flirt, you water shrew, 
Whatever comes to Glass, 111 pay off you. 
Ill nail the cable, and the ribbons handle. 
Nor leave you silk enough to make a sandal. 

(Loud.) You think your hair wants braiding ! Let me braid it. 

15/ Mermaid. You upbraid me, sir, in the way you said it. 
Dear, darling Glass, I fear you'll prove a twnbler, 
Elliot and you have made a fearful blunder ; 
Why not have settled it with us above ? 
Nothing old Neptune's tyranny can move ; 
You've brought things now, sir, to a pretty pass, 
You want a second name to rhyme with Glass. 

(All this time Neptune rages — business.) 

Neptune. With gentle strains, let me my chiefs recall, 
If row there is to be, I'll ope the ball I 

(Blows trumpet, and rings heU.) 

(Enter Tritons pell-mell ; business.) 

1st and 2nd Mermaids come to the front and sing (Air " La Cachuca.") 

1st Mermaid. Oh, my ! here is a lark now. 

How Neptune is swearing ; 
If Glass runs away now, 

My hair I'll be tearing 1 
Of all lovely mortals 

That ever I see, 
I think that the palm I'd 

Give freely to he ! 

2nd Mermaid. Oh ! sister, dear sister, you're in luck indeed. 
He's the loveliest gemmon that ever I seed ; 
His figure so. perfect, so neat, and so trim, 
In fact, dear, Adonis were nothing to him ! 

Chorus and dance. Tritons, &Cy look on, keeping time with their hands. 

Neptune whispers to Ist Triton, and points out Ist Mermaid. 


!»/ TnioiK What ho ! my master, 
Prorapt to remeily disaator I 
" I am here ! " {imUiUes FecJUer), 

Nqiinne, A stmiiger hera — 'tis Glasa ! 

Ut Triimu " With care I " — 1*11 break him on tlio famous vrhecL 
** This side up " (pats slmiuwh)^ 111 make him fee!, 
Ami, like a rat without a tail. 
He'll squeal, he'll squeal, hell fiqueal ! (Machetli Imsimss) 

Glass. Break, break, break, break oti thyself, obi sea. 
Don't think, old cove, youll make ** ilciul earth " of me. 
Vm used to kinka ; in fact, in them I deah 
"Breaks^'' too, ai'c known to me, and from the wheel 
E'en of IxionX nothing worse could come 
Than those from which I suffere<l — aoo the Drum / 
In fact, my briny gent, you're no free agent^ — 
You've played a part, but missed a good engagement. 

Nejdmie. Engagement, quotha 1 don't that pictuits di-aw ! 
You've no commission here — ^I'll try the law I 

{Siti{^s) Ob ! I want you, stranger, to go off soon. 
Oh ! I want you, stranger, to go off soon, 
Ob ! I want you, stranger, to go off soon, 
Or they II set you laughing Lo another tune [ 

Id Mtntifiid. Stay ; let me oil upon the waters throw. 
I've got a dociuneut just come below — 

{Bepm to rexid ** hisinidvms hetwem Ship and Shwe") (AH &top mrs 
and ^lak^ si^Tis of weariness. Neptune btows irumpd^ sUenee 

Enter Clifford anumg the Mermaids tcilh payingmit apparatus. 
Stage darkened. Enter Gooch and Field aiutimisl^. 

Field hft^ his hmids full (f shares^ and Gooch has Ms hands in his 

tTifiiseTs pockets^ and is ^nwkhig, 

Clifford sings. Air— "The Sewing Machine/' 

I'm sure Tve lost my heart ; 

My darhngs, have you seen 
That nice young man with his hair in curl, 

That works this 'ere machine ? 
it*3 used for paying out 

Whei^ cables have to be laid* 
Oh t keep from seeing him down in the deep, 

If you don't want your hearts betrayciL 



(Chorus,) Oh ! I shall lose my heart ; 

I wish I only had seen 
The nice young man with his hair in curl, 

That works this 'ere machine. 
Sam Canning is his name, 

He's pretty well known to you all, 
His cables are always laid without blame, 

And work still the best of them all ; 
I wish I could show him you now. 

But the sea he never coiild stand. 
So in consequence of this little defect 

He's preferred to go overland. 

Mermaids clmter round Clifford and hustle him off uilh the macJUne, Exit B, 

Gooch, Hark I 

Field. Hush ! 

Gooch. Where 1 

Field. How 1 

Gooch. I'll listen ! 

Field. I'll go for it. 

GoocJi. Don't leave me ! (holds him). 

Field. In the United States— 

Gooch. They're still at par ! 

Field. Where's Barber ? 

Gooch. Putting on the screw I 

Field. To Heart's content 1 

Gooch. Tell me, dear Cyrus, are not the banks around Newfoundland 
those on which the wild thyme blows ? 

Field. My wildest time was in the tank. 
(See Dudley's draught) tho' not on any bank. 

TumiTtg fro^i Grooch (who retires and sits cm Neptune's thrme, and, 

' listening attentively, gradiwlly falls asleep. (Half aside). 
Oh ! that I could shuffle off this mortal coil, 

(A la Hamlet) I've furrowed the Atlantic many times, 
And 'mid such toil have held convivial dinners. (See Pamphlet.) 
For me the sparkling wine cup nightly flowed, 
Arid often flowed in vain ; 
While others to the joys of music clung, 
I plied the bottle, but 'twas then of ink. 
Prospectuses I drew ; percentage showed, 
And e'en through worse times on 'change 
Could lead grave, bearded men 
To wander forth and. muse 
On the triumphant joys I promised them. 


Oh ! if wo are only able to lay a cable, 
Which shall prove stable, across the sea, 
We'd desire no better, for we'd need no letter. 
To send loving messages 'twixt you and me. 

Gooch (half asleep). What's his little game ? 

Field (considering). Oh yes, of course, I thought as much ; just so ; 
But then ? but oh ! but if 1 but oh ? No ! no ! 
If I could only — yes, of course — but then ? 
I can't consider, how or why, or when, 
This must indeed be done, or Nep. shall rue it ; 
I've made my mind up, and I'm sure to do it. 

(Rouses himself from trance and turns to Gooch, who has fallen asleep.) 

Ah ! who have we here f 

A stranger, when I thought my friend was near ! 

Can he have overheard my calculations 

Laid out to benefit my dear relations ? 

Between the home of freedom and this land — I mean the ocean — 

Which I could never cross without emotion. 

Oft as I've tried it, and must try again 

Till Britain and my country are no more twain. 

(Twns fiercely to Gooch). Who are you, sir 1 
Come, tell me quickly, man ! 

Gooch. Gooch is my name, styled in some circles **Dan." 
Pray call me that, "or any other man." 

(Field examines him carefully.) 
Why, it's George Elliot ! ! Boy, are you gone mad 
To give a Tory's name to Felix Holt, the Kad ? 
(They scufflef]fvhen Neptune returns vith the Mermaids and parts them,) 

Song. (Air — "Ballo in Maschero.") 

Field. Let Dogs delight to bark and bite. 

For 'tis their nature to. 
Gooch. And Rads and Tories growl and fight. 

Then why not me and you ? 
\st Mermaid. Oh I mortals, you should never let 

Your angry passions rise, 

Those dirty hands were never, never made 

To black each other's eyes ! 

After songy Glass and Neptune hold private conversation. Field 
approaches with shares. Neptune refuses all overtures at fvrst, bui 
succumbs on Field showing him a placard marked 98 per cent, and 
a specimen of ihc new cable. 


Exit Field and Neptune, Imving Glass aiui Gooch on stagey with 
Mermaids aiid Sea Monsters around them. 

Glass. Dear friends, I'm not responsible for all this trash ! 
'Tis Woods and Parkinson have made this hash ! 
While weVe been talking hero weVe done the trick ! 
The Great Eastern's laid the cable like a brick. 
Anderson and Halpin retire with wealth, 
And all ill-wishers slink away by stealth ; 
And the directors bid me say 
They mean to give you all four times your pay, 
That is, twelve meals instead of three per day ! 

(Field and Neptune rettim suddenly. Business. Nep. drunk.) 

Neptune. I alvjays back the field. 
It's all his fault I did not sooner jrield ; 
I, like the cables, have sold too, every share, 
At such a price as made my brokers stare. 
Where's Mrs. Nep. 1 Why don't she share my joy ? 
Your child is mine ; where's my Atlantic buoy f 

{DuHng the above the Cable is lowered and Mermaids swing upon it.) 

Neptu/ne. Come out of that, is that how you disable 
Our new Manilla twist, galvanic cable ? 
You're sitting on the messages ; 
Get up, that's Smith you're stopping, 
Not the Director, but Willoughby, the topping. 

Air— "The Sensation." 

Gooch. My dears, beware of sitting on or tampering with the cable. 
Field. But give the messages a shove, and help them if you're able. 
Neptune. Every time the current flies 'twill give you delectation. 
Glass. And every separate shock will cause a curious sensation. 

{Chorus.) For it's here, and there, and everywhere 

We find the symbols flying. 
The more they puzzle us to read 

The more we keep on trying I 
With a dot and a dash, and a dash 

And a dot, by Bolton's numeration, 
Trying to read it is useless indeed, 

But it makes a new sensation ! 

(Messages on slips of paper drop from the top on ihs stage, and are picked 
up by the Mermaids.) 


Isi Triton. Here's Mr. Jones to Mrs. Jones^ " My dear, how is poor 

Bobby r' 
l$t Mermaid. Here's Mrs. J. to Mr. J., " The child is looking nobby." 
Glass. Here's Uncle Sam to Mistress Vic, '' I think we now may 

laugh, eh 1" 
Field. Here's Mistress Vic. to Uncle Sam, "Success to Telegraphy !" 

{Clu/rus and Dance.) 

5.— Clifford. Ist Triton— L. 

Field. Gooch, 

Ist Mermaid. 2nd Mermaid. 

Glass. Neptune. 




Saturday, July 2L< 1866. LaL N. 51.18, Long. W. 36.1. 


HoMR News. 

Jvly 15/A, 1866. 

Saturday's News. No alteration in Bank rate. Consols, 87 i. 

Cork steamer Osprey in collision with H.M.S. Amazon, for Halifax, off 
Portland, July 6th. Both foundered; dozen drowned; rest reached 
Torquay in boats. Amazon put helm hard starboard. 

July Uih. 

Cholera broke out at Liverpool ; several deaths. 

Birmingham Banking Company stopped payment on Saturday. Lia- 
bilities over two millions ; 800 shareholders. 

Darmstadt, July 12, 2 A.M. Princess Louis of Hesse gave birth to a 

S.S. Hibernian left Greencastle for Quebec, Friday 6 A.M. 

House of Lords, Friday. Enfield rifles to be converted into breech- 

July 17/A. 
Money market firm. Bank rate, 10. French bonds risen i per cent. 
Birmingham Bank to be wound up in Chancery ; much local Imt no 
general suffering. London prices unaffected. 
Ex-Chief Baron Pollock to be Baronet. 
Lord Henry Lennox is now Secretary to the Admiralty. 
Racoon leaves Valentia to-morrow for Queenstown. 


July 19/A. 

English Funds risen | per cent. Stock Exchange rate for short loans 
on English securities, 5 and 7 per cent. General rate for good paper, 
9 and 9^ per cent. 

House of Commons, Monday night. New Ministers took their seats. 
Attorney-General said it was not intended to proceed with Bankruptcy 
Bill this Session. In reply to several members, General Peel said rifles 
altered to breech-loaders would be ready for our troops before end of 
financial year. Gladstone withdrew Reform Bill. 

Verdict of murder against the warder of Brighton for the murder of 
his wife. 

Prince of Wales and Duke of Edinburgh visited " Miautouoneoh,'' 

July l^th (late). 

Money well supported at yesterday's improvement. Great Western 
and South-Eastern Railways Stock, 1^ per cent. Money is easy on 
Stock Exchange. Short loans on Government Securities, 7 to 6 per cent. 

Mrs. (Jordon declines to prosecute ex-Governor Ejre. 

Mr. Berkeley's ballot motion lost, 197 to 119. Commission to inquire 
into the condition of mercantile marine ; causes of falling off in numbers 
and efficiency in last twenty years. Mr. Henley objected to Govern- 
ment action. Sir Stafford Northcote objected also, but pledged Govern- 
ment to institute full inquiry into the subject. Motion withdrawn. 
Parliament to be prorogued August 4th. Lord St. Leonards gave notice 
of motion that should severance between Church at home and colonies 
take place endowments of latter should revert U) donors. 

100 to 80 against Gladiateur for Goodwood Cup. 33 to 1 against 
Dragon for Derby, 1867. 

Jvly 2l5<. 

Reform League announced intention to hold demonstration in Hyde 
Park notwithstanding prohibition of police. 

Consols risen \ per cent. ; steady demand for United States Bonds, 
which have risen § per cent. Money plentiful on Stock Exchange ; rate 
for short loans on Government Securities, 5 to 6 per cent. 

House of Commons. — Mr. Creay withdrew his Elective Franchise 
Education Tests Bill. Election Returning Officers Bill for giving no 
votes referred to Select Committee. Debate on second reading of Mr. 
Gladstone's Church Rate Bill. Mr. Disraeli offered no objection to it, 
but could not pledge the Government to oppose the third reading. 

First dinner of the Cobden Club met Saturday at the Star and Garter, 
Mr. Gladstone in the chair, supported by Earl Russell. 

First delivery of breech-loaders to War Office, 4th August. 

An influential deputation from Glasgow to Chancellor of the Ex- 


chequer, praying for a commission to inquire into working of Bank 

National Eifle Association's annual camp gathering on Wimbledon 
Common going off very merrily. A member of the London Scottish 
won the Queen's Prize. Common illuminated every night. Theatrical 
concerts and hospitable festivities in honour of Belgian volunteers. 

Grand Volunteer Review in Hyde Park to-morrow (Saturday). 

London, Saturday Morning, Lord Stanley declared last night in 
Commons England's policy pacific, observant, free from all engagements. 

The War in Germany. 

July I4ttk 

General Cialdini is marching upon Rovigo with an army of more 
than 100,000 men and 200 guns. The Austrians have evacuated the 
whole territory between the Mincio and the Adige. 

July 1 5th. 
Paris, July llih (evening), — Italy has already declared to France not 
to accept separate armistice. Impressions here very warlike, chances 
of peace having declined. French fleet on its way to Venice, and French 
Commissioners ordered to occupy Venetia. Notice sent to headquarters 
of Prussians to announce armed mediation of the Emperor. 

July I5tk (lale). 
Prussians have declined armistice. 

July 17 th. 
Prussians had successful engagement before Olmutz yesterday ; cap- 
tured six gtms. Further fighting expected to-day. Austrians with- 
drawing from Moldavia towards Vienna. 

July nth {UUe) 
Cialdini occupies Padua and Venice, both on the line of railway con- 
necting Vienna and the Quadrilateral, Venice. Padua is only 23 miles 
from Venice. The only Austrian troops now having railway connection 
with Venice are those in Venice itself. 

Conflict between Prussians and Federals on 13th. Prussians com- 
pletely victorious. Federals evacuated Frankfort, Prussians marching 
there. Among conditions of peace, Pnissia and Italy include the 
re-establishment of Hungary. Count de Chambord*s palace at Vienna 
is ofi'ered for sale. 

/?% 19/A. 
Prussians repeating victories and gaining adhesions from small States. 
The main army, within fifty miles of Vienna, have cut the railway to 


Vienna. Austrian army between Prussians and Vienna under Arch- 
duke, 160,000 men. Money and archives removed from Vienna to 
Comom. Armament of French fleet stopped. 

London, Thursday Morning, — ^The Italians occupy Borgo Forte. Fleet 
left Ancona. Moniiewr denies Emperor contemplates armed mediation. 

July I9th (late). 

Frankfort is occupied by the Prussians, who are advancing on Vienna- 
Negotiations for a three days' truce between Prussians and Austrians 
have failed. All Austrian troops still in Vienna have retired to fortresses. 

Italy. — Volunteers defeated by Austrians at Condino, 16th inst. 
Prince Napoleon has gone from Paris on a special mission to head- 
quarters of Victor Emmanuel. 

July 20th. 

Zara, I9th July. — Italian fleet, consisting of ironclad vessels and 
several steamers, opened attack on the Island of Lissa, on the coast of 
Dalmatia. Result not known. 

Moniteur announced Prussia accepted basis arrangement proposed by 
Napoleon. Agrees abstain from hostilities for five days to await 
Austrians' reply. 

July 21s/. 

Prussians crossed river ; marched near Holitzon, Hungary. 

Austrians accepted proposal. Prussia abstain from hostilities for five 
days, during which Austria will have to notify acceptance of preli- 
minaries peace. 

American News. 

July 1 5th, 
China arrived. Money abundant; gold, 153J : exchange on London, 
167. Dreadful fire at Portland ; half city burnt ; 2,000 families home- 
less ; damage ten million dollars. 

July I6th, 
Yellow fever raging in Vera Cruz. 

July I9th, 
Maryland has decided upon extending negro testimony from the 
courts at Smyrna. Fight between citizens and negroes sundered. A 
fight between soldiers and negroes at Atlanta. Sweeney urges Fenians 
to continue their preparations. Cholera gone from New York. 

B B 


July 2\d. 
Java arrived, New York, 11th. Creoles revolted against Spanish 
Grovemment at Puerto Principi, 27th. Four Chilian ships disembarked 
2,000 men to assist insurgents. 

General Foreign News. 

July \Uh. 

Drammau, Norway, fire, 300 houses burnt, 6,000 persons homeless. 
July 13th. 

Jvly 19A. 
Great preparations at Cronstadt for grand reception of Captain Fox, 
bearing address from American Congress congratulating Czar on his 
escape from assassination. 

Atlantic Telegraph Cable. 

Saturday y July 2l5/, noon (ship*s time), 

'torn Cable paid Percentage o 

land. out. on whole dii 

952-3 knots. 716*7 knots. 107433 knots. 12-8 

Biitanoe fhnn Diatanotfrom Cable paid Percentage of slack 

Yalentia. Newfoundland. out. on whole distance. 

The Queen's Message. 

Eeceived on board the Great Eastern, July 27th, 1866. 

Commenced receiving, 11.28 a.m. 

Finished „ 11.49 „ 

" The Queen, Osborne, to the President of the United States, Wash- 
ington. — The Queen congratulates the President on the successful 
completion of an undertaking which she hopes may serve as an addi- 
tional bond of union between the United States and England." 

The President's Keply. 

Received at Heart's Content Station, July 31st, 1866. 
Received from New York, 3.42 p.m. 
Commenced sending, ... 3. 50 „ 
Finished „ ... 4.1 „ 

Received in London, ... 4.11 „ 

Message received of its having been delivered to the Queen at 
Osborne at 5 p.m. 


"The Executive Mansion, Washington, 11.30 A.M., July 30.— To 
Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and 
Ireland. — The President of the United States acknowledges with pro- 
found gratification the receipt of Her Majesty's dispatch, and cordially 
reciprocates the hope that the cable that now unites the Eastern and 
the Western hemispheres may sen'e to strengthen and perpetuate peace 
and amity between the Government of England and the Republic of 
the United States. 

Andrew Johnson.'* 

I certify that the above messages were sent through the Atlantic 


Chief Electrician of the Telegraph Construction 
and Maintenance Company. 

J\ It 2 

Saturday, September Sth, 1886. 


Sunday, September 2nd, 
Lai. 51.2.26 iV; 
Long. 41.63 fT. 
Cholera abating in London. 

Cable works splendidly. Seventeen messages have been received 
during the hour. 

Treaty of peace signed between Austria and Prussia. Warlike news 
between France and Prussia. Prussian Chamber of Deputies, Tuesday. 
— Bills for treaty of commerce with Italy, and for treaty with England, 
were adopted unanimously. It is stated that Prince Royal of Prussia 
intends to fix his residence in city of Hanover. 

Fenian agitation increasing in America. Three regiments shortly 
leave for Canada, and two gunboats for lakes. 

Monday, September 3rd, 
Lot. 61.34 JV. 
Long. 39.35 IF. 
Cavalry, infantry, and artillery are being sent hastily to Canada to 
prevent threatened outbreak. 

Bank rate now 6 per cent. Reduction of 4 per cent, within 16 days. 
Telegraph oflfices now reopened in Frankfort. Shut during war. 
St. Petersburg, August 30th. — Great heat prevails; cholera spread- 
ing. Emperor left for Moscow, August 30th. Deputation of Russian 
peasants waited on Mr. Fox, American Ambassador, to offer congratu- 


lations in name of whole Russian peasantry. Mr. Fox presented M. G. 
Wosden, spokesman, with an American flag. M. G. Wosden, thanking 
Mr. Fox, declared, if necessary, all Enssia woidd unfurl its banners by 
side of those of the great American Republic. 

Rio Janeiro, Augtisl Sth. — Brazilian Ministry resigned 30th July, 
consequence of diflficulties financial measures. New Government pro- 
poses energetic prosecution of war to speedy termination. Paraguayans 
continue to send fire rafts and torpedoes ; do much damage. 

Revolutions in Catamarca and Cordoba ; Governors of both driven 
away. Empress of Mexico in Paris ; political mission, failure of which 
Opinione Naiionale believes will be followed by her husband's abdication. 

Tuesday, September 4th. 
Lot. 51.2.26 iV, 
Long, 41.63 fT. 

London papers have leaders on great triumph of raising cable. Times 
says, '* There is extreme satisfaction in finding any lost treasure, espe- 
cially when it has cost labour, skill, knowledge, talent, perseverance, and 
all the valuable and priceless expenditure of mind. The Atlantic 
Telegraph is triumphant out of all its troubles.'' 

On Monday Anglo-Americans were done at 14^; closed at 13^. 
Atlantic Pref. done at 90 ; closed 84J. T. C. and M. Co., 14 ex-div. 
Bank of England rate reduced to 6 per cent. Money now easy. 

Cholera has greatly abated. 

Serious insurrection in Canada. Three regiments infantry and 126 
hussars leave England for Canada directly. 

Foreign News. — Peace treaty between Austria and Italy progresses 
favourably. Mission Empress Mexico not successful. 

Londony Tuesday {noon). 
' Atlantics, 3| to 4^; Anglos, 13f \. Maintenance dis. par. 

Weather unfavourable, floods north. 

Reported in London that Monitor y which made so much sensation, was 
towed across the Atlantic, Also stated privately that when her two 
15-ton guns were fired at Portsmouth one turned over and other broke 

Statement of Pakington, First Lord of the Admiralty, of paucity of 
ships causes much fuss in papers as to inefficiency of navy ; also 
much discussion on reorganization of army. Troops going to Canada 
will have breech-loaders. Successful experiments at Shoeburyness 
with chilled iron shot and shell. 


Rmnours that King of Greece will marry Princess Louise, Queen's 
fourth daughter. 

Emperor Napoleon has been very unwell, but better. Drouyn de 
Lhuys resigned French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Emperor tem- 
porarily given up claim for extension frontier. 

Eussia dissatisfied with recent turn in Continental afiairs, and believed 
will make some frontier extension towards Turkey. Warm demon- 
stration St. Petersburg in favour of American naval visit. 

Wednesday^ September bih. 
LaL 60.11.20 i\r. 
Lmg. 44.59 W. 

Valentia, Uh September, — Severe thunderstorm here last night with 
heavy rain. 

Picking up of old cable excites even greater interest than laying new 
one and is general topic of conversation. 

Continued wet weather causes fears for harvest in many parts. 

Great Western Railway Report adopted. Cause of Gooch's absence 
explained amid cheers. 

Chatham and Dover meeting very stormy. Investigation Committee 
appointed. Indignation at improper disposal of £124,000 Debentures. 

New Cannon Street Station opened Saturday. All trains go in, but 
cannot get out. Two hours* ride Charing Cross to City. Great block ; 
much public disgust and swearing. 

Trial of ironclad Bellerophon. Main speed 13 knots. Goes well under 
canvas only. 

Great Reform meeting, Birmingham ; Bright spoke. Beales, President 
of Reform League, deprived of revising-barristership. Working men's 
subscription for him. 

Great bribery disclosures at Lancaster, Totnes, Yarmouth, and 
Reigate. Election Commission. Quarter of a million spent in those 
places in last twenty years. They will all be disfranchised. 

Many leaders in London papers on great results likely to follow quick 
communication with America. Pall MaU again urges cultivation of 
close and friendly relations. Times says, " Feeling in America being 
strange and distant— country only now dissolving — a better under- 
standing must naturally follow." 

A direct communication from Canada (addressed to Mr. Field on 
board) states that " there has not been any outbreak, nor has there been 
any anticipated." 

Foreign News: — 

Pnissia quietly taking possession of annexed States. Bismarck's 


policy of unity of Germany very popular. On exchange of prisoners, 
Prussia gave up 514 Austrian officers and 35,000 rank and file, 13,000 
Austrians being left in hospital. Austria had actually only to give seven 
Prussian officers and 450 rank and file; 120 wounded left 

Question French evacuation of Borne is now principal point of 
interest. Resignation of Drouyn de Lhuys no doubt connected with 
matter. Impression is Bismark has not kept faith with Napoleon in 
extension of French frontier, and it is believed annexation game will 
still be played between France and Bussia. 

Dreadful famine Orissa, Bengal ; 15,000 died in six weeks. 

London, Wednesday y I p,m. 

Atlantics, 4^ f ; Anglos, 15^; Maintenance, 1^ dis. to 1^ prem. 

Earl Craven dead. 

In Gandia arrangements with insurgents expected. 

Italian army reduced by 120,000 men. 

America. — Davis will shortly be released on bail Gonvention at 
Philadelphia to support President's policy met with success. President 
received with great enthusiasm at New York. Cholera disappeared 
New York. Another Fenian raid on Canada preparing for September. 

Price gold. New York, Monday, 146}. 

Thursdayy September 6th, 
Lot. 49.47 ^: 
Long. 48.1.20 }F, 

London, Thursday, 1 p,m. 

Bank rate just reduced to 5 per cent. All securities very firm. 
Atlantic, ^ to i ; Anglos, 16 J; T. C. and M. Co., H prem. ; Great 
Western, 56 J to 60 ; United States Fives, 73 J to 73. Wheat improved. 
Operations of Atlantic Telegraph does not yet check transmission of 
gold between England and America. 

Marquis of Exeter dangerously ill. Bright to attend Dublin banquet^ 
October. Beales, of Reform League, to put up as M.P. for Lambeth. 

Attempts to get up North Atlantic Telegraphic line still going on. 
Introduction of various kinds expected, but public already bled too 
much. Telegraph from Azores with American capital spoken of in 
American letters. 

A lifeboat, ship rigged, 26 ft. long, called the Bed, White and Bhie, 
now shown in London, from New York in 27 days, with two men and a 
dog. One profane writer asserts boat was brought to Channel on board 
sailing vessel. No fiuther evidence. 


Cholera at Naples and Genoa. Austrians leaving Yenetia. Better 
feeling between Austria and Italy. 

Nothing yet known as to settlement Roman question. One cause of 
Drouyn de Lhuys' resignation stated to be his inducing Emperor to 
open question of frontier with Prussia and Russia, and they declining. 
French people annoyed at France being snubbed. 

London, 3 o'clock p,m, — Atlantics, 4J J; Anglos, 16J i; T. C. andM. 
Co., 1} } prem. 

Lord Northbrook, late Sir Francis Baring, seriously ill. The battery 
of artillery ordered for Canada will embark Liverpool to-morrow. Money 
at call, 4 per cent. 

Friday^ 7tk September. 
Lai. 49.8 iVT. 
Long. 51 JT. 
London, Friday^ 9 a.m. 

Bank minimum expected to remain at 5 for a little time. Gold, New 
York, September 5, 146i; Five-Twenties, 2. 

Report intended marriage of Princess Louise to King of Greece 
oflScially contradicted. 

Roebuck's speech at Sheffield predicts union of Conservatives and 
moderate Liberals, and formation of strong Ministry that will maintain 
power of England throughout the world, and preserve the English people 
from control ignorance and vice. 

Weather in England continues disastrous for harvest. Cattle plague 
dying out ; sheep disease increasing. 

Court-martial on Jervis, India^ concluded 29th. Finding not yet 

Health Emperor Napoleon unsatisfactory. 

London, Friday, Noon. 

Atlantics, 4| J; Anglos, 16i f; T. C. and M. Co., li f Con- 
federate Bonds have risen from 4J to 7i during last feW days. 

New York, 30th. — President enthusiastically received. Entertained 
at banquet. Expressed determination to restore Union. Several Repub- 
lican Senators have accused President of officially sanctioning assassina- 
tions and massacres at New Orleans, declaring his policy would cause 
another civil war. 

London, Friday afternoon. 

Closing prices. Atlantics, 5J; Anglos, 16 J 17; T. C. and M. Co., 
2 and 3 prem. 


Roebuck in Sheffield. Speech ; abused Gladstone and late Ministry, 
and promised support Derby Cabinet. 

Three ships with new season's tea left China^ May 30th, arrived 
Downs yesterday. 

Five people killed last night Carnarvon Shore Railway. 

Chatham Dockyard. Boiler burst, killing two men, injuring others. 

Eastern question discussed with increasing interest by Paris papera. 
Suggestions made for alliance of France, Austria^ England, and Italy for 
settlement^ excluding Russia and Prussia. 

Wife and daughter of Francis Polzsky, Hungarian exile, who recently 
obtained permission from Emperor Austria to visit his sick daughter, 
are dead. 

Saturday f Sth September, 

Hearfs Content. 
London, 8 a.m. Saturday 

£288,000 gold withdrawn from Bank England to-day to pay for 
Five-Twenty bonds. 

Weather England still bad. Harvest's prospects really getting worse. 

Rice in improved demand at Calcutta and Bombay, September 4th. 
Import markets exceedingly low. 

Monetary Convention, France, Belgium, and Italy, to assimilate the 
coinage to that of France. 

Speech Mr. Gladstone at Salisbury. Thinks recent events on Conti- 
nent favourable to peace and prosperity. Said Reform Bill would not 
be long in abeyance, and he advised cordial acceptance of Reform Bill 
from present Government if it were an effective and honest measure. 

Lord Northbrook, late Sir Francis Baring, dead. 

Duke of Edinburgh will shortly be commissioned to Galatea, with 
Commander Hugh Campbell as 1st Lieutenant. 

I hereby certify that the above telegi^ams were sent through the 1865 
Atlantic Cable since its recovery on the 2nd September, 1866. 


Chief Electrician of the Telegraph Construction 
and Maintenance Company. 







^fif^ afrtat caittrn myifero (yfii/yinf Bif inttrueCire 
stbry tf Cyrut tit itareA y ai* lort 



TABLEAU I.— A Banqueting Hall in the Palace Hotel. 

JBveninff elosei in, Feitiviti4$ interrupted ! Supernatural appearance ! ! Flight and 

pursuit ! ! ! 

Cteits The Original Boodle . . Me. Dudlbt. 

Sib Moboan Rattleb . An Influential Capitalist . Mb. Deane. 

(with a song-) 

Sm Shabon Beanpodt . . A Retired Admiral .... Mb. Chubb. 

The Babon Cent, peb Cent. An If\fluential Guinea-pig . Mb. Sicyth. 
Repobtbb to the ^^ Kentucky Blunder Jntes** and Special Correspondent 

to the'' Field ** Mb. Wtwitb. 

American Minister, Lords of the Admiralty, Dukes, Marquises, Earls, &o., have 

just retired. 

TABLEAU IL— A Blasted Heath on Cable Island. 

The Witches* Sabbat, '* Fbt versus Plot.** The Skedaddlers and the Month of June, 
" Tie my delight on a shiny night in the season of the year,** 

1st Witehy ** Glasbina,'* Mb. Deane ; 2nd Witch, ** Elliotta," Mb. Dudley ; Zrd 
Witch, **Henleyana," Mb. Poobb. 

JJpo^f(X<rop Oofinov, ABC, DEF, GHIJ, OK The Wizard of the North Capt. Pbowse. 
Ctbus Still Doodle .... Mb. Dudley. 


Tbtpon Mb. Wynne. 

TABLEAU in. — The Coral Caves of the Atlantic. 

The Toilet, ** How Happy could I be mth either.** Light Fantastics. 
The Combat ! the Slaughter !! and the Great Magician ! ! ! 

Neptune An old dealer in Marine Stores, and large holder in Cable Stock Mb. Deane. 
Cybub . His Zrd edition, illustrated by Dudley {not Henry M.) all 

objectionable passages omitted Mb. Dudley. 
CoNTENTiNA Nep's Daughter, plwnmy and crumby, but not dumby , Mb. Poobe. 
Betsy . A mere-maid — most respectable references given and required Mb. Vauohan. 
Willouohby Smith . , , A merciless Critic . . . Mb. Smyth. 

Sam Canning . , . A fortunate Fisherman Mb. Chubb. 

Dead Eabth . . Mb. Willey. Foul Flake . Mb. Wynne. 

Kink .... Mb. B. Smith. 
Upo^f <r<rop Qoiioov, ABC, DEF, GHIJ, OK . A real Potwolloper , Capt. Pbowse. 

Conductor and leader of Orchestra ....... Db. Wabd. 

Manager and Prompter Capt. Hjemilton 

Performance to commence at 9.30 p.m. 




Tableau I. 

A Banquet Hall, Cyrus discovered entertaining his guests (Sir 
Morgan Rattler, Sir Sharon Beanpody, and the Baron Cent, 
per Cent). The curtain rises to jingling of glasses^ laughter^ and 
cries of ** A song, A song" 

Sir Morgan sings. Air — " Let the Toast Pass." 

Here's to the cable of dear fifty-eight, 
Here's to the one sixty-five, sir, 
That we left in the sea in a critical state, 
For which we intend to go dive, sir. 

{Chorus,) Let the toast pass, 

Long life to our Glass ; 

His cables are good, be they hemp, wire, or grass. 

Here's to the copper so bright and so thin. 
Here's to the tinker that filed it. 
Here's to the gutta and percha put in, 
Ajid here's to the biler that biled it. 
Let the toast pass, &c., &c., &c. 

Here's to the man who subscribes fifty shares, 
Who has helped us with heart and with cash, sir 
Here's to the wiry electrical snares 
That catch all the dots and the dash, sir. 
Let the toast pass, &c., &c., &c. 


Cyrus (rising). Tis just one year, one month, one week, one day, one hour, 

Since last of balmy sleep I've felt the power. 

I've been up writing every weary night. 

And would twice more to fix the cable right. 

Atlantic Swells ! you're all right welcome here. 

Let us do better than we did last year. 
Sir Sharon I'll trouble you, Sir Morgan, for the Port. 

Cyrus And make a cable of another sort, 
(continuing). With wire of galvan manufactured soon. 
The Baron, I'd like to see it> this bright month oi June. 
Cyrus. Well, then, I'll give ye all a rattling toast : 

" The British Lion, who subscribes the most !" 

Ill give you Captain Anderson, who has worked with heart and will 

To lead us on to victory — to him your glasses fill. 

Ill give you Mr. Brassey, and I give you Mr. Gooch, 

Who have nobly taken shares — ay, and have paid for such ! 

But money is not all, my friends, 

Before us there are nobler ends. 
Sir Sharon. End, indeed ! I only wish 'twere here. 
The Baron. I suppose the end you mane we lost last year t 
Cyrus (angry). Take notice now all, while guests at my table, 

I'll not hear a word spoke against that dear cable, 

'Tis a zone that will bind my Columbia to you. 
Sir Morgan Zonk mou sas agapou. 
Cyrus. A truce to this ; if laughing be your aim 

My plot will make you do it all the same. 

My mode of working now is simply this — 

111 marry Neptune's daughter, pretty Miss ; 

Contentina's her name ; her suitor is Cyrus, 

Kalkilated the best of all her admirers. 

If Neppy consents, 'twill be awfully nice 

A damsel and rope to respectively splice. 

Oh ! she's a stunner ! My heart's Contentina's. 

Though the Odour Colon-ial is not Jean Farina's. 

I crave your assistance, all you round this table. 

To marry Neptune's daughter and submerge the Atlantic Cable. 
The Baron. Oh ! Cyrus, my jewel, may I be blown tight 

If it wouldn't be well just to tip us a sight 

Of the lady you've talked of so sweetly to-night t 

By jabers I she's here, in a dress full of light I 

All start from table in amazemeut. Contentina appears, like Marguerite 
in " Faust." She is discovered cleaning a codfish. 


ConterUina, Music, Uue and red fire. 

Air — "My lodging is on the cold ground." 

Oh, my lodging is with the cods* sounds, 

On the flake where they're put out to dry, 
The aix)ma is strange that pervades and surrounds, 

So pungent^ so strong, and so high. 
I*d care not one straw if my Cyrus were near 

To comfort this damsel forlorn. 
I salt all the cods with the brine of my tear. 

As for my true lover I mourn. 

{Air changes to " Oh come to me when daylight sets." 

Quests in Chorus, YouVe come to us when daylight sets, 

Sweet Contentina ! 
We're the jolliest boys you ever met. 

Sweet Contentina ! 
Content — content — tentina, 

Heart's Contentina ! 
CofUerUina There's a codfish among you, dear Cyrus, my pet, 

Remember Contentina ! 

She retires, beckoning. All the Guests follow, as if entranced. 

Tableau II. 

The Witches' Haunt on Cable Island. Three Witches discovered with 
cauldron in the middle of stage.] 

1st Witch, Round about the cauldron go, 

In the poisoned things we'll throw. 

Deadish earth from under vaults, 

Breeding the worst of electric faults. 
27id Witch, Sweltering zinc and coppered rot 

Boil thou first i' the charmM pot. 
Zrd Witch, Cool it with Financial blood, 

Then the charm is firm and good. 
AU, Double ! double ! toil and strife. 

Put in gimlet and sharp knife ; 
1st Witch, By the pricking of my limbs 

Something wicked this way swims 1 
2nd Witch {sings) Upo<t>€(r<rop-€<r<rop-€<r<rbp Bo/jlo-qv <r^ o^ o^ <rij, 

FytScs 6v U Ppd(ro€ aXtSc SlvZ votrs <f}6p /iri. 


n.po(f>ea'a'Of^€aaop-€aaop ©ofurov (rfj crrf aif aij 
^AScpoX <l}6XB€poX rSXB^poX, roX roX Sri ! 

npo^co-o-dp ®o/urov appears^ gliding in on his slide. Music, 

0o/i(rov. *Ov vov v€ ai/fKper pXoK cXocrpuc vay? 

TJar Urr vc 8a> f 
1st Witch. We're spoiling the chance of words or tests, 

With black ingredients, destructive pests ! 
%oyjrov, *Xvavvr ! B^ov ! SfccSadeX ! ijmt<t€K ! vk tr I 

To; ttXH to firj, fii /36ts di^S I viAA kOk tr ! 

{He kicks the Witches off and upsets their cauldron, replacing it with his 

brass pot,) Eodt, 

[Enter companions of Cyrus.] 
S(yng, Air — "Bob and Joan." 

\st Companion, Til bring hemp and wire. 

2nd Comp, 111 bring gutta percha. 

3r(^ Comp, 111 bring lightning fire. 

ith Comp. And I'Jl bring something else, sir. 

1st Comp, Bid the dnmis to go, 

2nd Comp, Down to Greenwich take it, 

3rd Ccmp, The T. C. M. and Co. 

4cth Comp, Right cleverly will make it ! 

1st Comp, Hi for Gooch's ship, 

2nd Comp, Hi for Elliot's coal, sir ; 

3rd Comp, Shares will never dip 

Ath Comp, While we work heart and soul, sir ! 

1st Comp, Barclay's Bank is good, 

2nd Comp, The great cod bank is better ; 

3rd Comp. The Penny Post has stood, 

ith Comp. But telegi^uns will fret her ! 

EtUct Cyrus. 

Cyrus, Ho ! Well done ! I commend your pains. 

And every one shall share i' the gains. 

Song, Air — " The young May Moon." 

Cyrus, The month of June is beaming, boys. 

The cable's chance is gleaming, boys, 
How sweet to list to the wiry twist 
While Chatterton's compound is steaming, boys. 


Ist Comp, Then send the current through, my dear. 
Come, Willoughby, don't look gloomy, dear, 
For youVe the best to try and to test, 
With you no faults will do, my dear. 

Cyrtis. Now the big ship rides at the Nore, my dear. 

And Canning is well to the fore, my dear. 
With Anderson's lot, and C. W.'s plot. 
Well do what was ne'er done before, my dear ! 

2ndConip, Then give a loud cheer for Dick Glass, my love. 
For he has an eye for each lass, my love ; 
And as for the man who sneers at our plan. 
We'll hoot him and call him an ass, my love. 


Cyi'us, Ri fol ol di toodle dums, 

Wack fol ol di spoodle gums, 

Crinkum Crank 
And Stinkum Stank, 
Old Cocky the Yankee Doodle comes ! 

They repeat together in chorus. Business^ and scene doses. 

Tableau III. 

The House of Contentina in the cored caves of the Atlantic. Con- 
tentina discovered sitting before a glass^ while her favourite maid 
Betsy, is dressing her hair. 

Conteniina. This mom as on my snoozy bed I lay, 

I dreamed a dream. (Put less pomatum, pray.) 

I saw my Cyrus, my selected suitor, 

A-walking with Mr. Secretary Shuter ; 

I saw the ship rent right in twain. 

And I sank on the bosom of my swain. 

Loud creaked the rivets in the screaming gale. 

And I woke, with pins and needles in my tail 
Betsy. And I, madam, had a dream the other night. 

Which woke me up in horful fright. 

I dreamed as how I was a-dressin' of your 'air. 

And puttin' on pomatum layer by layer. 

I see my young man's swarthy face 

Of your's in yonder mirror take the place. 

I screamed aloud and started up in bed 


ContenHna, You stupid minx ! that hairpin's in my head ! 

But dreams, I tell you, have no fear to me, 

For Cyrus, well I know, is near to me. 

So put up the brushes and combs, my dear, 

And make all tidy and clean appear ; 

Stop talking of dreams and such stupid romance. 

Let's enliven the time by a song and a dance. 

[Musk from, " Dinorah,'* slow movement. Then the shadow dance.] 

CorUentina Now, Betsy, my love, well have a jolly, jolly, jolly dance 

sings. Before dearest Cyrus he falls by my glance, 
Betsy, And I will dance light on my fantastic toe. 

And I wish I were twirled by my dear lovin' Joe. 


Conteniina, Sing Hi Cockalorum, with a jump, jump, jump, jump ! 

fieisy. Sing Pons Asinorum, with a thump, thump, thump, thump 

Contentma, Sing Hi Kachuka-chuka-chuka, jig, jig, jig, jig ! 

Betsy, Sing Folderol di diddle diddle, fig, fig, fig, fig ! 

[They repeat chorus together and dance, 

Cyrus heard without, What^ ho ! my little maids, my water witches, 
Unhook this grapnel from my Sunday breeches ! 

He enters crawling on his hands and feet^ wUh a grapnel fastened to his 


And while you do it, loves, with fingers taper. 

Would you oblige me with the evening's paper 1 

Contentina, my love, oh come to my arms ! 

Unhook me, my dearest, dispel all alarms. 

Brush off from of my clothes that horrible ooze ; 

I know now you'll do it, you could not refusa 
Contentina, Indeed I will, though you're a nasty brute 

To approach your love in so filthy a suit. 

K my father should come there'll be such a row, sir, 

He'll have no respect for the man or his trouser. 

But here he comes, in his whaly chariot, 

So well described by Captain Marryat. 

Well, well, I'll do it now, and while I try, 

Betsy, with this here wipe do shade my eye. 
Betsy{aside), lis all my eye, her modesty's a sham. 
Cyrus. Ohl Ah I 

C C 


Contentina, Tis done, rise, nephew of Uncle Sam I 

Cyrus. Tm much obliged, my dears, and am nothing loth 

To take the liberty to kiss you both. 
ConteTiiina, 'Twas I unhooked you, and I must upbraid : 

You court the mistress, and you kiss the maid. 

But, lo ! my father, Neptune, comes, retire. 

And do your best, my love, to soothe his ire. 

Enter Neptune, reading a copy of **Artemus Ward'' 

Cyrus. Do you know me, my lord 1 

Neptune, Excellent well. YouVe a salt fishmonger. 
Cyrus. What read you, my lord 1 

Neptune. Artemus — Ward's, Ward's, Ward's. 
Cyrus. What is the matter, my lord ? 

Neptune. Between whom 1 

Cyrus. I mean the matter that you read, my lord. 

Neptune, I read on Forts, sir. Slander, sir; for the satirical navvie 
says here that " Cyrus Field's fort is to lay a sub- 
machine tellegraf under the bounding billers of the 
oshun, and then hev it bust." 
Cyrus, Bust ! No, my liege, indeed Artemus lies 

As sure as over sea there float the skies. 

Bust ! No. What message could be sent 

From Congress to England's Parliament % 

Or from-^— 
Neptune, But stop awhile and cease your gabble, 

{interrupting.) Such talk as this may suit your common rabble. 

Look in this face, and ponder as you gazes, 

If 'twere not better just to weigh your phrases. 

Don't let your tongue run wild within your jaws. 

You're in my kingdom now, beneath my paws ; 

And if your cable comes within my sway 

111 break, destroy, and bust without delay I 
Cyrus, Oh, don't, great long ; indeed you didn't oughter 

To contemplate or think of such a slaughter. 
Neptune. Keep your sheep's eyes from off my lovely daughter. 

The heiress sole of all this bright green water 

Shall have the sway of everything that floats 

Cp-us, In fact, a kind of a marine Miss Coutts. 

Neptune, She'll have for dowry the Newfoundland Banks, 

And draw large checks on all your cable pranks ; 

That is, she will, if she obey my word. 

Which I've no doubt shell do, sir. 







Like a bird. 
I like my Cyrus, and approve my love, 
Your rage is impotent my mind to move. 
Come to my arms, embrace me, dearest, do ! 
Your dad begins to look a little blue. 
Ha^ ha ! He, he ! Ho, ho ! my trident bring. 

(A trident is brought in by a Tnton.) 

Did anyone e'er hear so cool a thing ? 

To take my daughter and ne'er ask my leave. 

Oh I How this poor old heart doth grieve ! 

Ho ! Tritons ! Blow your cheeks with eastern gale ! 

I'll cause these cable-sinkers all to quail. 

But patience, Neptune, stop a minute, pray. 

Let's fight it out in a time-honour'd way. 

What say you to a combat, not fought in a hurry, 

As they are at the Britannia and the Surrey ? 

Agreed, agreed, indeed the very thing. 

But ere we fight, a battle-song we'll sing. 

Quartette. Air—'' The One Horse Chay." 

Cyrus. Come, fight with single stick, 

For Cyrus knows a trick, 
To lick you double quick. 
With his one, two, three ! 

Neptune. Your men they must be tight-uns 

To combat with my Tritons, 
Whom nothing never frightens 
In the depths of the sea. 

Contentina. Oh, Cyrus, take this locket. 

It was mine, so do not mock it, 
And in exchange give up your pocket- 
Wipe to me. 

Betsy. And here's a little bottle 

That your nose with red could mottle. 
But vrill serve to wet your throttle 
Ere you swipe at he. 

All. Then come on one and all, 

Slim or fat, or short or tall, 
We'll open quick the ball 
If fight there's to be. 


Then come on every one, 
Come with pistol, sword, and gun, 
Stand fast and do not run 
From the fight below the sea. 

Neptune. Enough of this ; come, Cyrus, form a ring. 
By " Bdl " considered to be quite the thing. 
Come to the scratch, inspired with fervent hopes. 
Come form a ring. 
Ctfrus. But, hang it I where's the ropes ? 

Neptune. Ropes ! indeed. All rights as I'm alive, 
{consideiing.) In store we've got your rope of sixty-five, 
Cyrus. So then my roll-call's here, my men are nigh, sir. 

Call yours at once. 
Neptune. At once it is. Aye, aye, sir ! 

Come on. Dead £arth, with cold and clammy claws. 

[Enter Dead Earth, L, 
Cyrus. My Willoughby will fight him, with Electric Laws. 

[Enter W. Smith, B. 
Neptune, Come on, appear, you crookt-backed elfish Kink. 

[Enter Kink, L. 
Cyrus. Whom Clifford will spiflicate, I rayther think. 

[Enter Clifford, B, 
Neptune. And now I'm at ye in another form, 

Here's a Norwester. Enter, Mr. Storm ! [Enter Storm, L, 
Cyrus. Approach, my sailor, with your jovial crew, 

Clan Halpin, near relative of Roderick Dhu ! 

[Enter Halpin, B, 
Neptune. Appear, Foul Flake, whose aspect is unmanning. 

[Enter Foul FkJce, L. 
Cyrus. Last, but not least, come on, my Samuel Canning ! 

[Enier Canning, B. 

They fight. Music to fighting. Dead Earth, Foul Flake, Kink, and 
the Storms fight respectively vnth Smith, Canning, Clifford, and 
Halpin, and all the combatants are killed, and when the others are 
dead Neptune and Cyrus come to the front and fight. 

Neptune. Cyrus, of all men else I have avoided thee. 

But Neptune, ruling god of azure sea. 

Disdains to turn his scaly back on thee. 
Cyrus. As English Shakspeare says. Lay on, my duffer. 

You'll soon find out that you have had enuffer. 

For if I can I'll prod you in the buffer. 

{Ee does so. Neptune is mortally wounded.) 


Neptune, Your buffer thrust doth quite overcrow my spirit, 
Why did you push your sword so fiercely in it? 
Lift me {groans). 111 speak as long as I am able, 
My daughter splice, and also splice the cable. {He dies,) 

Conieniina, And so you shall, and quickly too, my battle Field. 
But stay, they shall not die, their fate's not sealed. 
What, ! K ®ofurovy be for once physician. 
And give them shocks all round, my electrician. 

(Enter &ofjuroVy L.) 

Cyrus, My love, my dear, you surely must be mocking, 

He's not, Fm sure, the power to be so shocking. 
But see. By Jove ! I'm wrong. 

Contentina* So I was thinking. 

They're up and dancing in an eyelid's twinkling. 

©ofAO-ov gives galvanic shocks to all those who are killed and brings (hem 

to life, 

®ofi(rov. O (T^ \vK Oip XvK MopidpTi \vk 

A*v€ <rrj $€ fca/9Xc 6v Ok ypinrv^k vk 

*0 vfcvfurvivt 'Ka.wivy var 8'vc crai 

0€ Kaj3\c (rCir^'ivt ts vov Q K. 

I 8a>vr Koip vou Xct Mavpt payt dvS pdvyvX 

A*v€ ail Ok criScs o^ Ok icAT€vapi rpidvyvX, 

Finale, Air—'' 95." 

Neptune, The grappling rope at length has come. 
Winding slowly round the drum, 
And on its end, as I'm alive. 
Hangs the rope of '65. 
For Anderson, who guides the ship, 
Let's shout and cheer with a hip, hip, hip ; 
Moriarty, too, who straight did dive 
At the dear old rope of '65. 

Cyrus, Experience has done the trick, 

And solved the question double quick. 
What pleasure Canning must derive 
From a sight of the rope of '65. 
Then for him give three ringing cheers, 
He has proved the best of engineei-s, 
And with his might did work and strive 
To recover the rope of '65. 

D D 



ConterUim. And hurrah for our consort ships so true 
And Prowse and Batt who helped us too, 
And all who worked like bees in a hive 
To gain the rope of '65. 
Then hurrah for the tanks that held the coils, 
And the grapnel the truant that caught in its toils, 
And the ship whose fortunes will revive 
With the glorious rope of '65. 

Chorus, They all dan4>e. Curtain. 


